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针对集装箱采样没有统一标准,采样结果误差较大的情况;参照国家标准中汽车外运商品煤的三点循环采样法,在一点法的基础上,通过逐次增加采样子样数,作对比试验,选取与准确值最为接近的五点循环法作为集装箱的采样方法;运用五点循环法进行采样精密度实验,并对实验数据进行数理统计分析,统计结果表明,五点循环法能够达到采样精密度核对规定要求;集装箱五点循环法已在全集团公司进行了推广,取得了较大的经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

01集装箱酒店一家别具一格的集装箱酒店"香箱乡祈福村"日前在山西省长治县建成。该集装箱酒店由35个集装箱改建而成,分别用作庭院客房、独栋套房、大堂、餐厅等。由于经过特殊处理,"集装箱酒店"  相似文献   

随着港口自动化技术的发展,码头需要对集装箱进行自动装卸作业。为了解决集装箱装卸作业中对集装箱锁孔的识别定位问题,提出一种基于机器视觉的集装箱锁孔识别方法,用于辅助码头集装箱的自动化装卸作业。首先采集集装箱照片,对照片中的集装箱锁孔进行人工标注,制作成锁孔样本,并进行归一化处理,进而提取锁孔样本的HOG特征,然后对SVM进行训练作为集装箱锁孔识别分类器,最后采用多尺度滑窗对图像进行扫描检测。使用300张测试样本进行测试实验,结果表明,该方法对集装箱锁孔的识别率达到92%,锁孔误检率低于3%,而且能够在各种复杂光照及背景条件下进行锁孔检测,可以满足港口自动化的实际要求。  相似文献   

随着集装箱运输由传统的"货运业"向现代化的"物流业"发展,我国集装箱港口在信息化建设上不断引进先进技术,但国内一直缺少自主知识产权的集装箱码头信息系统产品。结合具体集装箱码头信息系统设计,重点考虑信息系统软件产品化要求,提出了一种新型的集装箱码头信息系统设计模型;分析了集装箱码头信息系统诸多模块特征;研究了产品化软件系统的设计方法,为集装箱码头信息系统的产品化提供理论依据。  相似文献   

胡东 《华章》2011,(32)
从研究集装箱海铁联运需求入手,通过对集装箱海铁联运现状及问题的分析,探讨完善集装箱海铁联运大物流体系的管理运作的方式和方法.  相似文献   

将厦门港建成国际集装箱干线港是建设厦门东南国际航运中心的核心任务之一。厦门港拥有较为便捷的集装箱集疏运网络,为厦门港的国际集装箱干线港发展奠定了较为良好的基础。然而,随着厦门港港口吞吐量的逐年增加,加之厦门公共交通系统的日益繁重,使原就倚重公路运输的集装箱集疏运系统不堪重负,频频出现各种拥堵情况。以厦门港的港口集装箱集疏运系统现状为基础,采用德尔菲法(Delphi),邀请专家对厦门港集装箱集疏运系统进行评价,并基于层次分析法(AHP)-模糊综合评价模型,对厦门港集装箱集疏运系统的四种关键运输方式进行评价和对比,以此为依据提出建议。  相似文献   

集装箱多式联运是将不同的运输方式有机地组合在一起,构成连续的、一体化的货物运输。随着铁路跨越式发展战略的推进,我们应如何采取有效措施促进集装箱多式联运发展呢?本文通过分析铁路运输在集装箱多式联运中的作用,针对我国铁路开展集装箱多式联运存在的主要问题提出发展策略。  相似文献   

集装箱装卸工艺是港口提高劳动生产率的杠杆,是衡量港口现代化水平的重要标志,回顾集装箱码头的典型装卸工艺,并对其各自的特点进行比较,对未来集装箱码头先进的装卸工艺进行了展望.  相似文献   

集装箱运输自20世纪50年代兴起以后,由于它具有装卸效率高、货损率低等优点,因而迅速在全世界海运业发展起来。而集装箱船舶配载是集装箱海上运输的一个重要环节,所谓集装箱船舶配载是指把预定装载出口的集装箱,按船舶的运输要求和码头的作业要求而制定的具体装载计划。配载的优劣对保证船舶安全、货物安全以及保证船期有着重要作用。随着世界集装箱船舶的不断发展,对配载工作也提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

集装箱通风散热方式采用侧面与底部进风、上出风的通风散热方案.某光伏电站位于新疆,自然环境条件苛刻,投入使用半年发现集装箱与设备内都落有浮尘沙土,对电子元件设备运行的可靠性造成不利因素,因此亟需对集装箱的防沙尘与通风散热这对矛盾体进行整改优化.防沙整改方案是基于集装箱的现状,客观存在可操作维修性、现场条件等一系列约束条件,需要采取切实可行的措施使集装箱的防沙尘效果最大化,并且从中积累一些关于防沙尘的工程经验.  相似文献   

Resource Reviews     
《Teaching Education》2013,24(3):357-369
Education and Mind in the Knowledge Age Carl Bereiter Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002 ISBN 0 8058 3943 7 The expression “Iapos;m losing my mind” holds new meaning for me, or at least is now a declaration that I will use less frivolously when overwhelmed by daily life. Carl Berieter's book, Education and Mind in the Knowledge Age, conceives of the mind in an illuminating way; something new for most readers. Bereiter disputes the “folk theory of mind” as termed in his book, the common comprehension of the “mind as a container”. This metaphor, as he explains, in extreme depth and with numerous detailed examples, is the basic tenet upon which many current educational systems establish daily policies and procedures. The idea of the “mind as a container” informs and influences most aspects of education ranging from curriculum development to standardized testing, preservice teacher education and professional development. Most of our routine teaching and subsequent student representation of learning begins and ends with the process of filling up the container. However, this “folk theory of mind”, or common understanding of how the mind works, does not allow us to consider the brain, the mind and knowledge as distinct, but interconnected entities. We often see them as one single object or phenomenon Bereiter suggests that we need to disentangle our understanding of knowledge and the mind in order to understand the mind in a fresh way (p. 55). The theory of the “mind as a container” prevents us from viewing the mind, knowledge and consequently education, differently. This commonly accepted perception dooms us to recreate, chronically, our current, mostly static educational practice. Our view of teaching and learning, then, remains the vision of pouring knowledge into little brains, assisting students in filing each new piece of information in certain location to be accessed and used at a later date. Bereiter asserts that a second common perception of the brain “as a computer” reflects a similar fixed interpretation of human understanding and learning as the “mind as a container” theory. With these “folk theories” of understanding in place, when problems arise in teaching and learning, we do not consider the theory behind it. Instead, we question the student's abilities, our presentation of the material intended to be put into the container or the computational expectations of the computer-like brain.  相似文献   

容器隐喻是Lakoff&Johnson提出的三种概念隐喻中本体隐喻的一种重要类型。英汉两种语言中都有大量的容器隐喻存在。本文考察了容器隐喻的理据,分析比较了英、汉语中常见容器隐喻的类型及其构成特点的异同,揭示了英汉两个语言民族隐喻思维的共性和差异性,旨在加深对英汉容器隐喻的识别、理解和运用。  相似文献   

将Johnson(1987)的容器隐喻图式细化为四类:(1)进入容器之中;(2)从容器中脱离;(3)处于容器之中;(4)处于容器之外,前两者为动态,后两者为静态,进一步充实了容器隐喻理论。心智、情感、社会空间和社会规则可以被看作容器,运用容器隐喻理论,可以很好地解释鸠摩罗什译经中抽象名词的述宾搭配。  相似文献   

Service‐oriented e‐learning platforms can be considered as a third generation of learning management systems (LMSs). As opposed to the previous generations, consisting of ad hoc solutions and traditional LMS, this new technology contemplates e‐learning systems as services that can be integrated into different learning scenarios. This paper shows that the flexibility of these systems allows building personal learning environments and proposes the use of an extended technology acceptance model (TAM) to assess the acceptance and intention to use a third generation of LMS. To fit and validate the service‐oriented e‐learning platforms acceptance model, structural equation modeling and path analysis have been implemented. The results point out that the intention to use this third‐generation LMS is determined by the gadgets and container design, both of which are structural elements of this technology. Finally, it is also shown that previous experience does not determine the use intention of this technology.  相似文献   

本文对一般压力容器出现的因设计有误、强度不足、焊缝质量低劣、运行管理不规范等发生的事故及原因进行了综合分析.目的在于为从事压力容器设计、制造和操作管理者提供一些经验和教训,并尽可能的防止和杜绝该类事故的发生与重演.  相似文献   

Energy crisis make the effective use of low grade energy more and more urgent. It is still a worldwide difficult conundrum. To efficiently recover low grade heat, this paper deals with a theoretical analysis of a new power generation method driven by a low grade heat source. When the temperature of the low grade heat source exceeds the saturated temperature, it can heat the liquid into steam. If the steam is sealed and cooled in a container, it will lead to a negative pressure condition. The proposed power generation method utilizes the negative pressure condition in the sealed container, called as a condensator. When the condensator is connected to a liquid pool, the liquid will be pumped into it by the negative pressure condition. After the condensator is filled by liquid, the liquid flows back into the pool and drives the turbine to generate electricity. According to our analysis, for water, the head pressure of water pumped into the condensator could reach 9.5 m when the temperature of water in the pool is 25 °C, and the steam temperature is 105 °C. Theoretical thermal efficiency of this power generation system could reach 3.2% to 5.8% varying with the altitude of the condensator to the water level, ignoring steam leakage loss.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Most packing problems (Dowsland and Dow-sland, 1992) are NP-hard (Garey and Johnson, 1979); among which are bin-packing, floorplan, rectangle packing, packing a set of circles into a large circle or square, non-rectangular packing problems and so on (Li and Milenkovic, 1995; Liang et al., 2002; Lip-nitskii, 2002; Milenkovic and Daniels, 1996; Milenk-ovic et al., 1991; Osogami and Okano, 2003; Wang, 2002). Some of these such as bin-packing problem and rectangle packing p…  相似文献   

对于热功率集成度较高的集装箱来说,通风散热是系统可靠性设计的重要内容之一,根据光伏箱式逆变器的输入条件及指标要求,确定侧面与底部进风、上出风的通风散热方案,运用CFD仿真软件ansysicepak对集装箱在某地区夏季的最高气温等特定条件下的流场、温度场仿真分析、通过分析流场、温度,集装箱方案设计满足系统使用要求,并且从中摸索出一些关于风道、风机的设计依据。  相似文献   

The container loading problem (CLP) is a well-known NP-hard problem. Due to the computation complexity, heuristics is an often-sought approach. This article proposes two heuristics to pack homogeneous rectangular boxes into a single container. Both algorithms adopt the concept of building layers on one face of the container, but the first heuristic determines the layer face once for all, while the second treats the remaining container space as a reduced-sized container after one layer is loaded and, hence, selects the layer face dynamically. To handle the layout design problem at a layer's level, a block-based 2D packing procedure is also developed. Numerical studies demonstrate the efficiency of the heuristics.  相似文献   

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