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The topic of this article is how Swedish primary school students aged 12–13 use causal reasoning when they explain a historical event that is usually considered the ‘origin of the nation’. The study is based on student texts about the rise to power of Gustav Vasa, who is traditionally portrayed as the ‘founding father’ of Sweden. The analysis of the students’ causal reasoning takes into account how many, and what kinds of, causal factors the students use. The main finding of the study is that one category of students give causal explanations that adhere very close to the traditional image of the event, with Vasa as an important and heroic agent pitted against an antagonist, king Kristian II. Another category of students instead give generic explanations with very little historical context. Of these, the former category shows greater causal complexity than the latter. In both categories, there are instances of students failing to causally connect agents to the event, suggesting that teaching practices may need to address this issue.  相似文献   

The topic of this article is how primary school students express ideas about the ‘origins of the nation’. The study is based on texts written by Swedish students aged 12–13 about a historical event well embedded in Swedish national mythology, the rise to power of Swedish ‘founding father’ Gustav Vasa. The analysis is inspired by James V. Wertsch's concept of schematic narrative templates. The main finding of the study is that the students mainly structure their answers along one of two different narrative templates; either a kind of historical master narrative with strong foundations in traditional Swedish history culture, or a more generic story about the founding father as a ruthless or corrupt politician, which is arguably influenced by presentism.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research project was to study how students in the first years of elementary school (children from 7 to 10 years of age) are initiated into the construction of explanations of physical phenomena in the teaching of science. With this purpose in mind, we organized classes based on the proposition of investigative problems, where children, working in groups, could solve problems by raising and testing their own hypotheses. They would then attempt, by means of general discussion organized by the teacher, to discuss how each problem was solved and why it worked. We videotaped a series of classes in which the students solved 15 different investigative problems. We also analysed the teacher/student interactions that took place (in this paper, we present data on two of these classes). Based on our data we found that students construct their own causal explanations by following a sequence of stages that includes the appearance of novelties. We also discuss how our data relate to the teacher's role in the classroom and to the organization of science teaching at this level.  相似文献   

PlantingScience is an award-winning program recognized for its innovation and use of computer-supported scientist mentoring. Science learners work on inquiry-based experiments in their classrooms and communicate asynchronously with practicing plant scientist-mentors about the projects. The purpose of this study was to identify specific factors contributing to the program’s effectiveness in engaging students. Using multiple data sources, grounded theory (Strauss and Corbin in Basics of qualitative research. Sage, Newbury Park, 1990) was used to develop a conceptual model identifying the central phenomenon, causal conditions, intervening conditions, strategies, contexts, and student outcomes of the project. Student motivation was determined to be the central phenomenon explaining the success of the program, with student empowerment, online mentor interaction, and authenticity of the scientific experiences serving as causal conditions. Teachers contributed to student motivation by giving students more freedom, challenging students to take projects deeper, encouraging, and scaffolding. Scientists contributed to student motivation by providing explanations, asking questions, encouraging, and offering themselves as partners in the inquiry process. Several positive student outcomes of the program were uncovered and included increased positivity, greater willingness to take projects deeper, better understanding of scientific concepts, and greater commitments to collaboration. The findings of this study provide relevant information on how to develop curriculum, use technology, and train practitioners and mentors to utilize strategies and actions that improve learners’ motivation to engage in authentic science in the classroom.  相似文献   

Given that grammatical and spelling errors have been found to influence perceived competence and credibility in written communication, this study examined how a student’s grammar and spelling errors affect how other students respond to the student’s postings in four online debates hosted in asynchronous threaded discussions. Message-response exchanges were sequentially analyzed to identify patterns in students’ replies to arguments and challenges with counter-challenges, explanations, and evidentiary support posted by students that exhibited low versus high number of grammatical and spelling errors. Although no causal inferences can be drawn from this study, the findings nevertheless suggests that: (a) arguments posted by high-error students are more likely to be challenged than arguments posted by low-error students; (b) exchanges between high-error students can amplify the effects of grammar/spelling errors; and (c) higher levels of argumentation can be achieved by placing students into groups that are heterogeneous in writing skills in general. The findings and methods used in this study lay the groundwork for further research on strategies for managing individual differences in students’ grammar and spelling (and other student behaviors in general) and increasing the level of critical discourse in online discussions.  相似文献   


This study describes the trends in students' explanations of biological change in organisms. A total of 96 student volunteers (8 students from each of 2nd, 5th, 8th, and 12th grades from 3 localities) were interviewed individually and each student was presented a series of graphics depicting natural phenomena. Students' explanations to questions of how something occurred were assigned to one of three categories (responses addressing how something occurred, why something occurred, and 'I don't know'). While the number of responses in each category was roughly equivalent in prominence across grade levels, the majority of students were unable to offer a causal explanation of how a phenomena occurred. An unexpected phenomenon was the students' predilection to redirect the interview question so they could answer them. If asked a how question, as they were in every interview instance, 32% the students answered with a 'why' response. The way biology is taught, the structure of biology or/and how we learn it could shed some light into this phenomenon and has implications for science educators.  相似文献   

Forty-seven fifth grade students (40 group-tested and 7 individually interviewed) read a text describing plate tectonics. At four points they drew diagrams of the spatial, causal, and dynamic processes inside the earth. These diagrams along with students' corresponding explanations, think-aloud protocols (for those individually interviewed), and answers to inference questions were analysed in order to characterize students' models of the interior of the earth, and models of its causal and dynamic processes. Types and characteristics of models, and reasoning associated with them are presented. Additionally, data from two exemplary students are presented as case studies. One student has considerable misunderstandings regarding both her understanding of the spatial layout of the interior of the earth and its causal mechanisms. The second student is more typical in terms of his initial models, but makes large gains in revising his understanding about the causal and dynamic processes inside the earth. In both cases, data are used to infer how each student used their diagrams as artefacts for externalizing knowledge, inference making, and model-revision.  相似文献   

This article aims to investigate how students in receiving schools are affected by school closures. The effects are analyzed in a quasi-experimental study of all Swedish middle schools that received displaced students from 2000 to 2016, utilizing family fixed effects. The results show that the inflow of displaced students had a negative effect on student outcomes in the receiving schools in terms of average grades and test scores and that this effect increased over time. However, student achievement among nondisplaced students in the receiving schools was not affected by the inflow of displaced students, even when the displaced students came from relatively low-performing schools.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the extent to which subjects' causal historical explanations are influenced not only by domain specific knowledge but by specific characteristics of the historical event studied. Four historical events were presented. 120 students of different ages (15 or 17 years old) and domain specific knowledge (psychology and history) were asked to rate six causes, each of which constituted a causal explanation of an historical event. Results indicated the importance assigned to the different causes depended on the specific characteristics of the historical situation. History students were more prone to this tendency. The issue of how students tend to personalize historical events is also discussed.  相似文献   

纳粹党的夺权道路成为了近代史学界讨论的热门话题。本文通过分析一战后列强强加给德国人民的《凡尔赛和约》和经济危机给德国造成的影响,以及纳粹党同德国广大下层民众、资产阶级之间的相互关系,阐明早期作为一个小资产阶级政党的纳粹党,如何在希特勒的控制下,通过各种欺骗性的宣传,最终骗取了广大中下层民众的支持,在德国夺取了全国的统治大权,确立了法西斯独裁统治。  相似文献   

This research documents the impact of a teaching interview aimed at developing a critical attitude in students, and focused on a particular topic: radiocarbon dating. This teaching interview is designed to observe students' reaction to limited written explanations of the phenomenon under study, and their possible frustration or intellectual satisfaction in relation to these texts. We aim to document the possible link between students’ developing conceptual understanding of a topic and their ability to express their frustration when presented with very incomplete explanations, or their intellectual satisfaction when presented with complete explanation. As a side product, we intend to observe some of their a priori ideas concerning this topic. Ten teaching interviews conducted with fourth-year University students were recorded, transcribed and coded. Beyond a series of results concerning students’ a priori understanding of the domain, the analysis of the interviews suggests that, when students are presented with texts of increasing completeness and discuss these with the interviewer, their critical reactions evolve in time in a very specific way. We propose a tentative model for this co-evolution of student conceptual command and critical stance. The discussion bears on possible interpretations for the ‘anesthesia of judgment’ observed in most students at the beginning of the interview, and for a few of them throughout the discussion. Keeping in mind the ‘competence vs concepts’ current alternative, the conditions that seem to free students’ critical potential are analyzed in relation to their evolving command of the topic and their degree of intellectual satisfaction.  相似文献   

Explanations involving submicro levels of representation are central to science education, but known to be difficult for students in secondary school. This study examines students’ written explanations of physical and chemical phenomena regarding matter and changes in matter, in a large-scale test. This is done in order to understand linguistic challenges in constructing submicro level explanations involving the particle model of matter. Drawing from systemic functional linguistics, the lexicogrammatics used in explanations for realising experiential meaning in student explanations were analysed. We used answers to two partly constructed response items from the Swedish part of Trends in International Mathematics and Science Studies 2007, grade 8, to sort out explanations referring to the particle model of matter. These answers (86 from 954) were analysed regarding choices of vocabulary and grammar to distinguish between macro and submicro level of representation. The results show that students use a wide variety of lexicogrammatical resources to realise what happens on both macro and submicro level of representation, with greater diversity of verbs on the submicro level of explanation. The results suggest an uncertainty about the distinction between macro and submicro level of explanation.  相似文献   

The criminal justice discipline has few studies that explore the use of technology as a supplement to traditional face-to-face instruction. Using a sample of criminal justice students enrolled in two sections of the same 300-level foundational criminal justice course, this study examines the impact of clickers and online homework on student performance in the course, as well as observes student perceptions of the integrated technology. Results reveal that while students perceived the technologies as helpful to their learning, the addition of technologies to the one section of the course had little impact on student performance indicators such as test scores and final letter grades. Potential explanations for these findings and directions for future research are discussed; and suggestions on how to potentially make these supplemental tools more useful are provided.  相似文献   

One well-known learning obstacle is that students rarely use the concepts in the way that scientists use them. Rather, students mix up closely related concepts and are inclined towards matter-based conceptualisations. Furthermore, some researchers have argued that certain difficulties are rooted in the student’s limited repertoire of causal schemes. These two aspects are conveniently represented in the recent proposal of the systemic view of concept learning. We applied this framework in our analyses of university students’ explanations of DC circuits and their use of concepts such as voltage, current and resistance. Our data consist of transcribed group interviews, which we analysed with content analysis. The results of our analysis are represented with directed graphs. Our results show that students had a rather refined ontological knowledge of the concepts. However, students relied on rather simple explanation models, but few students were able to modify their explanations during the interview. Based on the analysis, we identified three processes of change: model switch, model refinement and model elaboration. This emphasises the importance of relevant relational knowledge at a later stage of learning. This demonstrates how concept individuation and learning of relational structures occurs (and in which order) and sets forth interesting research questions for future research.  相似文献   

A supportive relationship between teachers and students has been shown to have positive effects on students’ performance and social development. Preservice teachers’ relational competence is, however, an unexplored area. The purpose of this study is to contribute to educational research about relational competence in teacher education by introducing a Swedish project which focuses on interpersonal aspects. The study has three parts. In the theoretical part, a conceptualization of teachers’ relational competence using Thomas Scheff’s theory of interpersonal relationships is outlined. In the empirical (pilot) part, a methodology for prompting preservice teachers’ analyses of teacher–student relationships is described, as well as a thematic analysis of their responses. The theoretical conceptualization is then used together with the empirical data in the third part, in order to identify development needs of preservice teachers in terms of relational competence. According to the conceptualization, relational competence includes three sub-concepts: communicative, differentiation, and socio-emotional competence. From the analysis of preservice students’ texts, the article identifies development needs in relation to the three sub-concepts. The concluding discussion focuses on lessons learned from the study regarding how to promote teacher students’ relational competence.  相似文献   

在大学获得成功很大程度上取决于学生有效阅读说明文的能力,研读说明文不仅为了获取和了解信息,也为了考试。领悟进程的一个重要成分是读者连接现有信息与先前信息的能力。文本连接过程的其中一方为逻辑关系。这些文本手段明确标志大量文本信息是如何在一个具体逻辑语义关系中彼此关联的。本文报导此项研究结果,其调查了英语为第二语言的学生阅读说明文时结合与文中例证的、因果的、转折的逻辑连接相关的信息的能力。研究结果显示,理解说明文中逻辑关系的能力与学术成绩和第二语言熟练程度有极深的关系。学术成绩差的学生尤其觉得因果关系和转折关系具有挑战性。  相似文献   

The Next-Generation Science Standards (NGSS) call for a different approach to learning science. They promote three-dimensional (3D) learning that blends disciplinary core ideas, crosscutting concepts and scientific practices. In this study, we examined explanations constructed by secondary science teacher candidates (TCs) as a scientific practice outlined in the NGSS necessary for supporting students’ learning of science in this 3D way. We examined TCs’ ability to give explanations that include explicit statements of underlying reasons for natural phenomena, as opposed to simply describing patterns or laws. In their methods courses, TCs were taught to organize explanations into a what/how/why framework, where what refers to what happens in specific cases (data or observations); how refers to how things usually happen and is equivalent to patterns or laws; and why refers to causal explanations or models. We examined TCs’ ability to do this spontaneously and in a resource-rich environment as a first step in gauging their preparedness for NGSS-aligned teaching. We found that (1) the ability of TCs to articulate complete and accurate causal scientific explanations for phenomena exists along a continuum; (2) TCs in our sample whose explanations fell on the upper end of this continuum were more likely to provide complete and accurate explanations even in the absence of support from explicit standards; and (3) teacher candidate’s ability to construct complete and accurate explanations did not correlate with cross-course performance or academic major. The implications of these findings for the preparation of teachers for NGSS-based science instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

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