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根据教育科学理论和绘画艺术理论,结合大中专院校艺术(绘画)专业基础素描课程的教学改革,提出对于绘画艺术中的观察方法、艺术表现方法需要重新认识,并就此问题进行初步探讨.  相似文献   

加强成本管理,努力降低成本,无论对提高企业经济效益.还是对提高整个国民经济的宏观经济效益都是极为重要的。本文就成本管理工作中必须重新认识的几个问题以及降低成本的途径进行了阐述。  相似文献   

探讨H2O2-ClO^-法制备单线态氧过程中浓度条件的影响,得出了制备单线态氧的最佳浓度条件。  相似文献   

现在很多学生不喜欢数学,学不好数学,其实很重要一个原因是源于他们对数学的一个错误认识,是一个心态问题,很多喜欢文科的学生认为数学就是学算数,而算数他已经学会了,因为他会加减乘除运算,会乘法表,他们认为生活中要用到的数学无非就是计算,他们不明白不断地学数学到底有何用,不止是初中生,还有高中生,甚至是大学生,大学要学高等数学,而且微积分也很难,如果不是数学专业的,生活中和工作中几乎用不上这些高深的数学,所以学生整天埋怨为什么如此没用的数学,却还要花时间去学呢?学点专业的技术类的不是更好吗?其实这些想法都是因为他们对数学的理解不准确。  相似文献   

基于对教学意义重新认识的研究生课程改进思路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
认为研究生教育规模扩大与世界课程教学观念转变,提出了重新认识研究生课程教学意义的要求.分析了主导型研究生课程教学对研究生与导师的多重意义.提出了确立研究生课程是高级优秀课程的教学观念、采取多种方法改进教学、为教师提供有效研究生课程创造必要条件等改进研究生课程教学的思路.  相似文献   

初中数学课堂教学通常被师生认为是枯燥乏味、缺乏生动和激情的,因此,努力创造既宽松、富有人情味又便于学生善于思考、乐于探究的教学环境显得尤为重要。作者就此谈谈对初中数学的新认识与思考,并反思自己应该如何做。  相似文献   

对实验中“意外”现象的重新认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 在新的生物课程标准所列举的一些活动建议中,有相当一部分是针对实验的。教材中也增加了许多探究性实验,与以往的验证性实验不同,探究性实验为学生的探究提供了更广泛的空间。也正是由于如此,实验中的"意外"现象也层出不穷,让任课教师颇感头疼。然而,笔者通过多年的教学实践发现,有些"意外"却给我们带来了意想不到的收获,这让我对  相似文献   

有人说,二十一世纪的一件大事是让教师闭口,尤其是语文老师。虽然尖刻,却也不无道理。笔者为语文教师,对此深有同感。教学中也常常自觉不自觉地扮演着滔滔不绝者,总觉得该说的太多,惟恐有不到之处。学生日记中的一句话"老师把知识如行云流水般地灌输给我们",一下子惊醒了曾陶醉于教学境界中的我,我仍是一个灌输知识的工人!为此,笔者在新一轮的教学中努力冲破"教师中心"枷锁,营造与学生平等对话的教学契机。  相似文献   

数学新课改取得了可喜的成绩,但也出现了一些普遍性的问题,正视它们有助于教学改革的深入开展。  相似文献   

绘画是人类共同的语言。人类最早的文字,本质上来说就是绘画,可以说,绘画是人类的本能。现在绘画在中学课堂中的比例日渐减小,甚至日趋消失。对于高中美术教学,笔者有以下几点看法。  相似文献   

This commentary endorses J. Kagan’s (2008) conclusion that many of the most dramatic findings on early perceptual, cognitive, and social competencies are ambiguous. It supports his call for converging research operations to disambiguate findings from single paradigms and single response indices. The commentary also argues that early competencies must be placed into a longitudinal framework, thereby allowing researchers to (a) identify whether regressive phenomena play a role in skill development, (b) understand what functions (if any) given skills play in their precocious manifestations and whether these functions are comparable in later instantiations of skills, and (c) avoid rich interpretations by identifying how robust a suspected competency is across contexts.  相似文献   

以荔枝品种乌叶和桂味为实验材料,研究荔枝在28℃、4℃、0℃、-15℃短期储藏过程中其果实中过氧化氢酶及Vc的变化规律.结果表明,低温冷藏过程中荔枝中Vc的含量均呈下降趋势,而过氧化物酶的活性则逐渐上升,温度对二者均有明显影响.  相似文献   

本文介绍了发酵过程中氧传递的各种阻力,分析了影响发酵溶氧的因素,提出了有效改善和提高发酵过程中溶解氧浓度的方法和途径。  相似文献   

The goals of today's school athletic programs are vastly different from the original intentions of the administrators who established the first interscholastic athletic teams. For athletics to be anything more than a drain on school and taxpayer resources, these programs must undergo serious changes.  相似文献   

空气负氧离子浓度水平不仅反映了空气质量,还直接影响人们的舒适程度和健康状况。研究武夷学院空气负氧离子浓度含量发现,其受人类活动力度、海拔高度、空气流通状况、动态水体和植被分布等综合因素影响,并具有明显的气象变化和日变化特征。负氧离子浓度含量排序为:暴雨天>小雨天>雨后阴天>晴天;一日中上午>傍晚>中午。测量结果表明该校园整体空气质量等级达到四级或者三级,空气清新,有利于师生健康。  相似文献   

区域学必须关注本地学的独有特征。但对于重庆学的研究,人们却过多关注重庆特有的自然地理环境下的巴渝明,把重庆学描绘成封闭的盆地学,从而忽略了重庆学的突围意识和接纳意识。这是重庆学的另一重要特征,它们成为重庆学的生存机制和发展机制。  相似文献   

My original paper, “Toward a Post-Modern Agenda in Instructional Technology” (Solomon, 2000), was an interdisciplinary review of the literature and offered multiple perspectives of the subject, a post-modern approach sometimes referred to as multivocality. I found several themes inherent in the literature, which I presented as eight general assumptions about post-modernism for consideration, discussion, and adoption. Then, I concluded the paper with a discussion about the potential contributions of post-modern concepts in instructional technology. In a reaction to my paper, Voithofer and Foley (this issue) misinterpreted some of the purposes and assumptions expressed, by seeing my view as an effort to construct a model of a post-modern agenda, which could not be further from my original purpose. This paper serves to clarify my position as a sequel to their response. David L. Solomon is Creative Director in Training Operations at PentaMark Worldwide. He is also Research Fellow at the Learning Development Institute Author's note: I was introduced to post-modernism during a group project in one of Rita Richey's graduate classes at Wayne State University. My interest in the subject flourished, and post-modernism became the focus of my dissertation research. Clearly, I found a problem to solve: No one I knew could explain post-modernism, and almost everyone I encountered in the field had no idea what it was. Gary Morrison was a member of my doctoral committee and introduced me to the classic works of Morris (1946), Knowlton (1964;1966), Stevens (1969; 1970), and Cassidy (1982). Under his guidance, I submitted my work to the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) and was awarded the 2000 ETR&D Young Scholar Award. Richey and Morrison encouraged me to explore this topic with rigor and clarity and I am grateful for their support.  相似文献   

通过细致的史实考察与文本分析,重新发现了周桂笙译文集《新庵谐译初编》在中国翻译史上的重大价值。首先,该书上卷收录的《一千零一夜》与《渔者》两篇译文均译自阿拉伯文学经典《一千零一夜》,且均为首次译成中文。其次,该书下卷收录的15篇译文中至少有11篇译自《格林童话》,且均是首次译为中文。因此,该译者及其作品值得关注。  相似文献   

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