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语音变异指在语言交际中,话语的音位、音高和调性等语音构成的变化。影响语音变异的主要因素包括社会阶层、性别、种族等社会差异。语言只有在因社会成员的变化而变异的过程中方显出其作为交流工具的真正价值。因此,作为语言变异的一个重要构成,语音变异在人们实际的语言交际中有着重要的社会价值。  相似文献   

善因营销是将企业与非盈利机构,特别是慈善组织相结合,将产品销售与社会问题或公益事业相结合,在为相关事业进行捐赠、资助其发展的同时,达到提高产品销售额,实现企业利润,改善企业社会形象的目的。这是既能提升企业公众形象又能帮助公益事业的双赢策略。近年来许多关于善因营销的研究集中于消费者对于善因营销的普遍态度和感知,但是缺乏对不同年龄段的消费者的具体研究。因此,从性别的角度研究青年消费者对善因营销的态度、感知和购买意向的差异有一定的意义。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to answer the following two questions: (1) Do significant differences exist in high-school learning experience, interests, self-efficacy, and career aspirations between male and female science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) students? (2) Can high-school learning experiences, interests, and self-efficacy significantly predict career aspirations, and do differences exist between male and female STEM students? This study highlighted the gender gap between male and female university students who had already chosen STEM majors with similar academic ability. A total of 407 first-year students were surveyed at a 4-year research university in Taiwan. For the data analysis, a t-test and multiple regression analysis were used, and the findings indicated that male STEM students had greater family support than their female counterparts. The variable of task value could significantly predict STEM career aspirations for both male and female students, whereas the variable of STEM course self-efficacy could only significantly predict that of male students. In conclusion, the findings highlighted that the motivation of task value was a vital factor for predicting STEM career aspirations, whereas the factor of family support was the main gap between male and female STEM students in terms of their high-school learning experiences.  相似文献   

两性文化差异使两性在交际规则、交际策略等方面存在差异,体现在交际过程中,就是男性和女性在发音、音调、语调、用词以及语法的使用等方面的差异。这些差异会给交际双方带来困难,造成交际失败。因此,要达到有效的交际,人们必须意识到两性文化差异对交际的影响,尊重并接受其各自的规则及规律。  相似文献   

滇黔桂民族旅游的社会性别研究与方法论思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民族旅游与少数民族妇女问题研究是近年来人文社会科学研究领域的一个热点。基于国内外相关研究文献的整理分析,对滇黔桂三省民族旅游的社会性别研究进展进行分析整理和系统评述,展望未来的研究热点,并针对当前研究的不足进行方法论提出思考。  相似文献   

Using Bowen and Bok's data from 23 selective colleges, we fit multilevel logit models to test two hypotheses with implications for affirmative action and group differences in attainment of science, math, or engineering (SME) degrees. Hypothesis 1, that differences in precollege academic preparation will explain later SME graduation disparities, was fully supported with respect to the outcome gap between Whites and underrepresented minorities, partially supported for that between Asians and underrepresented minorities, and between men and women. Hypothesis 2, that college selectivity, after accounting for student characteristics, will be positively associated with SME persistence, was not supported. We demonstrate that the significance of the selectivity effect is overestimated when unilevel models are used. Admission officials are advised to carefully consider the relative academic preparedness of science-interested students, and such students choosing among colleges are advised to compare their academic qualifications to those of successful science students at each institution.  相似文献   

罗雨 《安康学院学报》2012,24(5):109-112,115
以湖州职业技术学院商务英语专业和涉外旅游专业的96名大学生(男女生各48名)为研究对象,通过考察英语课堂男女大学生泛性别话题的会话差异,研究会话与性别、心理动态的三维关联关系和规律,以便进行高效的教学和交际交流。研究结果表明:(1)男女大学生英语课堂会话存在显著差异;(2)男女大学生会话与性别差异、心理变化呈互为影响的三维关联关系;(3)男女大学生就同一话题表现出的差异主要受性别、情感、社会地位、社会关系、年龄、民族等多重因素的影响。  相似文献   

阐述了云南民族地区社会分层与教育机会获得的概况,运用结构方程模型原理,系统研究了义务教育机会获得影响云南民族地区社会分层的内在机理,结果表明:城乡结构、单位性质、民族类别及性别属性的制度性因素存在显著性差异,而其中职业职务、工作财产、教育投入、人际关系、政治面貌及宗教信仰的先赋性因素显著性呈现递增的趋势,进而累积在义务教育资本周转后的后致性因素发展中。  相似文献   

社会政策是工业化时代社会问题的直接产物,它随着新的社会问题的出现和社会实践的发展不断地进行着相应的变化和调整。以社会政策及其发展理路为基本视角,对理解我国民族教育政策具有诸多启示。  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the relationship between individual characteristics (ascribed, achieved, and psychosocial) and country characteristics (e.g., discrimination at the country level) and perceived discrimination. Analysis was based on the fourth round of the European Social Survey, which encompasses 54,988 respondents from 28 countries. Hierarchical linear modeling was conducted. In most countries, there was a general trend towards a higher prevalence rate of perceived age discrimination (mean prevalence rate across countries = 34.5%; SE = .002), followed by gender (mean prevalence rate across countries = 24.9%; SE = .002), and ethnic discrimination (mean prevalence rate across countries = 17.3%; SE = .002). Variations in perceived discrimination were largely attributed to individual differences. The findings are discussed in light of a distinction between perceived and actual discrimination.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine gender differences in mathematics interest. In a sample of middle school students (N?=?366), we examined mathematics interest as a trait (i.e., individual interest) and as a current state (i.e., situational interest) during a learning activity in mathematics. Assessment of perceived competence, performance, and effort during learning was also included. Results revealed a significant difference between boys and girls in their ratings of individual interest, but not in the current experience of situational interest. Furthermore, boys and girls did not differ in performance during learning, but girls invested significantly more effort than boys. Results and their implications are discussed in relation to interest development, gender differences, and subjective beliefs.  相似文献   

‘Narrowing the gap’ and addressing low educational achievement of specific social class and ethnic groups has long been an expressed government concern. This paper considers the links between poverty, ethnicity and gender and school attainment and the interrelations of these factors using national data sets and other quantitative data. The limitations of single-theme analyses and their potentially misleading implications are explored. Related to this, the failures of social and educational policies to bring about greater equality are examined. Competing perspectives on low attainment and their positions are critiqued. The paper argues that ethnic and class discrimination stems from the same structural arrangements contrived for the advantage of more affluent sectors of society. Theoretical development is needed to bring together class, race and other discriminatory features and construct more sophisticated causal analyses that relate to the web of economic, status and power regimes and the negative processes of ‘racialisation’.  相似文献   

通过对上海9所高校大学生工程技术素养的问卷调查,采用描述性统计与回归模型分析发现:大学生工程技术素养存在性别刻板印象,男生的工程技术素养显著高于女生。但在具体维度上男女生各有优劣,男生在工程知识、工程实践维度得分显著高于女生,女生在工程伦理维度得分显著高于男生,在工程技术维度,男女生没有显著差异。影响学生工程素养的因素方面,兴趣与职业期望对男女生的工程技术实践、技能均具有显著影响;学科类别、家庭所在地、学校类别对学生的工程技术知识、技能、实践均有不同程度的显著影响。建议从社会层面构建男女平等的文化氛围,加强女大学生工程技术兴趣培养,开设工程技术类通识课程,强化有德性工程师的培养,营造良好的制度环境等方面着手,提升不同性别学生的工程技术素养。  相似文献   

从教育发展和演变的历程看,乌江流域民族地区教育发展的规律有四:第一,乌江流域民族地区教育是多元一体教育;第二,教育的发展与政治和经济息息相关;第三,本地区的教育是由传统教育和学校教育两条主线组成;第四,要抓好民族地区教育发展必须从本地区的实际出发。该地区教育发展具有历史悠久、政府重视、整体落后、阶段起伏、区域差距等特点。乌江流域民族地区教育发展的历史留给人们的启示是:各级领导高度重视是根本保证;加强教师队伍建设是关键;引进优秀人才是重要措施;增加教育经费投入是基本保障;各级政府和社会力量共同办学是必要措施;努力提高教育教学质量是核心。  相似文献   

Instructor evaluations are influenced by implicit age and gender bias, with lower ratings and negative feedback given to instructors believed to stray from stereotypical age and gender norms. Female instructors exhibiting typically male-associated qualities such as leadership and authority, are often negatively impacted. Implicit bias also influences evaluation of digital resources and instructors, regardless of students' positive learning outcomes. As digital learning resources become the norm in education, it is crucial to explore the impact of implicit bias at various educational levels. In this study, undergraduate and graduate students were randomly exposed to one of five digital tutorials; four experimental tutorials presenting identical anatomy content with narrators of different gender and age, and a control tutorial featuring origami (paper folding) instructions without audio. Learning outcomes were measured by pre-quiz vs. post-quiz comparisons using repeated measures MANOVA. Implicit bias was analyzed by evaluation response comparisons using repeated measures MANOVA and three-way MANOVA. Post-quiz scores increased significantly in the four experimental groups (P < 0.05) but not in the control (P = 0.99). The increased performance was not statistically different across the four experimental groups (P > 0.26), suggesting that learning occurred irrespective of the instructor gender and age. Students' evaluations were consistently higher for the experimental resources than the control. There was no significant difference in evaluations across the four experimental groups but compared to the control, younger male and younger female narrators received significantly higher ratings for approachability, acceptance, inclusivity, and care for student learning. The study highlights important considerations for digital resources development and interpretation of student evaluations.  相似文献   

1949年至1965年,国家通过报考资格政策倾斜、优先录取政策、免试保送入学政策等措施,使得工农阶层子女获得大量的高等教育入学机会。"文革"期间废除高考、实行推荐入学制,最终导致人情、权力等在招生中泛滥。1978年恢复高考以后,高等教育入学机会按照能力本位原则进行分配,同时国家不仅对少数民族考生、华侨子女、退役军人、烈士子女等实行降分投档优惠,而且对学科、艺术、体育绩优生实行加分政策,具有文化资本优势的阶层子女获得更多入学机会。而1999年高校扩招以来,随着高校自主招生、独立学院、艺术招生规模的扩大,那些具有经济资本、权力资本与文化资本优势的阶层子女获得越来越多的优质高等教育入学机会。  相似文献   

加快推进以改善民生为重点的社会建设,是落实科学发展观,构建和谐社会的要求,是解决民族地区根本问题的本质要求,是发展和谐民族关系的保障,要加快推进以改善民生为重点的社会建设,促进民族地区社会的和谐稳定。  相似文献   

国内外高校双语教学在教学思想、教学目的、师资条件、语言环境等方面存在诸多不同。我国高校可采取以下措施提高双语教学质量:明确双语教学的含义和目的;科学设置双语教学课程;培养优秀的双语师资队伍;积极建设双语教材;创设双语教学氛围的内、外两个环境。  相似文献   

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