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为适应现代教育理念,培养学生的课堂主体意识,本文将PBL教学模式引入《医学遗传学》教学中,并以调查问卷的形式收集了学生对PBL教学的反馈意见。PBL教学模式能提高学生学习的主动性,培养学生的创新能力,与传统教学相结合的综合教学将是未来《医学遗传学》教学改革的趋势。  相似文献   

《New scientist (1971)》1996,149(2013):11

文章突出以代表人物、时代背景、思想体系三条主线进行遗传学教学,探索了遗传学教学的新思路、新方法.  相似文献   

Twenty-first-century biology rejects genetic determinism, yet an exaggerated view of the power of genes in the making of bodies and minds remains a problem. What accounts for such tenacity? This article reports an exploratory study suggesting that the common reliance on Mendelian examples and concepts at the start of teaching in basic genetics is an eliminable source of support for determinism. Undergraduate students who attended a standard ‘Mendelian approach’ university course in introductory genetics on average showed no change in their determinist views about genes. By contrast, students who attended an alternative course which, inspired by the work of a critic of early Mendelism, W. F. R. Weldon (1860–1906), replaced an emphasis on Mendel’s peas with an emphasis on developmental contexts and their role in bringing about phenotypic variability, were less determinist about genes by the end of teaching. Improvements in both the new Weldonian curriculum and the study design are in view for the future.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the teaching of advanced high school courses or undergraduate courses for non-biology majors about genetics or history of genetics. It will probably be difficult to take the approach described here in a high school science course, although the general approach could help improve such courses. It would be ideal for a college course in history of genetics or a course designed to teach non-science majors how science works or the rudiments of the genetics in a way that will help them as citizens. The approach aims to teach the processes of discovery, correction, and validation by utilizing illustrative episodes from the history of genetics. The episodes are treated in way that should foster understanding of basic questions about genes, the sorts of techniques used to answer questions about the constitution and structure of genes, how they function, and what they determine, and some of the major biological disagreements that arose in dealing with these questions. The material covered here could be connected to social and political issues raised by genetics, but these connections are not surveyed here. As it is, to cover this much territory, the article is limited to four major episodes from Mendel’s paper to the beginning of World War II. A sequel will deal with the molecularization of genetics and with molecular gene concepts through the Human Genome Project.  相似文献   

Understanding how situational features of assessment tasks impact reasoning is important for many educational pursuits, notably the selection of curricular examples to illustrate phenomena, the design of formative and summative assessment items, and determination of whether instruction has fostered the development of abstract schemas divorced from particular instances. The goal of our study was to employ an experimental research design to quantify the degree to which situational features impact inferences about participants’ understanding of Mendelian genetics. Two participant samples from different educational levels and cultural backgrounds (high school, n = 480; university, n = 444; Germany and USA) were used to test for context effects. A multi-matrix test design was employed, and item packets differing in situational features (e.g., plant, animal, human, fictitious) were randomly distributed to participants in the two samples. Rasch analyses of participant scores from both samples produced good item fit, person reliability, and item reliability and indicated that the university sample displayed stronger performance on the items compared to the high school sample. We found, surprisingly, that in both samples, no significant differences in performance occurred among the animal, plant, and human item contexts, or between the fictitious and “real” item contexts. In the university sample, we were also able to test for differences in performance between genders, among ethnic groups, and by prior biology coursework. None of these factors had a meaningful impact upon performance or context effects. Thus some, but not all, types of genetics problem solving or item formats are impacted by situational features.  相似文献   

根据遗传学课程的特点,探讨了以基本概念、规律、理论的关联构建学科知识体系,加强实验,理论联系实际,重视对综合题演练以及利用Internet进行学习。勤于思考,灵活运用,养成综合分析问题和解决问题的能力。  相似文献   

Modern genetics so far has had its major impact on medicine by defining diseases caused by visible chromosomal defects and by finding mutant genes that interfere with the specific function of a single gene and thereby cause“Mendelian”or“single gene”diseases(over1500detected).Most of such diseases are rare and can often be initially identified by char-acteristic patterns of transmission(dominant,reces-sive,X-linked).Many common chronic diseases with adult onset show familial aggregation tha…  相似文献   

遗传学是生物学领域的专业基础课程之一,也是生物学领域诸多学科建设的基础和主要理论支撑,如何深入开展教学研究,对于促进学科发展和学生发展均具有重要的意义.认知主义学习理论在教学中具有重要的实践指导意义,文章以遗传学教学为例,分别从学生认知结构、遗传学的学科结构、认知情境创设等角度,探讨如何以认知主义学习理论为指导,促进学生遗传学认知结构的形成和发展,提高教学效果,培养专业型人才.  相似文献   

针对遗传学课程的特点、重点难点及传统教学中存在的问题,依托学校的网络教学平台,在信息化环境下开展混合式教学,对教学实践的措施及取得的效果进行了总结。  相似文献   

一定的社会基础决定着其所适用的政治秩序整合模式,整合模式变迁的合理性在于对由其社会基础所决定的潜在收益空间的释放,民主制作为一种高级整合模式,只适用于异质体社会。虽然民主与法治,更准确地说是民主基础上的法治,在思想形态上已经成为一种全球共识,也正是在这种西方现代明价值观的全球性扩张下,发展中国家面临着巨大的现代化压力。使这种思想共识演化为制度共识,对于发展中国家而言,重要的不是如何模仿发达国家的整合模式,而是如何促进本国社会的异质化进程,并在此基础上为制度共识的发生及稳定创造充分与必要的条件。  相似文献   

遗传算法是一类全局优化的仿生类算法,它通过模拟生物进化过程中的复制、交叉和变异来完成优化搜索.在遗传算法的基本思想下,给出了一个简单遗传算法(SGA)及相关应用示例.  相似文献   

在遗传学实验教学中,亲子鉴定实验是对遗传学基本定律的实际应用。该实验利用微卫星分子标记分析了海产贝类缢蛏家系的亲本和子代的基因型,确定了样本间的亲缘关系,深入理解了孟德尔定律的内涵。该实验是一个综合性实验,不仅锻炼了学生分子生物学技术的实际操作能力,更加培养了学生的科研思维和创新能力,是科研成果转化为教学实验的成功案例。  相似文献   

张敬亮 《中学生物学》2009,25(10):48-49
近几年在平时的考试及高考中,会见到不少“致死现象”的遗传习题,如何能快速、准确地解答出来,对考生来说至关重要。  相似文献   

本文从高等农业院校园林专业的培养目标和专业特点入手,对遗传学课程的理论教学、教学方法手段及实践教学等三个方面的改革进行探讨,初步摸索出一套利于激发学生学习热情和提高学生实践能力的遗传学教学模式,旨在为同类专业遗传学课程的教学提供参考。  相似文献   

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