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A new, general type of planar linkages is presented, which extends the classical linkages developed by Kempe consisting of two single-looped kinematic chains of linkages, interconnected by revolute hinges. Together with a locking device, these new linkages have only one degree of freedom (DOF), which makes them ideal for serving as deployable structures for different purposes. Here, we start with a fresh matrix method of analysis for double-loop planar linkages, using 2D transformation matrices and a new symbolic notation. Further inspection for one case of Kempe's linkages is provided. Basing on the inspection, by means of some novel algebraic and geometric techniques, one particularly fascinating solution was found. Physical models were built to show that the derivation in this paper is valid and the new mechanisms are correct.  相似文献   

Anupam Saxena 《Resonance》2011,16(3):220-237
Inspired by James Watt’s approximate straight line generator, kinematicians of the 19th century challenged themselves to design a mechanical device that could convert rotary motion into a perfect straight line and vice versa. Few inventions emerged in 1864 due to Peaucellier and Lipkin and in 1875 due to Hart. Just a year later, in 1876, Alfred B Kempe presented a generalized method for linkages that could exactly trace any algebraic curve of degree n and not just a straight line. This work of Kempe is of classical importance. Yet, many are not aware of it perhaps because the resulting linkages are quite complex. This article discusses Kempe’s method that highlights the way he treated the rotations analytically using only parallelograms and contra-parallelograms to get the final rigidbody linkage tracing a given algebraic curve. An elaborate example with geometric construction using only a ruler and compass is presented to help the readers understand the assembly of Kempe’s linkages.  相似文献   

Tess is a pure girl in Hardy’s eyes, as it shows in the book’s subtitle. She is sinned in Victorian’s time, however, she is still pure in Kant’s eyes.Key words: Tesss purity; Kant  相似文献   

高维珺 《海外英语》2015,(2):107-108
Hamlet’s soliloquy shows the inner studying of the idealist hero to the most extent, the inner contradiction is derived to the summit in this soliloquy, and also these inner characteristics eventually cause the sad ending of the hero. It embodies the everlasting subject of human society—the conflicts between person and destiny, and the thinking of individual during puzzle Dom.  相似文献   

许维扬 《海外英语》2011,(5):238-242
The purpose of this essay is to study whether the linguistic behaviour of adult women using hedging and tags as indicative of an intrinsically tentative gender identity or of the effects of male dominant position through analyzing daily conversations of the heterosexual couples.The small scale study employs the methodology,namely,recording spontaneous and natural spoken conversation from authentic interaction with the permission of the ten male-female couples.Digital record pen with an omnidirectional microphone are placed in the central living area of each couple’s home.Then discourse analysis provides data making it possible to support Fishman’s claim that women use tag questions and ’you know’ not because women are not being really sure of themselves,or are looking to the addressee for confirmation,but because men in a dominant position often refuse to take responsibility for the smooth conduct of interpersonal relations,women use tag questions and ’you know’ to elicit and maintain conversations.  相似文献   

狄东睿 《海外英语》2012,(11):140-141
Polysystem Theory was developed in 1970s by Israeli scholar Itamar Even-Zohar,and was well known for its three circumstances.Children’ literature,as a special branch of literature,attracts more and more research nowadays.This paper explores the process of translation of Children’ s Literature in China under polysystem.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The valuation and hedging of the ever increasing number of exotic options, is a topic that interests many practitioners seeking to answer their customer’s need to hedge risk (in particular in the foreign ex- change markets). Exotic options, or “path-dependent” options, such as compound options, reset options and Barrier options and the like, are options whose payoff depends on the behavior of the price of the underlying between 0 and the maturity (assumed to be fixed), rath…  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warm-up1.Say hello.(面对陌生的学生,在课前教师就要用自己的笑容和肢体语言等调动学生积极性。)T:If you speak loudly,you can get some gifts.(教师在黑板贴上四个篮子的图片,把全班分成四组,宣布奖励机制,鼓励学生大胆发言,奖励的小礼物也是和本节课有关的食物贴画,勇于发言、说得好或者有所进步就可以给所在组贴上。)  相似文献   

The convergence criterion of Newton’s method to find the zeros of a map f from a Lie group to its corresponding Lie algebra is established under the assumption that f satisfies the classical Lipschitz condition, and that the radius of convergence ball is also obtained. Furthermore, the radii of the uniqueness balls of the zeros of f are estimated. Owren and Welfert (2000) stated that if the initial point is close sufficiently to a zero of f, then Newton’s method on Lie group converges to the zero; while this paper provides a Kantorovich’s criterion for the convergence of Newton’s method, not requiring the existence of a zero as a priori.  相似文献   

As seemingly persuasive as Chomsky’s theory is, it is significantly flawed in four aspects: 1. ignoring a much fundamental creative force in early infancy; 2. equation of first-language learning with second-language learning; 3. methodology; 4. employment of terms.  相似文献   

周叶函 《海外英语》2012,(14):200-201
In The Bluest Eye,the author narrates a little black girl’s strong desire to have blue eyes.At last,Pecola imagines possessing blue eyes at the cost of going insane.This paper mainly argues that it is the family’s influence,the internalized racism and the whites’powerful and dominant culture that leads to Pecola’s tragic fate.  相似文献   

陈俊 《海外英语》2012,(18):181-182,188
As one of Jonathan Swift masterpieces, Gulliver’s Travels chronicles Lemuel Gulliver’s four odd voyages in the form of a travel log. With sharp satire, Swift ridicules vices of England and the whole Europe in the early 18th century. The article ana lyzes the art and specific usage of satiric techniques in Gulliver’s Travels.  相似文献   

师琼婕 《海外英语》2013,(21):297-298
As an important diplomacy activity,Foreign Ministry spokesperson’s remarks represent national image and foreign pol icy of a country which is absolutely significant.This article would analyze the pragmatic strategies of Foreign Ministry spokesper son’s remarks from the perspective of journalist’s questioning types and spokesperson’s answering types in order to get a clear idea about how spokesperson tactfully employing pragmatic strategies to handle tough questions and safeguard national interests.  相似文献   

柳莉  文波 《海外英语》2012,(15):138-139,158
Eugene Nida was a linguist who developed the dynamic-equivalence translation theory.As a comparative literature and transla tion scholar from a younger generation,Edwin Gentzler examines the main points of Nida’s translation theory from a deconstructionist perspective and challenges Nida’s authority as a pioneer in the fields of translation theory.The paper analyzes Gentzler’s criticism against Nida’s work.  相似文献   

陆育红 《海外英语》2012,(13):181-182
In the short story Exodus,James Baldwin sought to create a highly personal literature less with racial conflict than with the complexity of human motivations,by briefly contrasting the two processes of exodus,Baldwin achieved this kind of creation,which is to get behind the Negro problem to find the kind of reality that he really concerned:the process of struggle to bettering one’ s lot.  相似文献   

汤璐 《海外英语》2015,(6):192-193
A Doll’s House and Macbeth obviously belong to different categories in content. However, the two heroines in these two plays, Nora Helmer and Lady Macbeth, demonstrate similar feminist qualities. By staging an overall contrastive analysis on the personality and tragic life of two protagonists from the perspective of feminism, it is founded that both of them are victims oppressed by the patriarchal system and they all have feminine consciousness against this system. Nevertheless, their distinctive complex personalities and different story settings make the reasons for their rebellion differ in many ways and they end up with different endings.  相似文献   

徐希 《海外英语》2012,(10):159-160,162
The Relevance Theory put forward by Sperber and Wilson not only gives rise to a new research on pragmatics, but also provides a new theoretic foundation for other disciplines. Gutt applies the theory to translation and gives a relevance-theoretic account of translation. The relevance-theoretic communicative model provides rational explanation for existence of the implicit information. The appropri ate treatment of the implicit information is consistent with readers’ cognitive environment and expectation. Human communication de pends on not only the text, but also the inferential context. The adequate contextual effect is derived from the correct judgment and infer ence of the implicit information in communication. Therefore, the translator should match the original author’ s intention with target text readers’ expectation to make sure that they yield adequate contextual effects with appropriate processing efforts. Implicitness is one of the features of Shakespeare’ s works. It is more demanding for the translators to catch and transfer to the target readers the implicit information. Zhu Shenghao and Liang Shiqiu, the two famous translators adopt different translation strategies to deal with the implicit information in the works.  相似文献   

PANG Jun-lai 《海外英语》2012,(8):185-186,214
Philosophy of Right as the text of Hegel’s thought of practical philosophy has been the most important academic dominance on Hegel.The differences of ethical spirit between Phenomenology of Spirit and Philosophy of Right were lack of attention.The former focuses on historical consciousness in formation of modern spirit.The latter which is construction practice is based on the former.This concern will enable us to maintain a clear understanding of the particularity behind universal ethical values in globalization era and multi-cultural dialogue.  相似文献   

谢丽 《华章》2009,(18)
For the Chinese versions of Hamlet, Liang Shiqiu’s and Zhu Shenghao’s translations can be called the classic. Because the two great translators have their own choices, their versions differ a lot. In the translating process, translator’s subjectivity plays an important role and it is one of the major reasons for emerging different translation. The thesis mainly talks about Liang Shiqiu’s and Zhu Shenghao’s different versions from the perspective of translator’s subjectivity by comparison.  相似文献   

语言现象是纷繁复杂的,在表达上,哪怕是一点儿细微的差别,实际含义都会大不相同。例如英语中就有许多较为固定的词组在形式上既可以带上又可以省去形容词性的物主代词(如:take place与take one’s place),它们在意义上却大相径庭,差别迥异。如果不弄清楚它们之间的区别,对我们理解和翻译都会带来困扰。笔者就平时常用的一些词组列举几例,同学们应在平时学习时多加注意。  相似文献   

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