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前面那两段绕口令已经让你的嘴巴做好准备活动了吧?现在,咱们接着来练习两句口语。  相似文献   

上个学期我们学校举行青年教师大比武,其中一项就是上课,执教的课是Whatcanyoudo?比赛后,我以同样的内容在另外一个程度相当的班级、采用不同教案进行教学。我觉得我基本上能结合《英语课程标准》中的教学理念,运用自己已经掌握的教学技巧,借用学生和教材内容,充分发挥自己的教学水平,较好地上好了两堂课。现在我整理这两堂课的具体的教学设计。在warming-up热身活动中我都采用了较活泼的方式,如唱英文歌曲,说chant及做游戏等。在呈现阶段所用的方法也大致一样;在复习阶段,都进行了分组活动。不同的是我在甲班通过复习对Animals的爱好等对…  相似文献   

For many people in the U.K. owning a car is as essential as owning a house. Indeed many households now have at least two cars. Add to this the fact that most haulage in the U.K. is carried on the roads and you can begin to imagine the volume of traffic and the problems which this causes, not only in the big cities but  相似文献   

请从下面的图画中找出各人喜爱的物品:(1)A:What do you like,Ben?B:I like strawberries.(2)A:Which do you like,a toy car or a toy bus?B:I like a toy bus.(3)A:I'd like to draw a tree.B:All right,Lin Tao.(4)Helen likes dress,but Lily likes skirt.(5)A:I like red flowers.And you,Kate?B:Me too.What do you like?!山东@白冰…  相似文献   

英语课上,山羊老师提了一个问题:What do you like best?请跳跳鼠回答,跳跳鼠的肚子正咕咕叫,于是张口就说出了答案,没想到同学们哈哈大笑。想知道跳跳鼠的答案吗?那就快来走走跳跳棋吧,每走一步都会得到一个字母,把这些字母组合起来就会得到答案啦!  相似文献   

Optical science and technology have taken giant leaps following the advent of lasers in 1960. We look at some of the key ideas and how they have led to making optical technology an important part of modern life.  相似文献   

新年到了,辞旧迎新之时,美国人常向别人表明他们新的一年的打算,这就是他们的New Year's resolutions(决心)。同学们在新年开始也一定有很多计划吧,怎么用英语说出来呢?跟我老T来学几个句型吧。I’m going to study hard.我打算好好学习。I want to do more exercises.我想加强  相似文献   

上个学期我们学校举行青年教师大比武,其中一项就是上课,执教的课是What can you do?比赛后,我以同样的内容在另外一个程度相当的班级、采用不同教案进行教学。我觉得我基本上能结合《英语课程标准》中的教学理念,运用自己已经掌握的教学技巧,借用学生和教材内容,充分发挥自己的教学水平,较好地上好了两堂课。  相似文献   

【PartA教学设计】一、热身播放课本第44页的歌谣,展示歌谣图片,学生边听边唱。T:What can the panda do?What can Mike do?二、导入出示"Mike画动物"的图片及他所画的动物图片(大象、猴子)。T:What can Mike do?S:He can draw(pictures/animals).T:What animals can hedraw?Ss:He can draw anelephant/a monkey.出示Mike画的"大象洗澡"的图片。T:What can the elephant do?S:It can take a shower with its nose.学生齐读句子:What can the elephant do?It can take a shower with its nose.出示  相似文献   

Education and Information Technologies - Digital and innovation competencies are nowadays highly required for students and faculty members in higher education institutions. We therefore need...  相似文献   

Improving weak teaching may be one of the most effective means of raising pupil achievement. However, teachers’ classroom practices and the teaching ‘process’ may matter more to student learning than teachers’ observed résumé characteristics (such as certification and experience). There may also be important differences in teacher characteristics across government and private schools which may help explain the large documented public-private achievement differences often found in studies. This paper delves into the black-box representing ‘teaching’ to uncover the teacher characteristics and teaching practices that matter most to pupil achievement. This is done using unique school-based data, collected in 2002-2003 from government and private schools from one district in Punjab province in Pakistan. The data allow exploitation of an identification strategy that permits the matching of students’ test scores in language and mathematics to the characteristics of teachers that teach those subjects. Within pupil (across subject rather than across time) variation is used to examine whether the characteristics of different subject teachers are related to a students’ mark across subjects. The data are also unique in asking all subject teachers questions pertaining to their teaching practices and these, often unobserved, ‘process’ variables are included in achievement function estimates. Our pupil fixed-effects findings reveal that the standard résumé characteristics of teachers do not significantly matter to pupil achievement. Perversely, however, teachers are found to be rewarded with higher pay for possessing these characteristics, highlighting the highly inefficient nature of teacher pay schedules. Our findings also show that teaching ‘process’ variables matter significantly to student achievement. There are important differences across school-types.  相似文献   

The 29th Olympic Game will be celebrated in Beijing, China. I!m proud ofthis. Olympic Games are always celebrated in big countries,which means ourcountry is stronger than before.The Chinese government is getting ready for the 2008 Olympic Games.Workers ar…  相似文献   

一课围绕情态动词can所组成的句子展开.在教学中,教师要引导学生学会并运用What can you do?和Can you do…?等句式询问别人能否做某事,并能正确运用No,I can not do…作出正确的回答,培养学生具有I can do it的主人翁精神.  相似文献   

大眼蜗牛:这次我给大家找了一幅很有趣的图。首先,请你猜想图中的鲨鱼在想什么;接着,将你的猜想内容填写在小对话框中;然后你可以剪下或复印这幅图及你写好的内容;最后让邮差先生把你的信转交给我们。我们会在第11期公布最有想像力的几位同学的姓名和作品,还有精美礼物噢?赶快行动吧!  相似文献   

小珺:我想问一下怎样辨认闭音节?闭音节是由哪几个部分组成的呢?什么叫重读闭音节?大眼蜗牛:音节有开音节和闭音节之分。以元音字母结尾的音节叫开音节,如no,game,she等;以一个或几个辅音字母(r除外)结尾的音节叫闭音节,它由一个元音字母 一个或几个辅音字母(r除外)组成,如map,  相似文献   

<正>【教材分析】本课是PEP英语五年级上册第4单元A部分的第一课时,主要学习"会做什么"的话题,要求学生能听、说、认读dance,sing English songs,do kung fu,draw cartoons,play the pipa五种"会做什么"的单词并加以运用。能运用句型"I can…"简单表达自己会做什么;能用句型"What can you do?"询问别人会做什么,并用"I can…"来做出回答。  相似文献   

Scott-jones D 《联谊会》1993,75(3):K1-12
There are a number of options that help adolescents make appropriate choices about sexual activity, pregnancy, and childbearing. Comprehensive sex education programs are a deterrent to unwanted pregnancy and early sexual activity. Educational attitudes must be changed to reflect a recognition that sexual behavior is not deviant, but a normal part of human development during the transition to adulthood. Programs to prevent unplanned pregnancies must focus on educational expectations, educational achievement, and career preparation. Provision of child care options will help adolescents stay in school. Program focus must be applicable to two groups: older and younger adolescents. Solutions offered by Claire Brindis, based on program evaluations, suggest broad guidelines and local community-specific prevention plans. The responsible expression of sexuality needs greater emphasis than has occurred in many programs, particularly those where sex education is controversial or is confined to a small amount of time. Schools have been the most responsible vehicle for provision of sex education. In addition to sexuality education and pregnancy prevention programs, programs which instill a desire for greater formal education have resulted in delayed sexual activity and childbearing. Schools can play an important role in socializing adolescents for the appropriate transition to adulthood. Schools have become less and less meaningful to adolescents. German apprenticeship programs have been successful in orienting students to jobs in real settings. The Public Service Academy in Washington, D.C., has provided similar opportunities for part-time work or internships in government. Abortion among adolescents is still a politically charged issue in the US. Many have recommended the Maryland example of designating the physician or mental health provider, instead of a judge, as the individual responsible for determining the maturity and best interests of the child in choosing abortion. Pliner and Yates have recommended parental notification laws only for adolescents aged under 15 years. Adoption, as a solution to an unwanted birth, has remained stable at about 1% among Black adolescents and has declined from 19% to 3% among White adolescents over the past 20 years. More research is needed on how to best handle the sense of abandonment and loss or feelings of irresponsibility due to the decision to put an unwanted baby up for adoption.  相似文献   

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