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The first full biography of Ursula Moray Williams has been published to mark the centenary of her birth. In this article, its author, Colin Davison, assesses her work in the context of her life, paying particular attention to the way that her extraordinary childhood influenced her writing. He also examines new evidence about where her ideas came from for some of her best-known works.  相似文献   

劳伦斯笔下的厄秀拉是一位现代恋爱与婚姻关系的探索者。她的思想随探索而演变。恋爱和婚姻是厄秀拉生活的中心。她的性爱观点表现了劳伦斯所说的人类感情现实,是劳伦斯性爱理论的诠释者。在恋爱婚姻方面,厄秀拉的斗争不是为争取支配权,而是为了寻求一位能引导她走向创造性生活的男人。她与两个男人有过恋爱和婚姻关系,与前者由于彼此个性和思想的差异而分手,与后者虽然彼此也有分歧和斗争,但经过磨合,最终实现了尊重彼此个性,实现了一种“行星式均衡”的婚姻关系。劳伦斯这一解决方案是否有效值得探讨。  相似文献   

文章阐述了《虹》中布郎温家族三代人的婚姻之爱。第一代人汤姆与丽蒂雅的婚姻是建立在感知层面的和谐之爱;第二代人威尔和安娜的婚姻是放弃精神的肉欲之爱;第三代人厄秀拉的爱则是挣脱旧关系的新探索——这一开拓是从内外两个角度展开的:对未知世界的不懈追寻是其强大动力;对自我世界的不断开掘是其必要前提。  相似文献   

《百年孤独》是加西亚·马尔克斯最具经典性的作品,乌苏拉则是这一作品的核心人物,在某种意义上她具有一种光束性的作用,照耀着小说的其他人物。从整体上,从文化内蕴的角度挖掘这一形象的深层意旨,指出这一形象具有母性神色彩,"她"既内有作为文明衍生根底的健全理智,又显示出始终悲悯关爱一切苦难生命的顽韧意志,实为《百年孤独》寄寓的一束强劲的济世光芒,而她极富悲剧性的孤独命运则展示着马贡多文明史亦即人类文明史的生存迷误。  相似文献   

Susan Sutherland Isaacs (1885–1948) was arguably the most influential child psychologist and educator of her British generation. Her work was studied by eminent contemporary academics, psychologists, philosophers and politicians. Her influence was international. She reached across the world to a generation of teacher educators who passed on her ideas to succeeding generations of primary teachers throughout the latter half of the twentieth century. She was a thoughtful and immensely erudite woman whose deep understanding of children’s thinking has been admired and discussed for nearly one hundred years. Her advice, under the pseudonym Ursula Wise, was much sought after by parents and nannies in the advice columns of the British magazine Nursery World. Susan Isaacs synthesised the work of earlier European and American educators into a particularly English package, suited to the practical bent of the English educator. Her work pre‐figures that of Piaget (whose early work she reviewed) and Vygotsky (whose work was translated from the Russian after her death). And always, at the heart of her work, lay the belief that deep observation was the key to understanding the complex and unique realities of individual children.  相似文献   

科幻小说《黑暗的左手》反映了作家厄休拉·勒古恩对人类社会及女性问题的思考,她用独特的叙述方法、象征及雌雄同体反映了小说中的女性主义,同时从小说中对黑暗与光明及韩达拉教的诠释反映出了道家无为的思想,她用独特的写作魅力将女性主义与道家思想相融合,诠释了一个和谐统一的异国世界。  相似文献   

《Support for Learning》2004,19(4):197-199
Social Skills Training for Adolescents with General Moderate Learning Difficulties Ursula Cornish Fiona Ross Education Support Pack for Schools – Mainstream: Primary and Secondary Sandy Alton, Jane Beadman, Bob Black, Stephanie Lorenz and Cecilie McKinnon Developing Inclusive Practice: The SENCO's Role in Managing Change Elizabeth Cowne Worship ASAP Susan Murrell  相似文献   

解读《恋女》中的女人们   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在《恋爱中的女人》中,劳伦斯塑造了三位个性鲜明的女性形象:古娟、赫米恩、厄秀拉。她们从不同角度反映了作者的价值取向:他赞美完整的人,而不是被产业主义、机械的爱情或僵死的现代知识扯得粉碎的人。  相似文献   

美国当代作家厄秀拉·勒·魁恩的在短篇小说<从奥米勒斯出走的人>中运用了叙述与叙述者干预结合、矛盾修辞、反讽等叙述技巧,使叙事不间断地向意识作深度渗透,对奥米勒斯人消费享乐的疯狂、自由意志丧失的痛苦、现代政治的悖谬等种种乱象进行全方位展示,彰显了美国人所遭遇的无可逃遁的现代困境.  相似文献   

性别政治是女性主义抨击的主要对象,劳伦斯的小说《恋爱中的女人》则体现了女性作为知识分子形象对家务活的摆脱和他者地位的改变。  相似文献   

《虹》是英国小说家D.H.劳伦斯的代表作品之一,女性成长主题是贯穿这部小说的一条主线。遵循成长小说的基本模式:成长过程中所经历的困惑与抗争——成长中的领路人——在大自然怀抱中的顿悟等几个方面来解读厄秀拉的成长历程。探讨女性为了在男性主宰的社会中寻求自我、寻求生存空间而面临的不同矛盾冲突及矛盾的解决方式,我们发现《虹》体现了三代人不同的婚恋观。  相似文献   

美国当代女作家厄秀拉·勒格温(ursulaLeGuin)的社会讽喻短篇《从奥米勒斯出走的人》通过发生在滨海之城“奥米勒斯”的三个事件的叙写,呈现了现代消费语境下奥米勒斯市民所历经的狂欢、悲惨、痛苦等不同情感体念。而作品的中心意象“替罪羊”和多数市民对它的不幸遭遇的态度,集中展现了现代美国人所处的“传统精神的持守”还是“消费享乐的追逐”的矛盾纠结状态,彰显了美国式的良知面临的现代困境。  相似文献   

劳伦斯是20世纪早期最受争议的和最具创造性的文学家之一.利用生态女性主义批评理论可揭示出劳伦斯在其代表作《虹》中所具有的生态女性主义意识。作品揭露了女性和自然的双重困境,同时也歌颂了女主人公的反抗精神,并提出理想的生活方式,即诗意地栖居。  相似文献   

Abstract The historical fiction novel straddles the factual and the fictive recreation of past motivations that animate historical events. Through reading a work of historical fiction, Ursula Hegi’s novel Stones from the River, Kent den Heyer and Alexandra Fidyk offer a theoretical consideration of the following questions and their classroom implications: What is the role of historical fiction in enabling the imaginative grappling with historical fact? Or, in what ways does historical fiction enable us to come to terms with the ethical imperatives of learning from the past? What role does agency play in historical imagination? These are questions of ethics. They are, therefore, also questions of education.  相似文献   

通过对劳伦斯作品女性人物 ,《儿子与情人》中的莫瑞尔夫人、米丽安·利弗斯、克拉拉·道斯 ,以及《虹》和《恋爱中的妇女》中厄秀拉·布莱温的分析 ,可发现劳伦斯通过对小说中女性人物的塑造 ,试图表现在现代社会中 ,由于违反自然与自然本性 ,人们受到假象的蒙蔽 ,生命力遭到削弱。人类要复兴 ,就应正视自身真正的本性 ,在人、自然及社会中建立一种平衡与和谐的物质与精神的关系  相似文献   

生态女性主义是第三次女权运动浪潮中的一个重要分支,是女性主义运动与生态主义运动相结合的产物,它认为人对自然的统治与男人对女人的统治之间存在密切的联系,并试图打破这种二元对立关系,实现人与自然、男性与女性之间的和谐共处.D.H.劳伦斯在小说《恋爱中的女人》中,通过对英国工业化小镇以及女主人公厄秀拉的刻画,批判了资本主义工业文明对自然的破坏以及男权社会对女性的压抑,表达了实现人与自然和男女两性关系和谐的美好愿望.  相似文献   

Critics and teachers tend to pay attention to genre and ignore mode as an area of consideration. This study examines three novels for young readers that are comparable in terms of their entwining opposing modes (irony and romance, comedy and tragedy) as a successful crossover strategy for appeal to readers young and old. I share implications for this phenomenon in terms of the novels themselves, crossover books, course design, and the notion of general audience appeal. Mike Cadden is an associate professor of English at Missouri Western State University where he teaches children’s and adolescent literature. He is the author of Ursula K. Le Guin Beyond Genre: Fiction for Children and Adults (Routledge, 2005).  相似文献   

伊莱娜·肖瓦尔特在《她们自己的文学》一书中把女性写作传统分为三个阶段,即"女性的"阶段,"女权"阶段和"女子"阶段。第一阶段是女作家模仿并内化主导的男性审美标准,该标准要求女作家人人都是淑女阶段;第二阶段是女性主义女作家抗议男性价值,提倡建立分离主义者乌托邦和争取独立和权力阶段;第三阶段是继承了前两个阶段特点,在"在自我发现"时期发展出特别的女子写作和女子经验阶段。虽然《虹》中三名女性人物莉迪亚、安娜和厄秀拉不是女作家,只是普通女性,但笔者认为,她们正好分别再现这三个阶段——女性阶段、女权阶段和女子阶段。  相似文献   


After exploring the interactions between moving image-based art practices and anthropology in recent decades, and the permeable membranes in ethnographic research, we will describe six tactics of video-ethnography used to create experimental narratives with a group of South Asian immigrant girls. Positioned in feminist critical poststructuralism, postcolonial theory and film theory, the research gives visibility to how the participants construct their identities when attending secondary school in Catalonia. Learning from artists like Ursula Biemann and Trinh T. Minh-ha, we have experimented with visual modes of producing cultural knowledge, with the aim of narrating migrant subjectivities and difference through moving images. Specifically, we focus on the production of stories through video-ethnographic research, based on the contributions of Michel de Certeau, who describes tactics as mobile, situated and fluid. In the end, this video-ethnographic research has experimented with reflexivity, ‘facing’, re-framing, in-betweenness, the interval, and spectatorship as tactics of narrating ‘otherness’  相似文献   

This paper sketches a “map” of certain patterns in current children’s fantasy. Beginning with literal maps of fantasy worlds, I point out the similarities of the physical layout of a number of invented worlds, suggesting that sameness of geography often indicates a lack of innovation in the ideological or philosophical ideas behind the stories. Where we find a departure from conventional fantasy geography we also find originality in plot and metaphysics, such as in the work of Ursula K. Le Guin, Philip Pullman and Diana Wynne Jones. A change in geography can also signal a new approach to gender roles, as I explore in works by Le Guin and Wynne Jones, over and against fantasies in which female heroes conform to traditionally male models. Finally, I suggest that in Wynne Jones’ and Terry Pratchett’s children’s novels the strict gender roles of fairy tale become an avenue by which the reader questions the conventional destinies of narrative both in literature and in life.  相似文献   

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