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My day     
Hi Tom, Thanks for your last e-mail. Now let me tell you how I get to school,too. Well, my home is not far from the school. It's two kilometers. I usually leave my home at a quarter to seven and walk to the bus stop. Then I take the bus to the school. Sometimes it takes me about ten minutes to get there by bus.  相似文献   

My national day     

避免学报稿件一稿多投之我见--兼与戢斗勇先生商榷   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
学术期刊编辑部制定避免作一稿多投的对策时,一定要区分“故意多投”和“非故意多投”,并找准产生该现象的真正原因,有的放矢,标本兼治。在制定相关合同时,各项条款对甲乙双方应当具有同样的约束力,编辑部应当尊重作,避免居高临下,这样才能变消极惩罚为积极防范,从根本上解决一稿多投的问题。  相似文献   

"一村一名大学生计划"是党中央发展农村高等教育、促进社会主义新农村建设的一项重要举措。要使这一计划达到预期目标,教学质量是关键,而面授课是其中的一个重要环节,因此如何提高面授课的效果是一个值得探讨的课题。本文分析了"一村一名大学生计划"学员的特点,然后从优化教学安排,帮助学生提高面授实效和帮助学生增强分析问题、解决问题的能力等方面提出了提高面授课教学质量的对策。  相似文献   

秘书专业现代汉语课有别于其他专业,它应以学生全面语言能力的培养为核心,教学内客宜适当调整,突出实际训练,教学方法要大胆革新,增加实践环节。  相似文献   

The Educational Alumni Support Project (EdASP) indicated that there is an urgent need for the teaching profession to support casual beginning teachers (CBTs). The EdASP that was carried out at the University of New England provided online support for primary and secondary beginning teachers, yet the majority of postings were submitted by CBTs. In general, these casual teachers experienced feelings of alienation, culture shock, a lack of school and systemic support, and are often not considered part of the school community by staff or students. The analysis of postings by CBTs provides further insight into the difficulties they face, as well as reveals or reinforces strategies that could effectively facilitate their teaching. Many of these findings are not new, yet the call to aid casuals continues to be overlooked. This need for support is both professional and pragmatic. Ethically, education – a nurturing profession – should support its novices. In addition, the transition period from pre‐service to professional teacher has significant implications for teacher educators plus the potential retention of teachers.  相似文献   

马睿 《双语学习》2009,(7):I0031-I0031
Do you know about the family life of ants? Shall we go and visit an ant's family? Some insects live alone, but ants are different. They live in a large nest, in which each ant has a job. Their home is like a big palace underground.  相似文献   

①When George was thirty-five,hebought a small plane and learned to flyit.He soon became verygood and made his planedo all kinds of tricks.  相似文献   

动漫的世界就是一个梦想的世界,她是属于我们幻想的国度。那一个个幻想的故事,虽远离现实,却寄托着我们的梦想;那一个个不存在的人物,虽不食人间烟火,却吸引着我们,甚至影响着我们的生活。  相似文献   

When the conditioned stimulus (CS) is located some distance from the unconditioned stimulus (US), pairings of the CS and US can yield either conditioned approach to the CS (sign tracking) or conditioned approach to the US (goal tracking). However, goal tracking is the more common outcome, and, because of that, goal tracking has come to serve as a “standard” measure of associative learning in several laboratories. In contrast, in previous studies of sexual conditioning with domesticated quail, only sign tracking was observed. In the present study, quail continued to show sign tracking rather than goal tracking whether or not the US was highly localized (Experiment 1), whether food or a sexual US was used (Experiment 2), whether the CS was mobile or immobile (Experiment 3), and whether the CS was 91 or 233 cm from the US compartment (Experiment 4). The present findings encourage caution in the routine use of goal tracking as a measure of learning. The possible mechanisms of goal tracking are discussed in terms of occasion setting and behavior systems theory.  相似文献   

Conference day     
Early Childhood Education Journal - My first graders arrive with their parents for conference time. Conferencing involves a three-way triad—student, parent, teacher. The lines of...  相似文献   

作家张贤亮1993年发表的《我的菩提树》,尽管已流传国外,但在国内却反响不大,理论界对此作有褒有贬。通过对作品的解读,试探讨作者对当代知识分子命运及弱点的分析与表现,以及作品的艺术特色。  相似文献   

My School     
Look at this picture. This is my school. It‘s No. 6 Middle School. My name is Liu Ying. I‘m twelve. I‘m in Class Five, Grade One. This is Han Mei. She is eleven. She‘s in Class Six, Grade One. We aregood friends.  相似文献   

My Hobby   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
I have a lot of hobbies,one of them is drawing.  相似文献   

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