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The results of a 13-item questionnaire mailed to all graduates of the Division of General Studies of Iona College, New Rochelle, N.Y., who had received life-experience credits as part of their undergraduate degree are presented. The purpose of the study was to determine the acceptability of life-experience credits by graduate schools in order to provide students with accurate information in advising them about postgraduate plans, to determine if there were a trend toward or away from acceptability of nontraditional credentialing and, if necessary, to be an advocate for our students and the concept of life-experience credentialing.  相似文献   

分析了滁州学院应用型高校工商管理专业人才培养定位及人力资源管理课程实践教学现状,提出人力资源管理课程实践教学改革思路:既要构建实践教学的制度体系、教学系统及教学考评体系,又要不断探索案例教学、情景模拟、践行辅导、实验课、社会实践等课内外实践教学模式.  相似文献   

The WISC-R and the Slosson Intelligence Test (SIT) were given to 69 randomly selected children in grades one through six in an urban school system. A regression equation for predicting WISC-R full scale IQ from SIT was developed. Previous studies had reported that SIT IQs tended to be consistently higher than WISC-R IQs. The present study revealed that SIT IQs were considerably higher than WISC-R IQs in the upper range and slightly lower in the lower range. A possible reason for the discrepancy is that the present study used a normal population and previous studies used restricted ranges. It was concluded that the SIT provides a good estimate of WISC-R full scale IQs when a regression equation is used. It was recommended, however, that educational placement decisions should not be made on the basis of any single IQ measure.  相似文献   

Following the 1990 World Conference on Education for All in Jomtien, Thailand, many developing countries are making efforts to achieve basic education for all by the year 2000. However, when it comes to measuring educational progress, there are few methodologies that can overcome the many problems and controversies in this area. This paper describes a serviceable methodology for measuring basic education (competencies in reading, writing and arithmetic, as well as selected life skills), which has proven to be simple, inexpensive and rapid. This approach, termed the Assessment of Basic Competencies (ABC), has been tested in Bangladesh on 2,100 children between the ages of 11 and 12. The results are discussed here. This methodology may be of use to education programme managers in other developing countries.
Zusammenfassung Nach der Weltkonferenz über Bildung für Alle 1990 in Jomtien, Thailand, bemühen sich viele Entwicklungsländer um eine Grundbildung für alle bis zum Jahr 2000. Wenn man jedoch die Methoden zur Bemessung der Leistungen der Schüler betrachtet, gibt es nur wenige Methodologien, die die zahlreichen Probleme und Kontroversen auf diesem Gebiet bewältigen können. Dieser Artikel beschreibt eine praktische Methodologie zur Bewertung der Grundbildung (Lese- und Schreibfähigkeiten, arithmetische Fähigkeiten sowie ausgewählte zum Leben notwendige Fahigkeiten), die sich als einfach, preiswert und schnell erwiesen hat. Dieser Ansatz wurde in Bangladesh an 2.100 Kindern zwischen 11 und 12 Jahren getestet. Das Ergebnis wird in diesem Artikel erortert. Diese Methodologie könnte Bildungsprogrammleitern in anderen Entwicklungsländern von Nutzen sein.

Résumé En réponse au Congrès Mondial sur l'Education pour Tous qui a eu lieu en 1990 à Jomtien, Thaïlande, de nombreux pays en voie de développement multiplient leurs efforts pour réaliser l'éducation de base de tous d'ici l'an 2000. Quand il s'agit pourtant d'évaluer le progrès pédagogique, rares sont les méthodologies pouvant faire face aux nombreux problèmes et controverses existant dans ce domaine. Cet article décrit une méthode efficace pour évaluer l'éducation de base (compétences en écriture, lecture et arithmétique de même que certaines aptitudes à la vie pratique), qui s'est révélée simple, économique et rapide. Ce procédé, appelé Evaluation des Compétences de Base (ABC — Assessment of Basic Competencies), a fait l'objet d'un essai au Bangladesh auprès de 2100 enfants entre 11 et 12 ans, dont les résultats sont discutés ici. Cette méthode pourrait être intéressante aux organisateurs de programmes d'éducation dans d'autres pays en développement.

基于知识整合的工商管理实践教学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实践教学是高等职业院校人才培养工作中十分重要的环节之一,是贯彻理论联系实际教学原则、培养学生分析问题,解决问题能力、提高学生社会认识能力及实践技能的重要途径。管理好实践教学的全过程,对于全面实现培养目标、确保人才培养质量具有十分重要的意义。陕西电大在全省范围内推广工商管理实验软件,将在教学、辅导、考试中,实现学生在计算机的引导下交互学习、整合知识的目标。  相似文献   

While instructional time is viewed as crucial to learning, little is known about the effectiveness of reducing absences relative to increasing the number of school days. Using administrative data from North Carolina public schools, this paper jointly estimates the effect of absences and length of the school calendar on test score performance. We exploit a state policy that provides variation in the number of school days prior to standardized testing and find substantial differences between these two effects. Extending the school calendar by ten days increases math and reading test scores by only 1.7% and 0.8% of a standard deviation, respectively. A similar reduction in absences would lead to gains of 5.5% in math and 2.9% in reading. We perform a number of robustness checks including utilizing flu data to instrument for absences, family-year fixed effects, distinguishing between excused and unexcused absences, and controlling for a contemporaneous measure of student disengagement. Our results are robust to these alternative specifications. In addition, our findings indicate considerable heterogeneity across student ability, suggesting that targeting absenteeism among low performing students could aid in narrowing current gaps in performance.  相似文献   

Many approaches are used to measure quality in graduate education. In this study, the literature related to four approaches is reviewed: the reputational approach, the productivity approach, the correlational approach, and the multidimensional approach. This investigation examined one quality indicator that can be incorporated into the multidimensional approach. In this paper, we describe and analyze faculty judgments of doctoral examinations in the Graduate School at The Ohio State University. Graduate School representatives judge doctoral examinations and report their judgments to the dean of the Graduate School. The judgments are tabulated and presented as quantitative and qualitative indicators of quality. How these judgments are converted to useful data and illustrations of how these data are used and presented are discussed.Presented at the Twenty-First Annual Forum of The Association for Institutional Research, Minneapolis, May 1981.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe factors influencing the decision to return to graduate school for a group of professional students. A causal model was proposed that included five variable sets: background characteristics, college characteristics, college experiences, work experiences, and attitudes toward graduate study. The sample was composed of 217 physical therapists who responded to a 1988 statewide survey on graduate education. The longstanding articulation of graduate education and vocational interests was confirmed. The overwhelming influence in this group was the desire to advance in clinical/technical skills. Career conditions of specialization and income further influenced the educational decision. Less influence was seen from the college experience. Cost factors that have been found to be predominant in many groups did not influence the decision.  相似文献   

随着我国经济的迅猛发展,尤其是加入WTO后,我国各企业和单位所面临的商务谈判越来越多。商务谈判中因为双方都希望获得利益的最大化。常常面临利益的冲突。本文认为做好充分的谈判准备可以在一定程度上预防这些冲突的激化,谈判策略的恰当运用也可以在一定程度上避免冲突。当冲突出现时,借助谈判策略解决谈判利益冲突问题。  相似文献   

新加坡南洋理工学院以"教学工厂"理念为核心的教育实践创新,对于我国高等职业教育发展有很好的启发与借鉴意义。本文介绍了该校教学改革的特色与创新举措,分析了该校在专业建设方面的若干成功经验,为高职院的专业建设提供了有益的启示。  相似文献   

School effectiveness research has fueled debate on the importance of a press for academic excellence versus communal values. Research on parenting styles offers a theoretical framework that may resolve the debate. We hypothesized that dimensions of parenting styles—demandingness (academic press) and responsiveness (communal values)—predict students’ mathematics achievement, engagement, and locus of control. HLM analyses of NELS: 88 data on 19,435 eighth-graders partially supported the hypothesis: Students’ perceptions of school responsiveness predicted their engagement and internal control. In addition, students in responsive schools had smaller differences in mathematics achievement and internal control attributable to SES, suggesting that responsive schools may increase equity. We offer suggestions for further investigation of the model in hope of resolving the debate.  相似文献   

The assessment of students' ability to use computers should be a central tenet of educational computing research, but until now most studies have relied on vague and imprecise definitions of what actually constitutes being able to use a computer. More often than not researchers are content to accept a self-evaluation from the student, often in the form of a response to a single question, and even the more elaborate attempts to measure ability have proved too narrow or ill-focused to be of lasting value. This paper argues that before attempting to assess computer ability the overall nature of the concept should first be considered. From this, a theoretical framework of ability can then be constructed on which to base subsequent practical assessment. The paper also raises methodological issues to be considered by future research into students' use of computers.  相似文献   

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