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“两型社会”建设是一个极其复杂的系统工程,需要政府的政策扶持,同时需要新闻媒介的推动和监督。电视媒介由于其声画兼备而具有强大的冲击力,应该充分发挥电视深度报道的解释、调查和预测功能,为“两型社会”建设注入动力。  相似文献   

新闻深度报道是《新闻采访学》中的重点难点,并且在日常运用中也占据非常重要的地位。 “新闻是报道、表达出新闻的形式”。新闻深度报道是新闻报道的一种形式,它适合于对报道的事态、事件作深层次的剖析,具有深入探究的优势,对重大新闻事件,社会问题与社会现象作有背景介绍、有分析的解释、有归纳预测的报道点评的展示,是一种延伸和拓展新闻领域的报道方式。[第一段]  相似文献   

深度报道是报纸和广播电视相抗衡的一种报道方式,近年来,电视大量采用深度报道手法,开办了许多具有深度报道特质的栏目。报纸如何应付这一冲击?本文拟从转变办报观念、提倡调查性报道、激发读者再造想象、加强栏目定位、在精深和广博上下功夫等几个方面对这一问题试作初步探讨  相似文献   

传统教材中的物理实验,在新课标教材中都以科学探究的形式出现,这使实验教学显示出它强大的生命力。何为探究?美国《国家科学教育标准》中对探究是这样定义的:“探究是多层面的活动,包括:观察;提出问题;通过浏览书籍和其他信息资源发现什么是已经知道的结论,制定调查研究计划;根据实验证据对已有的结论做出评价;用工具收集、分析、解释数据;提出解答、解释和预测;以及交流结果。  相似文献   

探究性学习是一种积极的学习过程,主要指的是学生在科学课中自己探索问题的学习方式,要研究探究性学习,首先要明确什么是探究。美国国家科学教育标准中对探究的定义是:“探究是多层面的活动,包括观察、提出问题;通过浏览书籍和其他信息资源发现什么是已经知道的结论,制订调查研究计划;根据实验证据对已有的结论作出评价;用工具收集、分析、解释数据;提出解答,解释和预测;以及交流结果。探究要求确定假设,进行批判的和逻辑的思考,并且考虑其他可以替代的解释。”  相似文献   

近年来,我国的电视深度报道类节目以其理性思辨、对新闻事件的整合强化、过程性、解释性满足了观众对于新闻质感的深度诉求,同时吻合了观众对于社会疼痛的理性诉求.于是,在这种有别于消息类报道的独特文本中,调查记者的话语介入和话语设计无疑构筑了深度报道独具魅力的调查语境.  相似文献   

美国国家科学教育标准中对探究的定义是:“探究是多层面的活动,包括观察;提出问题;通过浏览书籍和其他信息资源发现什么是已经知道的结论,制定调查研究计划;根据实验证据对已有的结论作出评价;用工具收集、分析、解释数据;提出解答,解释和预测。以及交流结果。探究要求确定假设  相似文献   

杨清 《柳州师专学报》1999,14(2):103-106
记者在采写深度报道中出现的采访不深入,缺乏建设意识,材料不够议论凑,贪大求长等误区导致了深度报道高难度采写要求与记者采写能力相对疲软的矛盾。要走出误区,提高记者采写深度报道的能力,就要大兴调查研究之风,在“三贴近”交叉点上做文章,树立宏观意识,建设意识,求短求活。  相似文献   

美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)电视台不久前在“晚间新闻”节目中播出了一则耸人听闻的报道,说什么许多来美国的华人可能是从事收集情报非法活动的间谍。中国驻美国大使馆已就这则无中生有、毫不负责的报道向CBS电视台提出严正交涉,要求它作出解释和答复。居住在美国各地的华人和留学生纷纷打电话或写信给该电视台,对上述报道提出抗议,并要求它公开道歉。 CBS电视台煞有介事地宣称“在美国有一个最大的间谍网”,并说什么根据它的一项“特别调查”,这些间谍“是中国豢养的”。这家电视台还以特  相似文献   

图式理论对社会心理学研究的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
图式是信息加工的认知心理学中的一个重要概念,它对人认知有4个方面的功能:注意、编码和检索功能,整合功能,理解功能和计划功能。社会心理学家在自己的研究中,引进图式概念,用“人的图式”解释人格,用“自我图式”解释自我概念,用“群体图式”解释刻板印象,对产生社会认知偏差的原因也通过图式概念有了新的阐述。从图式理论的相关研究可以发现,社会心理学的研究已经越来越多的融合了信息加工认知心理学的观点。与传统社会心理学单纯研究个体、群体的外部行为方式来预测心理现象的方法相比,图式加工的观点深入到人类大脑内部的信息加工过程,揭示了个体或群体根据已有知识来解释外界新信息的方法和过程。  相似文献   

This essay analyzes and develops recent views about explanation in biology. Philosophers of biology have parted with the received deductive-nomological model of scientific explanation primarily by attempting to capture actual biological theorizing and practice. This includes an endorsement of different kinds of explanation (e.g., mathematical and causal-mechanistic), a joint study of discovery and explanation, and an abandonment of models of theory reduction in favor of accounts of explanatory reduction. Of particular current interest are philosophical accounts of complex explanations that appeal to different levels of organismal organization and use contributions from different biological disciplines. The essay lays out one model that views explanatory integration across different disciplines as being structured by scientific problems. I emphasize the philosophical need to take the explanatory aims pursued by different groups of scientists into account, as explanatory aims determine whether different explanations are competing or complementary and govern the dynamics of scientific practice, including interdisciplinary research. I distinguish different kinds of pluralism that philosophers have endorsed in the context of explanation in biology, and draw several implications for science education, especially the need to teach science as an interdisciplinary and dynamic practice guided by scientific problems and explanatory aims.  相似文献   

部分新闻事实具有可以拓展和深度开掘的特性,是具有张力的新闻事实。鉴别新闻事实的张力,可以从新闻事件的本身和它的意义价值两个方面展开研究。根据新闻要素的不同特性,新闻的张力可以向解释性报道、调查性报道、分析性报道、述评性报道、预测性报道方向拓展,可以通过连续报道、系列报道、组合报道、媒体事件等方式来实现。  相似文献   

The concept attitude is often used in general mass media debate as a causal, explaining factor. In contrast, the concept has hardly ever appeared in the headlines of Swedish scientific reports in pedagogics during the last few years. A possible explanation may be the pessimistic opinion about the usefulness of attitude research expressed by researchers in adult education. Studies lending support to this defeatism are critically examined from a methodological point of view without finding support for the general conclusion that the attitude concept is of low interest, as an explanatory and a predicting construct.  相似文献   

Contributing to the recent debate on whether or not explanations ought to be differentiated from arguments, this article argues that the distinction matters to science education. I articulate the distinction in terms of explanations and arguments having to meet different standards of adequacy. Standards of explanatory adequacy are important because they correspond to what counts as a good explanation in a science classroom, whereas a focus on evidence-based argumentation can obscure such standards of what makes an explanation explanatory. I provide further reasons for the relevance of not conflating explanations with arguments (and having standards of explanatory adequacy in view). First, what guides the adoption of the particular standards of explanatory adequacy that are relevant in a scientific case is the explanatory aim pursued in this context. Apart from explanatory aims being an important aspect of the nature of science, including explanatory aims in classroom instruction also promotes students seeing explanations as more than facts, and engages them in developing explanations as responses to interesting explanatory problems. Second, it is of relevance to science curricula that science aims at intervening in natural processes, not only for technological applications, but also as part of experimental discovery. Not any argument enables intervention in nature, as successful intervention specifically presupposes causal explanations. Students can fruitfully explore in the classroom how an explanatory account suggests different options for intervention.  相似文献   

The much-lamented gap between theory and practice in education cannot be filled by practical knowledge alone or by explanatory knowledge alone. Principled practical knowledge (PPK) is a type of knowledge that has characteristics of both practical know-how and scientific theory. Like basic scientific theory, PPK meets standards of explanatory coherence. However, its main function is not explanation or prediction but practical guidance. PPK grows out of efforts to solve practical problems, but it requires additional effort invested in producing knowledge that goes beyond what is required for the task at hand yet not so far beyond as to be unusable by practitioners. The Wright brothers’ construction of PPK to address problems of flight control is used as a model for building such knowledge in the learning sciences. Design-based research in the learning sciences may motivate research into basic theoretical questions, but it is unlikely to contribute directly to answering them. Extending design-based research to the creation of PPK can, however, increase the generalizability of knowledge produced through design work and provide a ladder leading to sometimes radical design improvement.  相似文献   

This article attends to comparative education scholars’ calls for more dialogue on the contribution of theory to comparative education research. It first presents the results of a review of a small sample of articles from comparative education related journals that elicited the purposes of their comparative research strategies in terms of exploration, explanation, argument, prediction, recommendation, and theory development. The article then discusses perspectives on the potential for the use of theory to contribute to richer explanations of educational phenomena. Finally, it demonstrates how a comparative study of political socialization in Hong Kong and Mainland China led to the development of explanatory concepts of critical thinking and the application and reconceptualization of the theory of resistance to explain the formation of students’ attitudes towards the nation.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of adding a prediction/discussion phase at the beginning of a three‐phase learning cycle involving exploration, term introduction, and concept application. The added phase required high‐school biology students to individually write out predictions with explanatory hypotheses concerning concepts in genetics, homeostasis, ecosystems, and natural selection. This was followed by interactive debate of predictions and reasons. Data sources included questionnaires, field observations, teacher/researcher daily log reports, and a battery of tests to assess cognitive changes. Hypothetico‐predictive reasoning and logical argumentation served as cognitive‐development processes which prompted students to construct and deconstructed their procedural and declarative knowledge. The prediction/discussion‐based learning cycle instruction, when compared with traditional learning cycle instruction, produced significant gains relative to the use of process skills, logical‐thinking skills, science concepts, and scientific attitudes. Guidelines were generated for developing, teaching, and evaluating prediction/discussion based learning cycles. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 36: 1127–1147, 1999  相似文献   

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