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教育领域存在形形色色的性别刻板印象,而刻板印象刺激往往会阻碍人们接受新事物,给人们的认知带来负面的影响.对于女性来说,在内隐启动和外显启动范式下其工作记忆容量均小于控制组;对于男性被试来说,实验组的工作记忆容量与控制组没有显著差异.无论是内隐还是外显启动刻板印象威胁均对女性的工作记忆容量造成影响。  相似文献   

随迁儿童作为社会中的弱势群体,人们对他们存在着消极的刻板印象。当消极刻板印象被激活时,会对随迁儿童造成刻板印象威胁。刻板印象威胁会降低随迁儿童的自尊水平和自我效能感,阻碍随迁儿童的城乡认同整合过程并激化群体间的攻击行为,造成一系列消极的心理和行为后果。对此,可采取发挥内群体榜样的作用、增加随迁儿童和城市儿童之间的积极接触、形成积极刻板印象等措施,助力随迁儿童抵抗刻板印象威胁,促进他们健康成长。  相似文献   

在我国现代化进程中,留守儿童这一特殊群体逐渐受到全社会的关注,但是这些关注大多采取问题取向。大众对留守儿童的刻板印象逐渐使该群体“污名化”,刻板印象威胁理论认为这种“污名化”会对个体产生诸多不良影响。为了留守儿童的健康成长,从刻板印象威胁视角来探讨留守儿童“污名化”的问题,并提出教育建议。  相似文献   

为探究数学—性别刻板印象对初中生数学学习动机和坚持性的影响以及性别差异,采用外显数学刻板印象量表、内隐数学—性别联想测验、数学学习坚持性量表和数学学习动机量表,对初一学生进行测查.结果显示:(1)总体上,初中生不存在外显数学刻板印象,而存在内隐数学刻板印象;(2)性别调节外显数学刻板印象与数学学习动机的关系,并且进一步影响学生的数学学习坚持性.具体而言,男生的外显数学刻板印象通过提高学习动机影响学习坚持性;而对于女生,外显数学刻板印象却会降低学习动机影响学习坚持性.但内隐数学刻板印象并不存在类似调节和中介效应.在教育实践中,教师应充分重视数学刻板印象给男、女初中生数学学习活动带来的不同影响,并实施有效的预防和弥补措施.  相似文献   

探索大学生群体对农村留守儿童是否存在污名效应。使用内隐联想测验(IAT)及自由联想问卷从外显和内隐两个方面进行了研究,结果发现:(1)在内隐态度方面,大学生更倾向于将农村留守儿童与积极属性词相联系,对农村留守儿童表现出明显偏爱(p<0.001);(2)在外显态度方面,大学生对农村留守儿童的积极评价明显少于普通家庭儿童,而消极评价明显多于普通家庭儿童(p<0.001)。结论:大学生对农村留守儿童的内隐和外显态度发生了分离。  相似文献   

目前对留守儿童的关注大多采取"问题取向",刻板印象威胁理论通过实证的方法证明了"污名化"对个体会产生许多不良影响。对留守儿童的教育,应该做到:全社会客观、全面看待留守儿童,树立留守儿童积极、正面形象;教师不断提升修养,秉承无偏信念;学校挖掘教育资源,培养留守儿童的各种能力;多方合作营造"我留守,我自豪"的氛围,增强留守儿童的自信心。  相似文献   

数学—性别刻板印象指人们脑海中以为的女生数学成绩不如男生的观点。为了解小学生是否存在数学—性别刻板印象,以及小学生对其外显和内隐态度是否一致,并指导教师数学教学活动的开展,随机抽取集美区东边小学150名学生作为被试者,使用Schmader2004年编制的自陈量表测量小学生外显数学—性别刻板印象,借助E-prime实验软件设计程序,采用GNAT范式测量小学生内隐数学-性别刻板印象。研究结果发现:(1)小学生总体存在外显和内隐数学—性别刻板印象。(2)四年级和六年级学生的外显数学—性别刻板印象存在显著差异。(3)不同性别的小学生外显数学—性别刻板印象不存在显著差异。(4)不同性别和年段的小学生内隐数学—性别刻板印象不存在显著差异。数学—性别刻板印象很容易影响学生学习数学。教师在教学过程中,自身应平等对待每位学生,端正每位学生对待数学学科的态度,正确引导学生对待数学学科的学习。尤其是对女生,数学教师要淡化性别角色意识,努力提高女生的数学学习兴趣和动机。  相似文献   

在我们的文化中广泛存在着女生学习理科的能力不如男生的刻板印象。近几年大量研究发现负性刻板印象对被刻板对象会产生威胁效应。可以通过强化性别平等意识、传递科学的性别观念、树立正确的智力观、营造宽松的考评环境、有意渗透反刻板印象信息等措施来减弱学科—性别刻板印象对女生造成的威胁效应。  相似文献   

刻板印象威胁指一定的文化对某些群体持有负性刻板印象,群体成员在特定情境下由于担心别人会以这种观念来判断他和对待他,同时担心自身的表现会印证这种刻板印象而产生的威胁感.文章综述了刻板印象威胁的提出,威胁的发生机制,影响威胁效应的因素以及如何减弱刻板印象威胁效应.刻板印象威胁效应的发生机制还需进一步认识;以后还可以探讨此威胁效应是否给被刻板者带来某些生物学上的改变;该效应指导教学实践还需做更多的实践研究.  相似文献   

内隐刻板印象是指调节某一社会类别成员的属性的不能内省辨别或不能准确辨别的过去经验的痕迹。通过对国内外内隐社会认知、内隐刻板印象研究进展情况的分析,分别介绍了内隐种族刻板印象、内隐性别刻板印象以及内隐地域刻板印象三个研究方向的具体内容。  相似文献   

黄哲伦的《蝴蝶君》表现了白人绅士伽利默宁愿以想象中的中国女性为伴侣,也不愿意将注意力放在现实生活中的活生生的宋身上,这体现了西方的关于中国的刻板印象的强大魔力。同时,宋的形象又是中国形象的隐喻,即西方认识中国同样也更多地从印象和想象出发,而非从现实出发。  相似文献   

The authors used correlational and confirmatory factor analytic techniques to examine the relationship between measures of the constructs of mathematics anxiety and test anxiety. The correlations found between measures of the 2 constructs were nearly as high as those found within measures of the 2 constructs, bringing into question the separateness of the constructs. Results of the confirmatory factor analysis provided some support for a distinction between the constructs; the correlation between the 2 factors, however, was relatively high. Those findings suggest that mathematics anxiety and test anxiety may be separate phenomena; the conceptual uniqueness of mathematics anxiety, however, needs to be further delineated and its measurement improved.  相似文献   


In recent years, China and Germany have become invaluable partners in business, politics, and science. However, psychological research indicates that the countries’ large-scale affinity does not translate onto the individual level, with many Germans expressing more reservations towards China than vice versa. Previous content analyses have connected this effect to imbalances in media tonality, as German media mostly criticise Chinese politics, contrasting with idealised portrayals from the other direction. Acknowledging the particularly high number of Chinese exchange students in Germany, we investigate mutual stereotypes (both explicit and implicit) in the context of a German university, while also exploring students’ perceptions of media tonality. Despite observing mostly positive explicit stereotypes, we find that both groups strongly prefer their country of origin on an implicit level, matching their generally sparse contact in university life. Based on our results, we discuss implications for students, educators, and decision-makers in the media.  相似文献   

国外刻板印象研究新进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刻板印象是社会认知领域的研究热点之一,自1922年这一概念首次被提出之后,就得到了广泛的探讨,特别是20世纪70年代以后受认知心理学的影响,其研究又得到了进一步的深化,从开始的内容界定向新近的机制探讨转移。这方面的研究主要集中在刻板印象的理论解释、心理表征以及在信息加工中的功效等方面。  相似文献   

逆假句是由“否则”连接分句所构成的复句。复句的前后分句不在同一个语义层次上,前分句还隐含一个小句。因此复句的语义原型是由四个“分句”(构件)构成的二重复句。复句的次类依据前分句和隐含小句的关系而确定,有条件式逆假句、原因式逆假句和选择式逆假句。复句的逻辑原型是两个等值的假言判断的合取,逻辑值为必要条件。但选择式逆假句与另两类的情况要复杂些.语义原型和逻辑原型都存在一些差异。文章还小议了邢先生对复句及小类的命名。  相似文献   

性别刻板印象是社会认知理论的研究重点之一,20世纪以来,随着认知心理学研究内容和研究方法的全面进步,性别刻板印象的研究成果也在不断丰富。本文从性别刻板印象的概念、产生机制、行为效应、应对方式等方面进行了梳理与概述,并基于以上内容对其今后的研究趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

Using the stereotype content model as a guiding framework, this study explored whether the stigma that able‐bodied adults have towards children with a physical disability is reduced when the child is portrayed as being active. In a 2 (physical activity status) x 2 (ability status) study design, 178 university students rated a child described in one of four vignettes on 12 dimensions of perceived warmth and competence. Results revealed a main effect of ability status on warmth (p < 0.001) such that children with a physical disability were rated significantly higher in perceived warmth than able‐bodied children, regardless of activity status (d = 0.86). Also, there was a significant interaction (p = 0.02) of ability and activity status on perceived competence, indicating that ratings of perceived competence were significantly higher for active children with a physical disability than for all other children (d = 0.54–0.64). Results suggest that physical activity should be explored as a way to mitigate the stigmatisation of children with a physical disability.  相似文献   

The project My house of value was implemented at a fourth grade primary school classroom for 10-year-old students in Nicosia, Cyprus. The main goal of the project was to examine how pupils realise identity and diversity in their broad sense, how they deal with stereotypical thoughts and how they understand interaction in both positive and negative ways. This was achieved through certain activities during the art lesson, which gave them the opportunity to express themselves in various ways. The method included observation and discussion in classroom, analysis of teachers' diaries and students' works and interviews with students reflecting on the various activities of the project. The final results showed that many pupils could realise that the diversities between identities are more than similarities, but this fact was not necessarily negative. They also became aware of stereotypical thinking concerning the self and the other. They also realised the complication of human intercultural encounters since emotions and experiences are involved. Finally, they concluded that the different ways of knowing the other include different means of communication. The implementation of the project showed that such activities can have a positive impact on pupils especially if they are incorporated in everyday curriculum and classroom practice.  相似文献   

Developmental intergroup theory would predict that children develop fewer or weaker stereotypes about toys that have less distinguishable gender attributes than those that are clearly associated with a gender. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of neutral and ambiguous toys in 31 three‐ to five‐year‐old children’s play behaviour and understanding about gender. Overall, children did not categorise more perceptually salient (ambiguous) toys than less distinguishable (neutral) toys to their own gender. Colour was the most frequently used reason for the toys’ gender assignment. The findings also showed that with age, girls’ play complexity increased linearly, whereas boys’ scores did not. A play substitution scale measuring play creativity or maturity showed no gender differences. The discussion highlights the role of perceptual salience in sex‐dimorphic toy preferences and behaviour and their application to educational issues.  相似文献   

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