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《Research Policy》2013,42(10):1716-1723
This article considers the historiographical and theoretical significance of Nicholas von Tunzelmann's first book, Steam Power and British Industrialization to 1860. Von Tunzelmann assessed the quantitative impact of the Watt steam engine and its pirate copies on the British economy using the social savings method pioneered by R.W. Fogel, showing that the impact was smaller and later than many historians had supposed. These results are of more than quantitative significance because they call into question a dominant line in the history of industrialization that focuses on the steam engine as a key determinant of the dynamics of industrial growth in Britain from the late eighteenth century. This article discusses the origin of this line in the work of Arnold Toynbee and outlines its long-term influence on economic history, including contemporary debates on the question of why Europe outpaced China and India from the seventeenth century. These issues are important also for innovation studies, which often describes the relation between innovation and growth in terms of such ‘critical technologies’ as steam power; these accounts are subject to the same weaknesses as technicist histories of industrialization. Von Tunzelmann's early work is therefore of continuing theoretical and empirical significance as we seek an adequate theory of the links between innovation and growth.  相似文献   

能源植物的研究现状及发展建议   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38       下载免费PDF全文
能源危机是人类即将面临的巨大挑战,生物质能源的开发利用已成为当今国际上的一大热点。本文简要介绍了国内外能源植物的研究现状,并对如何发展我国能源植物提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

重力场中密闭于刚性容器中的气体密度随高度减小,且气体的气体密度分布及总位能随重力的变化而变化.从理论上来看,可通过增、减重力加速度使密闭容器中的气体位能实现循环,通过此循环还可实现“热——功”转化,此类“热——功”转化的循环有别于传统的卡诺循环。变重力场中理想气体的位能循环导致的“热——功”转化效率计算不能直接应用卡诺定理,笔者分析了在可逆过程中此类循环的效率及熵变计算方法。  相似文献   

通过建立全要素能源投入产出指标体系,以2008年至2012年我国29个地区的面板数据为基础,利用超效率SBM-DEA模型和Malmquist指数模型对中国各地区的全要素能源效率及节能减排潜力进行测评与区域特征挖掘,研究的结果表明,我国各地区全要素能源效率普遍处于较低水平,大量的能源投入冗余和污染物排放冗余问题亟待解决,技术进步的提高是2008至2012年期间我国各地区提升全要素能源效率的最关键因素,并且能效相关指标存在较大的地域性差异。为了探寻提高中西部地区全要素能源效率的途径,根据全要素能源效率得分、节能潜力和减排潜力对不同类型区域的差异和特征进行K-Means聚类,并针对各个类型的地区提出相应的节能减排建议。  相似文献   

This paper discusses a bottom-up approach to estimate the level of R&D investment by technology in areas where data are scarce. It develops a four-step methodology for the estimation of corporate R&D investments at technology level. This approach can overcome gaps in existing data by combining publicly available information in a novel way, even though it introduces some uncertainty. This is illustrated for a set of low-carbon energy technologies that were identified as key for meeting Europe's long-term energy and climate objectives by the European Strategic Energy Technology Plan. The paper finds that the aggregated R&D investments dedicated to these technologies amounted to €3.3 billion in the EU in 2007, including public funding from European Union Member States and at EU-level, and industrial research activities from companies with headquarters registered in the EU. The results allow conclusions on the European energy research policy to be drawn, such as the dominance of industrial funds, and have provided significant input to the European policy making in this field. The paper ends with suggestions on how to further enhance the accuracy of the approach and how to widen its application to other sectors.  相似文献   

药物设计是药品生命周期的起始阶段,也是控制药品风险的关键环节。纳米药物设计是实现风险控制的"源头"治理,设计过程采用的价值敏感设计(价值嵌入)方法是设计者负责任创新意识的展现。由纳米制剂的结构效应和尺寸效应客观决定的纳米药物设计者责任,不仅表现为对纳米药物风险的技术评估(TA)的责任,而且需要从建构论视角探索纳米药物风险的建构性技术评估(CTA)体系。建构性纳米药物风险评估的理论基础是马克思主义的"人本"理论和利益相关者理论。纳米药物设计者实施负责任创新的路径应关注知识提升、道德规范、法律制约及政策导向4个维度。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the relative merits of discrete versus continuous perspectives on innovation, technical change, and economic growth. It discusses the innovation time series literature in some detail to extract the continuous and clustering properties of the historical record on innovation. It then proposes a mosaic/avalanche model based on percolation theory and self-organized criticality to address this question.  相似文献   

This paper contributes a tutorial level discussion of some interesting properties of the recent Cauchy-Schwarz (CS) divergence measure between probability density functions. This measure brings together elements from several different machine learning fields, namely information theory, graph theory and Mercer kernel and spectral theory. These connections are revealed when estimating the CS divergence non-parametrically using the Parzen window technique for density estimation. An important consequence of these connections is that they enhance our understanding of the different machine learning schemes relative to each other.  相似文献   

Gamification on the mobile platform through the concept of online games has the potential to create unprecedented engagement with customers. With the growth in the gamification market due to the increase in internet penetration and the number of mobile devices, it has become one of the potential channels to reach and influence young consumers who spend more time on gaming. There is a shortage of empirical evidence on the impact of gamification on online consumer decisions. This study uses ‘psychological ownership theory’ and ‘schema theory’ to examine the effects of gameful experience (GFUL) on the attitudes of online gamers (N = 326). Data were analyzed using AMOS 25 and Process Macro for SPSS. The analytical results indicated that GFUL is mediated through both the intervening variables (perceived in-game advertisement effectiveness and psychological ownership), which positively influence gamers’ attitudes towards the game and in-game advertising. Further, the study investigated the impact of in-game advertisement intrusiveness. Based on the research findings, this study proposed the theoretical and managerial implications.  相似文献   

杨晓锋 《情报杂志》2021,40(4):57-66,56
[目的/意义]研究《能源宪章条约》主要内容、组织结构、运行机制及功能,可为构建上合组织下的能源安全体系和"一带一路"能源投资贸易提供借鉴。[方法/过程]首先,基于国内外文献和能源行业实践,提出了能源安全范式的演变,深入分析了我国能源安全面临的诸多严峻挑战。其次,以《能源宪章条约》的历史演变、主要内容为依据,重点分析其作为欧洲能源安全战略的重要工具所发挥的作用和面临的问题。最后,结合能源宪章在中亚的扩展及其对我国能源安全的影响和我国在该地区的能源投资现状,以典型能源投资案例说明了《能源宪章条约》的"双刃剑"作用。[结果/结论]研究表明,《能源宪章条约》客观上对我国海外能源合作造成了一定的挤压和竞争,但加入国际能源组织,参与国际能源市场的运作是维护国家能源安全的最佳选择。因此,通过多边磋商,待宪章条约完善其内容和机制之际,采取再加入的方式可以更好地维护国家的能源安全。此外,宪章条约在多维度能源安全目标、能源市场竞争机制、能源安全的地区合作体系、能源跨境运输机制以及能源安全与气候变化等领域为我国提供了成熟的范本,具有重要的启示。  相似文献   

This essay uses Horkheimer and Adorno's work on the culture industry to analyze virtual worlds and massively multiplayer online role-playing games. While artificial worlds have enormous potential to facilitate communication, transcend spatial boundaries, promote free expression, and protect marginalized groups, the utopian promise of these worlds is undermined by their mirroring of real-world market systems, the exploitation of labor, and blurring the line between entertainment and work. The culture industry thesis provides a useful starting point for theorizing virtual worlds and explaining why these places have become mirrors of real-world economic relations.  相似文献   

基于制度理论和资源依赖理论,将企业社会网络细分为垂直联系、水平联系和政治联系三个维度,探讨其对于企业技术能力和技术商业化能力的非线性作用机制.通过404家中国企业的调研数据分析,发现垂直联系与企业技术能力和技术商业化能力均呈倒U型关系;水平联系与企业技术能力呈倒U关系,而与企业技术商业化能力呈正U关系;政治联系与企业技术能力和技术商业化能力均呈倒U关系.所有的假设都得到了实证检验的支持.论文在充分肯定企业管理者联系对于企业资源积累、能力培育方面的积极作用的同时,也探讨并检验了不同类型的联系对于企业能力提升的潜在约束.论文的理论探讨和实证检验拓展了管理者联系研究的理论边界,并为企业的管理实践提供了更具针对性的理论依据.  相似文献   

常红艳 《科教文汇》2011,(19):204-206
本文阐述了国际关系学英国学派的发展历程和学术特征。  相似文献   

This study examines how perceived information overload and misinformation affect vaccine hesitancy and how this is moderated by structural and cultural factors. By applying and extending the fundamental cause theory, this study proposes a contextualized impact model to analyze a cross-national survey of 6034 residents in six societies in Asia, Europe and North America in June 2021. The study finds that (1) Older and highly-educated participants were less susceptible to COVID-19 information overload and belief in vaccine misinformation. (2) Perceived information overload led to an increase in vaccine acceptance and uptake, whereas belief in vaccine misinformation caused a decrease. (3) The structural differentiation of vaccine hesitancy was salient and higher socioeconomic status could buffer the negative impact of misinformation on vaccine acceptance. (4) Cultural factors such as collectivism and authoritarian mentality also served as buffers against the misinformation that reduced vaccine acceptance and uptake. These findings add nuanced footnotes to the fundamental causes theory and contribute to the discussion on the global recovery from the infodemic. Besides fact-checking and improving individual information literacy, effective and long-term information management and health policies must pay attention to stratified information gaps across socioeconomic groups, and to contextualize the communication and intervention strategies in different cultures.  相似文献   

During the COVID-19 pandemic, a plethora of online sources for information and news dissemination have emerged. Extant research suggests that very quickly, individuals become disinterested and begin avoiding the information. In this study, we investigate how an individual's fear and situational motivation impact Online Information Avoidance. Using the self-determination theory and information avoidance theories, we argue that fear and external regulation are associated with increased Online Information Avoidance. We also argue that intrinsic motivation and identified regulation are associated with a decrease in Online Information Avoidance. Our findings suggest that fear, intrinsic motivation, and external regulation drive Online Information Avoidance, where intrinsic motivation is the most significant driver. We also found that identified regulation is a crucial inhibitor of Online Information Avoidance. While focusing on COVID-19, our study contributes to the broader information systems research literature and specifically to the information avoidance literature during a pandemic or a prolonged crisis. Our study's findings will be useful for governments, health organizations, and communities that utilize online platforms, forums, and related outlets to reach larger audiences for disseminating pertinent information and recommendations during a crisis.  相似文献   

徐盈之  胡永舜 《资源科学》2010,32(12):2391-2399
本文从"资源诅咒"假说出发,对内蒙古地区的资源优势与经济增长之间的关系进行了计量检验和分析,并给出了相应的政策启示。结果表明:从长期来看,内蒙古的确存在着"资源诅咒"现象,主要原因是资源开发导致的"荷兰病"效应。但西部大开发以后,随着国家及地区各项政策的实施",资源诅咒"现象在内蒙古地区被破解。通过进一步实证分析,本文发现该地区破解"资源诅咒"的主要原因是该地区制造业部门全要素生产率(TFP)的提升,使得经济增长呈现出可持续性,但随着近年来该地区能源开发强度的增大,制度弱化的趋势日益呈现。  相似文献   

罗天强  殷正坤 《科学学研究》2016,34(9):1287-1293
自然规律是随着宇宙的演化而自然生成的,而人类能够通过自己的实践活动实现新规律的人工生成。科学实验作为科学研究的重要基础和手段,人们能够通过纯化简化实验发现自然界原本存在的自然规律,也能够通过强化激化及特殊实验和技术科学实验人工生成自然界原本不存在的新规律。人工生成新规律,改变了人与规律关系的传统认识,并使人们充分认识到在科学研究和技术开发活动中,设定新技术目标、加强实验仪器和设备的研制、加强稀有资源的研究开发与保护、加强技术科学研究等具有特别重要的意义。  相似文献   

员工的学习目标取向是组织创造力研究与实践中备受关注的重要因素。通过对248名企业员工进行问卷调查,从成就动机理论出发,实证检验学习目标取向对员工创造力的影响;应用心境理论,揭示学习目标取向对员工创造力的作用机制;应用领导成员交换理论,探究学习目标取向与员工创造力的关系在不同情境下的差异性。结果表明:①学习目标取向正向预测员工创造力;②积极心境部分中介学习目标取向对员工创造力的作用;③领导成员交换显著正向调节学习目标取向与员工创造力的关系。最后讨论了研究结果的理论和实践意义并指出未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

介绍了控制论和社会科学中的反馈理论和模型以及情报学现有的反馈思想,在此基础上,指出情报学应该具有自己特殊的反馈理论及模型,而不是简单地搬用其他学科的反馈理论和模型。文章认为认知观和情境观是建立情报学反馈理论及模型的基石。建立基于认知观和情境观的情报学反馈理论,并对二者进行了统一。以情报分析这一具体领域为例,分析基于认知观和情境观的情报学反馈模型。  相似文献   

通过中美数字货币博弈的4种情境推演,中美在数字货币领域的对抗已成大概率事件。中国在数字货币国际竞争中应坚持开放合作,更应提前部署极端情境的应对策略。建议发挥支付基础设施完善、应用场景丰富的优势,打造央行数字货币发行与应用的“中国样本”;提高数字货币的科技含金量,加强底层算法和关键技术研发;与“一带一路”沿线国家共享知识和经验,加快人民币跨境支付系统建设,构建良好的支付结算生态圈。  相似文献   

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