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中文句子:就是他经常迟到。在意思上,上述句子与“他经常迟到”没有多大的不同;但是,在语气上,却迥然而异,第一句强调“不是别人,而是他经常迟到”。如果把这句子以英文翻译为:“He often comes late.”虽然它表达了原句的基本意思,但是,它没有着重指出“他”。在这种情形下,我们可用这种强调的句型:“It is……that(或who)……”,即:“It is he that often comes late.”在用法上,介于it is及that之间的字,可能是名词、代名词或副词,也可能是片语(phrase)或从句(即附属子句)(subordinate clause),都是用来表示强调的语气。  相似文献   

根据汉语句子,完成英语句子。注意句中“看”字的英译。1.今晚我去看电影。Im going to a film tonight.2.让我们一起去看足球赛好吗?Lets go to the footballm atch together,shall we?3.他昨晚看电视了吗?D id he TV last night?4.他父亲每天看报纸吗?D oes his father new spapers every day?5.不要讲话了!请看黑板。Stop talking。Please the blackboard.6.请把你的新钢笔给我看看。Please m e your new pen.7.他明天将去看望他的朋友们。H e s going to his friends tom orrow.8.他朝四周看了看,但什么也没有看见。H e,but nothin…  相似文献   

根据汉语句子完成英语句子。注意句中“看”字的英译。1.今晚我去看电影。I’m going to_____a film tonight.2.让我们一起去看足球赛好吗? Lel’s go to_______the football match together,shall we? 3.他昨晚看电视了吗? Did he______TV last night? 4.他父亲每天看报纸吗?  相似文献   

1.秋天是我最喜欢的季节。误:Autumn is my most favourite season.正:Autumn is my favourite season.2.他为他的朋友而担忧。误:He is worry about his friend.正:He is worried about his friend.辨析:worry 作为动词或名词时,其前不使用系动词be,“为……而担忧”可用短语be worried about,短语中wor-ried 是形容词作表语。3.你的老师可能在办公室。误:Your teacher maybe in the office./Maybe yourteacher in the office.正:Your teacher may be in the office./Maybeyour teacher is in the office.辨析:Maybe 作为副词“或许、…  相似文献   

11.给他当二把手我看也值得,他太能干了。【中式译文】I feel it worth being a second hand to him.He is socapable.【地道英语】Ifeelitworthbeingasecondfiddletohim.Heissocapable.【背景知识】英语的secondhand作名词指“中间人”、“旧货”或“助手工人”,而汉语的“二把手”是“副手”,即“第二负责人”的意思,所以二者不是一回事。Play secondfiddle则源于管弦乐队中第一提琴手(firstviolin)不在的时候由第二提琴手负责,并被人们引申为“当主要领导人的副手”,也就是我们所说的“当二把手”。由此,不难猜出“当一把手”译成英语…  相似文献   

在英语中表示“说话”的词很多,到目前为止,我们就学了“say、speak、talk和tell。现在我们将这四个词的用法一起讨论如下: 一、say用语言传达思想感情。即强调说话内容,常作及物动词,宾语可以是名词、代词或从句;在直接或间接引语的前后也常用say。例如: 1.How do you say it in English?这个用英语怎么说? 2.Please say goodbye to your teacher afteryou leave school.放学后请跟老师道别。3.He said that he would go there with hisparents the next week.他说下周他将和父母一起去那儿。4.He said.“I often watch TV in the evening.”他说:“我晚上常看电视。”5.“They have gone to Shanghai.”said Jack.“他们已去上海了,”杰克说。  相似文献   

一天,蒂姆的数学老师看了他的作业,发现他全做对了。老师很高兴,同时也十分惊奇。他把蒂姆叫到桌前说:“蒂姆,你这次的作业全都做对了,怎么回事?你爸爸帮你做了吗?”蒂姆的爸爸通常确实帮他做作业,但是头天晚上,因为他不在家就没有帮蒂姆,所以蒂姆回答说:“不,先生,我爸爸昨晚很忙,我不得不全由自己做了。”One day,Tim’s mathematics teacher looked at his homework and saw thathe had got all his sums right.The teacher was very pleased and rather surprised.He called Tim to his desk and said to him,“You got all your hom…  相似文献   

一、be proud of(doing)sth.感到骄傲/自豪。如: He is proud ofjoining the Party.他为入党感到自豪。二、be proud to do sth.感到骄傲/自豪。如: He is proud to be a teacher.他因成为一名教师而感到骄傲/自豪。三、be proud that+从句,“因……而感到骄傲/自豪”。如: He is proud that he is a doctor.他因成为一名  相似文献   

同学们在英语学习中常遇到一些似是而非的表达,自己不知其然,也不知其所以然,下面给大家举一些实例。1.“He is no fool.”和“He is not a fool.”这两句话似乎意思差不多,但含义却有较大差别。He is no fool.=He is veryclever.(他很精明。)而He is not a fool.(他不是傻子。)只是一  相似文献   

No.1经常见到be said to be这一句式,不知是什么意思?请介绍一下(最好能举例说明)。(湖南姜志勇)答:be said to be主要用于表示“据说”“被认为”等。如:He is said to be a good teacher.他被认为是一个好教师。Women are often said to be more emotional than men.女人常常  相似文献   

No.1 点击介词by的用法 1.用于被动语态的句子中,表示动作的执行者,意为“被、由”.如:He was praised by the teacher.(他受到了老师的表扬.) 2.表示使用方式、手段等,后常接无冠词的名词或动名词,意为“通过、靠、用”.如: 1 )Don't judge a person by appearances.(切勿以貌取人.) 2 )The young man made a living by teaching.(那位年轻人以教书为生.)  相似文献   

No.1点击介词by的用法1.用于被动语态的句子中,表示动作的执行者,意为“被、由”。如:He was praised by the teacher.(他受到了老师的表扬。)  相似文献   

Victor 《中学生电脑》2007,(3):I0001-I0001
1.表示“整岁”,直接用基数词或year,age。例如“他20岁”可表示为:He is twenty.He is twenty years old.He is a twenty-year-old man.He is aged twenty.He is at age twenty.He is at the age of twenty.He is twenty years of age.2.表示“在某人几十多岁”,用“in one’s 基数词复数形式”,例如:他70多岁。He is in his seventies.(从70岁到79岁之间)她50多岁。She is in her fifties.(从50岁到59岁之间)另外,还可以借助early,middle,late来表达得更明确一些,例如:女孩今年二十二三岁。The girl is in her earlytwenties.他今年十…  相似文献   

He is a good sailor.他不会晕船。 此句不能译作:“他是一个好水手。”如要表达此意,应该说:“He is a skilled seaman”。 He is a good sailor.的真正涵义是:He is not liable to seasickness. 或 He is seldom seasick in rough weather.  相似文献   

1.I hope she didn’t hurt herself.(L81)(我希望她没伤着自己。) oneself是反身代词,意为“本人”,“自己”或“亲自”。在此herself作宾语。另外,反身代词在句中还可作介词宾语、表语或同位语。例如: They made the machines all by themselves.(这些机器都是他们自己制造 的。)(作介词宾语) I am not quite myself these days.(近几天我身体不太舒服。)(作表语) He himself is a doctor.(他本人就是医生。)(作主语同位语) You may go to ask the teacher himself about it.(关于这件事你可以去问老 师本人。)(作宾语同位语)  相似文献   

1.他从未去过长城,是吗?[误]He has never been to the Great Wall,hasn’t he?[正]He has never been to the Great Wall,has he?[析]当陈述部分含有never,few,little,nothing,nobody,hardly(几乎不)等表示否定意义的词时,疑问部分须用肯定式。2.她父亲是你的老师,是吗?[误]Her father is your teacher,isn’t herfather  相似文献   

根据汉语句子完成英语句子。注意句中"看"字的英译。1.今晚我去看电影。I’m going to____a film tonight. 2.让我们一起去看足球赛好吗? Let’s go to____the football match togegher,shall we?  相似文献   

Unit9●课文疑难解析1.Do you want to go to a movie?你想去看电影吗?(1)这是个一般疑问句,其中的“want to do sth”意为“想要做某事”。例如:I want to be a Beijing Opera artist.我想成为一名京剧大师。He wants to see a comedy.他想看喜剧。(2)go to a movie相当于go to the cinema,意为“去看电影”。相同意义的搭配有watch a movie,see a film等。例如:I usually go to a movie on weekends.我通常周末去看电影。Do you like watching a movie?你喜欢看电影吗?2.I want to see a comedy.我想看喜剧。see a comedy与go to a co…  相似文献   

汉语中的“两”和不同的词搭配,含义不同。所以在翻译“两”时,就必须正确理解“两”字的含义。常见的译法有:1.two两个我有两个哥哥。Ihavetwobrothers.他们三三两两地来看我。Theycametoseemebytwosandthrees.2.twice两次,两倍我去过北京两次。IhavebeentoBeijingtwice. 这个箱子比那个箱子大两倍。Thisboxistwicebiggerthanthatone.3.both两者(人或物)都他的两个弟弟都在服兵役。Bothhisyoungerbrothersareinthearmy.街道的两边都有商店。Thereareshopsonbothsidesofthestreet.4.neither两者都不这两本书…  相似文献   

宾语从句在复合句中用作主句的宾语,为初中阶段应当掌握的重点语法项目。要想学好宾语从句,必须牢记以下“五要素”: A.语序宾语从句无论是表示陈述,还是表示疑问,均必须使用陈述句语序,即主语在前、谓语在后。例如: He said(that)you weren’t there at thatmoment. 他说那时你不在那里。 I want to know where the teacher lives.我想知道老师住在哪里。  相似文献   

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