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Ⅰ.单项填空(共20小题,每小题1分;满分20分)1 .We've got __word that they are coming to spend__holidays withus.A.a;the B.不填; the C.the;the D.a;不填2.-Isn't it hard to drive downtown to work?  相似文献   

Remember the first time you saw E. T. The Extra-Terrestrial? Did you cry? Spend the next month telling your nearest and dearest to "phone home" in your best E. T. voice?We've got a slew(许多,大量) of facts and figures to get you up to speed on everything E. T. And don' t worry, we won' t tell anyone we saw you crying in the theater.  相似文献   

1.already, yet和stillalready通常用于肯定句中,意思是“已经”。有时用于疑问句中表示惊讶、怀疑等语气。例如:We have seen the film already. 我们已经看过这部电影了。Have you finished the work already? 你果真完成那项工作了?yet一般用在否定句和疑问句中,可译作“还”、“已经”。例如:—Have you got that book yet? —No, I haven’t got it yet. —你已经拿到那本书了吗?—不,我还没有。still的意思是“仍然、还”。表示某事在进行中,可用于各种句式。例如:Our teacher is still working in the office. 我们的老师还在办…  相似文献   

1.rise like a phoenix from its ashes从毁灭中再生,新生干劲大A:Oh,my God!The Indonesia Tsunami destroyed this city totally! B:Though it was destroyed,I believe it will rise like a phoenix from its ashes soon. A:噢,天哪!这次印尼海啸把这个城市彻底摧毁了。B:虽然这座城市遭到了破坏,但我相信它很快就会从毁灭中再生的。2.get the hang of找到……的窍门A:Have you got the hang of using this camera? B:Yes.It is a piece of cake to me. A:你找到用这个照相机的窍门了吗? B:找到了,这对我来说是小菜一碟。  相似文献   

1、I'm eager to meet my mother at the airport. 我急切地想去机场见我的妈妈。 2、How eagerly I want to see my classmates! 我多想尽快见到我的同学啊! 3、We've been expecting for the coming Christmas 我们一直都在盼望着圣诞节的到来。 4、We've been waiting for his good news. 我们一直都在等待他的好消息。  相似文献   

<正>学习问题是同学们之间经常讨论的话题,特别是考完试后,考试成绩往往是大家比较关心的话题。同学们希望从考试成绩中找到自己没有掌握的知识点,对症下药。今天,让我们一起来看看与学习问题有关的英语表达吧。情境对话A:Tara,congratulations!B:Thank you,John.But for what?A:Don’t you know you got the highest score on this midterm English exam?  相似文献   

King: No, there is still hope from that. It needs time, and safe passage cross-es the Plain Cocro, we can different that.国王:不,我们还有希望,只要有时间,还有一条通过可可洛平原的安全通道,我们就能改变这一切。The dwarf: How?矮人:那我们该怎么做?King: Drew out Saron's army ,empty his last ,and we got our full troop as much on the black gate!国王:将沙龙的军队引出来,然后我们集中所有的兵力通过黑暗之门直袭他的后方!Knight: You can not take victory.骑士:这样是不会成功的。King: Straight all of us!We c…  相似文献   

Marie:Oh,where’s Nutcracker? 噢,胡桃夹子在哪里?Mother:You’d do better to worry about yourself than the Nutcracker,young lady. 多关心关心自己吧,别老想着胡桃夹子,小淑女。Mother:Why on earth did you stay up so late last night? 为什么昨晚你那么晚才睡?Marie: I had to,Mother. 没办法,妈妈!Marie:Nutcracker was in danger. 胡桃夹子当时有危险。Mother:The only one who was in danger was you.  相似文献   

1.the man(the Man)大哥:厉害的人A: O. K. Your walkman is fixed. There should be no more problem(s) now.好了!你的随身听修好了。应该不会再有问题了!B:You've got it taken care of just like that?You're the man. 你这样(一下子)就搞好了啊!大哥真是厉害!  相似文献   

Cat,Bat and Rat     
What's in the hat?What's in the hat?A mad cat?No.A fat bat?No.A bad rat?Yes ,you've got it!A bad rat is in the hat.  相似文献   

How to Use it     
1.You did?真的吗?A:I got a phone call from Annie yesterday.我昨天接到安妮的电话了。B:You did?What did she say?真的吗?她说什么了?A:Well,she’s coming for the holiday this weekend.她说这个周末过来度假。B:Great! I am looking forward to meet her! 太好了!我盼着能见到她。  相似文献   

李新 《新高考》2011,(11):54-56
They seemed like best mates. Every time one of them got a point,they did a high fiv(e击掌相庆). The men were the British Prime Minister,David Cameron, and the President of the USA, Barack Obama.The palling around(结伴玩耍)took place during Mr. Obama’s state  相似文献   

1.We haven't got any at the moment.have作“有”讲时 ,应注意以下几点 :1英语中 ,做句式转换时直接变化 have即可。在口语中 ,可在 have后加上 got,如 :Have you(got) any good friends?你有一些好朋友吗 ?We have(got) a good English teacher.我们有一位好英语老师。2美语中 ,做句式转换时要加上助动词 ,如 :She doesn't have an English— Chinesedictionary.她没有英汉字典。2 .She used to be a Chinese teacher.句中的 used to起情态动词的作用 ,意思是“过去经常、过去曾经”。它只有过去时态 ,且不随主语的改变而改变。它表…  相似文献   

初中教材中,我们经常碰到这样的短语、句子: Read and understand day and night. And after that I got the flu. What may cause headache? And when should we go to see doctor?  相似文献   

1.动动脑①请你把one,tw o,three,four,five,six,seven这7个数填入图中的7个空白处,使每个圆中的4个数相加和均为four-teen。②W hat gose up,but never down?(什么只增长,从不减少?)③H elen is tw elve years old,but she had only threebirthday,w hen was she born?(海伦12岁了,但是她只过了3个生日,她什么时候出生的?)2.算一算PIG A N D CA G ETO M has a farm.H e has got100pigs.H e puts the piginto the cages.In each cage,he put5pigs.H ow m any cages dose he need for allhis pigs?3.小幽默FullA nut:W on't you hav…  相似文献   

彩彤 《今日中学生》2015,(Z1):51-52
Byron:Did you hear about what happened to Howard?Vance:No,what?Byron:Someone stole his car!Vance:Really?What did it happen?Byron:Last night.He left it parked in front of his girl friend’s house andwhen he came out to go home,it was gone.Vance:Wow!That’s really tough(倒霉).He just bought it lastmonth,didn’t he?Byron:Uh-huh.Fortunately,he’s got insurance(上保险)and the po-  相似文献   

1.got stuck卡壳A:What's up?You look so unhappy! B:I got stuck on this problem.It is such a touchy issue! A:Well,cheer up,I think you can make it. B:Thanks.I will try to figure it out. A:怎么啦?你看起来闷闷不乐的! B:我在这个问题上卡壳了,这真是个棘手的问题。A:振作点,我想你能想出办法来的。B:谢谢,我再试试看。  相似文献   

琦酬Dadd丫Wha,”bou‘Murn!M认m!Do you want to 90 to the seaside*?妈妈!妈妈!你想去海边吗?厂邀酬……一了:口恤口恤缨黝澎嘟掷鄂瞰乞儡癫辉耀趟耀掷缈哪鹭翻{毖岔月加抓馨墅攀翼翼罐衅嚷黝蘸Daddy,whatare we going to do in the vaeation?爸爸,我们在假期里做什么呀?振率急私业纷霏栖撬滩桑碳鞠嚼邻羚鳃梦‘-一-一万一丁闷HaVe you got any good ideas?你有什么好主意了吗?瘾姗.r口.ank about,t.考虑sound/SSUnd/ beaCh/bi:t丁/n,vi.听起来海滩seaside/,51 :sald/ n.海边terrifle/t。’rxfik/adj.极好的,很棒的举片一蕊薰…  相似文献   

在寒冷的日子(cold days),让我们一起学习这些由"cold"组成的成语,让你因为这些收获而热血沸腾! 1.get/have cold feet临阵胆怯;畏缩A:Have you told your parents the truth?你告诉你父母真相了吗? B:I wanted to,but every time I was really going to walk in their room and told them about it,I just got cold feet.我想来着,但是每次我想要走进他们的房间告诉他们的时候,我就腿软了。  相似文献   

Boy:I got a hundred in school today, Mom:Good!In which subject did you get a hundred? Boy:Well,I got forty in reading,thirty in spelling,and thirty in arithmetic.  相似文献   

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