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In this essay, I discuss three key ideas related to the construction and treatment of “difference” in and around schools and schooling. First, just as difference is most commonly located within marginalized populations at the intersections and along the lines of race, disability, social class, national origin, sexuality, sex, language, and religion, such “locating” is done by those socialized and reinforced to view themselves as normal and the norm against which they compare those different from them. Therefore, normalcy operates to maintain positions of superiority for some and inferiority for others. Next, the situation of disability at the intersection of non-dominant identities can be a powerful tool for disrupting normative spaces, practices, and beliefs. Finally, I call for critical action that exposes the negative construction of and consequences of difference in the academy, noting how epistemologies, methodologies, publication outlets and formats, and sentence structures that fall outside what we associate with normalcy, and those who employ them, are also sorted along lines of competence and incompetence, leading to the dismissal or exclusion of disabled scholars, scholars of color, and those scholars engaging in more public praxis outside the academy walls.  相似文献   

It is proposed to examine the argument that females cannot perform better in engineering and science fields because of their poor mathematical or logical reasoning. The major reason for the reduced number of females in the above fields in India is the socio-cultural aversion towards females choosing the field and restriction in providing higher education for them by their parents. The present study shows that the females who get the opportunity to study engineering and science perform equal to or better than their male counterparts. An analysis of CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) of 2631 students who have completed their engineering or science programme in one of the top engineering colleges in India for five years shows that female academic performance is equal to or better than that of males. Mathematical, logical, verbal and mechanical reasoning are tested while calculating CGPA.  相似文献   

社会公正是社会和谐的基石。学术界从不同层面对社会不公正现象进行研究,基本上是由于中国社会的不公正程度在加剧,社会不公正所带来的后果值得高度重视。为此,学者从实施宏观调控以调整收入差距和地区差距、培育合理的社会阶层结构、推行政治民主化等不同角度提出各自的对策。在进一步的研究中需要再建构一个新的社会公正与政府责任的理论模式,对社会公正和政府责任的研究深化、细化和具体化,了解民众对社会公正和政府责任的期望等方面展开。  相似文献   

Gender justice includes three basic dimensions: gender equality, respect for difference, and free choice. In reality, schools construct and reproduce the gender injustice of the social culture through multiple dimensions that include the visible and the invisible curriculum, and the teacher’s behaviour. In terms of gender justice, the social culture and the school culture are like two separate “circulations”, but these two circulations are of the same inner structure. However, in pursuing the value of gender justice, we need to start from both of these two “circulations” at the same time. As a self-conscious cultural institution, the school should recognize its own small circulation, and then pursue the realization of gender justice by all possible means. Moreover, the more important contribution of the school is to help drive the larger transformation of gender justice in the social culture. __________ Translated from Quanqiu Jiaoyu Zhanwang 全球教育展望 (Global Education), 2007, (9): 33–38, by WANG Molin, School of Foreign Languages and Literatures, Beijing Normal University  相似文献   

性别收入差异的教育水平、行业及职业分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依据2000年湖北省妇女收入调查的数据,从教育分布、行业和职业分布三个层面对影响和制约女性收入绝对数量和相对水平的分析,说明女性化教育程度的提高和进入非传统行业、从事专业工作,虽然不能完全消除收入的性别差异,但有助于提高女性的总体收入、缩小收入的性别差距。  相似文献   

本文一方面具体分析英、汉语言中存在的性别差异,包括称谓用语和两性描述性词汇的差异以及与两性有关的词汇在排列次序上的差别;另一方面深入剖析男女两性使用语言时表现出来的不同特点,包括二者在发音、选词和对话中的差别,较全面地阐明语言的性别差异,为更好的促进人与人之间尤其是男女间的交流和理解奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

绘画与设计同源异流,相辅相成;二者在创作目的、同社会的关联以及制约性等方面迥然不同。他们各自在人类社会中发挥着不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

把集合的对称差,转化为(0,1)-向量的环和,使得集合的对称差容易把握;而且揭示了集合类关于对称差运算的代数结构。  相似文献   

翻译不仅是两种语言的转换,更是两种思想文化的交流。因此,在两种语言的翻译转换过程中,要注意两种语言的文化差异,正确理解两种语言的文化内涵。  相似文献   

东西方教育实践存在着较大差异,造成这种差异的原因固然多种多样,但从根本上说是教育观念的差异。所以,应从教育观念着手,剖析对教育理解的差异、我与自我认识的差异以及考试与评价价值观的差异。  相似文献   

性别差异指男女两性在心理学方面的不同特点。男女两性不仅存在着生理方面的差异,在心理发展的许多方面也同样客观地存在着一些差异,尤其在性格和行为方式及情感表达等方面差异较为明显。性别差异的形成在更大程度上取决于社会文化因素而非生理因素,必须采取有效的教育措施,使个体的发展既具有男女之共性,也具有男女之个性;既要摆脱性别角色标志的束缚,又不失性别本色。  相似文献   

大多数性别差异研究者侧重于从社会学、语用学、语言学等视角研究女性在英语实践过程中所表现出来的某些消极元素,将图式理论应用于女性英语文明、进步交际特征的研究仍是一项空白。从语言认知、社会文化及伦理道德等心理机制影响所形成的性别图式来看,性别图式制约下女性在英语实践过程中所表现出来的“正义化”的符号语言及行为举止有其独特的性别特征。  相似文献   

从本体论角度考察老子的"道"与黑格尔"绝对理念"的差异.包括四个方面:一、物质的"道"与精神的"绝对理念";二、自在的"道"与自为的"绝对理念";三、与时空同在的"道"与超时空的"绝对理念";四、无终点的"道"与有终点的"绝对理念"  相似文献   

The pursuit of justice has concerned human beings for centuries and, despite its importance, often remains outside the boundaries of our educational systems. This article reports on a study of an action research seminar for a group of teacher leaders in a position to instigate positive change within their educational context, and make their actions occasions for justice. In order to better understand the textual data generated by the teacher leaders, we devised an analytical lens that draws from modern rabbinical scholarship, eco-political (socio-political) studies, and existentialism. We found at this intersection that, despite the teacher leaders recognizing injustice, and at times protesting against it, their ability to act, formulate solutions, and conduct action research – and even their very concept of justice – was heavily influenced and constrained by the dominant political regime of the US educational system. An explanatory framework emerged that sheds light on the dynamic interplay among justice, politics, and beliefs, while also revealing the constraints to pursuing justice from within a leadership structure. We conclude that for action research to be a means for teachers and teacher leaders to begin to modify their practice so they are sensitive to the voices of the marginalized, to see their actions as opportunities for justice, and to provide collaborative experiences that help other teachers develop their ways of thinking, acting, and interacting in pursuit of justice, those who teach action research must be willing to do the very same.  相似文献   

大学英语教学要讲究策略,策略的实施则要针对学生的特点。本文讨论了跨文化背景下大学生学习英语的一个重要因素——性别差异,也就是英语学习在男女学生身上所呈现的不同。如何把跨文化交际学与"因性施教"很好的结合起来,成为当前大学英语教学的新课题。  相似文献   

成就动机是人们取得成就的内部动力。研究表明,成就动机存在性别差异,即女性的成就动机水平低于男性。文章对成就动机的性别差异的成因进行了分析并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

This paper explores issues of critical literacy, gender justice and masculinity through ‘Mr A’s’ story. Mr A is head of English at ‘Grange College’ – an all boys’ school in a large urban centre in Queensland (Australia). The paper highlights how the privileging of rationality, control and ‘the masculine’ within Mr A’s ‘teaching‐as‐usual’ discourse constrains his efforts to pursue gender justice through critical literacy. While Mr A scaffolds his students’ critical analysis of gender and power in texts, his investments in teacher/student binary relations draw rigid boundaries between himself and his students in ways that delegitimise the terrain beyond the rational and ignore a theorising of the self. Drawing on Mr A’s story within Davies’ theorising about the possibilities of critical literacy, this paper adds to key work in arguing the importance of teachers’ interrogating their classrooms as lived texts where the relations of domination and power that derail the social justice possibilities of critical literacy can be made both recognisable and revisable. Such interrogation is foregrounded here as particularly urgent within the current moment where rationalist discourses within and beyond schools are increasingly working to circumscribe and constrain teacher practice in ways that stifle transformative social agendas.  相似文献   

示性函数是一个形式和分布都很简单的随机变量。利用示性函数可以简化一些计算期望和方差问题。本文通过两个例题说明了这一问题。  相似文献   

肇如于春秋时期的夏夷之辨,其主流观念是以文野区夏夷,而是否认同和践行华夏之礼又是夏夷文野之分的主要标准和“用夏变夷”的主要内涵。同时,历史上因夏夷对峙、冲突的政治形势而产生的夏夷人禽之别、内外之分等观念,往往带有非理性、非文化意蕴,从而使夏夷之辨呈现出进步与保守、开放与封闭并存的时代特征。  相似文献   

绿色创新是我国实现经济社会绿色转型的必然要求,企业绿色创新决策与社会责任水平存在关联,供应链中社会责任承担主体差异将影响企业绿色创新决策。构建一个二级供应链模型,考察承担主体差异对制造商绿色创新决策的作用机制,探究各影响因素对决策结果的影响,研究发现:供应链主体社会责任承担情况将影响制造商绿色创新,各方社会责任分担比例与各情形下绿色创新投入、双方效用正向相关;制造商与零售商双方共担社会责任下的绿色创新水平将优于单方承担社会责任情形,两类单方承担情形下的绿色创新水平大小关系与双方社会责任承担比例间的数量关系有关;消费者绿色偏好与制造商绿色创新投入、双方效用、零售价格与批发价格正向关联,消费者价格敏感度则与上述变量反向关联。提出相关策略建议,以期为供应链企业绿色创新促进提供有益参考。  相似文献   

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