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1.习语中hundred并非表示精确数字,往往强调数量之多。请看:by the hundred/by hundreds数以百计,大批大批地a cool hundred百镑巨款,巨款hundred percent百分之百,完全地hundreds of thousands of people成千上万的人hundreds of millions of people亿万人a hundred to one一百比一,非常可能ninety-nine out of a hundred百分之九十九,几乎全部,差不多总是a hundred and one许多hundreds and thousands指的是糕点上作点缀用的小蜜饯(或小糖果)great/long hundred指的是实数,意思是“一百二十”。2.谚语中,hundred更是虚指,强调“多”,而且…  相似文献   

在中学英语教材中,数词的单、复数形式多次出现,现归纳如下:一、基数词和名词构成的合成词作定语时,基数词和名词都用单数形式.如:a ten-yuan notean eight-hundred-word compositiona 20-year-old boya 500-metre-long street但由数词构成的一些专有名词呈复数形式出现.如:twos and threes(三三两两)hundreds and hundreds(成千上万)tens of thousands(数以万计)hundred,thousand,million用作具体数字时,一律用单数形式.如:  相似文献   

数词是中学英语语法学习基础内容之一.学生在学习基数词和序数词的表达方法和基本用法时,在学习中应注意以下几点.Ⅰ、注意分清hundred,thousand,million和score,dozen的基本用法.1.hundred,housand和million1)当前面有具体的数词以及many,several等词修饰时,这三个词用单数形式,后面直接跟复数名词.如:two hundred students;several thousand enemies.2)这三个词的复数形式跟of连用时,表示笼统的数目.如:hundreds of dollars;millions of ants.  相似文献   

一、加法(Addition) 怎样用英语说“2+2=4”或“712+145=857”呢? 一般位数少的加法,用“and”表示算式中的“+”,用“is/are”表示“=”。如:Two and two are four. Six and five is eleven. What's eight and six? 还可以说:Six and four make(s) ten. Four plus two equals six. Two plus five is seven. Four added to five makes nine. Add two and three to get five. Add three and seven and you will have ten. 较大数字的加法,(特别在规范的格式中)用“plus”表示算式中的“+”号,和用“is/equals”表示“=”。如:Seven hundred and twelve plus a hundred and forty-five is/equals eight hundred and fifty-seven. 百位数字之后在美国英语中常不加  相似文献   

1.hundred,thousand,million在什么情况下用单数形式,什么情况下用复数形式? 一般来说,这几个词表示一个确切的数目时用单数形式,但million前有数词时也可加“-s”。例如:a(one) hundred;three hundred and sixty-five days/two thousand; five thousandeight hundred and forty miles/seven million(s)。  相似文献   

1.I think that TV play is worth__. A.to watch B.looking C.to look D.watching [分析]该题考查形容词worth的用法。形容词worth后面要跟及物动词的-ing的主动形式,这样,可排除A,B,C三项,答案为D。2.We__ learned about__ English words by the end of last term. A.have,three hundred B.had,three hundred C.have,three hundreds D.had,three hundreds  相似文献   

Learning Quickly     
Xiao Mao is a pupil. He is learning English in his school. But it is difficult to learn English. One day he sees a piece of paper on the wall. It says,“if you hand in two hundred and fifty hundred yuan, we can teach you three foreign languages in three d…  相似文献   

董耀忠 《考试》2014,(Z1):16-17
<正>考点一、基数词表示数量:dozen,score,hundred,thousand,million等表示确指数目时,其前有数词one、two…、several、some等修饰,词尾不能加"s";表示约指数目时,其后加"s",且与"of"连用,其前均不可用具体数词。如:three hundred of people\hundreds of people。例如:——What can I do for you?  相似文献   

Aeroplanes are slowly driving me madly. I live 1._____near a airport and passing planes can be heard 2._____night and day. The airport is built during the war, 3._____but for some reason it could not be used to then. 4._____Last year, however, it came into use. Over two hundreds 5.______  相似文献   

1. How to teach grammar — deductive or inductive Everyone who has ever learned English must have heard and talked about the word “grammar” hundreds of hundreds of times. It plays such an important role in our everyday teaching or learning that no one c…  相似文献   

1.我校有八百名学生。【误】There are eight hundreds students in our school. 【正】There are eight hundred students in our school. 【析】hundred,thousand等表示确切的数字时,要用单数形式。2.天空中有成千上万颗星星。【误】There are million of stars in the sky.  相似文献   

数词类试题是历年各地中考的热点,本文拟在对这一类知识进行一次全方位的总结。1 think the_eentury will bringus more hoPeS and rnore challenges. A .twenty一one B .twentieth一one2.表示日期We say“1998,12,1”like this:一、考查基数词的写法与读法一Can you read the number 30,547?一丫已S,A .Thir’ty thousands,行ve hundreds andforty一sevenB .Thirty thousand,five hundred andforty一sevenC .Thirty thousands,five hundredsforty sevenD,Thirty thousand,five hundred andforty seven〔点津〕英语基数词的写法是从个…  相似文献   

A young man went to a car shop.He was wearing rubber boots(胶靴子)and a dirty jacket.And he needed a haircut badly.The young man looked at an expensive car carefully and then turned to speak tothe shopkeeper.“Howmuch is this car?”he asked.“One thousand two hundred and eighteen  相似文献   

英美人特别喜欢用数字来表达各种复杂的语言,这样可以使语言更简单明了,生动有趣。如:1.in one合为一体2.one by one逐一3.two in one合二为一4.one and the sam e完全一回事5.in one or two words三言两语6.six to one相差悬殊7.ten to one十之八九8.a hundred and one很多9.b  相似文献   

The Sm ithsonian Institution s N a-tional A ir and Space M useum m aintainsthe largest collection of historic air andspacecraft in the world. It is also a vitalcenter for research into the history,sci-ence, and technology of aviation andspace flight,as well as planetary scienceand terrestrial geology and geophysics.The M useum has two display facili-ties. The N ational M all Building inW ashington,D .C.has hundreds of arti-facts on display including the originalW right 1903 Flyer, the Sp…  相似文献   

1.Nanjing is a city with many places of interest.Tourists come here every year.(2005南京市考题)A.Thousand of B.ThousandC.Thousands D.Thousands of【解析】选D。基数词hundred,thousand,million,billion表示确定的数时,用数词直接加在它们的前面,其后不加-s,当hundred,thousand,million,bil-lion等后面跟of短语时,则要加-s,表示一个大约数。如:millions of意为“数以百万计的”,thousands of意为“数以千计的”,hundreds of意为“数以百计的”。2.—Would you like to go outfor a walk with us?—,but I must finish my ho…  相似文献   

The shark may be the most feared of all marine creatures. It is not the biggest or the fastest in the sea,but it is most dangerous because it attacks a man suddenly.There are more than two hundred and fifty types of sharks in the world.Most of them are  相似文献   

Xiaomao is a pupil.He is learning English in his school.But it is difficult to learn English.One day he sees a piece of paper on the wall.It says,"If you hand in two hundred and fifty yuan,we can teach you three foreign languages in three days."He is very  相似文献   

I’m a novelist.My work is humannature.Real life is all I know.Don't everconfuse the two, your life and yourwork.You will walk out of here this af-ternoon with only one thing that no oneelse has.There will be hundreds of peopleout there with your same degree;therewill be thousands of people doing whatyou want to do for a living.But you willbe the only person alive who has sole  相似文献   

1.数词hundred,thousand,million,billion表示确切数字时不加of,不加-s;但表示不确切数字时要用复数形式,加of。如:three million dollars six billion peoplethousands of people hundreds of trees 2.基数词的复数形式可表示人的岁数或年代。如:  相似文献   

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