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不断变革的教育教学改革对教师的专业发展提出了新的要求,教师的专业发展由经验式、参与式的学习向扩展式、探究式的跨界学习转变。跨界学习作为教师专业发展的途径,在实践上主要包括三个环节:聚焦问题,多元解读;对话互动,重塑知识;反思实践,成果创新。有效的教师跨界学习需教师树立跨界学习理念,形成学习共同体提供组织保障,并为教师提供平台支持。  相似文献   

在全球范围,中式课例研究作为一种有着自身文化渊源和实践传统的模式逐步受到关注。中国教师如何认识课例研究,在学校组织中哪些因素影响其在课例研究中的学习结果是本研究探索的问题。研究基于“教师课例研究的实践和认识调查”数据,从教师个人、群体、学校三个层面考察课例研究中教师认识、群体构成、支持保障对教师学习结果的影响,以及群体合作的中介作用。结果显示:教师认识、群体构成、支持保障均正向影响教师学习结果;其中,教师对课例研究的“问题解决”倾向认识比“学科教学”倾向认识对教师学习结果的影响更大;群体构成需通过群体合作的中介作用对教师学习结果产生正向影响。基于研究结果,建议教师应提高对课例研究的“问题解决”认识,探索课例研究中的深度群体合作,学校应从系统性联结的角度优化教师课例研究的学习环境。  相似文献   

STEM课程是当下国内外课程改革的重要趋势,也是推动教师跨界学习的重要力量。对于教师跨界学习来说,学科整合是重要取向。从实践层面来看,教师的跨界学习主要有三种模式:专家引领、同伴互助和自主探究。其建立基于开放、适宜和合作三种原则。为更好地促进教师跨界学习,平台建构、资源供给和政策助力是不可或缺的辅助机制。  相似文献   

“跨界”,英译crossover,在英文中原意是“转型、转向”的意思,但在诸多领域被翻译作“跨界”,引申含义是“跨界合作”,意思是跨越两个不同领域、不同行业、不同文化、不同意识形态等范畴而产生的一个新行业、新领域、新模式、新风格等。跨界博采众长,凝聚成自身独特优势,其意义在于改变标准,在于创新,让人类进步的脚步不止。“跨界学习”就是跨越边界的学习。“跨界学习”要求人们跨越自己日常工作的边界,向外界学习并寻求多元素交叉的学习方式。“跨界学习”也是一种学习思路,根据学习主题,整合学习资源,采用多种学习方式,最终达到学习效果。文章尝试探讨以“跨界学习”的思维和实践推动中学历史教师专业成长的有效做法,使教师们走出已有的教学经验和专业发展的瓶颈,持续不断地精进和创新,在自己的专业领域找到属于自己的那一份独特的价值。  相似文献   

教师共同体中的教师学习是经验式、参与式和身份获得的学习。边界明晰、成员同质的教师共同体可能压抑教师个体性,限制学习机会,侧重共同体的再生产和知识的代际传递,不利于教育创新。作为边界地带的大学与学校伙伴关系代表着教师学习情境的扩展,其特点在于开放的边界、包容性强,多元话语和实践均能获得对话的空间。伙伴关系中教师学习方式是扩展式、横向式的跨界学习过程,侧重于问题解决和探究,体现在新知识的试验、探索和创造上,代表着教师教学活动系统的整体提升。边界物件的开发和运用与作为跨界者的学校教师,是帮助教师实现跨界学习的中介机制。如何将伙伴关系中的跨界学习与共同体学习两者相融合是教师学习未来重要的研究方向。  相似文献   

课例研究作为促进教师专业发展、加强学生课堂学习效果的有效途径,近年来在教育界引起了普遍关注,成为许多国家和地区教师有系统、有组织的合作教研活动.从课例研究中对于课堂实践进行设计—实施—反思的实质出发,探讨其在提高高校英语口译教学水平中的应用.课例研究是一个促使教师系统地对教学实践进行总结和反思的过程,通过课例研究,口译教师能够对教学方法、教学内容、课程设置、学生的学习和理解过程等关键教学环节进行更深入、更科学的分析,不断丰富自己的专业知识和教学实践能力.  相似文献   

国内外基础教育改革和发展的现状与趋势,促使广大中小学教师要适度开展跨界学习。作为一种新型学习方式,教师的跨界学习应如何实施?本文以浙江省宁波中学第五期中青年骨干教师研修班的跨界学习为例,站在实施流程的视角,从理论与实践两个维度,详细阐述了中小学教师开展跨界学习的一般路径和操作方法,即设计方案(确立主题、制定目标、设计活动)——组织实施(组建跨界学习团队、丰富跨界学习资源、开展跨界学习活动)——成果转化(成果梳理、转化应用)——评估反思(效果评估、反思改进)。  相似文献   

课例研究是一种促进教师专业成长的,具有情境性、实践性的研究。英国作为效法日本课例研究的西欧发达国家之一,在短短几年内效果显著。本文通过追踪英国课例研究的发展脉络,阐述课例研究对英国教师、学生和学校产生的促进作用。从比较的视角,阐述英国课例研究"周期短""让学生共同参与整个课例研究过程"并且"与其他教师一同分享"的特点,归纳出英国课例研究的独有实践模式。英国课例研究对我国目前促进教师专业成长的培养路径能起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

化学教师学科教学知识是化学学科知识与教学知识在教学实践情境中的整合、内化与升华。化学教师学科教学知识的合理内核包括:对化学主题的认知、对学生学习风格与准备的认知、对教学策略的选择以及教学评价的认知等。以常态课"晶体的常识"为例分析新手化学教师学科教学知识的特质及存在的缺漏。通过搭建支架式"行动教育"平台、从"学习化学教学"到"研究化学教学"的转变、校本教研等教师培训模式的改革,可以促使教师学科教学知识从"教育教学理论性知识"到"实践性知识"再到"理论性实践"的升华,进而促进化学教师的专业化发展。  相似文献   

黄东昱 《教育与职业》2007,(15):116-117
"课例研究"是近年来美国、日本在职教师的有效的实践模式,是提升教师教学专业水平的重要方式.文章基于"课例研究"的一般理解,结合具体研究的事例介绍了"课例研究"的实施,指出"课例研究"是我国中小学教师在教学实践中自主学习的重要方式和课堂教学质量提高的有效途径.  相似文献   

This paper explores how a learning theory enriched a collaborative teacher inquiry discourse where lesson study was adopted as the educational action research model to promote teacher professional development. Four Grade 9–10 biology teachers in Singapore drew from variation theory to collaboratively plan and teach new genetics content as part of teacher research. As a researcher-facilitator, I have drawn from the teachers’ experiences of infusing variation theory into their teaching practice, of developing their own theories of teaching and learning, and of developing student-focused pedagogies to highlight the roles variation theory played. These included providing concrete examples of patterns of variations teachers could use, increasing the teachers’ attention and sensitivity to students, and developing the teachers’ theoretical lens in their approach to teaching. Reflecting on the teachers’ experiences, I made an appeal for teachers’ development of theoretical lenses in teacher inquiry, and bridging of theory and research to teaching practice.  相似文献   

This article describes a model for incorporating lesson study into the student teaching placement and reports on the success of the implementation of such a model with student teachers and their cooperating teachers (CTs). Student teachers had the opportunity to discuss many important ideas with each other and their CTs, including “big ideas” of mathematics, and the anticipation of student questions and possible responses. Student teachers also had a built‐in opportunity for peer observation on a regular basis and the opportunity to collaborate with their peers. Certain important aspects of lesson study were not present in this implementation: the teachers involved did not discuss the gaps in their own knowledge with the goal of improving their own mathematical understanding, they did not refer outside sources for ideas for the lessons, and they did not have an overarching affective goal for students. Suggestions are made for teacher preparation in light of these findings.  相似文献   

研课作为促进教师专业发展的一种活动,其根本目的在于教师观念的改造,或实践性教学知识的生成。与评课所主张的标准不同,研课不存在固定标准,或者说,研课的标准是生成性的或框架性的。研课应事先确定主题并做好观课活动;要选择好研究的视角和着眼点;研课强调多主体参与和互动,强调自下而上就课论课。  相似文献   

Aina K. Appova 《PRIMUS》2018,28(5):409-424
This paper discusses the ways in which teacher educators can effectively engage prospective teachers (PTs) in lesson study during mathematics methods courses. Evidence from this work suggests that engagement in lesson study provides PTs with opportunities to strengthen their knowledge about mathematics, students, and pedagogy. More specifically, the results demonstrated that lesson study helped PTs to engage in deep and thoughtful discussions about mathematics, reflect on their teaching, and make effective changes to their lessons that showed noticeable improvements in student learning. Recommendations from this work provide specific methods-course suggestions on the implementation of lesson study as a model for PTs' professional and practitioner development, including strategies and guiding questions that teacher educators can utilize to help deepen PTs' knowledge about mathematics, teaching, and student learning.  相似文献   

Teaching standards are regularly described as a mechanism for improving the status of the teaching profession and as a means to develop high-quality teachers. Less attention has been paid to the difficulties of fostering professional learning when externally produced standards are imposed on teachers. This paper outlines how lesson study can inform the use of teaching standards to shift the focus to centre on learning rather than teaching to richly inform national and international views on the use of teaching standards. More specifically, it explores how lesson study was a powerful process that developed a lived understanding of teaching standards and fostered two significant discursive shifts in teacher understanding of standards: from individual to collegial activity; and secondly from statements of teaching to centring the focus on processes of learning.  相似文献   

Teacher learning is essential to the teaching profession, because it has been strongly linked to improved teaching practices and teacher quality. The source for teacher learning is initial teacher education, a crucial phase in the learning-to-teach continuum. To gain insight into this influential period for student teachers’ long-term professional lives, this exploratory study investigates student teachers’ participation in learning activities and explores whether it is connected to their own effective teaching behaviours in a school-based teacher education setting for secondary education in the Netherlands. The results indicate that student teachers vary in their self-reported learning and that this learning relates positively to observations of their effective teaching behaviour. These findings have several implications for teacher education programmes that aim to enhance the likelihood that their student teachers will become career-long learning professionals.  相似文献   

Background: Future teachers need to observe, interpret and analyse teaching during the initial teacher education period. The use of videoed teaching and learning in teacher education promotes reflection, and analysing videos of teaching is helpful in learning effective classroom practices that prospective teachers mostly do not have the chance to observe during fieldwork experiences. The analysis of videos of teaching can be seen as a way to enhance the development of prospective teachers’ professional vision, which, in turn, improves instruction. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine prospective teachers’ reflections on video examples depicting their own teaching experiences. It aimed to create a professional development environment to facilitate the prospective teachers’ reflection on their own videos and those of their peers to improve their professional vision. Sample: This study was conducted with over 200 (in 31 groups) third-year prospective mathematics teachers in a university in Western Turkey. The student teachers, receiving training to teach first- to fourth-grade elementary school pupils, were taking a teaching methods course. Design and methods: In the first week of the semester, the student teachers, working in groups, were assigned mathematics topics to teach the elementary school pupils. During the semester, each group prepared by trying out their activities in front of other student teachers in other groups. At the end of the semester, one student teacher from each group presented a short lesson related to their mathematical topic to the elementary school pupils. This lesson was videotaped, then later it was watched and discussed by the student teachers. Of the student teachers who undertook the teaching in the videos, 22 volunteers agreed to be interviewed. All groups of student teachers provided written reflections on their experience. Selected videos of the class discussions about the videos of teaching were also used for triangulation. The data were analysed to identify the issues the prospective teachers reflected upon. A content analysis technique was employed. Results: The data indicated that the prospective teachers were able to reflect on several issues related to effective teaching, connect their theoretical knowledge to their practice and consider issues related to pupil learning and difficulties. Conclusion: The findings suggested that the use of video, together with discussions between the student teachers, had the potential to create promising learning opportunities for prospective teachers.  相似文献   

Although research reveals that pre-service student teachers often regard their relationships with their significant others as an important element of their initial teaching practice experience, much remains unknown about the influence of significant others on non-native English as a Second Language (ESL) student teachers’ professional learning process during field experiences. This paper presents the findings of a qualitative study of the professional learning experiences of 17 pre-service non-native ESL student teachers during an eight-week-long practicum. Grounded in a sociocultural view of teacher learning, the study explores how the ESL student teachers developed their understanding of professional learning in the light of their experiences of engaging with their supporting teachers, supervisors, other school staff members as well as peer student teachers during the practicum. Analysis of the data reveals that these people assumed the role of coach either directly or indirectly, having a positive influence on the student teachers’ role as a teacher. Analysis of the data also reveals negative interactions between student teachers and their significant others, which sociocultural theories have so far not taken sufficiently into account. While, findings of this study challenge past assumptions about where knowledge for teaching comes from and how it can be learned; this study also suggests an urgent need to consolidate university–school partnership to foster student teachers’ adaptation to the context of teaching practice and maximise their professional learning opportunities.  相似文献   

This article reports a mixed methods study on the contribution of various aspects of pre-service student teachers’ learning in initial teacher education (ITE) to their professional competence in a Five-year Bachelor of Education Programme in Hong Kong. Special attention is given to how student teachers’ non-formal learning in higher education contributes to their professional competence, an under-researched area in teacher education. A total of 282 student teachers participated in the quantitative survey, 18 of whom were interviewed. Although  Undergraduate Learning Experience: Formal Learning and Non-formal Learning was not the most highly rated factor, multiple regression indicated that it was the only ITE professional learning factor that significantly predicted all dimensions of professional competence. This supports the hypothesis that non-formal learning as a part of learning in higher education makes a significant contribution to student teachers’ professional competence. The qualitative findings showed that non-formal learning provided opportunities for service learning, co-curricular activities, and student exchange programmes with different objects of engagement. Student teachers constructed pedagogical content knowledge, general pedagogical knowledge, and knowledge of context through hands-on experiences, professional dialogue with practitioners, and observations of others’ practice. Such knowledge contributed to their competence in classroom teaching and to work in schools. Implications for ITE are discussed.  相似文献   


Lesson study is a form of professional development where a group of teachers identifies a problem of practice on which they would like to make progress in their teaching. Over an extended period of time, the teachers study the topic and plan a lesson together. One member then teaches the lesson while the others observe; the group reflects afterwards on student learning. The cycle repeats, building teachers’ professional knowledge and their shared views of pedagogy over time. In this article, we argue that lesson study is a collaborative form of practitioner research and we show how this is so by sharing an example of a lesson study cycle conducted in a synagogue school.  相似文献   

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