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翻译是一种语言创造性活动。在整个翻译过程中,译者不但要充分理解原文中的词汇、句型结构和语法现象,而且还要理解原文中的文化内涵。生搬硬套、望文生义往往达不到传播原文化的目的,只有对原文的正确理解,才有对原文的确切表达。无疑,理解在翻译过程中起着举足轻重的作用。  相似文献   

翻译是把一种语言所表达的思维内容用另一种语言表达出来的语言活动,它包含着一个对原文含义的理解逐步深入,对原文含义的表达逐步完善的过程。大凡一篇文章,一个段落甚至单独的一句话,没有不按一定的逻辑组织构成的。所以,在翻译过程中运用逻辑进行分析,按照语义层层剥出原文所表达的逻辑意义是必不可少的。而译者在深入透彻地理解原文以后,要以译文的形式准确生动地反映和表达原文,使内容和形式有机地统一起来,同样需要逻辑思维。可见,逻辑与翻译是密不可分的。  相似文献   

翻译过程包括理解和表达两个重要阶段。只有在正确理解原文的基础上,才能正确地表达原文。理解原文离不开对原文词语的理解。词的理解,词义的确定是理解原文内容和风格的基础。本文对词语词义的确定进行了探讨。认为词语使用的情境,语言使用者的态度,情感,逻辑知识,语体色彩对词义的确定很有帮助。翻译过程中,译文表达要重视对原语词义的选择。  相似文献   

翻译的理解与表达是整个翻译过程中最为重要的环节。理解是准确翻译的前提和基础,表达是翻译的终极目标。没有对原文正确的理解,就不可能准确地进行翻译,因此也就谈不上“忠实”原文。因此,对原文的正确理解是实现译文“忠实、通顺、流畅”的关键。在翻译实践过程中,常听到有人谈自己的汉语水平低,但很少有人承认自己的英文差。其实,有很多译文错误,常常是由于理解不当所造成的。  相似文献   

赵丽萍 《考试周刊》2011,(22):93-94
古今明老师在英汉翻译基础这本书中曾对翻译这样定义:翻译是把一种语言所表达的思维内容用另一种语言所表达出来的语言活动,它包含着一个对原文含义的理解逐步深入,对原文含义的表达逐步完善的过程。在翻译中,毛荣贵老师说,对比阅读翻译是学习翻译的一个捷径,通过对比翻译可以萌"曲径通幽"之文思。本文就英语翻译对比阅读进行了研究。  相似文献   

汉译英常见错误分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翻译过程中 ,理解是表达的前提和开端 ,表达是理解的目的和结果。理解错误或表达错误导致翻译错误。在理解过程中 ,要把握内涵 ,力求完整和深刻的理解 ;英译时 ,不能拘泥于原文 ,逐字逐句翻译。要对英语的词汇有准确的理解 ,熟悉、掌握英语句子的特点 ,并注意语言的文化内涵。只有这样 ,才能将原文的意思准确、通顺、优美地用英语体现出来  相似文献   

理解原文确定词义,得体表达是汉译英过程中关键的两个步骤。本文主要探讨这两个步骤的一些处理方法,认为正确透彻理解原文,确定词义的前提,就要在表达上狠下功夫,这样才能全面提高翻译质量。  相似文献   

浅谈英汉翻译中的增词法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翻译是一种创造性的语言活动,是一门艺术。在正确理解原文、忠实于原文的前提下,如何摆脱原文的形式束缚,使译文更加符合目的语的语言规范,这是翻译中需要解决的一个重要问题。要解决好这一问题,既需要正确的理解、准确的表达,也需要一定的翻译技巧,同时,这也是衡量译者英语理解水平、汉语表达能力和翻译质量的标准。增词法是重要的翻译技巧之一。  相似文献   

陆丽英 《文教资料》2008,(30):61-62
翻译的主体是译者,译者在选择原文时具有主动性,在运用翻译原则和翻译方法上以及在理解和表达原文上具有能动性.翻译过程是译者与原文的对话,并且这种对话具有不对称性的特点.  相似文献   

翻译是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的内容重新表达出来的活动。忠实和通顺则是翻译的两条最主要的标准。换句话说,在英汉翻译过程中,最有决定意义的是透彻的理解和确切的表达。透切的理解乃是确切表达的前提,而确切的表达又是透切理解的结果。没有正确的理解,就不可能有正确的翻译,理解正确当然也并不等于说表达一定正确。一篇好的译作既要保证有好的可译性,又要保证有好的可读性,做到两者统一。然而,无论是理解还是表达,都离不开对原文的词汇、语法和内容等的理解和表达。事实上,在翻译过程中,翻译  相似文献   

In a cross-sectional study, we examined the relationship between the quality of lexical representations and text comprehension skill in German primary school children (Grades 1–4). We measured the efficiency and accuracy of orthographical, phonological, and meaning representations by means of computerized tests. Text comprehension skill was assessed with a standardized reading test with questions requiring recognition of text information and inferencing. Both the accuracy of and the efficiency of access to the three types of lexical representations contributed to explaining interindividual variation in text comprehension skill. Results from a path-analytic model suggest a specific causal order of the three components of lexical quality with the quality of meaning representations partly mediating the effects of form representations.  相似文献   

The present study examined children's digital text comprehension of digital text types linear digital text vs hypertext, with or without graphical navigable overviews. We investigated to what extent individual variation in children's comprehension could be explained by lexical quality (word reading efficiency and vocabulary knowledge), cognitive load factors (prior knowledge and working memory), text type and graphical overview. Participants were 93 sixth graders in a within‐subject design. Word reading efficiency, vocabulary knowledge and prior knowledge predicted children's digital comprehension scores, while working memory did not. Reading comprehension was equal for linear text or hypertext. However, the presence of an overview facilitated reading comprehension for readers with lower prior knowledge. It can be concluded that hypertexts with basic digital text features and accompanying comprehension questions are not more difficult for children than linear digital texts, that similar individual factors predict reading comprehension of linear text and hypertext, and that a graphical overview helps when prior knowledge is low.  相似文献   

The study is situated at the interface between reading comprehension and critical thinking research. Its purpose was to examine the influence of reading goals and argument quality on the comprehension and critical evaluation of argumentative texts. Young adult readers read to comprehend or evaluate texts on two different controversial issues. Argument quality was varied across text versions on the basis of the hasty generalization fallacy. Text versions varied with respect to the quality of the arguments included, but not in terms of argument content. Measures of comprehension included main claim recall, overall recall and inferences in recall. Text evaluation was measured with a rating task. The sample’s familiarity with the text topics was low, and prior beliefs were relatively neutral. The results indicated that an evaluation goal had a consistent positive effect on main claim and text recall when compared to comprehension goal. Argument quality, however, had no main or interactive effects on text evaluation. The findings indicate that reading to evaluate argumentative text facilitates the representation of its content and critical argument elements, such as the claim it promotes. However, this representation is not sufficient for analyzing and critically evaluating the text’s argument line. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to current efforts to promote critical-analytic thinking skills in the context of reading and writing.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a comprehensive test to estimate argument knowledge and examine directly the influence of this knowledge on the comprehension of argumentative text and the critical evaluation of its arguments. Also, the possible contribution of comprehension to argument evaluation was explored. Sixth and ninth graders read two completely balanced two-sided argumentative texts on controversial issues before answering comprehension questions and evaluating the quality of the text-based arguments. Argument quality was varied systematically according to the presence or absence of the ad populum and ad ignorantiam fallacies. Results documented the facilitating role of argument knowledge on both comprehension and evaluation and the contribution of comprehension to argument evaluation. The study highlights the potential of argument knowledge as a target for instructional intervention and of the argumentative text as a fertile context for promoting both comprehension and critical thinking objectives.  相似文献   

The present study employed a think‐aloud method to explore the origin of centrality deficit (i.e., poor recall of central ideas) in individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Moreover, utilizing the diverse think‐aloud responses, we examined the overall quality of text processing employed by individuals with ADHD during reading, in order to shed more light on text‐level deficiencies underlying their poor comprehension after reading. To address these goals, adolescents with and without ADHD were asked to state aloud whatever comes to their minds during the reading of two expository texts. After reading, the participants freely recalled text ideas and answered multiple‐choice questions on the texts. Compared to controls, participants with ADHD generated fewer responses that reflect deep, efficient text processing, and reinstated fewer prior text ideas, particularly central ones, during reading. Moreover, the proportions of deep processing responses positively associated with participants’ performance on recall and comprehension tasks. These findings suggest that individuals with ADHD exhibit poor text comprehension and memory, particularly of central ideas, because they construct a low‐quality, less‐connected text representation during reading, and produce fewer, less‐elaborated retrieval cues for subsequent tasks after reading.  相似文献   

理解原作是一切翻译活动不可或缺的环节,是正确表达的基础和前提,也是一项很艰巨的工作.本文以<棋王>英译文例,就其在多义词、句子结构、文化词语三方面对原作一些句子的理解提出质疑,并给出参考译文.  相似文献   

在翻译过程中,语义的透彻理解,是译文表达的前提和开端,译文表达是理解的目的和结果。本文从语义的三个层次即言内意义、指称意义和实用意义出发,探讨了英译汉中语义的透彻理解对于获得翻译艺术性的重要意义。  相似文献   


The present study employed a think-aloud method to explore the origin of a centrality deficit (i.e., poor recall of central ideas) found in poor comprehenders (PC). Moreover, utilizing the diverse think-aloud responses, we examined the overall quality of text processing employed by PC during reading, in order to shed more light on the cognitive underpinnings underlying their poor comprehension and memory after reading. To address these goals, adolescents with good and poor comprehension, matched on reading (decoding) skills, were asked to state aloud whatever comes to their mind during the reading of two expository texts. After reading, the participants freely recalled text ideas and answered multiple-choice questions on the texts. Results indicated that PC exhibited lower performance than good comprehenders (GC) on the recall and comprehension tasks. The think-aloud protocols indicated that PC generated fewer responses than GC that reflect high-level, deep text processing, and more responses that reflect low-level, surface text processing. Furthermore, compared to GC, PC reinstated fewer prior text ideas, with this reduction being significantly greater for central than for peripheral ideas. Finally, the proportions of deep processing responses in general were positively associated with participants’ performance on recall and comprehension tasks. These findings suggest that PC exhibit poor text comprehension and memory, particularly of central ideas, because they construct a low-quality, poorly-connected text representation during reading, and produce fewer, less-elaborated retrieval cues for subsequent text comprehension and memory. This explanation is further illuminated in the context of previous findings and theoretical accounts.


The lexical quality hypothesis (LQH) claims that variation in the quality of word representations has consequences for reading skill, including comprehension. High lexical quality includes well-specified and partly redundant representations of form (orthography and phonology) and flexible representations of meaning, allowing for rapid and reliable meaning retrieval. Low-quality representations lead to specific word-related problems in comprehension. Six lines of research on adult readers demonstrate some of the implications of the LQH. First, large-scale correlational results show the general interdependence of comprehension and lexical skill while identifying disassociations that allow focus on comprehension-specific skill. Second, word-level semantic processing studies show comprehension skill differences in the time course of form-meaning confusions. Studies of rare vocabulary learning using event-related potentials (ERPs) show that, third, skilled comprehenders learn new words more effectively and show stronger ERP indicators for memory of the word learning event and, fourth, suggest skill differences in the stability of orthographic representations. Fifth, ERP markers show comprehension skill differences in meaning processing of ordinary words. Finally, in text reading, ERP results demonstrate momentary difficulties for low-skill comprehenders in integrating a word with the prior text. The studies provide evidence that word-level knowledge has consequences for word meaning processes in comprehension.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of adding collaborative modeling of text structure as an additional component of self-regulated strategy development for elementary school 6th-grade students learning English as a second language (ESL). In this study, 34 students receiving a ‘Self-regulated strategy development plus collaborative modeling of text structure’ intervention were compared with 36 students receiving a ‘collaborative modeling of text structure only’ intervention, 38 students receiving a ‘self-regulated strategy development only’ intervention, and 36 students receiving traditional instruction. Several measures (i.e., content comprehension, summarization of main ideas, and essay writing) were administered after the one-month intervention. Results revealed that, compared to traditional instruction, self-regulated strategy development and collaborative modeling of text structure respectively resulted in better comprehension levels and writing performance. The combination of self-regulated strategy development and collaborative modeling of text structure was particularly effective in increasing primary school students’ content comprehension and writing quality. These findings highlight the benefit of coupling self-regulated strategy development and collaborative modeling of text structure for elementary school ESL classroom instruction.  相似文献   

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