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This study examines whether the acquisition of a four‐year college degree impacts police officer attitudes toward abuse of authority. This research also explores whether level of higher education and the timing of degree completion alter this potential attitudinal impact of a bachelor’s degree. Using data from a nationally representative survey sample, the study finds that officers with a pre‐service bachelor’s degree hold attitudes that are less supportive of abuse of authority, although the effect is fairly small in magnitude. These effects remain regardless of when officers receive their degree and across varying levels of higher education (i.e., associate’s degree, attending some college). These findings suggest that higher education has a beneficial impact related to police officer abuse of authority attitudes.  相似文献   

Existing police research has produced mixed results regarding the benefits of college education on the outlooks of officers. In addressing many of the well-documented methodological concerns of prior research, the current study augments the existing police education-occupational attitudes literature by examining the impact of varying levels of education (i.e. high school, some college, and bachelor’s degree and higher) on officers’ job satisfaction, views of top management, and role orientation(s). In addition, among those with a bachelor’s degree, the relevance of degree major on officers’ occupational outlooks is assessed. Our results address and inform advocacy efforts to make college education a bona fide occupational qualification.  相似文献   

The paper examines the inherent strengths and weaknesses of the higher education system in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Using a literature review, three elements were examined: its development and structure, quality, and research capacity. The findings reveal that the UAE’s higher education sector has witnessed remarkable growth since 1997, guided by the state’s policy commitment, and few restrictions on foreign universities opening branches in the UAE. This situation has led to substantial growth in the supply of higher education opportunities for the Emirati and expatriate population. Despite the UAE having achieved a high ranking for ‘quality indicators’ on the global level in the World Economic Forum’s Competitiveness Reports, the quality of graduates, education, and research engagement is still debatable. Significant efforts are needed to ensure that these critical issues, as well as the understudied expansion of higher education institutions, are being addressed to erase the misalignment with the UAE’s strategic goals.  相似文献   

从供给侧改革这一视角审视高职院校劳动教育产生的新问题、新现象,通过问卷调查和访谈了解高职院校劳动教育供给现状和需求现状,并在此基础上探究影响大学生劳动行为的因素。研究发现,大学生个人的家庭经济状况与大学生劳动行为呈负相关;家庭对劳动教育的态度、朋辈群体的劳动行为、社会对劳动教育的支持度等变量对大学生的劳动行为产生正向影响。为提升高职院校的劳动教育效果,应加强大学生的劳动观念教育,拓展劳动教育的形式,发挥朋辈群体在劳动教育中的作用,建立家校政社联动教育机制。  相似文献   

高校教师角色适应不良表现:其一,高校教师职业倦怠严重;其二,高校教师感觉压力过大;其三,高校教师亚健康状况普遍,这些必然危及高校教育教学质量。当下,虽然高校教师角色适应不良问题十分突出,但由于它诱发于合理的多元背景即高等教育国际化给高校教师带来了严峻的挑战,社会转型给高校教师带来了巨大的冲击,高等教育大众化给高校教师带来了更重的负荷,高校内部管理体制改革给高校教师带来了更多的压力。因此,高校教师角色适应不良难以回避。从学理而言,研究高校教师角色适应问题具有十分明显的理论意义与实践价值。与已有的高校教师问题研究相比,研究高校教师角色适应问题在理论层面与实践层面均具有显著的意义。  相似文献   

本研究旨在通过对高校思想政治理论课中社会实践教学的不同模式的调研,揭示并解释构成教学模式差异的教育因素及其对大学生的获得感(德育实效的核心指标之一)的影响。研究采用定量研究的问卷调查法与半结构式访谈法,调查清华大学、中国人民大学、复旦大学三所高校思政课社会实践教学开展情况、教学模式与学生们的获得感。研究发现:思政课社会实践根据"支持程度"和"参与程度比"两大维度存在四种不同模式;进一步发现四种不同教学模式下的获得感存在差异,模式D总体上显著优于其他三模式,排除可能受到学生个体素质影响较大的模式D后,模式C显著优于模式A;而教学模式中的差异性因素能够显著预测获得感的相关维度,其中支持程度能显著正向预测思政成效、政治社会观、公民行动意向、人际交往能力、社会自我效能感,而参与程度比显著负向预测社会自我效能感、政治社会观。基于对当下思想政治理论课社会实践教学改革现状的反馈,本研究认为,可以从支持提升、制度完善、兴趣激发三个方面改进有关工作,以提高大学生对于思政课社会实践教学的获得感。  相似文献   

大学文化是体现学校特色的办学理念、学校精神以及行为规范、物质文化载体的重要内容,对全面提高高等教育质量、促进高等教育可持续发展意义重大。针对高职院校文化建设的路径和机制,从高职院校的教育规律和校本属性切入,通过文献分析和案例研究,重点讨论了基于学校个性的高职院校文化育人机制,提出三维文化育人体系,并对其提升文化内涵、丰富文化层次、体现文化效益的功能进行深入分析。  相似文献   

社会性别意识水平已经成为衡量一个国家或地区文明程度的重要标志之一,而高校学生的社会性别意识水平将决定整个社会性别意识水平的高低。通过以宜春学院学生为例进行问卷调查,发现江西高校学生社会性别意识水平在全国范围内偏低,究其原因,主要是江西经济与文化水平偏低、农村户口学生较多、社会性别意识教育缺乏等。因此,加强江西高校社会性别意识教育较为迫切,而迅速提升江西高校学生社会性别意识水平的最佳且具有可行性的途径是在江西高校开设社会性别意识通识课程。  相似文献   

新时代大学劳动教育,旨在培养具有较强创新精神与创业能力、能够主动作为、乐于奉献、具有较强实践能力的高级专门人才。自我领导力与大学劳动教育目标具有内在一致性。大学生自我领导力的提升,是有效落实新时代大学劳动教育精神的重要保障。新时代大学劳动教育应将大学生自我领导力的培育作为重要内容,把社会责任感的培育作为劳动价值观教育的核心。着重激发学生尊重劳动、热爱劳动的内在动机,培养真挚的劳动情感;着重训练学生建设性的思维模式、努力创新的思维习惯与创造性劳动能力;着重培养学生行为聚焦力与共情力,使其形成良好的劳动技能与劳动习惯。  相似文献   

通过阐述社会实践的内涵、意义,分析了高等学校在大学生实践能力培养方面存在的主要问题,认为大学生社会实践作为育人的重要手段特别是德育的有效补充,多年来得到长足的发展,日益受到学校、社会和大学生的重视,但是就其目前状况而言,还不能适应知识经济对创造性人才培养的要求。提出了强化大学生实践能力培养的途径与方法,旨在帮助大学生适应社会发展,实现自身价值。  相似文献   

大学生是祖国的未来,大学生的社会责任感关系到整个社会的价值取向,面对当前大学生社会责任感弱化的局面,高校的思想政治理论课必须从多方面入手,在加强大学生的社会责任感教育中扮演关键角色。  相似文献   

政治参与是促进政治文明和政治发展的重要手段。大学生是民族的未来,是祖国的希望。引导大学生理性、有序、健康、充分地进行政治参与具有重大的现实意义。本文在深入分析大学生政治参与影响因素的基础上,从提升大学生道德素养、优化高校教育环境、营造社会支持氛围等三个层面提出了大学生政治参与的有效途径。  相似文献   

本文基于问卷调查所得数据,考察了社会分层对高等教育公平的影响.实证结果表明,优质高等教育机会的分配仍然向国家干部、企业经理等优势社会阶层的子女倾斜,社会分层扩大了高等教育的起点不公平;优势社会阶层子女在高等教育过程中处于有利地位,社会分层扩大了高等教育过程不公平,在重点本科院校中,过程不公平程度较大,而在一般本科和专科院校中,过程不公平程度较小;优势社会阶层子女更容易获得就业机会,社会分层对高等教育的结果公平有着不利影响,在重点本科院校中,这种影响较小,而在一般本科和专科院校中,这种影响较大.文章对此提出了相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

大学生思想政治教育的核心是树立正确的价值观。对高等教育自身价值的关照是我们高等教育活动的一个基本出发点,影响着思想政治教育的价值取向和方法途径的选择,高等教育的价值观在某种意义上是思想政治教育的哲学基础。高等教育具有社会价值和个人价值两种价值,它们之间会出现不平衡甚至冲突,大学生思想政治教育的切入点应是高等教育的社会价值和个人价值的融合。  相似文献   

高职院校音乐教育的培养目标是通过高校音乐教育,使高职院校学生具有从事一种或一类社会职业和社会工作能力,从而满足现阶段我国经济发展和构建和谐社会对人才的实际需要。文章探讨了基于职业能力培养的高校音乐教育相关问题,在一定程度上丰富了高等音乐教育实践性课程的理论研究,对高职院校基于职业能力培养的音乐教育具有一定的实践指导作用。  相似文献   

Despite the importance of preparing socially responsible graduates in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) to address the current state of poverty and inequality, very few studies in higher education have examined the development of STEM students’ outcomes critical to promoting a more equitable society, typically focusing on the impact of one program or course. To address this gap in the literature, this study used frameworks of undergraduate socialization as well as social justice perspectives in STEM education to examine the undergraduate experiences and institutional contexts that predict STEM bachelor’s degree recipients’ development of two democratic educational outcomes seven years after college entry: social agency and values toward conducting research that will have a meaningful impact on underserved communities. The study utilized multilevel modeling on a national longitudinal sample of 6341 STEM bachelor’s degree recipients across 271 institutions. Longitudinal student data from the 2004 Cooperative Institutional Research Program’s (CIRP) Freshman Survey and 2011 Post-Baccalaureate Survey were merged with institutional data from the Integrated Postsecondary Educational Data System and CIRP Faculty Surveys. Various undergraduate socialization experiences and institutional contexts were found to predict STEM bachelor’s degree recipients’ democratic educational outcomes, including academic majors, participation in student organizations and research, experiences with faculty, and peer and STEM faculty normative contexts. Implications of the findings for research, policy, and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

学位主管部门和各高校对成人高等教育学士学位的定位上存在误区,使得我国成人高等教育学士学位制度还不能真正适应高等教育改革和社会发展的需要。根据成人高等教育的"高等性"和"成人性"属性,从教育性、学术性、职业性和类型上重新定位成人高等教育学士学位,从而不断改进和完善我国学位制度体系。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the pedagogic value of dialogue to strengthen pre-service teachers’ reflective practices and improve their knowledge about the power of talk for learning. Dialogic learning was introduced to a unit of study taken by a final-year cohort of students in an initial teacher education degree at an urban university in Australia. Various opportunities for dialogue were designed into the unit through blended learning such as face-to-face tutorials, social networks and Viva Voce contexts. In the face of mixed opinion on their efficacy, the author profiles the use of social networks as a means of incorporating more interactive discourse through Web 2.0 platforms in higher education. The mixed-methods study reports on data collected from focus group interviews run at the end of the semester. An analytical framework based on Alexander’s principles of dialogic learning is used to interrogate the data set. The results illustrate the positive impact that dialogue employed as a pedagogic tool had on the value students perceived of their learning experience. It is recommended that designs for learning in higher education incorporate iterative exchanges across a variety of blended learning contexts to encourage productive interactions between students, peers and tutors.  相似文献   


Despite overall increases in college-going, college enrollment rates remain inequitable. Many programs attempt to address these persistent racial/ethnic and social class disparities in college attendance by intervening in the high school curriculum. Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is among the longest standing and prevalent of these college access programs. In this paper, we present findings from a multi-year evaluation and cost analysis of the AVID/TOPS program – an enhanced AVID model – in place in Madison Metropolitan School District (Wisconsin). Taken together, the evaluation’s findings characterize AVID/TOPS as a promising program model that is associated with an increased likelihood for college readiness and matriculation, particularly for student groups underrepresented in higher education. We also report on the resources and costs required to implement the program, and show that the program’s benefits appear to exceed its costs.  相似文献   

文章在分析大学生社会性发展概念的基础上,主张高校辅导员应从大学生思想提升的需要、社会学习的需要、人际交往的需要以及生涯发展的需要入手,在思想引导、学业帮扶、人际互动、提升就业质量方面下功夫,在教育管理工作中明确大学生社会性发展的价值取向,推进差异化教育和人性化管理,重视网络教育平台建设,发挥网络的正向社会化功能。  相似文献   

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