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The problem of how to integrate an indigenous research capacity with the wider developmental efforts of a developing country is becoming a topic of increasing importance, although little empirical work has been done. This paper examines the organisation and structure of Nigeria's publicly financed research institutes with a view to achieving a greater understanding of how they behave and how they relate to other parts of the socio-economic environment. The institutes cover a wide range of economic relevance but are broadly similar in their internal structures and external relations. There are severe shortages of qualified research scientists who number only around 5% of the total manpower employed and whose skill levels appear to be on the low side. Part of the difficulty lies in problems of recruitment which in turn are caused by a poor career structure and competition from other parts of the social system, notably the universities and the private sector. Integration with other social sectors is weak and certain aspects of internal structures are not such as to encourage greater integration Although there are general infrastructural difficulties and while the Government is making an attempt to improve matters, there is a tendency for research institutes to follow formal institutional and bureaucratic relations with higher authorities, which helps to perpetuate scientific autonomy but does little to improve productive performance in the relevant economic sectors.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the peer-adjudicated grants awarded by the Science Research Council (SRC) between 1964–1975. During this period, some 12,000 grants were awarded via de peer-adjudication process representing some £120 million. Expenditures on ‘big science’ have not been included in the analysis.The aim of the analysis is to compare the intentions of SRC policy with the outcome of the decisions of the peer-review system. The conclusions pertain to two policy areas: (i) priorities, (ii) selectivity and concentration. With regard to the former, it is noted that as a proportion of total SRC commitments, the Nuclear Physics Board commitments have grown over the decade; the proportion of the Science Board's commitments have declined, especially in Chemistry, and there is no empirical evidence for increased priority for engineering. With regard to the latter, resources showed no changes in concentration index over the decade whether the data was analysed in terms of grants, scientists, departments or universities.Although in each case the outcome appears to be at variance with the policy intention, there is no evidence to suggest that either the SRC, or the scientists who constitute the peer-review system should have behaved differently. Rather, the intention has been to furnish reliable data on which future policy discussion might draw.  相似文献   

科研诚信是科研活动中必须遵循的基本伦理道德和行为规范。目前我国高校的科研活动存在着种种问题,论文剽窃、经费弄虚作假、成果评选潜规则等学术不端行为时有发生,而导致这些现象出现的一个原因就是现行学术评价制度的不完善。该文分析了现行学术评价制度的特点,认为它在一定程度上引发了科研人员急功近利的心态,催生了学术不端行为,并此基础上提出了应健全学术评价的评价机构和制度体系,淡化科研评价激励约束功能,从而促进高校科研诚信建设。  相似文献   

杨阳  刘文飞  丁堃 《科研管理》2022,43(7):189-199
基于我国高校已转移的发明专利,筛选出与本研究直接相关的17500条数据,这些发明专利作为高校技术转移活动中专利技术的载体,是分析高校专利技术转移产出的直接数据来源。以知识转移理论为基础,从转移方、接收方、技术知识特性及技术转移路径四个层面对绩效指标体系进行构建,弥补了现有指标中收益指标过多,评价指标不易获取且分散,实证操作困难等不足。同时应用该指标体系,对我国238所高校专利技术转移绩效进行了综合评价,上海交通大学,清华大学,东南大学位于第一梯队,哈尔滨工业大学、江南大学等高校位于第二梯队,重庆大学、武汉大学等高校位于第三梯队,属于同一梯队的高校,虽综合得分相近,但其绩效表现形式并不相同。  相似文献   

Robert J.W. Tijssen   《Research Policy》2006,35(10):1569-1585
Which university departments engaged in industrially relevant science are likely candidates to become entrepreneurial? At present, there are neither measurement models nor leading indicators that can answer such questions at an international comparative level. This paper introduces concepts, theory, and a measurement model for identifying (the early stages of) a university's enterpreneurial orientation within a quantitative analytical framework. This approach focuses specifically on university–industry interactions, in which the connectivity between academic science and industrial research is captured and measured empirically in terms of (1) public–private co-authored research articles, and (2) references (‘citations’) within corporate research articles to university research articles.The paper examines a range of country-level and institutional determinants of industrially relevant science, across 18 research areas of significant industrial interest, and at two different levels of analysis: research systems of OECD countries, and large sets of research universities within those countries. The results of these large-scale analyses, along with those of a case study dealing with European universities active in the field of immunology research, suggest that many structural factors determine university–industry interactions and (the potential for) entrepreneurial orientation. The two connectivity indicators appear to be of minor significance compared to a university's country of location and the magnitude of its research activities in industrially relevant fields of science.  相似文献   

以一流的科研支撑一流的教学是全面振兴本科教育、实现高等教育内涵式发展的内在诉求.为此,从将科研带入教学、将学生带入科研两个维度出发构建科研育人效率的投入指标,从培养质量、创新能力、科研志趣3个维度出发构建产出指标,借助DEA-Malmquist指数方法对2014-2018年我国68所"双一流"建设高校的科研育人效率展开测量,为高校优化资源配置提供参考.研究发现:总体而言,高校科研育人的全要素生产率呈先减后增趋势,但存在创新薄弱、规模无效的外延式表征,且校际差距较大,其中2015-2016年、2017-2018年呈现收敛特征;分地区而言,西部与东北部高校科研育人效率仍待进一步提高;分类型而言,不同类型高校科研育人效率差距不大,专业类高校仍有进步空间.由此,对高校科研育人内涵式发展提出建议:创新科教资源的利用方式,注重科研育人体制机制创新;加强顶层设计,为科研育人营造良好环境;此外要注意因校制宜,展开错位竞争.  相似文献   

    高校专利运营是一个包括发明创造、价值增值和价值实现三个主要环节的复杂动态过程。以美国高校为样本,基于动态系统视角分析发明人专利收益分配比例对高校专利运营不同环节的影响,并针对发明人专利收入与科研经费支出对高校专利运营的影响差异进行比较分析。研究发现:近70%的样本高校中发明人专利收入与发明披露量之间不存在显著的相关性;而在发明人专利收入与发明披露量显著相关的高校中,发明人专利收益比例对高校专利运营的发明创造环节作用明显,对价值增值环节作用因样本而异,但对价值实现环节的影响微乎其微;同时,当专利收益分配基数与科研经费支出之间相差悬殊时,与通过提高发明人收益比例增加发明人专利收入相比,同比增加科研经费支出对专利运营各环节的影响更大。一刀切式地提高发明人收益比例对高校专利运营的促进作用十分有限。据此提出,高校应细化发明人收益分配方案,并综合运用多种激励方式,发挥政策协同作用。  相似文献   

李康  范跃进 《科研管理》2022,43(9):41-47
“双一流”建设是我国高等教育强国建设的战略安排,是我国高等教育发展的必由之路。“双一流”建设之一流大学建设高校,是高等教育强国建设的“领头雁”,研究一流大学建设高校科研创新效率,加快提升科学研究水平具有重大现实意义。本文以一流大学高校为研究对象,构建了突出科研产出质量和服务的综合效率评价指标体系,在传统DEA模型基础上运用随机前沿分析理论,通过三阶段DEA模型方法测度一流大学建设高校的科研效率,并进一步分析环境因素对科研效率的影响差异。研究结果表明:(1)环境变量和随机误差是影响一流大学科研效率的重要因素,我国一流大学整体科研效率存在虚高现象,剔除环境因素后样本高校综合效率和纯技术效率均值都明显下降。(2)地区经济水平、居民受教育程度和政府扶持力度对各个高校科研效率存在差异性影响,并据此将高校分为稳定型、发展型和改进型三类。(3)一流大学建设高校科研效率存在分化倾向,规模收益递减现象突出,其科研效率提升的关键是缩减规模、完善内部治理结构、优化资源配置,持续深化科研体系改革。  相似文献   

在建设创新型国家和知识经济的背景下,高水平的科研项目需要更多不同学科的人才进行团队合作,迫切需要对高校科研团队创造力的评价指标体系的合理性进行深入研究,我国学者对此展开了大量理论和经验的探讨,但目前学术界对高校科研团队创造力评价指标体系的维度结构的探讨仍很匮乏,缺少实证研究。在现有研究高校科研团队创造力评价指标体系的基础上,编制调查问卷,利用所搜集的数据分别进行探索性和验证性因素分析。结果表明,高校科研团队创造力评价指标体系由4个一级指标,11个二级指标,36个三级指标构成。同时,在相关研究和量表提炼技术的基础上,开发出一套维度合理的高校科研团队创造力评价指标体系测量量表,既丰富了高校科研团队及相关管理部门提供理论届提供可操作化的基础,也为高校评价和提高高校科研团队创造力提供理论依据与指导意见。  相似文献   

面向以前瞻性基础研究为主和支撑人才培养、学科建设的高校科研评价有其特殊性,传统的同行评议法、文献计量法等科研评价方法存在许多局限,难于准确判断其科学价值,为此,通过分析国内外相关文献,探讨大数据在高校科研评价中的价值和适用环节。研究表明,大数据在高校科研评价中的应用,具有采集非结构化和半结构化数据、挖掘隐性和滞后性科学价值、提高处理速度和实现可视化表达、促进科研评价方法和方法论创新发展等强大功能和应用价值,且在实现高校科研功能多重性的数据提取、科研重心基础性的学术价值判断、科研成果价值非显性的数据挖掘和围绕破除"SCI至上"、聚焦"五大价值"的导向性指标体系构建等环节功能突显、适用性强。最后强调提出高校科研评价要防止沦为"数据万能"的陷阱,对运用大数据开展科研评价应加以调节和控制。  相似文献   

指标选择是效率评估面临核心共性问题,DEA方法下高校科技成果转化效率评估指标选择莫衷一是,混入基础研究、过程指标、计数指标易弱化主要绩效指标,评估结果难以支撑绩效管理。在梳理以往文献指标基础上,本文分析了相关概念,提出备选指标体系,在科技成果转化报告等数据基础上运用超效率SBM数据包络分析法,对24所教育部直属高校科技成果转化数据进行了分析,在比较不同指标结果的基础上,提出高校科技成果评估及管理的若干建议。  相似文献   

王冬梅  王向宁 《科研管理》2019,40(3):126-132
目前,我国高校在科技评价中,普遍存在“注重数量、看轻质量”的问题,对科研成果、科技人员的不恰当的量化评价,并与利益挂钩,导致科研成果与社会的实际发展需求无法紧密的联系起来。尤其对于行业特色高校,行业背景浓厚,对科技成果的应用性要求较高,所以对于成果实际应用的考察应该成为行业特色高校科技评价指标中的关键部分。针对上述问题,本文对具有行业特色的高校科技分类评价开展了探索与研究。首先分析了当前科技评价的现状,探讨了当前行业特色高校科技评价的不足之处;然后基于科技评价的现状,本文提出了科技评价的三大基本原则:坚持分类评价、建立高效评价机制和建立特色评价体系。最后引入了灰色理论,研究了行业特色高校的科技评价模型,并且针对行业特色高校的特点,重点确定了分类评价指标,提出了关于行业应用、学术成绩和行业指导这3个方面共19项分类评价指标,同时提出借鉴英美等国家比较成熟的科技评价体系来完善我国行业特色高校分类评价的观点。  相似文献   

黑龙江省TRIZ理论推广应用体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑龙江省作为技术创新方法的重点省份,在TRIZ理论推广应用过程中取得了一定的经验,但也存在很多问题。基于此,提出了以政府为主体,以企业为核心,高校、科研院所、中介机构共同参与的TRIZ理论推广应用体系,在服务黑龙江省的同时,旨在为我国各省市开展技术创新方法的推广与应用提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper extends previous work concerning the allocation of resources through the mechanism of peer-adjudicated grants in the Science Research Council to the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada. The aim of this research has been to draw comparisons between the flows of these research resources from the research councils to the universities in the United Kingdom and Canada over the period 1964 to 1974 inclusive. The paper analyses the data using two indicators; one which measures concentration of resources and another which measures the median level of support for a given field. The principal results suggest for both countries that the concentration of resources is not a function of their availability; that the concentration of resources has tended not to vary over time; and that concentration has increased with the level of institutional aggregation. The main differences between countries are that the Science Research Council tended to have the higher level of concentration at the level of the scientist but that the National Science and Engineering Research Council had higher levels of concentration at the department and university levels.With regard to median levels of support it appears that for both countries the levels of support have remained constant or declined over time; and that there are national differences in the costs of research in areas supported by the two research councils. The implications of these findings are discussed with reference to the dynamics of the peer-review system.  相似文献   

As the innovation process has become more open and networked, Government policy in the UK has sought to promote both research excellence in the university sector and the translation of this into economic benefit through university-business engagement. However, this policy approach has tended to be applied uniformly with little account for organisational differences within the sector. In this paper we consider if differences between universities in their research performance is reflected in their knowledge transfer activity. Specifically, as universities develop a commercialization agenda are the strategic priorities for knowledge transfer, the organisational supports in place to facilitate knowledge transfer and the scale and scope of knowledge transfer activity different for high research intensive (HRI) and low research intensive (LRI) universities? The findings demonstrate that universities’ approach to knowledge transfer is shaped by institutional and organisational resources, in particular their ethos and research quality, rather than the capability to undertake knowledge transfer through a Technology Transfer Office (TTO). Strategic priorities for knowledge transfer are reflected in activity, in terms of the dominance of specific knowledge transfer channels, the partners with which universities engage and the geography of business engagement.  相似文献   

吴宇  岳初霁  景婧 《科研管理》2006,40(12):327-330
随着国家高等教育体制改革的不断深化,在高校的发展中,科研工作已经占据重要地位,为了促进高校科研管理工作的发展和进步,高校二级科研管理体系应运而生,并随之发展。本文作者结合所在高校的现状及今年开展校院两级管理体制和运行机制的调研工作,从高校二级科研管理的必要性,现状及构建策略单个方面,阐述了一些高校二级学院科研管理的建议和思路。  相似文献   

吴宇  岳初霁  景婧 《科研管理》2019,40(12):327-330
随着国家高等教育体制改革的不断深化,在高校的发展中,科研工作已经占据重要地位,为了促进高校科研管理工作的发展和进步,高校二级科研管理体系应运而生,并随之发展。本文作者结合所在高校的现状及今年开展校院两级管理体制和运行机制的调研工作,从高校二级科研管理的必要性,现状及构建策略单个方面,阐述了一些高校二级学院科研管理的建议和思路。  相似文献   

初旭新  马昱 《科技管理研究》2020,40(22):119-123
高校是基础研究的主体,高校科技创新是建设创新型国家的重要保障,是产业升级、经济转型的关键。现阶段,如何在有限的高校资源投入下提升高校科技创新效率刻不容缓。基于创新价值链视角,将高校科技创新分为知识创新阶段、科研创新阶段和创新收益阶段。运用超效率SBM模型分析了2005~2017年中国30个省市高校科技创新效率,进而以北部综合经济区、黄河中游综合经济区和中国整体为例,分析其三阶段效率演化动态趋势。研究发现:①中国高校科技创新效率各阶段效率及总体效率偏低,且创新高的省份与效率低的省份差距愈来愈大;②各阶段中,知识创新效率>科研创新效率>创新收益效率;③区域间高校科技创新效率存在明显的阶段性和差异性,黄河中游、东部沿海、长江中游等综合经济区知识创新阶段较高,东部沿海、南部沿海和北部沿海等综合经济区科研创新效率较高,南部沿海、北部沿海等综合经济区创新收益阶段创新效率较高。针对现阶段中高校在科技创新过程中不足问题,提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(6):104780
A performance-based research funding system (PRFS) is a nationwide incentive scheme that promotes and rewards university research performance through competition for government funding. The UK’s PRFS, currently the Research Excellence Framework (REF), is considered the oldest, largest and most developed payment-by-results system in academia worldwide. Surprisingly, and despite the strong criticisms, little has been done to quantitatively and casually evaluate the intended and unintended effects of the PRFSs. In this paper, we evaluate the incremental impact of the REF 2014 in the fields of Economics and Business. We use a synthetic control method to compare the performance of UK universities with their artificial counterfactual units constructed using data from US universities. Our analysis shows, on the whole, that the introduction of the REF had a significant and positive impact on the quantity and quality of the scientific research produced at UK universities. However, we do not find a significant effect on the per author measures, suggesting that the REF did not result in an increase in research productivity. We also show that the effects are more heterogeneous across universities than across academic disciplines. We do not find evidence of a shift of research focus from Economics to Business topics, as some feared. But our analysis indicates that the REF 2014 may have contributed to the concentration of research excellence in elite institutions.  相似文献   

In this paper the patenting activity of the international pharmaceutical industry in London between 1900 and 1966 is analysed. Although patent data as a measure of industrial activity is not without defects it can be used both as an adjunct to and as a surrogate for more conventional yardsticks such as concentration ratios, sales statistics and so on. The results indicate that patenting activity can be used as both an absolute and relative indicator of an industry's pace of technological change. They help pinpoint the international distribution of pharmaceutical research and development. If analysed by product or process they can aid in the understanding of why an industry's competitive behaviour is or is not primarily one of price rivalry. Finally, they illustrate the continuing role of the individual inventor.  相似文献   

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