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Due to the social environment of China’s reform and opening up, as well as China’s education system with knowledge impartation as its focus, some college students lack the humanistic care and education of value and significance of life. Universities should plan effective activities to make students realize the importance of life. They should provide students with such education as life conscience, failures in life, the ability to make a living and the values of life in order to have a clearer knowledge of life education, so that the students can set up a positive, healthy and correct life view, realize the value and meaning of life, and finally learn to respect life.  相似文献   

困境与突破:论中国教育学范式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, the paradigm of China’s pedagogy means a way of thinking followed and adhered to by Chinese educationists from the establishment of New China till now when they consider, study and conceive problems of pedagogy. This way of thinking guides educationists to have particular study directions, unique modes of pedagogy establishment and special framework of problem solving. And furthermore, it forms the study tradition of China’s pedagogy and stipulates the developing orientation of China’s pedagogy. From the establishment of New China till now, we have been edified by the paradigms in the Soviet Union and the Western countries and restricted by “Western paradigm” and “Soviet Paradigm”, without any paradigm of our own. The paradigm crisis in the development of China’ pedagogy has obstructed the healthy development of China’s pedagogy. The establishment of China’s pedagogy should start with establishing the subject-educationists and establishing the object-“paradigm system”. The establishment of China’s pedagogy paradigm will contribute greatly to the origination of China’s pedagogy and its academic schools. __________ Translated from Dongbei Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Zhexue Shehui Kexue Ban) 东北师范大学学 报(哲学社会科学版) (Journal of Northeast Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences)), 2007, (3): 5–12  相似文献   

To achieve the overall goals and purposes of education is closely related to the living environments of students. Different family backgrounds will put children into a situation where they face unfair competition. According to a survey conducted in China’s Urumqi and Changchun about parents’ awareness of educating their children, this paper will suggest that families with different backgrounds have different expectations for their children’s education. Moreover, it suggests that parents’ social status is related to their children’s education expectations. Therefore, we can find that parents’ social status influences their children’s education, and their positions in social class are related to education. __________ Translated from Qinghua Daxue Jiaoyu Yanjiu 清华大学教育研究 (Tsinghua Journal of Education), 2006, (4): 71–76  相似文献   

中国学术制度建构的历史与现实境遇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rise and development of China’s academic system is a process that started from “passively accepting Western Learning”; to today’s “catching up with Western Learning and even exceeding it”;. In the last century, China experienced a turbulent and unstable social environment in which academics and politics have always been intertwined. As a result, the internal logic of China’s academic system shares similar characteristics with its Western models, but is unique in certain ways at the same time. In the complex and inseparable relationship between academics and politics, which involves both love and hate, the logic that academics must serve political needs, on one hand, establishes the co-existence of the academia and the government, which provides a relatively stable environment for academic activities within the system; on the other hand, it also jeopardizes the ecological environment in which the academics can develop according to its own internal logic. For exactly the same reasons, even at present, internalization means something special and complex for Chinese academia because, on one hand, it truly represents academia’s strive to meet international standards; on the other hand, the pushing factor behind this “voluntary”; stance is still state and political power. __________ Translated by FENG Xiaojie from Beijing Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Shehui Kexue Ban) 北京师范大学学报 (社会科学版) (Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Sciences)), 2008, (6): 21–28  相似文献   

China’s Western Development is a policy adopted to boost its less developed Western regions, that is, a systematic project and a longterm and arduous task. The development of compulsory education in China’s minority areas is the key to it. This paper attempts to use the beneficial experience of developing compulsory education support system of other countries for reference so as to explore financial support system suitable for the situation of China’s compulsory education in minority areas. __________ Translated from Minzu Jiaoyu Yanjiu 民族教育研究 (Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities), 2007, 18 (2): 16–23  相似文献   

More attention should be paid to four issues during the massification of Chinese higher education: (1) how to understand the prime cause of the expansion of higher education; (2) how to reinforce liberal education; (3) how to balance the relationship between equality and excellence; and (4) how to harmonize the relationship between the university, the government and the market. All these are based on the orientation about the ultimate goal of universities. Modern universities must make students and the public understand that their ultimate mission is places where stratagems for profits and opportunities of employment are provided; rather, modern universities should inspire students’ rationalistic potencies, cultivate their ability to look upon the development of individuals, society and history from a long-term and all-around perspective. Translated from Beijing Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Shehui Kexue Ban) 北京师范大学学报 (社会 科学版) (Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Sciences Edition)), 2006, (6): 13–20  相似文献   

China’s Compulsory Education Law, determining the development of compulsory education, was first promulgated in 1986 and then amended in 2006. It has been a symbolic milestone in the history of Chinese education. During two decades, there have been totally 8 influential reforms in compulsory education funding policy. From the viewpoint of practical analysis and value analysis about policy changes, China’ s compulsory education funding policy is still in a state of dramatic changes and mixed changes, which shows some disadvantages. __________ Translated from Jiaoyu Lilun Yu Shijian 教育理论与实践 (Theory and Practice of Education), 2006, 27(3): 37–40  相似文献   

农民工子女就学的制度性障碍与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A population of migrant workers have appearing during the process of China’s urbanization, and is an important part of the society that cannot be ignored. In the process of integration into cities, the equal development between the rights and obligations of migrant workers is gaining attention. Especially, the issure of schooling of their children has garnered a lot of attention. All problems resulting from schooling of their children are rooted in the asynchronization between system changes and social development. Systematic barriers have become the crux of schooling problem of migrant workers’ children. Translated by WANG Dongsheng from Dongbei Shifan Daxue Xuebao 东北师范大学学报 (Journal of Northeast Normal University), 2007, 6(1): 152–156  相似文献   

Neither of the “Three Industry” Theory nor the “General Agreement of Trading Service” (GATS) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) can be the essential criteria to analyze the property of education. The property of education can be defined from consumers’ perspective. The direct consumers of education are students; but the ultimate consumers of education include parents, employers, society and governments as well. From the perspective of consumers, education is both a service and a productive institution. Translated from Beijing Shifan Daxue Xuebao (Shehui Kexue Ban) 北京师范大学学报 (社会科学版) (Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Sciences)), 2006, (2): 5–10  相似文献   

A good teacher has various characteristics. We can observe directly teachers’ behaviors or read their professional papers. However, the effective way is to have teachers tell their personal life history or educational autobiography. The personal knowledge of a good teacher will be revealed through the personal life history. According to numerous educational autobiographies, a good teacher has two characteristics: being kind to students and having passion. __________ Translated from Beijing Daxue Jiaoyu Pinglun 北京大学教育评论 (Peking University Education Review), 2008, 6(1): 125–131  相似文献   

New writing systems for several of China’s minority languages were developed and implemented during a unique period in Chinese history. Throughout the different stages of modern Chinese history, these writing systems have had various societal functions and uses, including the improvement of education and literacy for China’s ethnic minorities. In the new era, the societal functions of these newly created systems have been weakened by the large-scale influence from both outside and within minority environment. Nevertheless, the newly created writing systems have undeniable value and significance, and they continue to serve positive functions that cannot be fulfilled by other writing systems. __________ Translated by Daniel Weisman from Minzu Jiaoyu Yanjiu 民族教育研究 (Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities), 2007, 18(5): 5–11  相似文献   

A world-class university in China? The case of Tsinghua   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yang  Rui  Welch  Anthony 《Higher Education》2012,63(5):645-666
Higher education, an integral part of China’s nation-building project, is a critical element in China’s strategic policy initiative of building national strength through science and education. One way to achieve this goal is to develop a higher education system of international stature. Perhaps more than any other country, through national programs such as 211 and 985, China has been explicit in selecting its best universities for intensive investment, with the expressed aim of making them world-class within coming decades, and contributing more to overall R&D and scientific development. Analysing how these top-tier universities in China are reaching for the gold standard, and using Tsinghua University as an example, this article examines the role of higher education in China’s rise and how Chinese universities are responding to the drive for innovation, against a background of globalisation and internationalisation. It analyses the experience of Tsinghua, a Chinese flagship university, sometimes dubbed ‘China’s MIT’, through an in-depth case study in an international context, seeking to answer the question of how far Tinsghua embodies the qualities of a world-class university.  相似文献   

In China’s current educational fiscal decision making, problems are as follows: no law to trust or not abiding by available laws, absence of equity and efficiency, as well as the standardization of decision-making procedures. It is necessary to set up effective fiscal decision-making mechanism in education and rationally devise reliable paths. Translated from Jiaoyu Lilun Yu Shijian 教育理论与实践 (Theory and Practice of Education), 2006, (4): 14–17  相似文献   

Historically, scholars have made unfailing efforts to position education as a standard science, but no solid success has been achieved regardless of the positivistic paradigm, quantitative approaches, or value-free neutral stances they adopted. In China, scholars have set up a so-called “three independency” standard for the scientific study of education, but it has been finally proved invalid in practice. As interdisciplines permeate the field of education, education experiences a crisis of being colonized. After serious rethinking, interdisciplines were widely believed to do more good than harm to education. Therefore, education is beginning to transform from a “colony” to an “empire”. In this transformation, education finds it necessary to break the traditional disciplinary boundaries and make it a field in which interdisciplinary communication is contributory to the enrichment of scholarship. Translated from Xiamen Daxue Xuebao (Zhexue Shehui Kexue Ban) 厦门大学学报 (哲学社会科学版) (Journal of Xiamen University (Arts & Social Sciences)), 2006, (1): 72–78  相似文献   

Using statistical data on the implementing conditions of China’s educational expenditure published by the state, this paper studies the Gini coefficient of the budget educational public expenditure per student in order to examine the concentration degree of the educational expenditure for China’s basic education and analyze its balanced development condition. As the research shows, China’s basic education is undergoing an unbalanced development due to diversified factors, which is mainly reflected as follows: firstly, the budget educational public expenditure presents a four-tiered appearance of the strong, the less strong, the less weak and the weak, which lead to a great discrepancy between the two opposing extremes; secondly, the compulsory education in rural areas is still confronted with great difficulties; thirdly, the general senior secondary education is loaded with the crisis of unbalance. Therefore, it is necessary to construct a balanced development policy framework of the basic education and pay close attention to the benefit and effectiveness of the educational input. In addition, it is also important to clearly stipulate the criterion of the government’s educational allocation and to support the disadvantaged areas in order to promote the balanced development of the basic education. __________ Translated from Education Research, 2005:9  相似文献   

This case study of Yanbian University, a Korean minority university in China, examines the challenges faced, strategies employed, and resources mobilized by a minority university in its attempt to become a world-class university. Specifically, this case study focuses on how the University is attempting to reach its goals within the context of the 211 Project, China’s plan to create 100 world-class universities capable of meeting the challenges of the 21st century. The rise of the knowledge economy has resulted in an increased link between economic prosperity and higher education. Thus, higher education reform has explicitly tied higher education to economic development and attempted to transform economic structures by turning the labor force into a highly skilled, technologically competent, educated work force capable of competing in a global economy. The socioeconomic changes that have occurred as a result of globalization and China’s transition to a market economy have also created new imperatives and challenges for higher education institutions, particularly among minority higher education institutions endeavoring to carve out a unique place in China’s higher education landscape.  相似文献   

教育、生活、幸福三者以人为联结点,水乳交融。教育是生活的一部分,生活以幸福为目的。故教育以人的幸福为终极目的毋庸置疑。生命教育是引领人们通向幸福生活的阶梯。只有实施生命化的教育,才能引领受教育者在当下生活中寻求幸福,在教育过程中感受幸福。  相似文献   

Using the method of purpositive sampling, this research makes an empirical study on the relationship between the schooling for education and democratic qualities of public high school students in Beijing. The results show that the democratic qualities of the students in public high school of Beijing are better as a whole, but they are still lack of democratic knowledge and abilities, etc. The results of correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis and independent-samples T test show that there are four different kinds of relationships between the schooling for education and democratic qualities of students. Firstly, there is little distinct correlation between school reputation and democratic knowledge, attitude and abilities of students. Secondly, there is little distinct correlation between prospective achievement and democratic knowledge and attitude of students, but have a large correlation with the democratic abilities of students (P<.001). Thirdly, there is a large correlation between teaching and democratic knowledge, attitude and abilities of students (P<.001). Lastly, there is a large correlation between activities participation and democratic knowledge, attitude and abilities of students (P<.001) __________ Translated from Jiaoyu Xuebao 教育学报 (Journal of Educational Studies), 2008, 4(1): 14–18, with updated and additional content  相似文献   

The South African obsession with performance-based pedagogies, as I have shown, has negative implications for resolving equity problems in educational reforms; it threatens to negate a political debate about ‘goals’ in favour of a technician’s debate about ‘ends’; and it fragments knowledge into meaningless tasks that assign value to external behaviours rather than the multiplicity of ways in which learning and valuing can be experienced (if not always expressed). The real danger to building a strong democratic culture through education is that what should be vibrant debates about ‘what’s worth knowing’ could be effectively silenced in a performance assessment system that only values, through a complex assessment system, that which is worth doing. Such an understanding of education is, unfortunately, entrenched in a global network of economic and technological processes that make such pursuits appear both normal and inevitable.  相似文献   

Persistence is important in developing pre-school children’s ego control. Based on the fact that during the teaching process a teacher’s communication and actions will have a significant influence on young children, which is due to the teachers’ high degree of control over them, four experiments were designed to probe the influences of teachers’ attitudes and oral guidance on the development of persistence among infant students. The results indicate that different attitudes and oral guidance influence the development of persistence of young children differently. Translated by Wang Dongsheng from Xueqian Jiaoyu Yanjiu 学前教育研究 (Studies in Preshcool Education), 2008, 6(1): 17–20  相似文献   

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