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科技期刊编辑的社会责任及其实现   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
从科技期刊属性分析科技期刊编辑的社会责任,主要包括:弘扬科学精神,杜绝学术不端行为,倡导学术争鸣;关注国家大事,及时报道相关事件;规范使用文字和科学符号,维护中文的严肃性;关心科研成果的应用,服务产业发展;注重科研成果和技术保密,保护知识产权。提出了科技期刊编辑社会责任的实现途径。  相似文献   

本文通过对Reed Elsevier等国际典型学术出版商的调查分析,从员工、用户、社区、供应商和环境等利益相关主体的角度构建学术出版商社会责任的框架结构,将其社会责任细化,并对其基本的社会责任、独特的社会责任、必须履行的和重点关注的社会责任进行了探讨.在对这些学术出版商实践活动中存在的问题进行分析的基础上,进一步提出对学术出版商履行社会责任的相关建议.  相似文献   

靳香玲 《出版科学》2010,18(4):23-25
学术编辑作为学术书刊内容质量的把关者,其社会角色决定其职业追求是宏大与精细的高度统一。作为科学文化的“把关人”,学术编辑肩负着抑制文化产品低水平重复、弘扬民族创新精神、净化学术空气的“宏大”社会责任;作为“为人作嫁衣”的幕后人,学术编辑肩负着对稿件精细到“点号”的加工整理的职业责任。  相似文献   

档案学术研究者的主体意识是档案学术理性发展的关键所在,档案学术研究者至少应该具备发展档案学术的自我意识、发展档案学科的平衡意识以及发展档案学科的完整意识等学术反思意识;具有档案学术的本体论层面与认识论层面的理论创新意识;具备承担档案学科发展的责任、促进档案事业发展的责任、推动社会民主发展的责任等社会责任意识;拥有重塑我们的学术精神意识、守望我们的学术良知意识、培育我们的学术自律意识等学术信仰意识.  相似文献   

学术良知是学术理性的首要内容,是与知识分子的社会责任紧密联系的。学术期刊的启蒙作用主要体现于三方面:引领学科发展,不断推出学术精品;弘扬科学精神和学术理性,反对功利学术;倡导学术自由与民主,繁荣学术研究。对于前二者,《中国图书馆学报》都做得很出色。建议该刊增设"学术专论"等栏目。  相似文献   

包括体育学术刊物在内的学术研究刊物都理应恪守学术道德并倡导学术批判.学术批判应是促进体育学术研究走向繁荣的有力武器.在社会转型期,体育学术期刊必须坚持正确的价值取向和端正的态度,创造自由的学术空间;倡导学术批判,发挥期刊促进学术研究的导向作用;培养学术批判共同体,维护更开放和宽容的学术生态环境,切实承担起社会责任,促进体育学术的发展和创新.  相似文献   

科技学术期刊在学术诚信建设中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晁晓筠 《编辑学报》2011,23(4):286-287
面对学术失范现象,科技学术期刊应当有更加鲜明的学术诚信责任。从社会责任意识、学术规范意识、制度建设等方面探讨科技学术期刊在服务学术、服务社会、弘扬科学精神的过程中应为重树学术诚信、建设良好学风而发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

洪美云 《新闻窗》2015,(2):37-38
一、编辑的基本职责1.编辑要有良好的职业道德和强烈的使命感与责任感作为社会文化的把关者和传播者,编辑担负着对国家、社会的责任,对学术、文化的责任,担负着对读者和作者的责任,担负着对当下和后世的责任。为此,作为一名优秀的编辑要有对新观念、新思想、新思维不断追求的热情;要有自觉对学术质量和政治观点的严格把关;要明白编辑工作并不仅仅是自己的事情,更是为广  相似文献   

从医药科技期刊的社会属性分析其社会责任,认为医药期刊应全面履行制止学术不端、继续医学教育、患者教育、突发事件报道、参与医疗体制改革、扩大对外交流、引领学术发展等社会责任,并提出了践行相应社会责任的方式与策略.  相似文献   

李晓明 《北京档案》2016,(11):25-26
本文针对近年来档案学核心期刊数量连续锐减的现象,认为其根源在于档案期刊的学术责任缺失.并据此从学术论文和非学术论文数量比例失衡、体例不规范、发稿周期较长等学术责任缺失的主要表现入手,提出加快观念更新,提高对档案期刊学术性的认识;科学地调整档案期刊的载文类型,提升文章转引率;建设好编辑和作者两支队伍,促进学术交流;增强学术性和专业性,提升办刊特色等对策.  相似文献   

田丽  安静 《图书情报工作》2013,57(15):13-19
通过问卷调查法研究网络社交对现实人际交往的影响。首先,对网络社交现状进行描述性统计,从交往范围、交往方式、交往动机等角度进行分析;其次,利用量表详细分析网络社交动机,并根据被访者人口统计变量分析其影响因素;再次,在此基础上总结网络社交的特征;最后,根据实验数据分析网络社交对现实生活人际交往的影响。  相似文献   

Using the theory of planned behavior as a theoretical framework, survey data from 121 authors in the professional field of school librarianship (40% of whom were practitioners) were used to identify beliefs about publishing in the field, attitudes to research and publication, perceived social norms and social influences on research and publication, and perceived barriers to research and publication. The journals in which the authors prefer to publish and their reasons for journal choice are also reported. This is the first reported study to specifically address reasons for publication choice in a professional field, and it indicates that relevance to practice is an important consideration, in addition to scholarly rigor, when authors in professional fields consider where to publish their research. The views and motivations of full professors, other researchers and practitioner-authors were surprisingly similar, although practitioners—who had less research preparation than researchers—were less confident about their ability to conduct and write-up research. Additionally, researchers other than full professors, and practitioners, reported that the encouragements of peers and supervisors or senior colleagues were important social influences for research and publication.  相似文献   

付鑫金  方曙 《图书馆》2012,(1):73-74,78
本文以国外网络信息计量学领域的高被引作者为样本,形成其共被引矩阵,进行聚类分析与多维尺度分析,将高被引作者按照共被引强度分为三组。利用可视化工具直观显示出该领域的著者相关程度。引入高频关键词,帮助确定各组作者的研究侧重点,网络信息计量学的基本框架;学术网络链接分析与评价指标研究;学术交流研究及不同网站实体的应用研究。  相似文献   

The original Lotka's Law refers to single scientist distribution, i.e. the frequency of authors Ai with i publications per author is a function of i: Ai = f(i). However, with increasing collaboration in science and in technology the study of the frequency of pairs or triples of co-authors is highly relevant. Starting with pair distribution well-ordered collaboration structures of co-author pairs will be presented, i.e. the frequency of co-author pairs Nij between authors with i publications per author and authors with j publications per author is a function of i and j: Nij = f(i, j) using the normal count procedure for counting i or j. We have assumed that the distribution of co-author pairs’ frequencies can be considered to be reflection of a social Gestalt and therefore can be described by the corresponding mathematical function based on well-known general characteristics of structures in interpersonal relations in social networks. We have shown that this model of social Gestalts can better explain the distribution of co-author pairs than by a simple bivariate function in analogy to Lotka's Law. This model is based on both the Gestalt theory and the old Chinese Yin/Yang theory.  相似文献   

季丹  郭政  李武 《图书馆论坛》2020,(5):116-122
社会化阅读的普及对公众的阅读行为产生了深远影响,对社会化阅读行为的影响因素及其内在机制进行研究具有重要意义。文章以微信阅读APP为研究对象,通过对195名用户的问卷调查,结合结构方程法,从临场感、感知控制、交互响应性3个维度探讨影响公众社会化阅读心流体验的因素;基于心流理论构建公众社会化阅读行为意愿的影响机制模型,为社交媒体背景下更好地实现用户的社会化阅读提供新的研究视角。  相似文献   

Book editors in the social sciences and humanities play an important role in their fields but little is known about their typical publication and collaboration patterns. To partially fill this gap, we compare Flemish editors and other researchers, in terms of career stage, productivity, publication types, publications with domestic and international collaboration as well as the number of (international or all) unique co‐authors, co‐editors and associated book chapter authors. The results show that editors are mostly established researchers, especially in the social sciences, produce more book chapters and monographs than do other researchers, and are more productive. Nevertheless, editors collaborate less than do other researchers, both in terms of publications and in number of co‐authors. Including book chapter authors in the editors' collaboration networks makes those networks substantially larger, demonstrating that editors do not mainly call upon authors from their existing collaboration network when choosing book chapter authors in the edited books. Finally, editors seem to co‐author with their book chapter authors slightly more often after the publication of the edited book than before.  相似文献   

吴文晓  武涛 《情报工程》2016,2(6):050-059
采用信息可视化软件CiteSpace III对2009-2015年间CSSCI(2014-2015)收录的1702篇社会网络研究文献进行分析,分别绘制作者共现图谱、机构分布图谱、期刊共被引图谱、主题分布图谱,同时依据不同时期的研究热点词频变动和频次,生成我国社会网络研究的演化路径图谱。通过对图谱的解读揭示出我国社会网络领域的研究现状,在此基础上探讨了我国社会网络研究存在的些许不足和未来可能的研究方向,以期为今后此类研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This study seeks to explore institutional repository, social networking, and bibliographic databases of scholarly communication in Nigeria. Six institutional repositories (IR) were selected and five leading authors had their works manually crosschecked in two citation indexes and self-archived in social networking sites. The results reveal that faculty members have embraced self-archive on academic social network platforms, while their records in the IR do not reflect this. The study recommends Universities' management to implore academics to self-archive their publications into their IR, while the libraries too could search bibliographic databases and social network sites to update their respective IR platforms.  相似文献   

基于社会网络分析的国内计量学作者合作关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用社会网络分析方法,研究我国计量学领域作者合作关系。选取2000-2010年论文数据,通过分析合著关系网络密度、中心性及小团体,得出计量学作者总体合作程度高,但核心作者间合作有待加强;刘则渊及邱均平为该领域中心作者;作者合作关系受地理位置影响大;该领域研究群体以图书情报、医学情报人员为主;各小团体均有其本身特点。通过本研究,以揭示该领域作者合作关系,促进知识交流及学科发展。  相似文献   


This article details the development of the Library Instruction Wiki (http://instructionwiki.org): an effort to develop a web-based, knowledge-sharing resource. Though some library instruction is specific to a given institution or class, much of what instruction librarians teach is similar. Library instructors have repeatedly expressed the desire to share resources, ideas, and expertise. With the increasing presence of social software applications, the options for technology-enabled knowledge sharing have grown dramatically in recent years. The success of Wikipedia illustrates how wikis can be used to build collective knowledge-building projects. The authors describe the process of using a wiki to build such a resource. Drawing on research connecting communities of practice, information and communication technology, and knowledge management, the authors also examine the social and cultural challenges they faced trying to use communication technology with a dispersed network of practitioners. Implementation details including software selection and installation, customization, and marketing are discussed. A year after its initial launch, contributions to the wiki have slowed despite consistent and enthusiastic support for the concept. The authors examine possible reasons for this limited activity, and suggest next steps for this wiki and for further research.  相似文献   

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