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In the present paper the genus Eritillaria in Xinjiang is revised.  There are altogether eleven species and four varieties recognized in this region, of which four species and four varietie are new to science, and one species is new to Chinese flora  相似文献   

本文对安徽南部贝母属的5种植物的核型进行了研究,结果如下:祁门贝母Fritillaria qimenensis D C.Zhang et J.Z.Shao:2n=24+4Bs=3m+lsm+8st(2sc)+12t(2sc)+4Bs。铜陵黄花贝母F.monantha Miq.var.tonglingensis S.C.Chen et S.F.Yin本文报道2个细胞型,细胞型I:2n=24+5Bs=4m+8st (2sc)+12t(2sc)+5Bs;细胞型II:2n=24=2m+2sm+8st(2sc)+12t(2sc)。窄叶小贝母F.xiaobeimu Y.K. Yang,J.Z.Shao et M.M.Fang:2n=24=2m+2sm+10st(4sc)+lot。宁国贝母F.ningguoensis S.C. Chen et S.F.Yin:2n=24=2m+2sm+8st(2sc)+12t。浙贝母F.thunbergii Mig.:2n=24=2m+2sm+8st(2sc)+12t(2sc)。除浙贝母外,其余均是近年发表的新种或新变种,其染色体数目和核型均为首次报道。  相似文献   

The present paper deals with a comparative karyotypic study of three species in Fri- tillaria-F. thuncergii Miq., F. anhuiensis S.  . Chen et S. F. Yin and F. hupehensis Hsiao et K. C. Hsia.  The karyotype of F. anhuiensis S. C. Chen et S. F. Yin is first reported.       The karyotypes of the three species of Fritillaria are rather similar, all with K(2n)=24= 2m+2sm+12t+4st+4m (SAT), showing a close interspecific relationship.  They all have two pairs of st chromosomes, one of which is the third chromosome in all the three species studied, but the other is the seventh in F. thunbergii Miq, the eighth in F. anhuiensis S. C. Chen et S. F. Yin, and the fifth in F. hupehensis Hsiao et K. C. Hsia.  It tells us that there are some differences in their karyotypes.  All of the three species possess two pairs of satellite chromosomes with the satellites located on the long arms. A heterochromatic zone is found sometimes on long arms of No. IX chromosome in each species of Fritillaria and on one of No. I chromosomes in both F. thun- bergii Miq. and F. anhuiensis S. C. Chen et S. F. Yin, a chromosome polymorphism occurring between populations of Fritillaria. In addition, three B chromosomes are always found in most root-tip cells of F. hupehensis Hsiao et K. C. Hsiao.  相似文献   

本文描述了新疆翠雀花属七个新分类群,即:叶城翠雀花、假深蓝翠雀花、无腺翠雀花、赛塔城翠雀花、高翠雀花、秀丽翠雀花、白花萨乌尔翠雀花。  相似文献   

新疆种子植物新记录属   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

本文根据化学成分资料,探讨了百合科贝母属在植物化学分类上的指征,指出5α-cevanine类 异甾体生物碱为该属植物的特征性成分(Characteristic constituents);从其生源上看,结构中的C13 与C17位应是其生物合成中氮源骈合的结合部位,即可产生C13、C17上双氢反式(如浙贝甲素 verticine、浙贝乙素verticinone)和顺式(如炉贝甲素delavine、松贝甲素songbeinine)两大类型的生 物碱。同时,作者分析了特征性成分在中国分布区内本属植物主要种中的存在状态,结果提示:其存在形式与其相应植物的形态、地理分布有—定的相关性,值得进—步加以深入研究。  相似文献   

In order to get a thorough understanding of the Characeae, the specime- ns collected from Guangxi and Gansu were identified.  The result shows  that  the two provinces, especially Guangxi, are abundant in this family.  In this paper,  ho- wever, reported are only new species, new varieties and new records of Chara in China. They are Chara vernicosa sp. nov. C. globularis var. inflata var. nov. and C. howe-ana var. subgymnophylla var. nov., C. brionica stapf and C. calveraensis comb. nov.  相似文献   

Two new species of the Liliaceae are described from Anhui Province, China. i. e. Fritillaria qimenensis D. C. Zhang et J. Z. Shao and Lilium anhuiense D. C. Zhang et J. Z.Shao.  相似文献   

本文根据标本记载新疆的兰科植物11属、16种,  其中5种为新疆新记录,3种为我国新记录。  相似文献   

 A new species of the genus Ranunculus L., R. hamiensis J . G. Liu, isdescribed from Xinjiang.  相似文献   

报道了产于中国新疆天山的翠雀属(毛茛科)一新种——文采新翠雀花Delphinium neowentsaii C. Y. Yang。该种的叶为肾形,叶柄基部不扩展,花较小,组成稀疏总状花序,花梗被贴伏短柔毛,上萼片的距圆锥状钻形,长13-15 mm,基部宽约3 mm,外面疏被短柔毛,萼片蓝色,与西伯利亚的疏花翠雀花D. laxiflorum DC.很相似,但其花瓣和退化雄蕊均为淡黄色而易于区别。  相似文献   

作者研究了产于我国新疆的6种贝母以及引种的浙贝母的核型。其中5种为首次报道。  相似文献   

In this paper, two new species, one new record  of  the  Characeae  from Xinjiang are reported. They are Chara brevibracteata Han,   C.vesicata Fu et Q. F.Zhao and C. vandulurensis Sund.  相似文献   

自2006年我国提出建设创新型国家宏伟目标以来,全国大部分省份(除新疆、西藏外)都把建设创新省份作为转变发展方式、提高本地区综合竞争力的战略选择。当前,新疆正处在全面建设小康社会、加快跨越式发展和长治久安、推动经济社会发展进入科学发展轨道的关键时期,提出建设创新型新疆的战略任务,对于增强新疆自主创新能力、提高综合竞争力、保持社会稳定和可持续发展都具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

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