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加入WTO后,我国广播电视已经逐步融入国际大传播格局。让中国走向世界,让世界了解中国,是广播电视在对外传播中义不容辞的责任。本期“视听专论”对此进行了专门讨论。《树立“大外宣”观念实施“走出去”工程》一文,从“青岛市广播电视媒体对外宣传工作的现状分析”、“实施广播电视对外宣传‘走出去’工程的对策”、“实施‘走出去’工程的有关建议”等方面阐述了对外宣传的使命和具体内容;  相似文献   

中国改革开放以来,在政治、经济、文化等诸方面取得了举世瞩目的成就,与世界各国的交往日趋紧密。中国的传媒机构在“让中国了解世界、让世界了解中国”的国际传播中发挥了重要作用。然而, 无论是在国际新闻传播理念、传播策略、还是在对外传播管理体制方面都还存在诸多问题,至今仍未形成  相似文献   

侨务外宣是我国对外宣传工作的重要组成部分,也是党和国家一项具有全局性、战略性的工作.习近平总书记指出:“要精心做好对外宣传工作,创新对外宣传方式,着力打造融通中外的新概念新范畴新表述,讲好中国故事,传播好中国声音.”新形势下,侨务外宣因其得天独厚的对外传播优势,在“让世界了解中国,让中国了解世界”,与西方争夺话语权中发挥了重要作用,成为我国开展对外传播工作的一条有效途径.侨务外宣在我国对外传播中有哪些独特优势和特点?起到什么样的作用?如何多层次发挥侨务外宣在对外传播中的优势?本文以山东侨务外宣为例,对侨务外宣在对外传播中的优势进行深入探析和解读.  相似文献   

在经济全球化热度逐渐升温的背景下,一个国家若想在国际社会中长期生存,取得可持续性发展,则需要树立起良好的国家形象,而这就极大依赖于其对外传播工作的好坏。近年来,中国人民通过努力,正使得国家的形象在世界范围内得到传播和确立。"无与伦比"的奥运会以及绚丽多彩的世博会让世界了解到中国的前进步伐和经济实力,而这些都与媒体的报道密不可分。的确,对外传播这一课题对于众多中国媒体正变得愈发重要。但是,光是自己的"埋头苦干"恐怕远远不够,这些举世瞩目的成就还需要我们的媒体进行宣传,以便将国家最真实的一面展现在世界面前,从而让全球了解我们、接纳我们,最终实现中华民族融入世界民族之林的伟大目标。可惜,我们的媒体在对外报道方面还存在着诸多问题,这就阻碍了我们的前进历程,也为世界了解我们无形中设置了一道"屏障",这是得不偿失的。因此笔者对中国媒体对外传播进行了一番浅显的探讨。谨以此文,期望对中国未来的对外传播工作提供一些有益的帮助和借鉴。  相似文献   

对外传播是中国融入世界,世界了解中国的一个窗口。成功的对外传播不仅可以为我国的发展营造良好的国际环境,同时也可以提升我国的国家软实力。在中国进行对外传播的过程中,中国的英语新闻一直都是外国人了解中国的一个重要的渠道,是我国进行对外传播的重要途径。目前,汉语新闻英译是最常见、最有效的对外传播报道手段  相似文献   

全球化时代,对外传播日益成为衡量一个国家综合实力尤其是软实力的重要指标。自中国加入WTO始,更紧密地融入世界一体化的进程,对外传播承担着"让中国走向世界,让世界了解中国"的重大使命,任务艰巨。本文分析了我国传媒面临的严峻的国际环境,对外传播中存在的诸多问题,并提出了自己的对策,以便早日改变西强我弱的舆论和传媒格局。  相似文献   

内蒙古电台、电视台的蒙古语广播电视是蒙古国受众、世界各地蒙古语受众了解中国的重要窗口。自1997年上星以来,蒙古语广播电视的跨境传播取得很大成效,起到了积极的对外传播作用。今后,内蒙台的蒙古语广播电视既要"走出去",更要"走进去",应在增强传播效果、提高节目影响力方面下功夫。笔者认为,  相似文献   

本文梳理和归纳中国共产党成立一百年来在新民主主义革命时期、社会主义革命和建设时期、改革开放和社会主义现代化建设新时期以及中国特色社会主义新时代这四个历史时期对外传播思想的主要特点和变迁轨迹.研究发现,建党一百年来,中国共产党的对外传播观念经历了从争取国际社会的认可和援助,到让世界听见新中国的声音、树立和传播良好的中国国际形象,让世界了解真实、立体、全面的中国的变迁轨迹.这些观念具有延续性,同时也不断发展、创新,体现了中国共产党在对外传播领域的守正创新.回顾党的百年对外传播思想,对我们今天的国际传播实践具有重要的经验参考价值和启示意义.  相似文献   

姜鹏 《新闻知识》2006,(1):8-10
中国改革开放以来,在政治、经济、文化等诸方面取得了举世瞩目的成就,与世界各国的交往日趋紧密。中国的传媒机构在“让中国了解世界、让世界了解中国”的国际传播中发挥了重要作用。然而,无论是在国际新闻传播理念、传播策略、还是在对外传播管理体制方面都还存在诸多问题,至今仍未形成与我国的国际地位和声望相称的传播局面。如何应对全球化、信息化带来的冲击是一个目前不容回避的问题。这不是简单的互通有无的过程,而是激烈的生存竞争,它关系到世界占大多数人口的发展中国家人民生活的幸福和尊严。  相似文献   

以广播电视英语新闻传播为切入点,论述广播电视新闻的撰稿要求,旨在扩大对外宣传,使新闻工作者更好地掌握广播电视英语新闻的写作技能,通过广播电视媒体客观、准确地用英语传递新闻信息,充分发挥广播电视媒体的传播优势和英语在广播电视新闻传播中的作用,使外界更好地了解中国,使国人及时地获取国际信息,促进国际交流。  相似文献   

The increasing consolidation of radio and television stations in the United States as a result of changing regulatory policies is having a direct impact on the role of the media manager. This article reviews the regulatory changes that have taken place regarding media ownership, and how it brought about changes in management practices. A summary of 2 research studies undertaken to examine the impact of regulatory changes on media management of radio and television stations is presented. Managers of radio clusters (at least 3 stations) and television duopolies were surveyed to ascertain how consolidation was affecting the way stations are managed. The data and findings in this article are discussed in terms of broader implications for media management outside the United States in an era of increasing globalization.  相似文献   

本文以全球化、数字化、产业化的新语境分析我国广播业的发展趋势:加强各地广播电台间的合作与联盟,加强广播与电视、报刊、互联网等媒体的合作,加强传媒业与其他行业的合作发展及广播载体的多样化发展。  相似文献   

This study used a statewide sample of 400 Alabama residents to analyze the relative credibility of local radio news, as compared to local television and local radio. The results indicated that local radio news has a level of credibility that is lower than that of local television, but is comparable to that of local newspapers. This finding confirms previous studies that have noted that media consumers tend to have a higher regard for television than any other news medium, but this difference was not as dramatic as those reported by studies that have used forced-choice questions. Local television is indeed more credible than local radio news, but not dramatically so.  相似文献   

论西方广电传媒业的公共规制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对广播电视业的公共规制依据、西方广电传媒业的公共规制模式、西方广电传媒业的规制改革趋势的分析 ,力图从公共规制的角度来揭示西方现代广电传媒体制的多样性和普遍性 ,为我国的广电事业管理体制改革和广电事业公共规制理论的探索提供一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

This study uses original survey data (N = 937) to examine trust in public radio and talk radio as sources for local news. Respondents expressed higher levels of trust in public radio than in talk radio. Trust in public radio was lower than trust in television but greater than trust in Internet sites, while trust in talk radio was lower than trust in television or newspapers. Compared to liberals, conservatives reported less trust in public radio but greater trust in talk radio. The relationships between ideology and trust were stronger among highly educated respondents than among the less educated.  相似文献   

In this article we extend recent work on exposure to campaign advertisements, comparing the effects of television ads, radio ads, and campaign-related e-mails using an unusual panel data set that provides information on multiple media sources. Our findings, which control for the endogeneity problem that has plagued much work in political communications, confirm that media exposure does affect citizen attitudes. We also find additional evidence that the medium matters, with exposure to television ads tending to undermine system-supporting attitudes, whereas exposure to radio ads has an overall positive effect; contrary to expectations, the “new medium” of campaign e-mails had no discernible effect.  相似文献   

This eight-nation comparative study adopts a multi-modal analytical approach in investigating education driven stratification in political participation and the simultaneous roles of various media (print newspaper, television, radio, and social media) and press freedom in influencing this inequality. The findings suggest that informational use of social media, print newspaper, and radio increases the likelihood of participation, but consuming television news inhibits participation. Furthermore, social media use, like radio and television use, exacerbates education-generated inequality. Press freedom as a socio-political factor reinforces the role of the television, print newspaper, and social media in participation inequality. Theoretical and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

实证表明新冠肺炎疫情下公众选择不同传播渠道产生的"自我卷入"程度不一:短视频、微博(或微信)、新闻类APP等移动新传播渠道给公众造成的恐惧感更为显著;电视(或广播)等传统渠道更能影响公众的应急反应,让公众主动采取防护措施,积极进行自我保护和积极应对;但公众在权威信息、疫情进展上对电视(或广播)等传统渠道的期望值更高。主流媒体应从把控信息源头、创新表达形式、布局好舆情监测机制、做好媒体议程设置等四个方面来提高自身公信力,提高公众对主流信息的"自我卷入"程度,以防范可能出现的"信息疫情",维护社会秩序健康稳定。  相似文献   

This study compares the radio industry's use of interactivity to that of other traditional media on the Web such as newspapers and television stations, along the dimensions of audience-oriented interactivity and source-oriented interactivity. A content analysis of 112 traditional radio station Web sites, 282 traditional newspaper Web sites, and 128 traditional television station Web sites found that traditional radio station Web sites provided more audience-oriented interactivity compared to other traditional media Web sites, and traditional newspaper Web sites offered the most source-oriented interactivity. A general conclusion of this study is that although traditional radio stations were more likely to transmit live and archived sound than other media, all traditional media Web sites have held back from developing interactivity beyond e-mail, and have limited the transmission of streaming media, as well as archived audio and video content.  相似文献   

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