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本文列举震前低温降水与强震相对应的案例。指出这种对应关系的内在机制是:震前地壳内应力增强裂隙增多,使地下气体大量逸出,大气中气溶胶浓度增大;从诱发寒潮,反射、吸收太阳入射辐射、改变云层性质及作为水蒸气凝结核造成降水等方面导致低温。  相似文献   

近期的日本大地震造成了巨大的人员伤亡,并出现了核电站泄漏的事故。不过,人们对震前遥感信息的分析,为日后预测地震提供了一些线索。  相似文献   

据统计,地球上每年发生的地震多达500万次,其中7级以上的地震为18~19次,而8级以上的地震平均为每年1~2次。目前,全球科学界对地震发生原理的研究仍处于探索阶段,因此地震预测或预报也是人类的难题之一。中国科学技术大学教授、2011年首批"青年千人计划"入选者姚华建教授在地震破裂规律的研究领域进行了深入探索和研究,并取得了创新性成果。攻读硕博阶段科研成果颇丰从硕士到博士,从中国科学技术大学再到美国麻省理工学院,姚华建的研究内容主要集中于用地震面波及地震台站所记录到的背景噪声去研究地球的地  相似文献   

东营市在构造上属于地震活动性一般较弱的济阳坳陷,但由于位于郯庐断裂带、河北平原断裂带和燕山渤海断裂带三面包围的中间地带,因此来自于这些邻近地震构造带内强震活动的影响还是不可忽视的。目前,我国总的来说中长期的地震预报是比较成功的,但短临预报则是对于地震工作者的巨大挑战。地光这种伴随地震出现的奇观就给我们提供了一种预警的期待。  相似文献   

大地震会造成巨大的灾难,如果能在大地震出现前发觉危险即将来临,就会拯救无数人的生命,可是预测地震目前还不现实。最近,好消息传来。法国的一颗专门探测地震产生的无线电波的人造卫星发现,在2010年海地大地震发生  相似文献   

目的:探析小儿手足口病应用干扰素联合炎琥宁治疗的临床效果。方法:对我院2015年10月至2017年3月期间收治的88例手足口病患儿予以分组研究,根据抽签法分为两组,即对照组与联合组,各44例。对照组予以炎琥宁治疗,联合组予以炎琥宁联合干扰素治疗,统计分析两组患儿的临床疗效及症状消退时间。结果:联合组患儿治疗总有效率为95.5%,高于对照组患儿的77.3%,对比差异明显(P<0.05)。联合组患儿退热时间、口腔溃疡消退时间、手足皮疹消退时间均短于对照组患儿,比较差异明显(P<0.05)。结论:小儿手足口病应用炎琥宁联合干扰素治疗的临床效果更好,可明显缩短患儿症状消退时间,是一种值得临床全面应用与推广的治疗方法。  相似文献   

5.12汶川大地震相关研究文献的分布调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以中国学术期刊网络出版总库为数据源,对我国汶川地震后发表的相关文献进行文献计量学研究,旨在为我国政府管理部门、科研院所、大专院校、防震减灾、国防建设等领域提供详实可靠的震后相关信息资源的分布情况,并试图通过本研究推动我国地震预测、防震减灾、工程抢险、医疗救援、卫生防疫等事业的发展.  相似文献   

对规模化养鸭场不同季节、不同环境中空气微生物气溶胶进行监测。结果显示养殖场夏季空气中细菌含量最高,显著高于其它季节(P〈0.05),发生葡萄球菌病的D场秋季的舍内、运动场、场区及场外空气细菌含量最高,显著高于其他季节(P〈0.05),鸭舍舍内、运动场、场区及场外细菌含量的季节平均值逐渐减少(P〈0.05),场外不同采样点空气细菌含量差异不显著(P〉0.05)。  相似文献   

为什么说大地震是有可能预测的   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年5月12日四川汶川8.0级大地震的发生已导致40余万人伤亡,经济损失可能达几千亿元.地震部门一些负责人员和专家在媒体上反复宣传,"由于大地震的预测、预报是十分复杂的,国外发达国家也做不到,因此是……要几代、十几代人才能科学地预测."他们言下之意是很明显的,即大地震是不大可能预测、预报的.  相似文献   

大地震前发生洪水的震例多,比例高。强震前由于地壳中应力增强、微破裂增多增大造成的地气逸出,震区及其下风向地区气溶胶浓度显著增大为水汽凝结提供大量凝结核,是造成过度降水形成洪涝的潜在原因。  相似文献   

针对中强地震前是否会出现地震活动性增强现象的问题,研究了1990~2003年中国MS7.0以上地震.对于同一个地震事件,考虑了多个不同的时间和空间尺度,结果表明,中强震前的地震活动性远比用简单的应变加速释放模型来描述复杂得多.因此,将应变加速释放模型应用于地震危险性估计,仍需做更多的研究.  相似文献   

The research into the origins of domestic animals is of significance not only for understanding their development per se, but also for making clear the human society evolution. Although there are evidences to show that pigs were independently domesticated in a variety of places throughout the world, the detailed scenario of the origin and dispersal of domestic pigs in East Asia remains unclear.  相似文献   

杜秋莹  李国平 《预测》2005,24(4):61-65
区域经济一体化是当今世界发展的重要趋势,加强货币合作、建立更可置信的货币制度,成为金融危机之后东亚地区的迫切需求。本文运用计量经济学的方法对东亚国家之间的OCA指数进行预测,不同地区OCA指数的巨大差异表明目前构建统一货币联盟的条件尚不具备,鉴于OCA指数的差异性,首先在联系较为紧密的小区域、次区域内部进行货币整合,建立次区域货币联盟,然后在此基础上实现整个东亚地区的货币一体化,是东亚货币合作的现实选择。  相似文献   

谢洪燕  罗宁 《软科学》2011,25(6):118-122
以最优货币区理论为主要理论基础,从贸易金融一体化与经济趋同性入手,就影响和制约东亚货币合作的经济因素及东亚区域货币合作的可行性问题进行最优动态决策分析,围绕对内生性假说的实证检验探索东亚建立最优货币区的可能性。  相似文献   

The interplay between Pleistocene climatic variability and hominin adaptations to diverse terrestrial ecosystems is a key topic in human evolutionary studies. Early and Middle Pleistocene environmental change and its relation to hominin behavioural responses has been a subject of great interest in Africa and Europe, though little information is available for other key regions of the Old World, particularly from Eastern Asia. Here we examine key Early Pleistocene sites of the Nihewan Basin, in high-latitude northern China, dating between ∼1.4 and 1.0 million years ago (Ma). We compare stone-tool assemblages from three Early Pleistocene sites in the Nihewan Basin, including detailed assessment of stone-tool refitting sequences at the ∼1.1-Ma-old site of Cenjiawan. Increased toolmaking skills and technological innovations are evident in the Nihewan Basin at the onset of the Mid-Pleistocene Climate Transition (MPT). Examination of the lithic technology of the Nihewan sites, together with an assessment of other key Palaeolithic sites of China, indicates that toolkits show increasing diversity at the outset of the MPT and in its aftermath. The overall evidence indicates the adaptive flexibility of early hominins to ecosystem changes since the MPT, though regional abandonments are also apparent in high latitudes, likely owing to cold and oscillating environmental conditions. The view presented here sharply contrasts with traditional arguments that stone-tool technologies of China are homogeneous and continuous over the course of the Early Pleistocene.  相似文献   

利用ISC报告中 1 70 5 5 0条P波到时资料 (地震数为 1 2 5 0 0 ,台站数为 92 8个 ,且地震和台站都分布在研究区内 ) ,对东亚及西太平洋边缘海 ( 60°E~ 1 5 0°E ,1 0°S~ 60°N)的深至 30 0km的地壳上地幔三维速度结构进行了研究 ,分辨率达 2°× 2°.初步结果表明 :( 1 )在研究区域内东西两部分的岩石圈与上地幔低速带的结构有非常明显的差异 .横向上大体以 1 0 8°E为界 ,纵向上以 90km深度为界 ,东部与西部P波速度结构差异较大 .西部是岩石圈汇聚增厚区 ,东部是岩石圈拉张减薄区 .西部上地幔低速带不发育 ,东部低速带比西部厚 .( 2 )青藏高原地壳岩石圈巨厚 ,上地幔低速带不明显 .印度次大陆岩石圈板片以低角度下插到青藏高原之下 .( 3)日本海和菲律宾海地壳之下有高速体 ,可能是太平洋板块向东俯冲产生的 .  相似文献   

钱志权  杨来科 《资源科学》2016,38(9):1801-1809
随着中国在东亚垂直分工体系中角色日渐凸显,其产业及贸易结构产生了重要的变化,这对中国贸易隐含碳排放的影响不容忽视。本文利用可比价格的全球投入产出表,构建了一个包含中、日、韩、印尼、马、菲、新、泰、中国台湾、越等东亚国家(地区)的多区域投入产出(MRIO)模型,运用MRIO-SDA技术对1997-2002年、2002-2007年、2007-2012年中国对东亚地区出口隐含碳进行了跨期比较。研究表明:①东亚垂直分工导致了中国隐含碳排放增长,而且虽然中国能源利用效率的提高对隐含碳的增加有缩减效应,但减幅明显收窄。贸易结构恶化与贸易规模扩张是中国对东亚地区出口隐含碳增长的重要因素;②由于隐含碳排放区域溢出,中国碳排放受到东亚垂直分工体系影响最大,与东亚垂直分工体系同步性越来越强;③2008年金融危机对东亚垂直分工体系产生了结构性的影响,东亚垂直分工体系有低碳化的趋势;④中国要加强对于高能耗贸易品出口的监管,同时要充分利用东亚垂直分工体系区域溢出对减排的正面作用,避免成为国际碳排放倾销的目的地。  相似文献   

The present paper deals with a collection of plant fossils from the Wu- yun Group of Heilongjiang Province.  These fossils belong to 28 families, 39 genera and 53 species.  The flora is composed of 7 species of pteridophytes, 8 of conifers and 37 of angiosperms.  All have been fully described, of which ten are new species.      Most elements of this flora are subtropic or warm-temperate, with only a few of them are temperate ones.  The flora consists of conifers and broad-leaved trees adapted to humid warm-temperate or subtropic climate.        With the physiognomy of leaves, 40 per cent of them are of entire margin, and most are medium-sized, with some megaphyllous. The nervation is mostly palmate.  These characters indicate that the climate was warm-temperate or subtropic.      Among 35 genera known from the Late Cretaceous of East Asia, 27 are also found in North America, which indicates that the floristic relationship between East Asia and North Americal was closer  at that time than it is now. Therefore the number of genera in common has been decreasing through the age, because these two regions have been detached from each other since the late Eocene, as a result of continental drift. Only some relic forms left on both sides, and only 4.1% of genera are common to both continents.  After the early Tertiary the floras of East Asia and North America have been developing independently.       The Chinese flora of the Late Cretaceous may be divided into three Zones from the north to the south: (1) warm temperate-subtropic zone, rich in Metasequoia, Ginkgo, Trochodendroides, Platanus, Trochodendron, Protophyllum, Ampelopsis Pterospermites and Menispermites; (2) subtropic or dry subtropic transitional zone; and (3) subtropic- tropic zone, rich in Brachyphyllum, Cinnamomum, Nectandra and Palms.       The Wuyun flora is considered closely related to the Chajiayang Group and Sikhote- Alin flora of USSR, with 15 genera in common and also related to the Kuji flora of Japan (Cenonian), with 11 genera in common.  It is interesting to note that 11 genera are also found in North America (Canada and Alaska) of the Late Cretaceous.  The pa- lynological assemblage of the Wuyun flora is closely related to Minshui flora of the So- uliao Basin, 15 genera being common to the both.  Seventy per cent of megafossils of the Wuyun flora have become extinct, which seems to show that the age of the flora is older than Paleocene and is assigned to the Latest Late Crataceous (Maestrichtian-Dani-an).  相似文献   

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