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“形”、“神”和“形神之辨”是古典中国哲学的一对重要范畴和一个重要论题。其原义是用来对人体生命结构的哲学概括,同时也推衍于艺术、文学、建筑以及医学、武术等领域。随着国学热的兴起,学界对绘画、中医、养生、武术等领域的形神关系多有论述,但似乎尚未提升到文化哲学的高度。“‘形神统一’文化生命结构”这一概念的提出和论证,意在从哲学的视角揭示古典中国哲学“形神之辨”的文化哲学精义,对于当今的文化建设具有重要的方法论意义。  相似文献   

地方研究已是学界显学,本次研讨会则旨在从国家建构的维度,考察地方意识与国家认同的关系,着力从历史人类学、社会史、政治史、思想史、知识分子研究等方向展开跨领域对话,试图透过迥异的研究路径和研究议题,共同探讨现代中国的国家建构与国家认同之历史过程。与会学者主要探讨了何处是“地方”、谁之“地方”、何种“中国”、何以“中国”等议题。首先,“地方”的意涵和所指是多样化的,不仅指行政区域,也指地理和文化空间,是从乡村、县、省到南方、北方、东北、西北等地域的动态概念。其次,参与并建构地方意识与国家认同的历史主体是多元的,故国家的知识精英和制度文化、地方的宗教专家和社团组织,以及中国边缘和外部世界所想象的“中国”也是多元的。最后,与会学者从地方与国家关系、种族/民族、赋役制度、礼仪宗教、战争、工业资本主义等多重视角,热烈地讨论了多样化“地方”背后的同一性,以及中国何时、如何成为民族国家等问题。这些多元性非但不会妨碍我们理解“中国”,而且是理解的前提和开端。  相似文献   

《刑法》第176条规定了“非法吸收公众存款罪”,对盛行于我国经济生活中的以“非法吸收公众存款或变相吸收公众存款”为典型代表的民间非正规金融活动采取了刑事立法政策,但其效果并不彰显。研究表明,所谓的“非法吸收公众存款”往往是一种资本市场创新行为,暗合了以美国为代表的资本市场发达国家或地区证券法所认定的“投资合同”性质。因此,应该扩大我国《证券法》的证券定义,将“非法吸收公众存款”界定为“投资合同”,纳入到《证券法》规制的范围。在现阶段,可行的办法是明文规定“国务院认定其他证券”的标准,以行政力量推动市场创新;对于真正的“非法”吸收公众存款行为,亦应以民事责任优先于刑事责任为原则,加强对公众投资者的保护。  相似文献   

《齐物论》释义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《齐物论》以“齐”为主题,从逻辑上说,其中包含“齐物”论与齐“物论”二重涵义。“齐物”论指向世界万物,后者虽呈现千差万别的形态,但从“齐物”论的角度看,则最终可以分而齐之或不齐而齐。齐“物论”之“物论”直接所指,涉及关于“物”的不同观点,但在宽泛意义上则关乎一切是非之辩,“齐”广义论域中的“物论”,意味着消解是非的分辨和是非论争。总起来,“齐物论”以“齐”为视域,既要求超越存在之域的分别,也试图消解观念之域的是非之辩。就哲学的层面而言,扬弃“道术为天下裂”的形态、通过以道观之达到统一的存在,这一进路无疑不无所见的。然而,从现实的形态看,世界既呈现关联和统一之维,又内含多样性和差异性,所谓“物之不齐,物之情也”。以否定和拒斥的立场对待“分”与“别”,在逻辑上很难避免对存在的抽象理解,与之相涉的分而齐之,也容易疏离于真实、具体的存在,引向思辨意义上的形而上学。在庄子的齐物之论中,以道观之与抽象齐之二重取向交错而并存,呈现了多方面的理论意蕴。  相似文献   

《联合国海洋法公约》确立了以国际海洋法法庭为中心、以仲裁法庭为辅助的海洋争端解决机制,这也是菲律宾就南海争端提请国际仲裁的依据。但组成仲裁法庭不等于表明法庭有管辖权,在进行任何正式的审理之前,法庭都必须查明对案件确有管辖权。而根据公约第298条以及中国事先所作书面声明,仲裁法庭对本案应当不具有管辖权。从法理上讲,菲律宾要求中国接受其从未同意的所谓“管辖权”,是不符合国际法内在逻辑的。从法律操作上讲,菲律宾苦心孤诣地“包装”其诉求以绕开中方依据公约所做书面声明的作法,是违背公约本意的恶意操作,属于不折不扣的滥诉行为。对此中方应当打好舆论战,指出菲律宾因滥用公约争端解决机制而违背了公约第300条的诚信义务;明确斥责菲方“包装”诉求的滥诉行径并积极提出管辖权异议;表明在极端必要时有权退出公约以维护本国主权。  相似文献   

以革命大叙事为唯一研究路径与方式的革命史受到“集权主义论”和“现代化论”两方面的挑战,被许多当代中国史研究者所摒弃。这两种叙事方式特别是后者影响下的上海研究也“告别”革命大叙事,将社会文化史与革命史割裂开来,进而将1950年代上海研究置于现代化的断裂与集权主义的“黑色叙述”中。新革命史的兴起从20世纪中国革命的连续性与多重释义两方面唤回革命史,并为上海研究增加了新维度。新革命史观照下的1950年代上海研究呈现出多重面相,革命、国家与社会三重叙事与三个逻辑相互碰撞,彼此交汇。“都市迅速远去,摩登依然在场”既是新叙事下1950年代中国的上海旋律,也是同一时代的上海历史主题。  相似文献   

在城镇化背景下,我国城乡基本公共服务已经突破原有的城乡二元结构而转向更为复杂的“城-半城-乡”三元结构。对城乡基本公共服务均等化问题的研究,必须从供需角度出发,关注市民、准市民(农业转移人口)以及农民三种异质性社会群体的“共同和有差别”的公共服务需求与政府、社会和市场等多元供给主体之间的互动。通过完善公共财政投入体制确保所有群体享受“城乡共需型”基本公共服务;通过政府与社会、市场的协同供给,提升“城乡差异型”公共服务的供给效率;通过土地制度和户籍制度改革,为实现城乡基本公共服务均等化扫清制度障碍。  相似文献   

“胡焕庸线”从1935年提出至今已有80年。迄今为止,我国人口分布不平衡的格局并未发生很大变化。在新的历史条件下,一些影响人口分布的关键因素正面临着从量变到质变的转化。其中,自然条件对“胡焕庸线”突破的可能性影响不大,而经济技术条件加速变化和社会政策的战略要求可能会改变“胡焕庸线”的固有格局。在这一进程中,新型城镇化既是实现“胡焕庸线”突破的目标,即实现人口分布在空间上相对均衡、产业在区域间发展均衡、公共服务城乡均等化,同时新型城镇化也是“胡焕庸线”可能突破的重要动力。以新疆为例的分析,佐证了西部地区通过新型城镇化突破“胡焕庸线”的可能性。为此,有关方面应积极搭建人口流动通道,逐步实现人口分布在空间上的均衡;应加大产业发展力度,逐步实现产业在区域上的均衡;应推进公共服务一体化,逐 实现区域宜居水平的平衡。  相似文献   

通过对城市中信访之“气”的生产机制进行揭示,本文认为通过社会力量化解“气”是非常有益的尝试。通过对上海社工介入信访调解C 项目的研究,文章发现在实际运作中,尽管社会力量介入信访取得一定成效,但是仍然存在诸多问题与不足,这主要是由于社工以及社会工作机构作为新兴的社会力量的价值没有得到项目委托方(地方政府)的正确认识,信访调处仍然停留在“打压———反弹”模式,并没有发生本质的变化。本文提出政府首先应该对于专业社会工作的价值和角色予以尊重和承认,改变原来解决信访矛盾的惯有方式,重视参与调处社会矛盾的社会力量的重要性,推动整个信访工作的发展,进而改进目前信访体制中的弊端。  相似文献   

汉魏之际,杂部密教经典已传译于中土。入唐以降,密教开宗立派,活跃于朝野上下,虽经“会昌法难”之劫而渐趋式微,但随着密教的世俗化已渐次深入民间,化俗流布。其中,民间流行的五色线习俗,即与民间传持的密教相互影响。自汉代以来,古人就有端午时节佩戴五色线用以避兵驱邪的习俗,其发端虽与中国传统的五行学说有一定关系,但入宋以后,密教大悲咒在吸收五色线元素后,又与五色线习俗相融合,并将其供奉主神之一的“月光菩萨”良缘功德赋予五色线。这一功德的加持,使五色线习俗发展到宋代时,已经由端午佩戴延长到七夕,一些地方甚至由此演变为“女儿节”。 考研这一习俗的历史演变,不仅有助于再现唐宋时期民间特殊的人文风貌,同时对于研究唐宋时期的社会生活与宗教信仰也具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

This longitudinal study investigated the cross-lagged associations between children’s academic skill development, task-avoidant behaviour in the context of homework, and parental beliefs about their child’s success from kindergarten to Grade 2. The participants were 1267 children. The children’s pre-skills were assessed at the end of the kindergarten year, and math and reading skills at the end of Grade 1 and Grade 2. Parents provided ratings of their beliefs about their children’s school success and task-avoidant behaviour with regard to homework at the end of Grades 1 and 2. The results showed that children’s math and reading skills predicted children’s task-avoidant behaviour regarding homework as rated by mothers, but not by fathers, when autoregressive effects were taken into account. In addition, task-avoidant behaviour predicted the mothers’ subsequent beliefs about their children’s school success but not vice versa. A reciprocal effect was found between fathers’ beliefs about success and children’s task-avoidance.  相似文献   

本文应用国内外有关越南和平谈判的历史文献,从中国学者的视角,对越南和平谈判期间的中国因素做研究和分析。从1968年5月开始的美越和平谈判几乎从一开始就陷入僵局,其中,不容忽视的一个重要因素是作为越南抗美斗争的主要支持者中国所起的作用。随着1971年7月基辛格秘密访华之后中美关系的实质性改善,中国对美越和平谈判的态度也发生了巨大的变化,实际上从主张以打为主解决越南问题,转向赞同积极进行和平谈判,并力促和谈成功。在中国的说服之下,越南方面终于在美越和平谈判作出必要的让步而最终使和谈得以在1973年初取得成功。  相似文献   

This study investigated relations between preschoolers’ pretend play, examiner-rated adjustment, and teachers’ reports of educational and social adjustment in a large and racially diverse sample. Preschoolers (N = 171; Mage = 49.25 months, SD = 2.76; 89.5% non-White; 50.9% female) completed a standardized assessment of pretend play during a laboratory visit and teachers rated their academic and relational adjustment 3 months later. Interactive effects by child race were evaluated in light of prior suggestions that relations between children's creative expression and teacher-rated adjustment may vary by child race. There were no significant race differences in observers’ ratings of preschoolers’ pretend play, examiners’ ratings of child adjustment, or teachers’ ratings of child adjustment. Imaginative and expressive play features were positively related to examiners’ ratings of child ego-resilience for all children in the laboratory setting. However, child race moderated relations between these same play features and teachers’ ratings of preschooler adjustment in the classroom, even after child age, child IQ, family socioeconomic status, teacher–child racial congruence, teacher familiarity with the child, and child gender were held constant. Among Black preschoolers, imaginative and expressive pretend play features were associated with teachers’ ratings of less school preparedness, less peer acceptance, and more teacher–child conflict, whereas comparable levels of imagination and affect in pretend play were related to positive ratings on these same measures for non-Black children. These results suggest that teachers may ascribe differential meaning to child behaviors as a function of child race. Implications for child development, teacher training, and early education are discussed.  相似文献   

A comprehensive research base exists concerning the congruence between parents’ and teachers’ ratings of the behavior of typically developing young children. However, little research has been conducted regarding the degree to which parents’ and teachers’ behavioral ratings of young children with disabilities are congruent. Additionally, previous research has not always correctly proportioned the variance to that between and within classrooms. The purpose of this study was to examine congruence (using hierarchical linear modeling) at the classroom level, rather than the individual student-level, between parents’ and teachers’ ratings of young children's social skills and problem behaviors. We also examined the potential impact of selected family and child demographic variables, including disability, on this congruence. Consistent with other researchers, we found moderate levels of congruence for children's social skills (as framed by strengths-based statements) and low levels of congruence for problem behaviors (as described using deficit-based terminology). Parents’ and teachers’ congruence was higher when rating the social skills of young children with disabilities as compared to young children without disabilities.  相似文献   



As nurse home visiting to prevent child maltreatment grows in popularity with both program administrators and legislators, it is important to understand engagement in such programs in order to improve their community-wide effects. This report examines family demographic and infant health risk factors that predict engagement and follow-through in a universal home-based maltreatment prevention program for new mothers in Durham County, North Carolina.


Trained staff members attempted to schedule home visits for all new mothers during the birthing hospital stay, and then nurses completed scheduled visits three to five weeks later. Medical record data was used to identify family demographic and infant health risk factors for maltreatment. These variables were used to predict program engagement (scheduling a visit) and follow-through (completing a scheduled visit).


Program staff members were successful in scheduling 78% of eligible families for a visit and completing 85% of scheduled visits. Overall, 66% of eligible families completed at least one visit. Structural equation modeling (SEM) analyses indicated that high demographic risk and low infant health risk were predictive of scheduling a visit. Both low demographic and infant health risk were predictive of visit completion.


Findings suggest that while higher demographic risk increases families’ initial engagement, it might also inhibit their follow-through. Additionally, parents of medically at-risk infants may be particularly difficult to engage in universal home visiting interventions. Implications for recruitment strategies of home visiting programs are discussed.  相似文献   

描述心理学是科学心理学产生之初由布伦塔诺和狄尔泰共同创建的一门人文科学心理学,它主张通过现象学的描述或解释学的理解如实呈现人类心理生活的全貌。描述心理学沿循严格科学和浪漫主义两种传统发展,并各自贯穿着三种独具特色的理论形态,前者包括布伦塔诺的意动描述心理学、斯顿夫的机能描述心理学和胡塞尔的本质描述心理学,后者包括狄尔泰的体验描述心理学、斯普兰格的结构描述心理学和斯特恩的人格描述心理学。每种理论形态都有自己独特的基本主张、理论焦点和方法侧重点。不同理论形态在描述心理学框架体系下结成了反对心理学自然科学化的"强力同盟",共同反对冯特等以自然科学为模板的发生心理学或说明心理学。  相似文献   

Using data from a diverse sample of low-income African American and Latino mothers, fathers, and their young children who participated in Early Head Start (n = 61), the current study explored the association between parents’ reading quality (i.e. metalingual talk) while reading with their 2-year-old children and their children's receptive vocabulary skills at pre-kindergarten. It further examined whether children's interest in reading mediated this association. There were three main findings. First, most mothers and fathers in our sample read relatively often to their children (a few times a week) and used some metalingual talk; fathers used more than mothers. Second, controlling for parental education, mothers’ and fathers’ early reading quality significantly predicted children's receptive vocabulary skills at pre-kindergarten. Third, children's interest in reading mediated the association between mothers’ and fathers’ reading quality and children's receptive vocabulary scores. These findings have important implications for programs aimed at fostering low-income children's vocabularies and suggest that both mothers and fathers need to be included in programs.  相似文献   

BackgroundVery little is known about the experiences of children of political prisoners internationally, because of the challenges of researching within politically oppressive contexts.ObjectiveThe aim of this secondary analysis was to explore and understand Palestinian children’s experiences visiting their fathers in Israeli detention.Participants, setting and methodsQualitative data from sixteen in-depth interviews with thirty-one children were analyzed. Structural and longitudinal coding cycles were employed and focused upon the timeline of the visitation process.ResultsThree overarching themes emerged, which included: Children’s experiences ‘before the visit’, ‘during the visit’, and ‘after the visit’. Subthemes related to the distressing and at times traumatic experiences the children suffered throughout the process of preparation for, going through, and the aftermath of the visit. This included reports of experiencing punitive measures at checkpoints and waiting areas and humiliation and maltreatment by the Israeli authorities during the visitation process. These findings are discussed with reference to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. It was clear that the children’s best interests were denied and contact and interaction with their fathers was restrained under the Israeli visitation scheme. Despite the arduous visitation process that children often hated, they loved to see their fathers.ConclusionsEven though the children’s rights were infringed upon, they still endured hardships to maintain whatever contact was possible. International advocacy for the realization of the ‘rights of the child’ for Palestinian children, as well as other children of political detainees is warranted.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relations among preschool teachers’ behavior management, children's task orientation, and children's emergent literacy and language development, as well as the extent to which task orientation moderated the relation between teachers’ behavior management and children's emergent literacy and language development. Participants included 398 children and 67 preschool teachers from preschool programs serving an at-risk population. Teachers’ behavior management was observationally assessed and children's task orientation was measured via teacher-report. Children's language and emergent literacy skills were directly assessed in the fall and in the spring of the preschool year. Hierarchical linear models were used to predict children's residualized gain in emergent literacy and language (i.e., Spring scores with Fall scores as covariates) from their task orientation and their teachers’ behavior management. Task orientation and behavior management each positively predicted children's emergent literacy development, but not language development. There was a significant interaction between teachers’ behavior management and children's task orientation in predicting children's language development, such that high scores on both variables were associated with the most optimal language outcomes. Implications for research and early education are discussed.  相似文献   

This article examines China's senior high ‘Thought and Politics’ (sixiang zhengzhi) texts, analyzing how these seek to legitimize the regime's developmental strategy. It is argued that their overriding emphasis on the strengthening of the state is premised upon the imperative of securing China's position within global order conceived in Darwinian terms. While the school curriculum cannot be seen simply as an instrument with which the party-state shapes and moulds popular consciousness at will, it is assumed here that it does play a significant role in the political socialisation of young people. ‘Thought and Politics’ serves as a benchmark of ideological correctness within what remains a highly centralised system of curriculum development. The article begins by briefly analyzing the shifts and continuities in China's developmental strategy, and of the roles assigned to education within that strategy. The importance traditionally attached to schooling's moralizing function is noted, as is the relatively elitist character of the audience for the ‘Thought and Politics’ course – senior high school students. After considering how and why a discourse of state-centred patriotism has become central to the Communist Party's efforts to legitimise its authority, the implications of the ‘Patriotic Education Campaign’ for the broader school curriculum are reviewed. The main discussion then focuses on the way in which the current texts for ‘Thought and Politics’ justify the national developmental strategy in terms derived from this patriotic discourse. Some potential implications of this combination of patriotic political socialisation with a highly labour-repressive developmental model, setting the case of China in comparative and historical context.  相似文献   

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