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特许学校是美国公立学校重建运动中的一种新形式,它运用市场化、民营化机制对公共教育系统进行体制性重建,1992年以来获得了长足的发展.特许学校在办学经费、规模、分类和立法等方面有其自身特点,尤其在运营机制方面体现出它的独特性.  相似文献   

改革美国公立学校的新尝试--爱迪生学校的新发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对目前美国最大的教育私营管理公司爱迪生学校公司所经营的学校——爱迪生学校进行了初步研究,简要回顾了爱迪生学校的发展历程,介绍了其基本理念和经营概况,分析了爱迪生学校计划在实施过程中出现的问题,指出目前对爱迪生学校的发展前景下判断为时还尚早,应保持对其的密切关注。  相似文献   

The school desegregation narrative often references historically white public schools as sites of massive resistance and historically white private schools as segregationist academies. Yet some historically white elite private schools or independent schools, such as The Westminster Schools (plural in name only), established in 1951 in Atlanta, Georgia, chose to desegregate. Such elite institutions, which have served as one catalyst for the creation and maintenance of social and cultural capital, became more accessible after Brown v. Board of Education through a combination of private and public decisions galvanized by larger social, political, and federal forces. Westminster's 1965 decision to consider all applicants regardless of race was emblematic of the pragmatic desegregation politics of Atlanta's city leaders during the civil rights movement and a national independent school agenda focused on recruiting black students. Drawing on institutional, local, regional, and national archival records and publications, this article examines the import of schools like Westminster to civic and business leaders, to the politics of race and desegregation occurring in large cities, and to the range of educational opportunities available in metropolitan areas. This examination yields an analysis of the leadership and politics of a southern historically white elite private school that black students desegregated in 1967.  相似文献   

学校变革成本分析——以政府主导型变革为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校变革成本是学校在进行变革时所支付的与变革相关资源的价值总和.不同的变革方式涉及的成本类型是不同的.政府主导型学校变革是目前我国中小学变革的一种主导方式,具有"强制性"和"渐进性"特征.随着我国市场经济的日趋成熟及各种体制改革的深入,具有"渐进性"特征的"强制性与诱致性"结合的过渡型学校变革方式以及具有"渐进性、诱致性"特征的学校自主变革将成为学校变革的最佳选择.  相似文献   

特许学校:美国公立学校制度变革的新途径   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文分析了美国特许学校的产生、发展与特点,并从制度变革的视角阐释了特许学校对美国公立学校制度的深刻影响.本文认为特许学校的出现并不会导致公立学校的公共性失范,但它促使美国公立学校制度从传统的"公立学校国家垄断制度"开始向"公立学校国家与社会共建制度"转变.  相似文献   

在学校组织市场化生存后,名校集团化已经不仅仅是一种地方办学体制改革的现象了,它具有了基础教育体制改革方向标的象征性意义。集团化是杭州名校在双重体制制约背景下,为了获得最佳的发展而做出的一种适合市场化生存的改革途径选择。在集团化的过程中,既有学校组织自身改革的努力,也有行政的推动,更为重要的则是市场经济运作模式的拉力;同时这种从商业社会借鉴而来的运作模式仍然存在着诸多不确定性的因素,需要各方慎重考虑。  相似文献   

At the end of world war II, Anglo-Jewry was presented with a unique opportunity to recast its educational system, and make a virtually fresh start unencumbered by the past. This basic fact must be considered in surveying Jewish education in Great Britain today, both in the sphere of day school development and in the organisation of supplementary parttime classes in Hebrew and Religion.  相似文献   


Building upon the assumption that cohesion between different levels of the school is essential to the schools’ effectiveness, the hypothesis is tested that a close kinship between school and parental community causes a positive effect on student outcomes in primary schools. Recent theories regarding the effects of ‘functional communities’ on academic achievement mainly focus on the characteristics of the parental community that surrounds a school. Recognizing, however, that schools differ regarding their responsiveness to the role of parents and other actors around the school, our expectation is that a definition of functional community which comprises interactions between characteristics of the parental network around the school and the governance structure of the school offers a better explanation of variation in student achievement. Based on a national sample of 90 schools for primary education in the Netherlands, our analysis shows that the differences in math achievement for public and private primary schools are mediated by characteristics at both the family and the institutional level. It also indicates that characteristics at the institutional level are conditional for the effects of parental networks around schools.


美国的特许学校与我国的公立中小学“转制”都发生在上个世纪的90年代,似乎具有相同的时代背景,都是将公立学校委托给某些人经营管理。但实际上两者产生的背景、设立程序、经费来源、运行机制和结局都完全不一样,更重要的是,我国的公校转制严重地有悖教育公平。  相似文献   

Hazing in public schools is a significant problem that may result in serious physical or emotional harm to students who are victims. According to experts in the field, each year more than 1,500,000 American students become new hazing victims. Hazing also results in legal challenges for school personnel. The courts consider public schools to be safe places where teaching and learning occur in a peaceful environment. Thus, school personnel have a leading responsibility to protect the safety of students under the functional custody of their schools. Hazing activities, if not checked, pose a threat to the health and safety of students. Hazing by its very nature is a private act. Consequently, a significant number of hazing acts goes unreported. Hazing has become so prevalent that it has prompted 44 states to pass legislation banning it. Despite anti-hazing laws, hazing continues to occur among athletes, peer groups, gangs, and other schools clubs and organizations. Hazing creates stress, anxiety, intimidation, and often results in physical and emotional harm to victims. Well-defined policies prohibiting hazing and proper procedures for reporting hazing coupled with vigilance by school personnel in monitoring student activities may greatly reduce hazing incidents and minimize potential liability claims for school personnel.  相似文献   

随着我国市场经济体制改革的进一步深入,我国的中小学校如何转型,构建与市场经济发展相适应的机制,这是我们一直在探讨的课题。从社会三元结构理论出发,公办中小学定位在非营利组织(第三部门),我国公办学校的改革方向应该是从法律形态和管理形态上使公办学校变成真正的非营利组织。  相似文献   

潘希武 《中学教育》2010,(2):38-42,59
学校性格决定了现代学校制度构建的基本方向和总体架构。现代学校各项制度的构建都可以从学校的属性中找到依据,或者说,学校属性是现代学校制度建设正当性的依据。由于学校的性格呈现多元化,或者说学校应具有的价值追求存在多元化,因此现代学校制度应是一个包容多元价值的结构。  相似文献   

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