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To advance the discussion on the validity of student evaluations of university teaching, student ratings of two teaching dimensions – student involvement and rapport – were compared with corresponding observer ratings. Seven potential bias variables were tested with regard to their impact on the students’ teaching assessment: three teacher characteristics (first impression, enthusiasm, humour) and four student characteristics (prior interest, expected grades, study experience, class attendance). Bias was defined as an impediment of the students’ assessment of teaching on course level. By means of bivariate correlations with course averages and two-level latent moderated structural equations, data of 1,716 students in 80 courses were analysed. Results showed that all three teacher characteristics were genuinely connected to rapport, and even explained variance of the student-rated variable when controlling for observer-rated rapport. The assessment of student involvement was not modified by the teacher characteristics except for teacher enthusiasm, which affected the student evaluation when controlling for observed involvement and, moreover, moderated the relation between the observed and the student-rated variable. For the examined student characteristics, no biasing effects were found – neither on rapport nor on student involvement.  相似文献   

教学评价是新课程评价改革中的重点和热点问题。教学评价可分为课前、课堂、课后评价三类。构建以课后作业评价为主体的发展性教师评价体系,包括作业内容的设置、设计及评阅的指导思想、设计及评价的形式,分析表明该评价体系具有可行性和重要意义,能充分体现教师的工作量和工作绩效,以促进教师的有效专业发展。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to conduct a validation analysis of an SET and provide a validation framework of SETs that can be included when designing complete evaluations of teaching within higher education institutions. A series of Rasch analyses was conducted on the results of the SET, examining the responses of students within a college and three departments. Results show the majority of items were moderately difficult to endorse in the college and departments, there were issues with DIF, and two items did not consistently fit the model. The study provides an analysis framework that may aid policymakers and institutional administrators in developing higher quality SETs, and demonstrates the need for validating SETs being implemented in higher education settings.  相似文献   

课堂教学质量是教育质量的核心,课堂教学质量的改善与提升关系着高质量教育体系的建成。对话国际上具有典型性与代表性的课堂教学评价框架并从中汲取高质量的核心元素,是中国特色课堂教学评价体系展现国际视野的关键举措。美国教育考试服务中心丹尼森(Danielson)教授研发的Framework for Teaching(FFT)课堂教学评价框架关注课堂教学的过程性质量,秉持高阶性思维、建构性学习、目的性活动和专业性指导的高质量课堂教学理念,涉及4大模块、22个评估要点以及相应的质量观测点,从评价对象与评价方式两个维度跨越时空全面搜集资料并对教师教学工作作出价值判断,旨在通过向教师提供反馈和推动专业发展而引导教师为质量而教,实现教学的背景、投入、过程质量和学生学业成就质量的多维提升。深入研究与反思在理念和内容等方面具有明显优势的FFT课堂教学评价框架,启示中国应在自由和规则、过程和结果的动态和谐关系中,以创设学习文化、促进深度学习为核心,构建具有全球视野的新时代中国特色高质量课堂教学体系,并基于此研发相应的课堂教学质量评价体系和监测工具,构建实现高质量课堂教学的教师教育质量指标体系,促进教育高质量发展。  相似文献   

高校多元化教学评价模式探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高校教学评价模式应采用多元化设计理念进行构建.高校多元化教学评价的普适模式包括学生自评、教师自评、学生评教、教师评学、同行评价、领导评价等六个评价子系统,各子系统均有多向度的评价内容和多元化的评价方法.同时,应建立有效的管理运行机制,以保证高校多元化教学评价模式的功能实现.  相似文献   

The use of student evaluations of teaching performance has been an important but controversial tool in the improvement of teaching quality during the past few decades. Although student evaluations of teaching are implemented in many faculties, not everyone is convinced of the desirability and utility of these ratings. In this paper, we present the results of a study with regard to the existence of a higher‐order factor that might influence students' perceptions of teaching and, thus, explain the variance in teacher rating scales. A second question concerns the effect of students' grades on teacher ratings and of other factors influencing this relationship (for instance, students' overall grades).  相似文献   

Evaluation plays an increasingly important role in the quality-driven context of higher education. Projects that focus on learning and teaching often have evaluation expected of them, however, there is little evidence on the effectiveness of approaches nor the extent to which the praxis of evaluation is achieved. To illustrate this phenomenon, project funding and evaluation expectations are reviewed and the resulting analysis of the literature identifies eight emergent themes. Two overarching factors that unite these themes are time (or lack of it) and participation, leading to six issues for evaluation practice. Alignment of evaluation theory with practice requires focused attention if the maximum benefits of evaluation for the project processes are to be achieved.  相似文献   

新课标中明确指出评价是信息技术教学的重要组成部分,要把学生学习的过程评价与期末考试等总结性评价相结合,适度加大过程性评价在期末成绩评定中的比重.根据教学经验及新课标要求,就信息技术课程教学评价谈点滴体会.  相似文献   

多媒体教学,过犹不及   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,多媒体教学逐渐成为一种教学时尚,充斥于课堂之上.这大大地减轻了教学负担,在一定程度上提高了课堂利用效果.且在某些课程中,使用多媒体教学更生动具体,让学生对课程的感性认识更深刻.但有时多媒体教学的生动花哨对学生的教学效果却适得其反.另一方面,由于多媒体教学的简单,可重复利用性高,导致许多老师不考虑其教学的课程是否适合多媒体教学就用上了或整个课程的教学中根本就不使用板书.这样就在很大程度上降低了教学质量.文章对在教学中使用多媒体的度的把握进行了探索,指出了多媒体教学与板书教学的相互搭配对平衡教学的质与量的重要性.  相似文献   

由于受到传统应试教育的深远影响,高校英语教学始终还是存在着传统应试教育的身影,但是在很多教学理念以及教学的手段和方法上已经极大地超越了传统应试教育模式的束缚,逐渐给学生营造出了更自由更利于自我发挥的学习环境,但是英语的教学模式改革还应该继续深入的开展下去,这其中对大学英语课程改革所取得的成果我们也应该要有一个更为直观的认识,对大学公共英语课程的教学评测则显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

理实一体化(即理论实践一体化)教学模式是目前高等职业教育教学探索创新的成果。文章从提高教育教学质量的角度,对理实一体化教学模式的内涵、意义及理实一体化教学模式下教学过程的优化与设计进行了深入阐述,提出了一些关于教学过程优化与设计的新思想与具体做法。  相似文献   

Using confirmatory factor analysis and G Theory analysis, this article explores the reliability and the validity of a short version of the SET37 questionnaire for students’ evaluation of teaching (SET). The results show that this instrument can be used as a valuable diagnostic instrument for gathering student feedback in internal practices and procedures aimed at both monitoring and improving the quality of instruction in higher education.  相似文献   

本科教学工作水平评估对高校教学工作影响的调查研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
对上海水产大学和上海师范大学教学科研人员和教学管理人员进行的问卷调查表明,本科教学工作水平评估对教学工作的影响是积极的,建立评估制度是保障高等教育质量的有效措施。调查揭示了评估对教学工作影响的一些特点:教学管理人员对评估影响的肯定程度高于教学科研人员;评估对教师教学和教学管理的影响大于对学生学习的影响;评估对教学工作的外在影响强于内在影响;评估对教学工作的影响随时间推移会逐渐减弱。  相似文献   

质性评价——教学评价发展的新取向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着评价理论的发展,量化评价主导教学评价领域的格局已经打破,质性评价的方法越来越被广泛地运用于教学评价之中,其重视过程中的生成价值、强调评价的真实性、尊重学生个性等特点使教学评价能对整个教学过程作出真实、完整的价值判断。  相似文献   

教学评价广泛地存在于教学活动中,是教学的重要环节,是检验教学效果的重要方法。音乐教学评价因为具有技能性和智力性、相对独立性、对学生素质培养的相互渗透性,决定了音乐评价的方式较其他学科或以往的传统评价方式有所区别。新《音乐课程标准》提出音乐教学评价要充分体现出素质教育的精神,不仅要体现在音乐教学的各个教学环节,更要关注音乐对学生全面发展的影响。音乐教学评价应在传统教学评价理论上通过成长性评价、情感性评价、审美能力提高的探讨来促进和提高音乐教学,推动音乐教学质量的稳步提高,实现教学目的。  相似文献   

教师教育课程是教师教育质量提高的关键所在,科学合理的教师教育课程教学评价的标准是培养高水平教师的重要因素,也是教师教育教学质量持续不断提高的有效保障。目前,我国教师教育课程教学存在的诸多问题无不与教师教育课程教学评价的标准有关。在当前我国高等教育“质量工程”和教师教育课程改革的大背景下,应用CIPP评价模式评价教师教育课程教学质量,对促进学生发展、教师发展、课程改进和教学资源优化配置等具有重要的价值。  相似文献   

Student evaluation of teaching (SET) ratings are used to evaluate faculty's teaching effectiveness based on a widespread belief that students learn more from highly rated professors. The key evidence cited in support of this belief are meta-analyses of multisection studies showing small-to-moderate correlations between SET ratings and student achievement (e.g., Cohen, 1980, Cohen, 1981; Feldman, 1989). We re-analyzed previously published meta-analyses of the multisection studies and found that their findings were an artifact of small sample sized studies and publication bias. Whereas the small sample sized studies showed large and moderate correlation, the large sample sized studies showed no or only minimal correlation between SET ratings and learning. Our up-to-date meta-analysis of all multisection studies revealed no significant correlations between the SET ratings and learning. These findings suggest that institutions focused on student learning and career success may want to abandon SET ratings as a measure of faculty's teaching effectiveness.  相似文献   

本文根据高职教育的特点,阐述了建立实践教学质量评价指标体系的目的和基本原则,根据高职建筑工程专业特点,构建了一种较为科学合理的评价指标体系,探讨了实践教学质量评价体系建立时注意的问题。  相似文献   

The significance of the course effect as well as the teacher effect on the student rating of teaching competence was assessed using analysis of variance. The results show that the significance of the former is quite considerable.  相似文献   

建立科学、完善的教野教学质量考核机制,是确保教学质量不断提高的重要管理环节。我院去年开展了教学质量综合评价活动,强化了教学工作的中以地位,增强了教师的教学质量意识,增强了师生沟通,促进了学风的好转。但还存在评价内容的深度不够、教学过程监控不平衡、对教学过程的监好和评价不够等问题,要完善和深化评价指标体系,确定教学质量监控在不同阶段的监控重点,从而不断提高教育教学质量。  相似文献   

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