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The article presents a retrospective history of the ALPHA series of publications. This action-research project (later called "cooperative research") on literacy and basic education is divided into three periods of seven years each. The first one, "Construction", involved assisting the nascent literacy movement in Québec and Canada by given it a theoretical, critical and ideological basis. In the second period, "Ruptures", the project distanced itself somewhat from the literacy movement, whose success, according to the author, was dubious. During the same period ALPHA systematised its critical function and internationalised its field of research. The third phase, "Wanderings", involved a different research paradigm, in which the project explored basic education at community level in connection with local development initiatives. This biographical/autobiographical account ends with the last publication ALPHA 2000, evincing an ecological vision for alternative education and sustainable communities, partly documented in the Arab countries.  相似文献   

Easter is a time of springtime festivals. In Christian countries Easter is celebrated as the religious holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God. But the celebrations of Easter have many customs and legends that are pagan in origin and have nothing to do with Christianity.  相似文献   

Jack was young,rich,and fond of girls.He hardly ever did any work,and spent most of his time enjoying himself.One summer he bought a big motor-boat.As soon as it was readyto go to sea,he telephoned one of the girls he had met somewhere,andinvited her for a trip in his new motor-boat.It was the first of manysuccessful invitations of this kind.  相似文献   

This is a story which tells that there was a rich man who wished to do something for people. First he decided to find out whether they deserved his help. So he placed a very large stone in the center of a village, and hid nearby to see what would happen. One man came and complained1 about the stone in the road, but did not do anything.  相似文献   

一群青蛙途经一片树林,有两只不慎掉入一个深坑。其余所有青蛙都围在坑的四周,他们一看坑那么深,就告诉那两只青蛙:他们死定了。两只青蛙浑然不顾,仍然全力要跳出深坑。其他青蛙还不停地劝他们别跳了,等死算了。终于其中一只青蛙听信了其他青蛙的劝言,放弃了努力,倒下死了。另一只青蛙仍在全力以赴地跳啊跳,上面的青蛙们再一次向他吼叫,别白费力气了,死了得了。他跳得更努力了,终于跳出了深坑。出来后,其他的青蛙问他:“你没有听到我们的话吗?”这只青蛙解释道,他是个聋子,他一直以为他们在鼓励他呢。这个故事讲了两个道理:1.言语有时具有生…  相似文献   

It was said that tomatoes were first grown in the forest in Peru in South America.They looked bright red and beautiful when they were ripe.People called them“Lang Tao”.They were regarded as an ornamental plant which couldn’t be eaten.  相似文献   

早期的爱尔兰移民把万圣节提灯的传统带到了美国。你知道吗,最初的jack-o'- lantern不是用南瓜做的,爱尔兰人曾用过芜菁、葫芦、土豆和甜菜根等东西来做灯笼,想知道这个iack-o'-lantern的故事吗?那还得从很久很久以前讲起……  相似文献   

God created the mule and told him,“You will be mule,working constantlyfrom dusk to dawn,carrying heavy loads on your back.You will eat grass,and youlack intelligence.You will live for 40 years.”The mule answered,“To live likethis for 40 years is too much. Please,give me no more than 20.”And it wasso.Then God created the dog and told him,“You will hold vigilance over thedwellings of Man,To him you will be his greatest c…  相似文献   

最早的母亲节(Mother's Day)可追溯到古希腊为纪念瑞意(Rhea, 古希腊神话中的诸神之母)而举行的春季庆祝活动。在公元17世纪,英国出现了一个叫做“妈妈的星期天”的节日。一般是在每年四旬斋活动(即为庆祝耶酥复活而举行的长达40天的宗教活动)的第四个星期天举行。“妈妈的星期天”其实就是专门为英国的母亲们而设立的节日。在那时,许多英国穷人都在有钱人家做仆人。因为这些穷人住的地方往往距离主人家较远,所以他们常常就住在雇主的家中。而在每年的“妈妈的星期天”这一天,主人会给他的仆人放一天假,鼓励他们回家去与自己的母亲共度节…  相似文献   

An old proverb says, "Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day. Teach him to fish, and he will eat for a lifetime."Greg Mortenson's understanding of that proverb might be, "Give a girl an idea, and she'll solve a problem. Give her an education, and sh…  相似文献   

When a snail crossed the road,he was run overby a turtle.Regaining consciousness in the emergency room,he was asked what caused the accident.  相似文献   

本文是美国著名短篇小说家凯特·肖邦的作品,文中生动地描述了马拉德夫人在得知丈夫死讯后复杂的心情,以及事情真相给她带来的打击。  相似文献   

Everyone in town knew Clara Pickle.She was asdear and sw eet as anyone could be.In fact,it wasClara Pickle's good nature that gother in trouble.O ne day a grey cat w andered into Clara’skitchen.Clara,who lived alone,took the cat in.Shewas glad for the com pany.The nextm orning she letthecat out for a breath of fresh air.W hen the cat cam eback that afternoon,he was no longer alone.H e hadbrought his entire fam ily and m ost ofhis friends.Therewere thirty-four cats in all。Clare,sweet sou…  相似文献   

OnceIgotafakenoteof10yuanduringmyshopping.Itwasunluckytoapoorfamilylikeours.SoIguessedmyparentswouldscoldmeiftheyknewanythingaboutthefakenote.Thatafternoon,Iwenttooneofmyfriendsforhelp.“Dontworryaboutit.Ihaveagoodidea,”myfriendreplied.  相似文献   

格林兄弟是德国民间文学搜集整编者。他俩共同编成《儿童与家庭单话集》,又名《格林童话集》。其中的《灰姑娘》、《白雪公主》、《小红帽》,等名篇,已成为世界各国儿童喜爱的杰作。童话中天真善良的白雪公司告诉我们:友好真诚地对待别人,定将得到好的回报!  相似文献   

Here at last is the truth about the development of what iscalled the Theory of Relativity.This account of Einstein's lifeand the events leading up to the formulation of his theory waswritten only after doing an exhaustive study of the man whose  相似文献   

Pythagoras(c.585~500 B.C.E.),the famed Greekwho contributed to geometry and number theory,oncechallenged a student by agreeing to pay him a penny for  相似文献   

Isaac Newton (1642~1727), one of the greatest minds of all time and one of the inventors of calculus, did not always act intelligent. As a boy, he was sent to the barn to cut a hole for the cats in  相似文献   

Albert Einstein (1879~1955), world famous physicist, inventor of the theory of relativity, was well known for his unconventional dress. He rarely wore socks and sometimes wore overshoes over his bare feet. He also refused to wear hats, even in bad weather, on the promise that if it rained, his hair would dry faster than his hat.  相似文献   

流氓兔MASHIMRO是一只让人又爱又恨的兔子,让它的朋友们吃尽了苦头。它有时非常聪明,有时脑筋又像打了结,你永远不知道流氓兔会想出什么鬼点子,它搞的恶作剧绝对会让你捧腹大笑!  相似文献   

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