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Fundamental for mentoring a preservice teacher is the mentor’s articulation of pedagogical knowledge, which in this research draws upon specific practices, viz.: planning, timetabling lessons, preparation, teaching strategies, content knowledge, problem solving, questioning, classroom management, implementation, assessment and viewpoints for teaching. Mentoring is haphazard; consequently, mentors need a pedagogical knowledge framework and a repertoire of pedagogical knowledge strategies to guide a preservice teacher’s development. Yet, what are strategies for mentoring pedagogical knowledge practices? This qualitative research investigates mentoring strategies assigned to pedagogical knowledge from 27 experienced mentor teachers. Findings showed that there were multiple strategies that can be linked to specific pedagogical knowledge practices. For example, mentoring strategies associated with planning for teaching can include co-planning, verbally reflecting on planning with the mentee and showing examples of the mentor teacher’s planning (e.g. teacher’s plans, school plans, district and state plans). This article provides a bank of practical strategies for mentoring pedagogical knowledge practices to assist a preservice teacher’s development.  相似文献   

预设提问是数学教学设计的重要内容,是数学课堂有效提问的关键,教师预设提问的策略主要有:(1)明确提问的目的;(2)摸清学生的知识储备;(3)把握学生的思维特点;(4)确定学生的"最近发展区";(5)寻找数学知识的生长点;(6)关注数学思想与方法.  相似文献   

提问是英语课堂教学的一种重要语言行为和教学手段。好的提问可以刺激思维,引发探讨,使学生能够更好地理解和掌握所学知识。因此在英语阅读课堂中要把握提问的策略,提问要做到与教学目标相一致,要把握好提问的时间,运用类比式提问,重视应答后评价,采用多样化的提问方式,以期提高课堂教学质量。  相似文献   

"研究性教学"不以传授系统的知识为目的,而是以"问题"意识重新整合知识内容,以"问题"的发现、提出、设计,进而引发学生对"问题"的思考、探究、讨论及总结,变学生的被动接受学习,为主动获取知识并将"知识"有效地转化为思维能力、行动能力及建构创新意识为目的。  相似文献   

课堂提问是师生在双向信息交流中,教师传授给学生知识,使学生思维得到开发的一种教学方式。  相似文献   

何菲 《天津教育》2021,(9):151-153
好的问题以及科学的提问方式是幼儿思维能力和语言能力发展的重要因素。教师在语言教育教学中要充分认识到问题提问所发挥的作用,通过提问引发幼儿积极思考,强化求知欲望。幼儿园教育过程中,教师要设计科学合理的提问方式,提问要有可行性。设计互动提问方式,增强师幼之间的有效互动,从而促进幼儿语言和思维能力的共同发展。  相似文献   


Pre-service science teachers learn about metacognitive knowledge theoretically in their pedagogy courses; however, teaching practice in science classes reveals the theory–practice gap in their metacognitive knowledge, which has practical importance for prospective teachers. This paper reports on an experiment conducted to investigate the influence of self-metacognitive questioning for non-routine quantum physics problems on pre-service science teachers’ attitudes towards a quantum physics course. Pre-service teacher participants in the experimental and control groups were taught the subjects of quantum physics for 14 weeks, but only those in the experimental group were guided by self-metacognitive questioning during their engagement of non-routine problem-solving as a treatment process. The results indicate that self-metacognitive questioning for non-routine quantum physics problems creates a statistical effect favouring the experimental group students’ attitudes towards the quantum physics course. However, the positive change in the control group is explained by the postulates of the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) of persuasion.


本文从揭示课题、利用知识"生长点"、质疑以及联系实际4个方面探讨了在数学课堂教学中如何加强对学生发现问题、提出问题的能力的培养.  相似文献   

该文以小学教育专业高师生为研究对象开展教学行动研究,基于学情分析,从反思质疑、知识转化、观摩探索、团队学习、信息管理、自我导向等策略维度,构建以"学习素养"推动"教学素养"的教学模式。教学实践表明,高师生的学习态度、学习策略可以解释教学素养的变异。个体反馈比集体反馈更能影响学习态度,进而影响教学素养;有意识的学习策略教学比无意识的学习策略教学更能促进教学素养的提高;知识转化策略能显著促进教学实施能力的提高,学习素养培育可以提高高师生教学素养。  相似文献   


In this paper, we discuss an experiment that we conducted in our teaching practice. Without teaching experience in the other's subject (Gardner is a graduate tutor in English literature; Turner is a graduate tutor in psychology) or prior knowledge of the formal curriculum, Gardner taught a psychology seminar and Turner taught an English literature seminar. We videotaped these seminars and, alongside the students we worked with, participated in two inter-personal process recalls (IPRs) facilitated by a third-party enquirer. Our goal was to understand the extent to which teaching without subject knowledge affected the experience of teaching. In the form of a dialogue, we reflect on the thoughts and feelings stimulated by these IPRs, as well as the process of interdisciplinary research in teaching. We find ourselves confronting some assumptions about models of teaching, and questioning the espoused gap between teaching and research.  相似文献   

有效的导入是提高课堂教学效率、有效达成学习目标的重要手段,主要体现在:使学生明确学习目标;为学生提供建构知识结构的框架;为知识之间形成联系搭建桥梁;提出问题,引发学生的思考;创设真实情境,促进学生的理解和积极参与。  相似文献   

课堂提问是教师在课堂教学中不可缺少的教学手段,更是化学教学中学生自主学习,合作探究新知的前提。教师提出问题的质量直接影响学生学习知识、提升能力的效果。在课堂教学中有些教师的课堂提问仍存在着这样或那样的问题,这值得高度重视并认真分析解决。  相似文献   

语文教学活动的实际开展过程中,教师要想更好地引发学生的思考,使学生能够始终跟随教师的思路进行探索,高质量的提问必不可少。这就要求语文教师在实际进行课堂提问的过程中能够讲求相应的提问艺术,如此,提问才能真正起到激发学生学习兴趣、提升课堂吸引力、启发学生思维、降低学生课堂知识学习难度的作用。本文就针对相关问题进行了相应探索。  相似文献   

在语文阅读教学过程中,要想全面提高教学效率和教学质量,教师就要把有效提问作为教学重点,激发学生学习热情,引导学生独立自主地进行思考与探究,以推动语文阅读教学的高效开展。文章从语文阅读教学有效提问的意义和语文阅读教学有效提问的策略两方面进行探究。  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of using Socratic questioning to enhance students' critical thinking (CT) skills in asynchronous discussion forums (ADF) in university-level distance learning courses. The research effort empirically examined two coherent subjects: (a) the efficacy of teaching and modeling Socratic questioning for developing students' CT skills in ADF and (b) the persistence of students' CT skills following the teaching and modeling of Socratic questioning in the ADF. The results indicate (a) teaching and modeling of Socratic questioning helped students demonstrate a higher level of CT skills and (b) students maintained their CT skills after exposure to and modeling of Socratic questioning in the ADF.  相似文献   

This study examines (a) how rapid automatized naming (RAN) speed components—articulation time and pause time—predict reading accuracy and reading fluency in Grades 2 and 3, and (b) how RAN components are related to measures of phonological awareness, orthographic knowledge, and speed of processing. Forty-eight children were administered RAN tasks in Grades 1, 2, and 3. Results indicated that pause time was highly correlated with both reading accuracy and reading fluency measures and shared more of its predictive variance with orthographic knowledge than with phonological awareness or speed of processing. In contrast, articulation time was only weakly correlated with the reading measures and was rather independent from any processing skill at any point of measurement.  相似文献   

课堂提问作为课堂话语重要的组成部分之一,在英语教学活动中起着举足轻重的作用,它不仅可以帮助学生获取知识,促进学生的语言交际能力,还是搭建师生沟通和交流的重要桥梁。本文就在英语专业泛读课堂上教师从阅读前、阅读中、阅读后三个阶段分别采用不同类型的提问策略和设计课堂提问时应遵循的原则进行初步探讨。  相似文献   

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