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Patterns of performance on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) have been proposed as useful tools for the identification of children with learning disabilities (LD). However, most of the studies of WISC-R patterns in children with LD have been plagued by the lack of a typically achieving comparison group, by failure to measure individual patterns, and by the lack of a precise definition of LD. In an attempt to address these flaws and to assess the presence of patterns of performance on the WISC-R, we examined data from 121 children with typical achievement (TA), 143 children with reading disabilities (RD), and 100 children with a specific arithmetic disability (AD), ages 6 to 16 years. The results indicated that the RD and AD groups had significantly lower scores than the TA group on all the Verbal IQ subtests. Many of the children with AD and RD showed a significant difference between Verbal and Performance IQ scores, but so did many of the typically achieving children. Although there were some children with LD who showed the predicted patterns, typically, 65% or more of the children with LD did not. Furthermore, a proportion of the TA group-generally not significantly smaller than that of the RD and AD groups-showed discrepancy patterns as well. Our results indicate that the patterns of performance on intelligence tests are not reliable enough for the diagnosis of LD in individual children. Therefore, it might be more profitable to base the detection of an individual's LD on patterns of achievement test scores.  相似文献   

The study presented here investigated the performance of children with learning, psychiatric, and attentional disabilities on the Stroop Color and Word Test. Forty‐three children diagnosed with a full battery of tests as learning disabled (LD [reading]) in grades K through 6 were matched on age, gender, ethnicity, and grade with 43 normal controls. They were also matched with groups of 43 children with psychiatric disorders and 43 children with attentional problems. All subjects were given the Stroop test, which took about 4 minutes per subject. The results indicated clear differences between the groups, with the LD and the psychiatric/attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) groups generating unique profiles different from the normal controls. The children with LD showed slower reading speed and less interference, while the subjects with ADHD and diagnoses showed impairment only on the Color‐Word score. A discriminant analysis using the three basic Stroop scales was able to significantly differentiate the LD group from the non–learning‐disabled (NLD) group (89%) and the LD group from a joint Psychiatric/ADHD group (86%). However, results were poorer for differentiating a joint LD/ADHD group from the NLD group (68%) and the LD from the ADHD group (59%). © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The Stroop Color-Word Test was used to measure selective attention in LD (N = 45) and nonLD (N = 50) children. Results indicated that LD children have a significant weakness in the process of selective attention when compared to nonLD children. On the Stroop, no significant sex differences were noted with nonLD children, although LD boys tended toward greater interference proneness in a trend that approached significance. Findings suggest that the Stroop is a parsimonious and effective screening measure in differentiating LD from nonLD children.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine whether mother-child communication patterns vary as a function of the type of the task. Groups of learning disabled (LD=30) and normally achieving boys (NLD=30) were videotaped interacting with their mothers in two different tasks. The children were matched for age (8 to 11 year-olds) and for parent’s SES. The results indicated that the teaching task differentiated the groups more than did the story task. Academic character of the teaching task increased mothers’ task involvement in both groups. Mothers of the LD group showed, however, significantly more dominance and expressed less emotionality while teaching their child. Mothers’ interaction partly followed from their children’s behaviour on this task. The children with LD did not cooperate with their mothers and were not emotionally involved in the teaching task as highly as were the normally achieving children. Corresponding features of interaction were not found for the LD group in the story task. Consistency of children’s communication across the tasks was significant in the LD group. The normally achieving boys were more responsive to changes in task conditions showing different behavior as a function of task.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that there is a greater frequency of children of alcoholics in special classes for Emotional/Behavioral Disordered (ED) and Learning Disabled (LD) children was explored. A random sample of students in ED, LD, and regular classes was selected and administered the Children of Alcoholics Screening Test. Parents completed the Friel Co-Dependency Assessment Inventory. An analysis of variance in CAST and FCAI scores did not reveal any significant differences among groups. Significant differences were noted in the relationship of marital status and chemical dependency in immediate family. Reported incidence of chemical dependency in the immediate family was identified as a concern warranting further exploration. Issues that may have affected the study such as sample size, respondent participation, and various roles exhibited in the family were considered. The possible impact alcoholism has on children and appropriate program intervention in the schools were discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined achievement, neuropsychological, and intervention outcomes at a mean age of 11 years in children with very low birthweight (VLBW, <1500 g) compared with a term-born control group. To assess the prevalence and correlates of specific learning disabilities (LD), the sample was limited to children without neurosensory disorders who had at least low average IQ. Participants included 31 children with <750 g birthweight, 41 with 750-1499 g birthweight, and 52 controls. The <750 g group obtained lower scores in math, IQ, and perceptual-organizational skills than the term-born group. The < 750 g group also had higher rates of past and present LD than the controls. Despite these differences, the groups did not differ significantly in rates of special education or tutorial/remedial assistance. These findings suggest that children with extremely low birthweight without gross physical or intellectual impairments are at higher risk for LD and cognitive deficiencies than their term-born peers and that further efforts are needed to improve identification and treatment of these learning problems.  相似文献   

The study examined performance of 6- to 11-year-old children, from gifted and mainstream academic programs, on measures of mental-attentional capacity, cognitive inhibition, and speed of processing. In comparison with mainstream peers, gifted children scored higher on measures of mental-attentional capacity, responded more quickly on speeded tasks of varying complexity, and were better able to resist interference in tasks requiring effortful inhibition. There was no group difference on a task requiring automatic inhibition. Comparisons between older and younger children yielded similar results. Correlations between inhibition tasks suggest that inhibition is multidimensional in nature, and its application may be affected by task demands. Measures of efficiency of inhibition and speed of processing did not explain age or group differences on a complex intellective measure of mental-attentional capacity.  相似文献   

The study examined the social‐information‐processing skills of kindergarten children with developmental learning disabilities (LD) utilizing Crick and Dodge's (1994) model of children's social adjustment as a theoretical framework. Participants consisted of 20 kindergarten children with developmental LD who attended three integrated kindergartens and 20 children without developmental LD from the same kindergartens. Participants were assessed on social‐information‐processing skills, feelings of loneliness, sense of coherence, and teachers' ratings of behavioral problems and positive resources. The results indicated that girls with developmental LD performed significantly lower on two information‐processing steps—the response decision and the enactment steps—than did girls without LD. Such differences were not found for boys. The results also showed that the social‐information‐processing skills of children with developmental LD were correlated with teachers' ratings.  相似文献   

This study investigated both quantitative and qualitative differences between subjects with and without learning disabilities (LD) across three grade levels on two tasks requiring active processing of story grammar. There was no evidence, for either task, of developmental differences in relation to either story comprehension or production. However, there were significant differences between students with LD and normally achieving students in the amount as well as the type of information included in the retellings and written stories. The results provide support for the hypothesis that students with LD have acquired a rudimentary but not fully developed schema for narrative prose.  相似文献   

本研究利用眼动记录技术,探讨学习困难儿童(学困儿童)视觉搜索过程的眼动特性。要求被试搜索结束后报告搜索结果。结果发现,与学习优秀儿童、学习一般儿童相比,学困儿童视觉搜索的效率低。在视觉搜索的眼动模式上,学困儿童注视次数多,与其他两组儿童差异显著。结果提示我们,学困儿童的眼动效率低与视觉搜索效率低关系密切。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to analyze the early manifestations of gender identity. Authors speculate that 24-month-old children do not know their gender identity and sex roles. However, most of the time, the methods used are not really suited to the cognitive capacities of young children. Other studies have shown that, in fact, children at this age seem to adjust their behavior according to the gender characteristics of the situation and the sex of the partner. We therefore hypothesized that if children are able to exhibit such behaviors, then an internal gender system exists, even if at 24 months the cognitive capacities are not well established. In order to establish the existence of such a system at 24 months, we designed an experimental situation which did not involve complicated representational systems. Mixed-peer dyads and unmixed peer dyads (24 months old) were videotaped while playing in a room with gender-stereotyped toys. The children’s attitudes towards the objects and the partners were observed. The results indicate that gender directs children attitudes at 24 months.  相似文献   

The possible utility of Wechsler's Deterioration Index (WDI) in analyzing children's Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R) results was explored in this study. Clinical records of children with learning disabilities (LD) and children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were reviewed to determine if the WDI predicted the presence or severity of the disorders. The ages of the children ranged from 6 to 14. In two independent samples of children with LD (n = 35 and n = 26), the WDI did not predict LD status or severity. The LD samples were mostly male--85% and 57%, respectively. However, the WDI scores did significantly distinguish children with ADHD (n = 10) from nondisabled children (n = 10). The results were cross-validated on an independent sample of children with ADHD (n = 17) when compared to non-ADHD children (n = 22) who experienced significant behavioral difficulties. The ADHD samples were also mostly male--90% and 89%, respectively. The WDI classified only 59% of the children with ADHD and 86% of the non-ADHD children correctly. It is recommended that the WDI be considered a developmental index rather than a deterioration index in children. It is also recommended that significant WDI elevation (greater than .20) be considered to raise the question of ADHD, rather than simply yielding a diagnosis of ADHD.  相似文献   

Learning disabled (LD) children are often targets for cognitive-behavioral interventions designed to train them in effective use of a self-directed speech. The purpose of this study was to determine if, indeed, these children display immature private speech in the naturalistic classroom setting. Comparisons were made of the private speech, motor accompaniment to task, and attention of LD and normally achieving classmates during academic seatwork. Setting effects were examined by comparing classroom data with observations during academic seatwork and puzzle solving in the laboratory. Finally, a subgroup of LD children symptomatic of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was compared with pure LD and normally achieving controls to determine if the presumed immature private speech is a function of a learning disability or externalizing behavior problems. Results indicated that LD children used more task-relevant private speech than controls, an effect that was especially pronounced for the LD/ADHD subgroup. Use of private speech was setting- and task-specific. Implications for intervention and future research methodology are discussed.  相似文献   

This study compared private speech of children with ADHD and normal controls during problem solving and inhibition tasks. Thirty-two children (16 children with ADHD and 16 matched controls) aged 6–11 years participated. Consistent with previous studies, children with ADHD produced more task-irrelevant and task-relevant external private speech than control children during problem-solving tasks, but did not differ in their use of task-relevant internal private speech. During the inhibition/attention task (Continuous Performance Test-II), children with ADHD produced more task-relevant external and more task-relevant internal private speech, suggesting that they may have employed a less mature strategy to aid in self-regulation. The educational implications of the current study are that there should be an increased awareness of the developmental nature and functional significance of private speech and how private speech usage may differ in children with ADHD.  相似文献   

The degree of WISC-III intersubtest scatter was normal and similar for 66 children with LD and 51 children without LD, but the pattern of scores differed. In the 8- to 16-year-old sample, children with LD scored lower on the Freedom from Distractibility Index relative to FSIQ than children without LD. This difference was found in both the ADHD and nonADHD subgroups, suggesting that children with LD may have an attention deficit even if they do not meet the diagnostic criteria for ADHD. The CAD profile was evident in the mean scores for both the LD/ADHD and LD/nonADHD subgroups, but it was not found among the lowest subtest scores for any of the nonLD subgroups. Though WISC-III profile types were apparent in LD group data, only a minority of individual children with LD actually had these profiles. In the 6- and 7-year-old group, children with and without LD were indistinguishable on the WISC-III, which may reflect the difficulty of ruling out LD at this young age. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This study was designed to characterize the conversational engagement techniques employed by children with and without learning disabilities while in a dyadic interaction. Engagement was defined and measured in terms of the degree to which utterances provided information and evidenced responsiveness to one's conversational partner. Sixty (30 with learning disabilities and 30 nondisabled) 9- to 13-year-old subjects participated. Analyses indicated that the subjects with learning disabilities (LD) could and did employ engagement-related techniques similar in levels of sophistication to those of their nondisabled peers, although they did so less consistently and frequently. Further, the relationship between affective measures and the engagement-related techniques used by the subjects with LD differed markedly from those of the nondisabled subjects. The results are interpreted from a motivational standpoint and suggest that future research should focus on the knowledge and application of engagement-related techniques of the children with LD, across settings and conversational partners.  相似文献   

Most definitions of learning disabilities (LD) include a qualification that adequate general education instruction was received and the child with LD did not benefit. Rarely is this tenet assessed in either practice or research before a diagnosis is made. We review three studies that investigated children's responsiveness to general education reading instruction as an indicator of need for more intensive interventions. Adequacy of instruction was quantified by children's level and rate of progress, compared to classmates, as measured by curriculum‐based measures of oral reading fluency. We found that the response‐to‐instruction model tested was valid in that (1) children who differ from their peers on level and slope of performance (dual discrepancy) have more severe academic and behavioral problems than children who have IQ‐achievement discrepancies or low achievement; (2) children who demonstrate persistent nonresponsiveness over three years differ from other at‐risk children on reading, reading‐related, and behavioral measures; and (3) at‐risk children who participated in specially designed general education interventions had better outcomes than at‐risk children who did not participate. We conducted additional analyses to assess low achievement definitional variations and found that they lack sensitivity and coverage compared to a dual discrepancy definition.  相似文献   

We examined text memory in children with word reading deficits to determine how these difficulties impact representations of text meaning. We show that even though children with poor word decoding recall more central than peripheral information, they show a significantly bigger deficit relative to controls on central than on peripheral information. We call this the centrality deficit and argue that it is the consequence of insufficient cognitive resources for connecting ideas together due to these children’s resources being diverted from comprehension to word decoding. We investigated a possible compensatory mechanism for making these connections. Because a text representation is a synthesis of text information and a reader’s prior knowledge, we hypothesized that having knowledge of the passage topic might reduce or eliminate the centrality deficit. Our results support this knowledge compensation hypothesis: The centrality deficit was evident when poor readers did not have prior knowledge, but was eliminated when they did. This presents an exciting avenue to pursue for possible remediation of reading comprehension in children with word identification difficulties.  相似文献   

The study examined the relations between reciprocal nominations, reciprocal rejections and loneliness among children with learning disorders. The sample consisted of 238 Israeli students: 110 students with learning disorders (LD) and 128 students with no LD (NLD) drawn from 2nd to 6th Grades (ages: M = 9.83 years, SD = 1.35). Participants were assessed on: loneliness, sense of coherence, friendship quality, reciprocal friendship and reciprocal rejection nominations. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that loneliness experience was significantly predicted by sense of coherence, peer reciprocal rejection and conception of friendship qualities. Students with LD who had at least one reciprocal rejection with a classmate felt more lonely and less coherent than did their NLD peers. Within the LD group, those children who had at least one reciprocal rejection with a classmate felt more lonely and less coherent than did LD children who had no reciprocal rejection. Such significant within‐group differences were not found in the NLD group. The discussion emphasises the importance of the examination of intra‐ and interpersonal variables in the understanding the loneliness experience among LD children, with special focus on the role of reciprocal negative nominations.  相似文献   

In five conditioned taste aversion experiments with rats, summation, retardation, and preference tests were used to assess the effects of extinguishing a conditioned saccharin aversion for three or nine trials. In Experiment 1, a summation test showed that saccharin aversion extinguished over nine trials reduced the aversion to a merely conditioned flavor (vinegar), whereas three saccharin extinction trials did not subsequently influence the vinegar aversion. Experiment 2 clarified that result, with unpaired controls equated on flavor exposure prior to testing; the results with those controls suggested that the flavor extinguished for nine trials produced generalization decrement during testing. In Experiment 3, the saccharin aversion reconditioned slowly after nine extinction trials, but not after three. Those results suggested the development of latent inhibition after more than three extinction trials. Preference tests comparing saccharin consumption with a concurrently available fluid (water in Experiment 4, saline in Experiment 5) showed that the preference for saccharin was greater after nine extinction trials than after three. However, saccharin preference after nine extinction trials was not greater, as compared with that for either latent inhibition controls (Experiments 4 and 5) or a control given equated exposures to saccharin and trained to drink saline at a high rate prior to testing (Experiment 5). Concerns about whether conditioned inhibition has been demonstrated in any flavor aversion procedure are discussed. Our findings help explain both successes and failures in demonstrating postextinction conditioned response recovery effects reported in the conditioned taste aversion literature, and they can be explained using a memory interference account.  相似文献   

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