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自从1966年,杜鲁门.卡波特用非虚构小说一词描绘他的小说《冷血》以来,非虚构小说就从美国流行开来。时至今日,40多年过去了,非虚构小说在中国的发展并不尽如人意,不如它在国外发展迅速,成绩骄人。但自2010年第2期开始,《人民文学》开辟"非虚构"新栏目,陆续刊发十几篇作品,在文学界引发了一场关于非虚构小说的新一轮讨论。笔者拟从非虚构小说产生的背景、非虚构小说的定义、非虚构小说与其他纪实小说的关系、非虚构与真实的关系、关于非虚构小说的理论研究、非虚构小说存在的问题及意义几个方面展开,力图为非虚构小说研究勾勒出一个较为完整的图像,理清其新时期以来的发展脉络。  相似文献   

对于争议中的纪实小说,不应丙作单向度的判断,而应给予多维的审美批评,就写实特而言,或以新闻的叙事立场进行“实体化”写实,体现其信息价值,或以个人的亲历与经验侧重于“主体化”写实,体现其,坐 体实验上,则显示出“边缘化”的写实风格,实践着学现代审美理想与追求。  相似文献   

《世说新语》到底是不是小说历来说法颇多,这主要是由小说概念的复杂性和《世说新语》自身文本的多重性所决定的。但就现有材料而言,《世说新语》非小说论是错误的。  相似文献   

"非虚构"一般涉及文学性"非虚构"与非文学的"非虚构"两大类型。"非虚构"体现着一种时代精神。"非虚构"自身存在着一些深层悖论,远不像预想的那样简单。  相似文献   

梁鸿是中国当代非虚构文学创作领域的重要作家,其代表作《中国在梁庄》《出梁庄记》具有典型的非虚构特征。"梁庄"是中国社会转型期乡村现实的直接表征,也寄寓着作者对乡土中国社会病症的深层思考。乡民通过"扯秧子"的基本方式进入城市谋生,身份迷失和精神痛苦成为他们永远难以抹掉的印记。"纪实"和"虚构"作为一种"矛盾共同体",已经有效融入梁鸿的非虚构文学创作过程中,其利弊得失值得进一步探究。  相似文献   

理解非虚构文学应该从新闻、文学和方法这三个维度出发。在20世纪六七十年代的美国,人们也把非虚构小说归入新新闻写作,或者称新新闻写作为非虚构小说。同时,非虚构文学还是一种方法,既是一种写作方法,又是一种思维方法。  相似文献   

加拿大努纳武特政府为了改变南部地区以欧洲为中心的教育制度,成立了努纳武特教育课程研究小组开展制定新型课程的研究工作。小组向政府提交因纽卡地吉尼克课程文件,包括以下要义:保护因纽特语言与文化是因纽特教育的核心,重视长老的引领作用是文化传承的要素,构建社区成员之间的合作与和谐关系是学校发展的保障,鼓励因纽特教师学习和研究因纽特语言和文化,致力于因纽特文化的弘扬与培养工作是实现努纳武特教育目标的关键。  相似文献   

The purpose of this review is to examine the utility of using journalistic accounts of adolescence to convey the complexities of adolescent development. Three non-fiction texts are considered: Wonderland by Michael Bamberger, A Tribe Apart by Patricia Hersch, and A Hope in the Unseen by Ron Suskind. The safe environment provided by these books gives prospective teachers an intellectual space to consider their future teaching and to hear the voices of their prospective students. Moreover, exploring these non-fiction texts helps prospective teachers understand today's adolescents and allows them to reflect on adolescent identity and development using a real-world setting.  相似文献   

Bobbie Neate 《Literacy》1996,30(2):29-31
Bobbie Neate argues that young children do not get enough experience with non-fiction books and insufficient encouragement to appreciate them. She describes here an approach towards developing this experience through the making of non-fiction books. Children learnt about the structures of these books through writing their own.  相似文献   

There is plenty of evidence that non-fiction writing tends to have been neglected until quite recently. David Wray and Maureen Lewis discuss the importance of extending the range of children's writing and go on to introduce the use of writing frames, a strategy for scaffolding children's non-fiction writing. This strategy has been extensively trialled as part of the Exeter Extending Literacy Project and does seem to offer some worthwhile benefits in writing development.  相似文献   

The establishment of cities in Canada has played a pivotal role in the displacement, dispossession, and marginalization of Indigenous peoples. Yet, more than half of the Indigenous population now resides in cities, and urbanization continues to increase. This paper addresses a specific aspect of Inuit mobility—namely, migration and the dynamic use of Inuit language and knowledge in the city of Ottawa. Drawing on community-based participatory research in collaboration with an Ottawa Inuit literacy centre, we investigate a range of Inuit-led educational practices that emerged from collaborative work with a group of Inuit women. Suggested activities drew on semiotic resources—including objects and language—that involved retracing the migrational trajectories of Inuit between cities and between nonurban communities, particularly those in their Arctic “homelands.” Such practices appear to cut across the “urban-rural divide,” particularly since cities were rarely mentioned, a fact that seems to signal the irrelevance of this dichotomy for urban Inuit. In this context, the exploration of artifactual literacies—more specifically, speaker interactions that unfold around culturally meaningful objects—led to the following conclusions: (1) multilingual oracy is key to complex transcontextual meaning making; (2) spatiotemporal reference is anchored both in individual experience and in connectivity with members of a newly constituted community; and (3) there is a sharing of cross-generational horizontal knowledge, which includes the abstention from any enforcement of a linguistic norm.  相似文献   

This article examines how non-fiction children’s television programmes portray bodily changes and sexuality at puberty. Engaging with the body and the sexuality of children in the broadcast media raises cultural and social challenges. Public concern about social morality and the ‘sexualisation of children’, sexual objectification and pornography, together with the construction of childhood as a naïve pre-sexual stage of life, have silenced children’s television when it comes to the subject of children’s sexuality. However, a few programmes have offered an alternative to this taboo. Based on a study of 30 non-fiction programmes submitted between 1964 and 2016 to Prix Jeunesse international festival for children’s media, this paper describes and analyses how these programmes present unique, thought-provoking and innovative ways of engaging with the culturally controversial issue of the body and sexuality on children’s television.  相似文献   

随着后现代主义对包括文学在内诸学科的猛烈冲击;后现代主义对全球文化思潮和美英非虚构文学的影响日益深入。美英传记作者们在创新的非线性思维指导下,最终放弃对传记的传统、史诗般文体的刻意追求,大胆采用后现代主义反体裁、反英雄创作模式,以灵活多变的文学性开拓反映信息时代的美英社会、文化、宗教、思维等相关因素之间互动关系的美英传记文学艺术新格局。20世纪后期美英报纸中出现的“封面故事”独辟蹊径,给美英报专栏作家们提供了大胆向新闻报道的客观性和非倾向性禁区的挑战,启迪创作灵感的广阔平台。进入信息时代尤其是跨入新世纪,为生存和发展美英非虚构文学创作模式发生了后现代主义多元化嬗变。  相似文献   

Halliday and Hasan's (1976) concept of textual cohesion has generated considerable interest among reading educators. However, there has been very little research which has considered how cohesion operates during reading. This paper reports on a study which used a selective deletion procedure to investigate how good and poor readers (N = 44) from a secondary school in England were able to use cohesion while reading fiction and non-fiction. A feature of the analysis of the results thus obtained is the validation of the concept of a reading development continuum (RDC). Results indicate that good readers were more successful in maintaining the global unity of text than were the poor readers. As well, both groups of readers found it easier to perceive cohesion in fiction than they did in non-fiction. Implications of these findings for reading instruction at the elementary and secondary levels are discussed.  相似文献   

最初以青年文学批评家知名的梁鸿,从非虚构文学作品《中国在梁庄》《出梁庄记》开始,工作的重心逐渐转向了文学创作,获得了广泛的好评,一时间成为中国非虚构文学最具代表性的作家。因为兴趣、气质、写作偏好的原因,经由短篇小说集《神圣家族》,梁鸿创作的体裁逐渐由非虚构文学转向了小说。2017年发表了自己的第一部长篇小说《梁光正的光荣梦想》,在极短的时间内,这部小说被大规模修改,并更名为《梁光正的光》,由人民文学出版社出版后,产生了很大反响。从《梁光正的光荣梦想》的创作到《梁光正的光》的修改,这一过程可以被视为一个完整的"文本",透过这一"文本",我们可以窥视一部作品从发表到出版的过程中,作家创作的心理变化。  相似文献   

鲁迅的日札写作教育观是他的写作教育思想的重要组成部分,其基本内容是:一、指出了日札的私人写作性;二、认为从名家日札里收集"不应该那么写"的教例是学习写作的有利途径;三、明确了日记体散文的非文学的文体特征。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with aspects of phonological processing and linguistic awareness that may set the stage for initial reading development. The aims are first to provide a current review of phonological processes (both underlying and metaphonological) that have been found to be associated with initial reading achievement, secondly to present a new hypothesis relating differences in the nature of phonological representations in the lexicon to the development of phonological awareness and other phonological processes. The hypothesis is concerned withdistinctness of phonological representations, i.e. the separateness of phonological representations. Phonological representations of high distinctness are distinguished from other representations by many features. The distinctness hypothesis is compared to the lexical restructuring hypothesis which suggests that lexical representations gradually become increasingly segmental between one and eight years of age. Implications of each hypothesis (emphasizing the distinctness hypothesis) for the development of language abilities and reading are presented, along with suggestions regarding future research directions.  相似文献   

根据功能翻译理论,从读者中心原则出发,非文学翻译以信息传递为焦点,以满足读者的需要为宗旨.商务英汉翻译译本读者具有可测性、利益性和防范性等特点,还具有行业特点和个体需要.针对他们的特点和需要,翻译策略因人而异、因文本而异,因目的而异,在内容和形式上都满足他们的需要.  相似文献   

This paper considers how “knowledge” of China was presented for Victorian and Edwardian children in The Boy’s Own Paper (BOP) between 1879 and 1914. It considers how genre affects the representation of China in the BOP by comparing travel narratives and adventure stories. First, it focuses on non-fiction about China, examining the rhetorical strategies employed by the authors of travel narratives. The travellers express confidence in their ability to survey the land and present readers with the idea that China is abundant in resources awaiting British discovery. Second, the article discusses adventure stories about opium and piracy written during a period when the tension between the British and the Chinese was particularly fraught over these issues. While the authors of the adventure stories created a strong contrast between the Chinese as villains and the British as heroes, the BOP travel writers provide contradictory statements within their narratives, reflecting an ambivalence about China and the Chinese. However, because the BOP contributors sought to instil a sense of patriotism, to inspire their readers to serve the British Empire, both the non-fiction travel narratives and the fictional adventure stories related to China were published not only to entertain readers with exotic facts and thrilling stories, but more importantly, to persuade them of the necessity of British intervention.  相似文献   

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