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片断一:师:调皮的复韵母趁大家不注意的时候跳到一些小朋友的抽屉里去了。快,找一找,看看在你的抽屉里吗?(生寻找复韵母卡片,很快,找到的学生边念边举起了卡片)师:对,就是它们!让我们用热烈的掌声把它们请上来吧。(生举着卡片快乐地走上讲台)师:首先咱们让最勇敢的声音把前三个复韵母请到黑板上。(同学们争先恐后。师请第一个举手的孩子)生:ai ei ui。(声音特别响亮)师:(张贴卡片)瞧,多勇敢的声音啊!大家一起来!(生齐读)师:然后让最自信的声音把“ie ue er”请到黑板上去。自信的小手在哪里,自信的声音在哪里?……师:最后咱们让最甜美的声音…  相似文献   

This account of practice will focus the different strategic steps to implement action learning (AL) in an industrial context where managers as experts are used to solve problems and not to ask questions. It will look at the experience of an AL facilitator working with a set of young engineers from different working groups who want to improve the cooperation within and between the groups.  相似文献   

Educational Studies in Mathematics - This article is a synthesis of the historical account of the ongoing suppression of Māori indigeneity (language and cultural knowledge) in mathematics...  相似文献   

This research examines academic work in an offshore campus of an Australian university. The focus is on the external factors that influence academic practice, mainly in relation to assessment and the way academics perceive their role. The study is set within the wider context of transnational education and the changing nature of academic life and unlike some previous studies, it presents an entirely offshore perspective. The relationship with the home campus and the local educational and political context are found to be the major external influences on academic staff. Leading from the research, some suggestions for increasing the success of offshore campuses are offered. These include establishing strong channels of communication and well‐developed induction and professional development processes.  相似文献   

网络让陌生的人相识。就算天各一方,也因为网络的神奇而变得没有距离感。心动在不经意中产生,等发现已经措手不及。身为学生的Nan深知学习是第一要务,可她还是喜欢上了一个网友而不可自拔。她该如何应对?  相似文献   

lintroductionT]lereis11owalotof'interestintilebehaviorofvariouselectronlagneticwavesinbnlki'nltil'erronlagnetic1naterialsf'-3].'l heantil'erronlagneticresonancel-'I.equenciesandtilef'I-equenciesof'anyexcitedwavesbelongtotileinfl-aredpartofelectronlagnetic…  相似文献   

An experiential approach employing game design and play was tried in a graduate adult education class. This article describes a follow-up study which attempted to capture class members' perceptions on value of game design/play; group interactions in game development; effectiveness of game design/play as a learning stimulant; appropriateness of the grading criteria; likelihood to use a similar strategy in their own teaching; and, identification of helpful resources in gaming. Game design/play appears to offer an effective adult teaching strategy which produces a variety of learning outcomes.Jessica Somers earned her BBA and MBA degrees at West Georgia College. She is currently a doctoral student in instructional technology at the University of Georgia and is a self-employed computer contractor.Margaret E. Holt is associate professor of adult education at the University of Georgia and is an associate with the Charles F. Kettering Foundation. Her most recent publication is a book co-edited with Dr. George Lopos for Jossey-Bass Publishers entitled,Perspectives on Educational Certificate Programs (Winter 1991). She is also a former editor ofInnovative Higher Education.  相似文献   

The relevance of the teacher to the success of any education innovation is not open to contention. Equally incontentious is the relevance of education and training to the success of the teacher in the attainment of his/her professional goals. It is against this background that this paper examines the continuing education imperatives in the present basic education crusade in Nigeria. Here continuing education is conceptualized as a process for developing teacher's skill for coping with changing demands of the job through regular exposure to professional renewal programmes. The paper contends that inasmuch as the teacher will continue to play a pivotal role in the execution of educational innovations, then further education and training as it affects him/her must receive priority attention in the conceptualization and implementation of such innovations. To this end, the paper advocates: teacher exchange programmes between Nigeria and other countries of the world; establishment of functional libraries in primary schools; and provision of opportunities to participate in workshops and conferences with such participation made a significant part of the criteria for teacher promotion and advancement.  相似文献   

1. Introduction There is a Chinese saying:“ 兴趣是最好的老 师”——Interest is the best teacher. As an English teacher, one should create an appropriate environment for the learners to practice listening, speaking and exploring their thoughts and feeling  相似文献   

Situated learning approach has been applied in various teaching contexts, and increasing advocations have been shown in the particular context of language teaching. This study applied situated learning...  相似文献   


Demand for English-taught courses (ETCs) is growing exponentially in non-English speaking universities. These courses require new teaching competences of lecturers, most obviously English language proficiency and intercultural skills. Given the high workloads academics are currently burdened with, it can be expected that this form of teaching is presenting them with a considerable challenge. Despite this, little is known about their ETC teaching experiences. This study addressed this issue by examining and comparing beginning and experienced ETC lecturers’ perspectives on their practices. The study was conducted at a university in Taiwan. Ten academics were interviewed in-depth, some two to three times over a two-year period. The study found the two groups’ experiences were polar opposites. This paper argues an awareness of English as a lingua franca accompanied by student-centered teacher concerns led to the senior cohort’s positive ETC teaching experiences, while a lack thereof gave rise to the beginning lecturers’ unfavorable experiences.  相似文献   

With an aim to investigate inclusion across borders, quantitative and qualitative data were examined that came from 18 countries: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Cyprus, Finland, France, Iceland, India, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, the UK, and the USA. Four themes emerged in this study: (1) concerns with student outcomes in inclusive settings; (2) teachers’ beliefs and the ways they relate to their practices; (3) inclusive schools philosophies and practices; and (4) the intersection of inclusion and exclusion. Although international policies, knowledge, and understanding about inclusion and inclusive practices continue to advance throughout the world, there are manifestations of provincialism and discrimination predominantly marked by ethnicity, socio‐economic status, and ability. While a reality for some students, inclusion remains an aspiration for too many.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the experiences of learning and consequent development of twelve students enrolled in a four-year undergraduate counselling program at a higher institution of learning in Malaysia. The students’ ages ranged from 20 to 24 years. Participants outlined their learning experiences after taking a three-credit semester-long course on Islamic-based counseling, which was an attempt at integrating religion and spirituality into counselor training. An experiential learning theory served as the framework of reference, and a qualitative research design was adopted. Results revealed four major themes: (1) increased understanding of counseling, (2) better understanding in regard to the self and relationship with God, (3) applicability to daily practice, and (4) enhancing professional competence as a counselor. Finally, implications for research, counselor education and training, and clinical practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Preservice teachers in six sections (n = 87) of a sequenced, methodological and process-integrated elementary mathematics/science methods course were able to reconcile an issue centered on a similar area of epistemology. Preservice teachers participated in a science inquiry lesson on biological classification and a mathematics problem-solving lesson on polyhedra. Preservice teachers were asked why it was possible to derive a mathematical formula for polyhedra and not organisms and what this implies about the similarities and differences between the epistemologies of mathematics and science. An area of epistemology known as simplicity was triangulated as “simple versus complex” emerged from the constant comparative method (28 %) and “justification and simplicity” (96 %) was coded with a content analysis. Implications include how methods course instructors can create other appropriate activities which incorporate and reconcile other areas of epistemology.  相似文献   

Research in Science Education - Despite the fact that the majority of museum visitors are often very young children, much research in museums focuses on pre-teen learners (ages 8–12). Our...  相似文献   

To date, there have been few studies of mothers’ and fathers’ roles in caring for their adult children with intellectual disabilities. The present study investigated the care-giving roles of mother and father couples caring for their adult offspring with an intellectual disability, their psychological health, and the demands and satisfaction of their care-giving roles. Twelve Anglo-Australian middle-aged mother and father couples with an adult child with intellectual disability (mean age?=?24 years) participated in semi-structured interviews about their care-giving roles and completed a series of questionnaires pertaining to care-giving difficulties and satisfaction, hassles and uplifts, and general health. Findings indicated that an extremely high proportion of both mothers and fathers were in the clinical range for social dysfunction, anxiety/insomnia, and somatic complaints, although levels of depression were relatively low. The present study found that mothers undertake more daily care-giving tasks than fathers, but that the range of tasks is similar. Mothers also reported significantly more care-giving difficulties and satisfaction than fathers. Associations between measures differed somewhat for the two parent groups, indicating the need for further exploration of both mothers’ and fathers’ experiences.  相似文献   

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