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Genes and Lives     
Peoples appearance (外貌)depends on the things called genes (基因).Genes are found in the cells(细胞)of peoples bodies,and they arepassed on from parents to children.Here are some facts abouteyes.Many Europeans and Am ericans canhave blue, green or brown eyes. But abrown-eyed person,for exam ple,m ay alsocarry genes for another colour in his or herbody. So tw o brow n-eyed or green-eyedparents m ay not have a child w ith thesam e eyes.Ifa child s father and m other both have brown eyes,the c…  相似文献   

Researchers in the United States are beginning a study to see if a weaker Version of an existing Vaccine can protect peopfe against the disease smallpox. smallpox is caused by the Variola(天花) virus(病毒).It spreads from one person to another when an infected person coughs or sneezes(打喷嚏).People who become infected show signs of the disease within two weeks.They develop high  相似文献   

A person s age no longer tells you som ething about1.his socialposition,marriage or healthy.There s no longer2.ooldena particular year which one goes to school or goes to3.work or gets m arried or start a fam ily.The socialclock4.thatkeptus on tim e and told us w hen go to school,get5.a job,or stop w orking isn t as strong as itwas used to be.6.It doesn tsurprise us to hear a28-year-old university7.presidentor a35-year-old grandm other,or70-year-old8.m an w ho has becom e a father for the firs…  相似文献   

A O ne day during W orld W ar Ⅱ W in- ston Churchill was having a 1. im portant m eeting in D over.W hen the m eeting w as beginning, 2. Churchill walked out of looking a bit tired.A news reporter 3. ran up to Churchill. H e asked the great m an a lot of question 4. about the m eeting. H e eager to have som e 5. late new s for his newspaper.C hurchill looked 6. at the m an, listened to his questions, but then 7. said to him in a low voice,“Can you keep a 8. secret?” The reporter w as e…  相似文献   

MrKnightwas the m anagerofa hotel.One weekend allofthe hotelsin the city were fullbecause there was a large m eeting.On Friday night,three m en cam e into the hoteland asked forroom s.M rKnightexplainedthatbecause ofthe m eeting,there were no room s ready for use.The m enwere very unhappy because they had no place to stay at.M r Knightwanted to help them .H e rem em bered thatRoom 418,avery sm allroom upstairs, was em pty. he asked the m en ifthey wouldshare(合用)it.The three said they wou…  相似文献   

一、英语反义词的定义和特点 对于英语反义词(antonym),各种英英词典都下有定义,如The Concise Oxford Dictionary words of contrary meaning to another word(与另一个词意思相反的词);Webster's New World Dictionary of the Amerccan Language: a word that is opposite in meaning to another word (意思与另一在词相对立的词);Longman Modern English Dictionary: a word which means the exact 'contrary of another (意思与另一个词正好相等的词);Oxford English Dictionary: a term which is the opposite or antithesis of another, a counter term (与另一个词意相反或对立的词,  相似文献   

冯星 《海外英语》2012,(15):172-173
More often than not,people are inclined to think they have known a certain person enough by his or her everyday appearance,manners,speech and behaviors and therefore tend to draw their conclusions on what this person is like in nature.Nonetheless,this could be misguiding and a misconception if we don’t see how he or she reacts at the turning point of matters that concern not just him or her,but also others.Time reveals a person’s heart,so does the adversity as illustrated in the short story--Mr.Know All which tries to convey a key message to its readers:don’t make your judgment about a book by its cover until you have read it through.  相似文献   

Be a friend. You don’t need money;Just a disposition sunny; Just the wish to help another Get along some way or other; Just a kindly hand extended Out to one who’s unbefriended; Just the will to give or lend, This will make you someone’s friend.  相似文献   

黄连英 《求学》2023,(19):70-71
<正>Would you call yourself lazy? If you live in a messy house and are reluctant to lift a finger to help out, maybe you are. But laziness is a subjective thing—sloppiness to one person might be a form of relaxation to another.In general, we tend to look on our laziness as a negative thing. We think of lazy people as unproductive or that they don’t really care about things.  相似文献   

刘冬花 《快乐阅读》2011,(14):191-192
If a person(known as the agent) acts without authority,or exceeds his authority,his actions cannot normally bind the person(known as the principal) on whose behalf he purports to act.However,subsequently,ratification allows the principal to adopt and endorse the agent’s acts.A remarkable feature of ratification is that it is retroactive in effect thereby becoming operative from the moment of the agent’s contracting with the third party rather than the moment of the principal’s ratification.  相似文献   

Let’s have a test and see how large your vocabulary is!!! 1. cosmopolitan a. a part of city, often typical of certain people b. of, from, or having the qualities of many different parts of the world c. belonging to another country or race  相似文献   

I.写作前的思考及其观点的初步表述形式1.竞争的含义或诠释a.Competition is the act of contending or wingwith another party.b.To compete is to strive to attain a higher posi-tion or better result than another party.同样这个意思,也可以换一种说法:e.To compete is to try and beat others to a par-  相似文献   

With the opening and reformpolicy(改革开放政策),we have gotm ore and more chances(机会)to vis-itforeign friends.When you visit a foreign friend,you m ust knock at the door or ringthe bell.You must not go in tillsom eone asks you to go in.If a servant (佣人)comes out,you must tell him whom you want tosee.You m ust also give him yourcard.When you meet the person youwantto see,shake hands with him .Butif the person is a wom an,do notshake hands with her till she offersher hand.Sit down only whe…  相似文献   

A person may meet many challenges in his or her life.Some people think challenges are terrible.But I think they're great.And I want to say,"Thank you,challenges!" For some people,it's hard to face the challenges because they are afraid of failing in the end.However,it's necessary for a person to face the challenges.  相似文献   

Section 1.What is acceleration When the velocity of an object changes,the object is said to be accelerated.Acceleration shows the change in velocity in a unit time.Velocity is measured in meters persecond,m/s,so acceleration is measured in(m/s)/s,or m/s2,which can be both positiveand negative.  相似文献   

I'm not a soccer fan, not even a person who knows much about soccer. But like a sizable part of the world's population--an estimated 1 billion people--I've planned part of this summer around one event _1_: the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.  相似文献   

To overcome the excessive computational cost and/or bad accuracy of traditional approaches,the probabilistic density evolution method(PDEM) is introduced.The dynamic reliability of a double-layer cylindrical latticed shell is evaluated by applying PDEM and Monte Carlo Method(MCM) respectively,and four apparent wave velocities(100 m/s,500 m/s,800 m/s and 1 200 m/s) and five thresholds(0.1 m,0.2 m,0.3 m,0.4 m and 0.5 m) are taken into consideration.Only the difference between threshold and maximal deformation...  相似文献   

Let's have a test and see how large your vocabulary is!!! 1.interrogate A.to keep asking (someone) questions B.to question for a special purpose,esp.at length C.to declare (a person,opinion,something written or spoken) to be wrong or untruthful  相似文献   

In the United States,mostinvitations are made by phoneor in person.“Hello,Tom!We're having a party onSunday.Why don’t youcome?”or“Come over forsupper tonight about six.”That’s what we'll probablyhear an American say,most  相似文献   

中考题是这样的:Hurry up!______we’llbe late forthe m eeting.A.and B.but C.then D.or该题的正确答案是D,是在考查同学们对or的掌握情况。连词or是中学英语课本中出现早,使用频率非常高的一个单词,虽然词性只有一个,但它的用法却不容忽视。为帮助同学们准确掌握它的用法,现分述如下:一、or用在肯定句中,连接两个并列成份,表示部分肯定,意为“或、或者”。如:Itusually com es in Septem berorOctober.它(中秋节)通常在九月或十月。They are sm allround cakes with m eat,eggs,nuts orsom ething sweetinside.它们(月饼)是小圆饼子,…  相似文献   

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