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中国绞股蓝属(葫芦科)的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 The genus Gynostemma B1. consists of 13 species and 2 varieties in the whole world, among which 11 species and 2 varieties occur in China. They are distributed in S. Shaanxi and the southern part of the Yangtze River (including Taiwan province) in China and also in Korea, Japan, Sri Lanka, India and Malesia. Based on the characters and dehiscence of fruit, the genus Gynostemma B1. may be divided into two subgenera, i.e. Subgen. I. Gynostemma and Subgen. II. Trirostllum (Z. P. Wang et Q. Z. Xie) C. Y. Wu ct S. K. Chen, comb. nov.        1.  Subgenus Gynostemma. The fruits are baccate, globose, 3-umbonate and incorni culate on the apical side, indehiscent when mature. The style apex in female flower is bifid.       Type of subgenus: Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Mak.       This subgenus contains 8 species and 2 varieties in the world, among which 6 speci- es and 2 varieties occur in China, i.e.1.G. simplicifolium B1. (Yunnan, Hainan of Guang- dong); 2. G. laxum (Wall.) Cogn. (S. Yunnan, Hainan of Guangdong and Guangxi); 3. G. burmanicum King ex Chakr. (Yunnan), 3a. G. burmanicum var. molle C. Y. Wu (Yun- nan); 4. G. pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Mak. (S. Shaanxi and the soutern area of the Yangtze River of China), 4a. G. pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Mak. var. dasycarpum C. V. Wu (Yun- nan); 5. G. pubescens (Gagnep.) C. Y. Wu, st. nov. (Yunnan); 6. G. longipes C. Y. Wu, sp. nov. (endemic to China: Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Shaanxi and Guangxi).       2.  Subgenus Trirostellum (Z. P. Wang et Q. Z. Xie) C. Y. Wu et S. K. Chen, comb. nov.——Trirostellum Z. P. Wang et Q. Z. Xie in Acta Phytotaxonomia Sinica 19 (4): 483. 1981, syn. nov. The fruit are capsules, subcampanulate, 3-corniculate on the apical side, dehiscent when mature. The style apex in female flower is luniform and irregularly denticulate at margin, rarely bifid.       Type of subgenus: Gynostemma cardiospermum Cogn. ex Oliv.      This subgenus comprises 5 species, which are all endemic to China.  1. G. yixingense (Z. P. Wang et Q. Z. Xie) C. Y. Wu et S. K. Chen (Jiangsu and Zhejiang); 2. G. cardio spermum Cogn. ex Oliv. (Hubei, Shaanxi and Sichuan); 3. G. microspermum C. Y. Wu et S. K. Chen (S. Yunnan); 4. G. aggregatum C. Y. Wu et S. K. Chen (NW. Yunnan); 5. G.laxiflorum C. Y. Wu et S. K. Chen (Anhui).  相似文献   

本文通过对东亚和南亚马兜铃属的研究,修改了马兜铃属的分类系统,补充论证了演化趋势;并   在分析该属地理分布的基础上提出马兜铃属分布与分化的第二个中心——中国的横断山区。  本文确   认2亚属、7组、4系、68种和1变种,其中有3新组、2新种及13个新异名。  相似文献   

 利用解剖镜和扫描电子显微镜详细观察了泽泻科星果泻属全部5种植物的果实形态和微形态特征,发现该属植物的果实:常为蓇葖果具2~6枚种子;稀瘦果具1枚种子,扁压,不规则长方形,顶端一侧延伸成尾状长喙;或果实三角形,喙不明显。果皮上有角质层覆盖,角质层的纹饰为条状或细条状,上面密被碎屑状、颗粒状或稀疏的颗粒状蜡质附属物。这些特征可作为属下分类的依据。本文在前人研究的基础上对该属的分类进行了讨论并写出新的分种检索表。笔者认为将星果泻和星状星果泻各自作为独立的种可能更为合理;加州星果泻仍应放在星果泻属内,而星果泻则可能是加州星果泻与该属其它种联系的一个中间过渡类型;多籽星果泻不宜与星果泻全并,仍应保留为一独立的种。笔者还首次发现该属植物的果皮上分布有气孔。  相似文献   

    本文分析溲疏属的重要形态特征的演化趋势,讨论亲缘属的系统位置和地理分布及区系特点,分类系统的修订和补充,并编写了分种检索表。认为雄蕊不定数,花瓣覆瓦状排列,花丝无齿,子房半下位的是属于原始性状,而雄蕊定数,花瓣镊合状排列,花丝具齿,子房下位的是进化性状,因此新溲疏组应包括在溲疏属内,该组与中间溲疏组是原始类群,而溲疏组是进化类群。国产52种被分为2组,4亚组和17系。溲疏属基本上是属于北温带分布类型,而我国的横断山脉至秦岭南部和华中一带为本属的现代分布和分化中心。  相似文献   

中国毛茛科植物小志(廿二)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 (1)揭示了铁线莲属以下演化趋势:萼片由开展到直立;雄蕊由无毛到有毛;雄蕊花丝由条形演 化到披针状条形或倒披针状条形;花药由长圆形演化到条形或狭条形;药隔不突出到在顶端突出;在雄 蕊被毛时,毛由少而短到多而长;此外花序由具花序梗和苞片到花序梗和苞片消失,以及由自当年生枝 叶腋生出转变到自老枝腋芽中生出。主要根据上述演化趋势,本文将我国铁线莲属各组及组下分类群做出新的排列。(2)描述了6新亚组,6新系,2新种,4新变种,给出了5新组合,4新等级和2新名。  相似文献   

描述了在广西发现的苦苣苔科一新属和一新种,即文采苣苔属Wentsaiboea D. Fang & D. H. Qin及文采苣苔W. renifolia D. Fang & D. H. Qin, 并提供墨线图。文采苣苔属的柱头外形略似长檐苣苔属Dolicholoma D. Fang & W. T. Wang, 不同在于前者叶肾形,基部心形,具掌状脉,花冠斜钟状,裂片圆形,雄蕊和退化雄蕊着生于冠筒近基部。新属在体态上还接近小花苣苔属Chiritopsis W. T. Wang, 但前者叶具掌状脉,冠筒钟状,远轴侧膨胀,柱头马蹄形;在后者叶具羽状脉,冠筒筒状,不膨胀,柱头下唇倒梯形至线形。  相似文献   

本文通过对三白草科 saururaceae 裸蒴属 Gymnotheca Decne.  营养器官的解剖和观察,发现该属和三白草属Saururus L.、蕺草属 Houttuynia Thunb. 有明显的区别,而同胡椒科Piperaceae 的齐头绒属 Zippelia Bi.则有许多相似的特征。因此我们认为该属和齐头绒属同为三白草科和胡椒科的中间过渡类型。  相似文献   

 The purpose of the present paper is to discuss the systematic position of the genus Schnabelia originally proposed by H. Handel-Mazzatti in 1921, who considered it as be- longing to the family Verbenaceae, a point which he further emphasized in 1936.  How- ever, in his paper on the Chinese verbenaceous plants (1932), Prof. Pei Chien thought the genus should be removed from Verbenaceae into Labiatae and allied it with such genera as Ajuga and Teucrium on the ground that it also has deeply lobed ovary. Since then botanists on Chinese plants, such as Prof. Y. Z. Sun, F. C. How, etc. have always considered Schnabelia Hand.-Mazz. as a genus of Labiatae.      The present writer has recently studied the  genus,  comparing  its  morphology  of ovary, calyx lobes, pedicels, pollen grains, etc. with a number of verbenaceous genera, and comes to the conclusion that the genus should belong to Verbenaceae as H. Handel- Mazzatti first proposed and that it is closely allied to the genus Caryopteris, especially C. nepetaefolia (Benth.) Maxim.  Moreover, he considers that the deeply lobed ovary is not at all a good character even for generic separation, for several genera in Ver- benaceae, such as Caryopteris, Clerodendron, just like Teucrium and Ajuga of Labiatae, also have deeply lobed ovaries.      From the ample herbarium material, the present writer discovered for the first time that the genus Schnabelia has two types of flowers,  cleistogamous  and  chasmogamous. The original founder of the genus did not know this peculiar floral  character,  as  not mention of it was made in the generic diagnosis.  Chienodoxa Sun (1951) proves to be the present genus, which is based upon the cleistogamous type of flowers of an allied or perhaps the same species.    相似文献   

在对竹亚科散生竹全面研究基础上,本文对酸竹属进行了系统的整理和研究,讨论了本属与相近属之间亲缘和区别。本文确认有6种,其中有1新组合和5个新异名。  相似文献   

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