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Research in US higher educational institutions over more than a decade has produced dimensions defining aspects of inputs, processes and outcomes which are important for organisational effectiveness (OE) (Cameron, 1978). Furthermore, these dimensions have been shown to vary systematically to define the domain of each type of institution (e.g., ivy league versus regional college).A significant step in the process of exploring various relationships impacting on effectiveness in Australian higher education would be to derive a classification along the lines of Cameron's work. This paper first reviews research in Australian higher education testing Cameron's dimensions and exploring aspects of organisational climate which appear to represent equally important dimensions of organisational effectiveness (Lysons and Ryder, 1988, 1989).This study then undertakes a combined analysis of Cameron and of Jones and James (1979) variables to identify a more comprehensive set of dimensions. Discriminant procedures successfully predict and further define the single taxonomy suggested by the previous work involving organisational climate only (Lysons, 1990). Finally, the implications of these findings with particular regard to very recent structural adjustments in the higher education system are discussed including reference to further OE research directions undertaken in this ongoing program.  相似文献   

Major developments in organisational theory have witnessed the emergence of several models of organisational effectiveness (OE) and change (Keeley 1978; Hannan & Freeman 1977; Miles & Cameron 1982). The integrative competing values framework suggests organisations adopt uniquely effective approaches reflecting their needs at different stages in their life cycle by addressing varying degrees of emphasis on systems resource, human relations, internal process, and rational goal orientations (Cameron & Whetten 1981; Quinn & Rohrbaugh 1983; Quinn & Cameron 1983). This coincided with, and complemented, the growing recognition of the importance of developing systematic means for organisational speciation (McKelvey 1975, 1982; Muchinsky & Morrow 1980) and using the resulting taxonomies emerging from these studies to underpin theory building and further research.The ongoing challenge of this era is, therefore, to continue to test and extend construct space and explore organisational typologies in line with these theoretical and empirical developments in order to provide practical utility for decision makers. Indeed, this was the impetus for large scale OE research programs involving higher educational institutions in both Australia and the U.K.This paper first briefly reviews highlights of the developments emerging from the Australian programs over a number of years. Framed in this context, the paper then summarises the study program in the U.K. aimed at further cross-cultural exploration of OE dimensions. Of particular interest was their usefulness in predicting and fleshing out a taxonomy of U.K. higher educational institutions, namely classical (red brick) universities, former polytechnics and colleges of advanced technology, and 60's greenfield universities.The results reinforced life cycle and resource dependency theory underpinning the competing values framework based explanations for inherent and systematic differences between these archetypes (Quinn & Rohrbaugh 1983; Lysons 1993). However, further research directions are also suggested.  相似文献   

Higher education around the world has been undergoing a period of rapid change. In order to cope with this complexity and turbulence, corporate management practices have been embraced. In many cases the experiment has been ill-conceived, laborious and even aborted. The reasons mooted for this range from 'scant relevant literature on universities' to 'their applicability to the public sector is largely untested' (Hughes & Sohler 1992). The thesis of this paper is that organisational effectiveness (OE) research has made considerable progress in empirically deriving a systematic framework of theoretical and practical utility. This research field is briefly summarised and an Australian higher education taxonomy grounded in the competing values framework is illustrated (Lysons 1990b, 1993). The emerging inter-organisational comparisons and profiles are discussed in relation to their importance as a diagnostic tool for strategic planning, organisational renewal and development.  相似文献   

科学研究工作是高等学校的主要职能和任务之一,科研国际化是高校国际化的重要组成部分,也是体现高校学术地位的主要标志.学术评价又是提高高校学术质量的重要保证,探讨国外高校学术评价对健全与完善我国高校学术评价机制具有十分重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

Science educators have suggested that, for minority and low-income students, gaps between home and school science cultures necessitate ‘border crossing’ for successful learning in science. Our analysis used National Assessment of Educational Progress 2000 and 2005 data to assess the impact of U.S. state-level policy regarding instructional models for language acquisition for the learning of science. Specifically, we assessed whether policy favouring structured English immersion led to better student outcomes than bilingual education among Hispanic English language learners in 4th and 8th grades in the U.S. We found significantly higher science achievement among 4th grade Hispanic ELLs in states with stronger bilingual emphasis in their policy, suggesting that policy support for bilingual education could provide a better bridge to span the cultural gap between home and school science, at least for younger students.  相似文献   

90年代以来英国高等教育研究的动向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代以来,英国高等教育研究蓬勃发展,研究阵地迅速拓展,研究成果丰硕,出版了一批值得重视的成果;英国高等教育研究者采用多样化的研究方法、重点关注8类问题,反映了英国高等教育研究的动向,可供我国高等教育研究者参考。  相似文献   

This study explores systematic relationships between management attitudes about recent transitions in the funding and structure of higher education in Australia (Meek and Goedegebuure, 1989) and the domains of the taxonomy emerging from ongoing organisational effectiveness research based on these institutions (Lysons, 1990b). The results reinforce the integrity of the previously established 4 group framework and flesh-out more fine-grained issues which may militate against the smooth transition of amalgamated institutions to university status, on the one hand, and the enhancement of diversity on the other.  相似文献   

本文通过分析20世纪90年代以来英国研究生教育在规模与结构上的变化,反映出英国研究生教育与职业市场紧密结合的趋势,揭示了高等教育二元制结束的结构性调整、男女平等思想、终身学习需求对研究生教育的影响以及英国在高等教育国际化方面所采取的战略措施.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来高等教育学费政策在许多国家发生了很大变化,这些变化对高等教育的发展产生了重要影响.以英国、澳大利亚、爱尔兰和美国等国为例,英国学费政策实施时间虽短但处于不断调整之中;澳大利亚毕业后付费政策在世界上独树一帜;爱尔兰反其道而行之,取消学费效果最终如何?美国引领世界高等教育潮流,学费不断上涨结果如何?是什么因素影响学费政策的变化?这些国家学费政策变化最终会产生什么影响?  相似文献   

根据不同的主题领域高等教育研究可被划分为:定量—结构方面,与知识、学科相关的方面,与人相关或与教学相关的方面,以及组织与行政方面等。因此,高等教育研究是涉及教育学、心理学、社会学、政治学、经济学和商学、法律和历史等的跨学科研究。与美国和中国相比,欧洲的高等教育研究较少建立在教育院系基础之上,而是依靠大学里的跨学科研究机构把提高学术质量和相关的政策与实践连接起来。近几年,公众对高等教育研究系统知识的兴趣开始增长,但是从中获利较多的却是那些评估研究、所谓的专家报告以及指标研究等非学术性的高等教育研究。总之,高等教育研究的制度基础在不同的欧洲国家呈现出前所未有的多样化。  相似文献   

20世纪末,在美国国内国际事务日益复杂的大背景下,智库蓬勃发展并且在美国外交决策中担任重要角色。这些智库在具有传统智库特征的同时,也有着自身明显的特色,按职能标准将美国智库分为学术智库、游说智库和合同智库三种。由于美国政府决策的各阶段、各层次决策主体特点的不同,智库有针对性地采取诸如组建专业总统竞选团队、"旋转门"效应、利用大众传媒引导和教育公众、利用人脉和专有渠道举行学术会议、发布会以及午餐会、出版刊物、发布报告提供外交思想和政策建议等方式施加影响。智库对美国外交决策施加多种影响是由美国政治制度、政治传统及智库本身特点决定的。美国智库近年来出现了在数量上不断增加、研究议题多样化、工作网络日益国际化及与政府政策联系日益紧密的趋势,这些趋势使得智库研究外交政策的范围更加广泛。可以预见,美国智库在外交决策研究中的重要性和影响力将在今后进一步增强。  相似文献   

This article focuses on responses of higher education institutions to governmental policy. We investigate the influence of organisational characteristics on the implementation of quality management in Hungarian higher education institutions. Our theoretical framework is based on organisational theories (resource dependency and neo-institutionalism), Allison’s models on organisational decision-making processes, and also addresses some of the more specific characteristics of higher education institutions. Our empirical investigation shows that organisational characteristics matter in policy implementation of quality management in Hungarian higher education. Certain organisational variables, viz. leaders’ commitment to the implementation process, the involvement of external consultants, institutional reputation, and bureaucratic and political decision-making processes have strong effects on the implementation of quality management. Characteristics particular to higher education institutions were much less influential.
Don F. Westerheijden (Corresponding author)Email:

比较分析发现,美国、英国、澳大利亚等发达国家职业教育兼职教师在职教师资中普遍占有较大比例,年龄普遍偏大,学历较高,自由职业者居多,大部分都具有教师资格证,待遇较高,注重对其培训与考核,并建立了相关的管理制度.这些都对我国职教师资队伍建设具有一定借鉴意义.  相似文献   

美国高等教育后大众化与大众化几乎是同步推进的,政府政策导向在其中起到了关键作用。这一特点对于我们重新审视我国高等教育大众化政策,并从美国高等教育后大众化过程中吸取经验,推进我国高等教育向后大众化方向转变具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   


Interest in ‘performance budgeting’ is growing despite a lack of research on its effectiveness. U.S. states have largely used ‘incremental’ and ‘formula’ budgeting processes to fund higher education. However, more than half of them are experimenting with some form of ‘performance budgeting’. There have been similar attempts to reform budget practices in the U.S. in the past, but most of these processes have been largely abandoned. Governmental ‘performance budgeting’ for higher education assumes policy objectives are stable, complex decisions on budget trade‐offs can be made at governmental levels on the basis of data, institutions operate as bureaucracies, resources can be linked to outcomes, outcomes are identifiable and can be agreed upon, accountability can be achieved through budget policies, and current practices create incentives to enrol unqualified students. These assumptions are not realistic. Consequently, ‘performance budgeting’ will not meet proponents expectations and will suffer the fate of past budget fads.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the second phase of a multi‐country study examining cross cultural perspectives of gender and management in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). It examines the broader labour market context and legislative frameworks for higher education in each country and then analyses the literature on women in university management. The paper presents the findings of research with male and female senior managers about their perceptions of women as HEI managers within changing organisational and management structures. It concludes that although HEI’s are now largely aware of barriers to women getting into and on in senior management, they have not addressed the organisational structures and cultures that perpetuate this inequity.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代初期,联结整合社区服务与学术课程的服务学习在美国高校崭露头角.经过近20年的改革与发展,服务学习已经成为美国当代高等教育的一大特色.作为一项高等教育活动,服务学习在实践中对美国的社会生活、文化理念产生的重要意义耐人寻味,主要体现在以下三个方面:1)对美国个人主义文化的超越;2)对美国多元文化融合的推动;...  相似文献   


This paper reports on the second phase of a multi-country study examining cross cultural perspectives of gender and management in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). It examines the broader labour market context and legislative frameworks for higher education in each country and then analyses the literature on women in university management. The paper presents the findings of research with male and female senior managers about their perceptions of women as HEI managers within changing organisational and management structures. It concludes that although HEI’s are now largely aware of barriers to women getting into and on in senior management, they have not addressed the organisational structures and cultures that perpetuate this inequity.


This paper examines the relationship between contemporary racial inequality of schooling and the black–white wage gap in the U.S. In particular I ask: what policies would be effective at reducing the black–white wage gap in the U.S.? In order to address this question, I develop a model of human capital accumulation in which agents differ by race. I calibrate the model to reflect the U.S. system of education financing since the mid-1950s, and find that more than half of the black–white wage gap in the U.S. in the early 1990s can be accounted for by differential human capital accumulation by race. This indicates an increased role for policy in addressing racial inequality in the U.S. The results of the policy experiments conducted in this paper indicate that a conditional cash transfer program and a policy of decreased reliance on local property tax revenue would be effective in reducing the black–white skill and wage gaps.  相似文献   

Academic policy initiatives have long been apowerful lever for mission differentiationwithin U.S. public higher education. Althoughthe higher education literature has examinedbasic issues in the design of public systems,the tension between access and differentiationhas not been explored. Drawing uponcomparative case studies of public highereducation in Massachusetts and New York, thisarticle examines recent policy initiatives toterminate academic programs, eliminate remedialeducation, and promote honors colleges withineach state system. The analysis depicts howthese policies contribute to increasedstratification of programs and students withina state system as well as within particularcampuses in a system. The authors argue thatpolicy analysis in higher education shoulddevelop a more refined conceptualization ofaccess that examines the cumulative impact ofcontemporary policies on the stratification ofstudent opportunity.  相似文献   

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