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Tumor Markers comprise a wide spectrum of biomacromolecules synthesized in excess concentration by a wide variety of neoplastic cells. The markers could be endogenous products of highly active metabolic malignant cells or the products of newly switched on genes, which remained unexprssed in early life or newly acquired antigens at cellular and sub-cellular levels. The appearance of tumor marker and their concentration are related to the genesis and growth of malignant tumors in patients. An ideal tumor marker should be highly sensitive, specific, reliable with high prognostic value, organ specificity and it should correlate with tumor stages. However, none of the tumor markers reported to date has all these characteristics. Inspite of these limitations, many tumor markers have shown excellent clinical relevance in monitoring efficacy of different modes of therapies during entire course of illness in cancer patients. Additionally, determination of markers also helps in early detection of cancer recurrence and in prognostication.  相似文献   

汽车生产供应链上下游企业间的合作知识创造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林岩 《科研管理》2010,31(3):52-60
随着商业竞争加剧,生产企业越来越需要与供应商合作;同时知识成为企业的重要资源,那么企业与供应商合作创造新知识的活动尤为重要。以往研究显示,对生产商而言,各供应商担当着不同的角色。本文以供应商所供应的商品的差异表达供应商的异质性,进而探讨供应商与生产商开展合作知识创造的情况,揭示不同供应商在参与程度上的差异。就此问题,以美国汽车生产行业中供应商与生产商共同创造知识的活动为研究对象,采用专利数据计量方法,开展实证检验。结果显示供应产品部件的供应商比供应生产设备的供应商更可能与生产商开展合作;供应部件的供应商中,部件对生产商越重要,越有可能与生产商开展合作。  相似文献   

A microgrid (MG) is a building block of future smart grid, it can be defined as a network of low voltage power generating units, storage devices and loads. System of systems (SoS) is another concept involving large scale integration of various systems. In this paper, we provide an overview of recent developments in modeling and control methods of microgrid as well as presenting the reason towards incorporating MG into the existing grid. Various SoS control strategies when applied to MG are discussed.  相似文献   

针对产业共生形成模式的选择问题,以演化博弈为主要方法构建产业共生演化博弈模型,以实现社会总经济效益最大化为目标,从治理主体和驱动模式两个角度出发提出产业共生形成的4种情景模式;在此基础上,通过计算得出可以实现产业共生的9个参数情形及其对应的产业共生实现概率。研究表明:第一,在给定参数的情形下,可以根据该模型进行上下游企业工业废弃物治理的形成模式选择;第二,无论治理主体是上游企业还是下游企业,政府与市场在机制选择中的替换作用并没有明确的边界;第三,当治理主体为下游企业时,仅靠市场作用很难实现上下游企业的合作。最后基于研究结果提出相关政策建议,以期为政府和企业决策提供理论支持。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(2):104447
In the past decade, coworking spaces have emerged as a new and promising phenomenon within entrepreneurship. Due to its prevalence, popularity, and potential for disruptive change, coworking is increasingly relevant to theory, practice, and policy in entrepreneurship, yet its implications are largely unstudied given the rapid rise of the phenomenon. Overall, more research is needed to inform owners, policy makers, and entrepreneurs regarding the effects of this new organizational form. This study takes an exploratory empirical approach with the goal of shedding light on the current landscape of coworking. By so doing, I provide an initial foundation for research on the coworking movement in entrepreneurship and the various research streams it can enrich.  相似文献   

An impressive literature documents how individual-level factors correlate with entrepreneurship and commercialization behaviors. We have far less insight, however, into how different organizational contexts may, in fact, play a dominant role in shaping these individuals and their behaviors. In this paper, I leverage a unique case of commercialization in which a largely overlapping team attempted to commercialize a technology in two different organizational contexts – first, in a university and later in a startup firm. By detailing the contextual features in each organizational environment and by linking these features to the participants’ differing approaches and attitudes toward commercialization, I extend the current literature through a demonstration of how organizational context shapes not only the initial decision to become an entrepreneur, but also the specific ways in which individuals interpret and act upon an entrepreneurial mission. More generally, I contribute to the literature on the commercialization of university research by highlighting some of the challenges inherent in adapting a context optimized for exploration to the task of exploitation.  相似文献   

The neoplastic proliferation of single clones of plasma cells causes synthesis of very large amount of monoclonal immunoglobulins consisting of only one type of heavy either the gamma, alpha, mu, delta or epsilon chain or only kappa or lambda light chains. Each monoclonal immunolobulin differs idiotypically from each other. These monoclonal immunoglobulins are also called paraproteins and are frequently associated with a broad heterogeneous group of plasma cell dyscrasias. Occasionally their presence is observed in a few benign conditions and in old age. In the present review a detailed account of different types of monoclonal gammapathies are described.  相似文献   

农业系统恢复力研究进展综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李晓  周丁扬 《资源科学》2015,37(9):1747-1754
恢复力作为社会-生态系统的一个重要属性,是复杂系统实施可持续发展的重要途径之一。在已有认识和研究成果的基础上,本文首先概述了关于恢复力及农业系统恢复力概念的观点。然后从农业系统恢复力的影响因素、农业系统恢复力评价和农业系统恢复力研究的尺度效应三方面梳理了近年来国内外的研究进展,从自然因素(水资源、土地资源和气候资源)和社会因素(经济状况、资源管理制度和社会特征等)两方面总结了影响农业系统恢复力的因素,探讨了时间尺度和空间尺度对农业系统恢复力的影响,从定性和定量评价两方面归纳了农业系统恢复力的度量方法。进而指出未来中国农业系统恢复力的研究应注重采用多尺度多过程耦合分析以及量化分析,加强对半干旱区以外气候变化较脆弱地区的研究,并且关注社会因素在农业系统恢复力中的作用。  相似文献   

黄河治理开发综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、黄河概况及特点 古老的黄河距今已有150万年的历史,是中国第二大河,发源于青海省巴颜喀拉山北麓海拔4500米的约古宗列盆地,流经青海、四川、甘肃、宁夏、内蒙古、山西、陕西、河南、山东9省(区),在山东省垦利县注入渤海,干流全长5464公里,流域面积(包括内流区)79.5万平方公里。黄河干流河源至内蒙古托克托县的河口镇为上游,河道长3472公里;河口镇至河南省郑州附近的桃花峪为中游,河道长1206公里;桃花峪至入海口为下游,河道长786公里。黄河上游地区是水量主要来源区,水电资源丰富;中游地区…  相似文献   

道德风险普遍存在于供应链上下游企业合作中.本文从供应链上下游企业间的合作出发,建立上下游企业合作的博弈时间序列图,在考虑上游合作企业拥有信息优势的条件下,设计一种激励制度,对存在于上游合作企业的道德风险问题进行防范治理,得出在信息不对称的条件下下游核心企业总可以找到一种价格制度契约,对上游企业的道德风险行为进行治理.最后对激励制度强度系数的敏感性进行分析,得出合作企业的风险规避系数、成本系数,供应链环境的不确定性,以及核心企业的收益系数对供应链上下游企业合作过程汇总存在的道德风险治理的影响规律.  相似文献   

围绕科技金融创新研究,在分析总结当前我国科技银行的发展现状和发展困境的基础上,提出科技支行在向科技银行转变的过程中应当采取的发展模式、支撑体系和盈利模式。认为在科技支行向科技银行的转变过程中,可以采取一种科技支行和科技银行并存而逐渐向科技银行转变的"双轨制"模式。同时基于不同发展阶段高新技术企业提出科技银行的盈利模式,期望科技银行通过产品设计创新,逐步实现从政府主导向市场主导的转变。  相似文献   

This paper studies the problem of robust HH controller design for a class of uncertain Markov jump systems with time-varying transition probabilities, which follows nonhomogeneous jump processes. The time varying transition probability matrix is described as a polytope set. By Lyapunov function approach, under the designed controller, a sufficient condition is presented to ensure that the resulting closed-loop system is stochastically stable and that a prescribed HH performance index is satisfied. Finally, an application of a DC motor device is addressed to demonstrate the effectiveness of developed techniques.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of automatic methods for building domain knowledge structures (domain models) from text collections. Applications of domain models have a long history within knowledge engineering and artificial intelligence. In the last couple of decades they have surfaced noticeably as a useful tool within natural language processing, information retrieval and semantic web technology. Inspired by the ubiquitous propagation of domain model structures that are emerging in several research disciplines, we give an overview of the current research landscape and some techniques and approaches. We will also discuss trade-offs between different approaches and point to some recent trends.  相似文献   

作为行为理论体系的一个分支,行为控制理论研究近年来逐步成为一个热点。它基本遵循心理学和管理学行为控制研究两条基本路径,尤以管理学对行为控制研究为主。行为控制领域涉及企业行为、政府行为以及教育领域等。在以人为本的21世纪,行为控制理论拥有较大的发展空间,呈现学科交叉化、理论体系化和方法模型化的趋势。  相似文献   

企业网络理论把企业作为研究对象,忽视网络中个体行为的分析.以网络中的一类重要主体——企业家,作为分析对象,提出了企业家网络分析框架,指出企业家网络的静态结构特征和动态演化过程都会影响企业家学习和创新的效率与效果.企业家网络是企业网络的准备和铺垫,而企业网络是企业家网络的延伸和巩固.  相似文献   

Over the recent years, the growth of online social media has greatly facilitated the way people communicate with each other. Users of online social media share information, connect with other people and stay informed about trending events. However, much recent information appearing on social media is dubious and, in some cases, intended to mislead. Such content is often called fake news. Large amounts of online fake news has the potential to cause serious problems in society. Many point to the 2016 U.S. presidential election campaign as having been influenced by fake news. Subsequent to this election, the term has entered the mainstream vernacular. Moreover it has drawn the attention of industry and academia, seeking to understand its origins, distribution and effects.Of critical interest is the ability to detect when online content is untrue and intended to mislead. This is technically challenging for several reasons. Using social media tools, content is easily generated and quickly spread, leading to a large volume of content to analyse. Online information is very diverse, covering a large number of subjects, which contributes complexity to this task. The truth and intent of any statement often cannot be assessed by computers alone, so efforts must depend on collaboration between humans and technology. For instance, some content that is deemed by experts of being false and intended to mislead are available. While these sources are in limited supply, they can form a basis for such a shared effort.In this survey, we present a comprehensive overview of the finding to date relating to fake news. We characterize the negative impact of online fake news, and the state-of-the-art in detection methods. Many of these rely on identifying features of the users, content, and context that indicate misinformation. We also study existing datasets that have been used for classifying fake news. Finally, we propose promising research directions for online fake news analysis.  相似文献   

李少峰 《大众科技》2014,(9):205-206
该公司现行的职能式管理模式落后于国内外先进企业,管理体系不健全,过于粗糙,管理不到位。三步走,完善企业管理体系,实现公司生产流程化管理。第一步:将现行的生产管理按14类进行一级细分,一级细分后再进行二级、三级细分,使生产管理的工作精细、到位,达到生产管理"精、准、细、严"的基本要求。第二步:通过一年的"精细化管理"试行,公司对所开展的精细化管理进行全面跟踪、纠正、总结、评审、改进,并在些基础上制定出公司的"规范化管理"即制定公司精细化管理管理标准,并作为公司管理的标准在公司内全面推行。第三步:公司的"规范化管理"试行半年后,经过再次全面跟踪、纠正、总结、评审、改进,纳入公司管理体系,编写程序文件(或管理流程文件)、流程管理说明书、流程管理执行标准等文件,开展公司生产流程化管理。  相似文献   

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