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With one of the world’s most comprehensive universal healthcare systems, medical tourism in Costa Rica has increased significantly over the past few decades. American tourists save up to 80 % of comparative costs for procedures, from heart surgery to root canal treatment. Although many Costa Rican healthcare professionals receive training in North America or Europe, there can be differences when compared to the same professionals in foreign countries. This paper examines the educational and role differences between counselors in the United States and Costa Rica. Implications for tourists in need of psychotherapeutic services while abroad or counseling professionals seeking foreign work experiences are discussed.  相似文献   

This article presents an overview of the Supervisory Working Alliance Model (E. S. Bordin, 1983) and related research. The author proposes an extension of the model by applying it to evaluation and multicultural competency. The following major advantages of the model for supervision in college counseling centers are discussed: (a) model's transtheoretical nature, (b) model's compatibility with alternate models, (c) model's conduciveness toward multiculturally competent supervision, and (d) model's utility in evaluation.  相似文献   

There are many theories of counseling and consequently many approaches to describing the sequence of events that occur during the process of counseling. As a result, there is potential for student counselors to become confused over the process. Among the responsibilities of counselor educators is helping students reduce confusion and increase understanding of the process of counseling. This article proposes a four-stage, 16-phase synthesis to describe the process. The rationale for the synthesis includes the need to (a) increase student understanding of the process, (b) keep the number of phases within reason to increase use of the process, and (c) base the phases on client behaviors, particularly verbal behaviors, that occur during the process.  相似文献   

This article is a discourse analysis of weekly computer‐mediated communications between 8 school counseling interns and their e‐mail supervisor over a 16‐week semester. Course‐required e‐mail supervision was provided as an adjunct to traditional face‐to‐face individual and group supervision. School counselor supervisees and supervisor enacted 3 discursive strategies (repetition, labeling, and plural pronoun usage), which were observed to contribute to supervisee professional identity development. Findings are discussed in light of both the counselor education and discourse analysis literatures. Implications for practice and future research are provided.  相似文献   

国内外大学生就业指导工作比较研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国大学生就业指导工作处于起步阶段,与毕业生的需求仍存在一定的距离、国外大学的就业指导体系完备,内容丰富,形式多样。借鉴他们的成功经验,我们的就业指导工作应从丰富就业指导内容、改进就业指导方式、建立高效的信息网络、提高就业指导人员的业务素质等几方面入手,使就业指导工作科学化、专业化、规范化。  相似文献   

The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the common experience of Korean counseling professionals who returned to South Korea after obtaining their doctoral degrees in the United States. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten Korean counseling professionals to understand their cross-cultural experience. The data were analyzed by phenomenological methods of inquiry. Seven themes emerged from the analyses: Reminiscence, Differences and Comparisons, Benefits, Challenges, Coping, Application and Modification, and Meaning. The findings suggested how the setting and context in which the reentry process occurred contributed to the participants’ experience as well as the essence of the reentry process. Implications of the results are discussed in the light of cross-cultural counseling and for future research and practice.  相似文献   

女性主义心理咨询与治疗理论是伴随着女性主义运动而兴起的,在把女性主义作为一种新的理论和方法论的基础上,形成了女性主义咨询学学派。女性主义咨询学学派在批判传统心理学特别是精神分析的基础上,动摇了精神分析的男性中心主义霸权,使女性自身经验与主观性成为心理咨询合法的范畴。  相似文献   

立法程序对于确保立法质量,维护各方权益具有重要意义。在此仅通过对中美在立法程序异同的比较分析,寻求可兹借鉴之处,为从技术层面完善我国立法程序提出意见和建议。  相似文献   

The relationship between supervisory identity development and supervisory experience, counseling experience, and training in supervision was examined for Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) members. Analyses indicated that supervisory experience and training were related to supervisory identity development, whilst counseling experience was not. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to the importance of supervisor credentials.  相似文献   

An intense relationship may develop in supervision that is similar in important ways to the treatment relationship. The supervisory relationship provides a model for ethical behavior for the supervisee in addition to being an important adjunct of counseling. Thus, the nature of supervision may have either positive or negative consequences in terms of treatment outcome. The supervisor is accountable for this delicate and complex relationship without the benefit of specific ethical guidelines. The supervisee is in a potentially vulnerable and powerless position without the protection of standards for behavior articulated. Ethical issues involved in supervision are raised in this article for potential resolution by the profession in an effort to protect the supervisor and supervisee and to enhance the quality of supervision.  相似文献   

This research effort presents (a) a model for viewing counseling theories and (b) data regarding the similarities and differences among selected counseling theorists on two dimensions: a process dimension and a goal dimension. Two instruments were used to tap the process and goal statements of selected theorists. Thirty-seven graduate students in two counseling theory classes completed the instruments, and their statement ratings were used to plot the selected theorists on the proposed model. Analysis of variance procedures were used to test differences among the theorists. The F ratios for both the process and goal statements were found to be significant at or beyond the .05 level. Theorist clusters were obtained by a post hoc probing process where the process clusters are as follows: (a) Williamson, Wolpe, Krumboltz; (b) Ellis, Thorne, Dreikurs, and Dollard and Miller; (c) Frankl, Alexander; (d) Rogers. The goal clusters are: (a) Wolpe, Krumboltz; (b) Williamson, Dollard and Miller; (c) Dreikurs, Thorne, Ellis, Alexander; (d) Rogers; (e) Frankl.  相似文献   

An examination of 340 graduates of the master's degree program in guidance and counseling at Boston College revealed no meaningful differences in desirable counselor characteristics between those who had studied part-time and those who had studied full-time. It is recommended that further large-sample studies be carried out to examine the issue when reliable measures of counseling effectiveness are taken into consideration.  相似文献   

The authors in this consensual qualitative research study explored the dissertation experiences of 42 graduates (27 counselor educators, 13 counselors, 2 administrators) from 4 midwestern states. Identified domains included impact of environment, competing influences, personality traits, chair influence, committee function, and barriers to completion. An emergent theory reflected the interconnectedness of the dissertation process across internal, relational, and professional factors. Implications related to motivation, personal traits, and identification of barriers in the dissertation process are provided.  相似文献   

Transcendental phenomenology was used in this study to examine the lived experiences of counseling interns (N = 10) receiving multicultural training to assist clients with disabilities. Five essential themes were identified. Drawing on their findings, the authors recommend programmatic and curricular changes, including the infusion of personal narratives and service learning, to the multicultural training of counselors.  相似文献   

过程管理在高校辅导员工作中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辅导员要扮演好管理者的角色,必须在实际的学生工作中运用相关科学的管理方法.过程管理作为现代组织广泛应用的一种有效管理方式,若能在学生工作中合理运用,既能有助于辅导员从繁琐的事务性工作中解脱出来,又能保证学生工作高效顺利进行.  相似文献   

中外民事答辩制度之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章以对比方法粗略考察和评价了西方主要国家的民事答辩制度,分析了中国民事答辩制度的运行现状及其引发的诸多弊端,在民事诉讼的程序公正和诉讼效益之目标指引下,为中国民事答辩制度的完善提出了几点思路。  相似文献   

We conducted a phenomenological study of teaching preparation with 11 international counseling doctoral students. We identified four primary themes: (a) international identity becomes salient in teaching, (b) acculturation occurs in teaching, (c) teaching is relational, and (d) support system is critical to teaching preparation. Multicultural implications for preparing international doctoral students as emerging counselor educators are provided.  相似文献   

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