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艺术教育与情感智商培养张永济南交通高等专科学校1艺术教育培养提高情感智商的可能性和必要性情感智商(EmotionalQuotient,简称EQ)是指人对情感的自我认知,自我控制、调节和驱动的能力以及对他人情感的感受与反应能力。情感智商理论主要是论述人...  相似文献   

情商是相对于智商的一个概念,国内又称情绪智力或情绪智商,它是在20世纪90年代晚期,由美国心理学家萨洛维和梅耶教授提出的一种理论。一般地,该理论被概括为四个方面的能力:觉察、评估和表达情绪的能力,思维过程中情绪促进的能力,理解情绪与感悟情绪的能力,调节情绪以助情绪和智力发展的能力。情商理论突出情感价值、情感教育与学习,认为情感对智力、人格的发展具有全方位的促进作用。教师作为落实素质教育的主要承担,高尚灵魂的塑造,心智潜能的启迪,其情商水平客观地要求达到人类明的最高水准,这是情商教育的需要,也是现代教育改革的期待。  相似文献   

随着物质文明建设大力发展,精神文明建筑的需求也日趋提高,学校的精神文明建设应该从做好学生思想工作入手,如何做好学生的思想工作,EQ理论给我们提供了一个很好的思路和切入点,培养学生的情绪能力,情感能力,提高每一个人的情绪智商。  相似文献   

分析高师教育实习中情感智商所起的作用,认为高师办学思想必须增加情感智商教育,采用多种形式让每个学生的情感智商得到开发和培养。  相似文献   

情商教育,是推进素质教育中出现的新课题。实施素质教育是我国教育思想上的一个重大转变,也是教育改革的一个重大突破。在实施素质教育中,如何重视和加强情商教育,是目前教育界关注的焦点,本文对此作了一些简略的探讨。一、什么是情感智商情感智商(EQ),是决定一个人一生成功与否的非智力因素。正式提出这一概念的是美国耶鲁大学的彼得·沙路维教授和新罕布什大学的约翰·梅耶教授。1995年10月美国《纽约时报》专栏作家、哈佛大学教授丹尼尔·戈尔曼博士出版了《情感智商》一书,对EQ这个崭新的概念作了详尽的阐述。他把情商…  相似文献   

5年前,美国耶鲁大学的彼得·萨洛韦和新罕布尔大学的约翰·迈耶提出了“情感智力”(Emotional Intelligence)的概念,认为其作用绝不亚于IQ(Intelligence Quotient,即“智商”)。出于便捷需要,也是为了含有与IQ相比、相对、相关之意,美国人渐趋称其为“EQ”(Emotional Quotient),即情感商数。1995年,哈佛大学的丹尼尔·戈尔曼出版了专著《情感商数》,对EQ作了较深入的研究,这些研究给了我们新的启示,提醒我们对一些理论作新的审视。 一、情感商数的基本要素 戈尔曼认为,情感商数的高低是由这样几个要素  相似文献   

一、多元智能理论简介传统的智商理论认为,智能是以语言能力和数学逻辑能力为核心的、以整合方式存在的一种能力。在很长的一段时期内,无论是在智能测验领域,还是在教育以及其他领域,传统智商理论的指导地位一直不可撼动。但随着时代的发展,传统智商理论在认识人的除语言和数学逻辑能力以外的其他能力方面的局限性,[第一段]  相似文献   

一、教师情感智力及其重要意义1995年10月,美国《纽约时报》专栏作家戈尔曼(D.Goleman)出版了《情感智商》一书,戈尔曼在书中称情感智商包括五个方面的能力,即自身认识情绪的能力、妥善管理情绪的能力、自我激励、认识他人情绪的能力,人际关系的管理能力。并且认为在对个人成  相似文献   

情商理论由美国哈佛大学心理学教授丹尼尔.格尔曼于20世纪90年代提出,90年代中期传入中国。情商,是相对于智商而提出来的。它是测定和描述人的情绪情感的一种量化指标。指人的乐观与悲哀、急躁与冷  相似文献   

章结合高师教育实习的实际探索素质教育,指出;高师教育实习中情感智商所起的巨大作用表明,高师办学思想和培养目标不能停留在原有的思路上,必须更新教育观念,必须增加情感智商教育,采用多种形式让每个学生的情感智商得到开发和培养。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a model in which chronic emotional inhibition mediates the relationship between a history of childhood emotional invalidation or abuse and adult psychological distress. METHOD: One hundred and twenty-seven participants completed a series of self-report questionnaires, and a subset of this group (n=88) completed an additional measure of current avoidant coping in response to a laboratory stressor. Structural equation modeling was used to evaluate and compare a full and partial mediational model. RESULTS: Findings strongly supported a model in which a history of childhood emotional invalidation (i.e., psychological abuse and parental punishment, minimization, and distress in response to negative emotion) was associated with chronic emotional inhibition in adulthood (i.e., ambivalence over emotional expression, thought suppression, and avoidant stress responses). In turn, emotional inhibition significantly predicted psychological distress, including depression and anxiety symptoms. CONCLUSION: This study found support for a model in which the relation between recollected negative emotion socialization in childhood and adult psychological distress was fully mediated by a style of inhibiting emotional experience and expression. Although it is likely that childhood emotional inhibition is functional (e.g., reduces parental distress and rejection), results suggest that chronic emotional inhibition may have long-term negative consequences for the inhibitor.  相似文献   

The present study examined features of sibling and friend dyads’ connectedness (e.g., length and emotional tone of connected sequences) and the quality of the dyads’ interactions during play from early to middle childhood. Forty-four families with a 4-year-old focal child were observed at Time 1 (T1) and again at Time 2 (T2) at age 7 in two separate play sessions (i.e., sibling and friend). Play sessions were coded for interaction quality (i.e., conflict, cooperation). Based on previous research, features of the sequences (i.e., emotional tone, length of sequence) were compared across relationship and time. Research Findings: Findings revealed similarities in the dyads’ interaction quality, with both siblings and friends increasing in cooperation over time. Similarly, the emotional tone of siblings’ and friends’ connected sequences was more likely to be positive than negative; however, siblings’ sequences were short rather than long, whereas friends’ sequences were more likely to be long than short. Practice or Policy: These findings provide new insights into children’s connectedness in child-child relationships and changes in connectedness across development from early to middle childhood. The study highlights the importance of observing the dyad when using a relationships theory framework to examine children’s interactions.  相似文献   

The results of a survey of 1281 Chinese school teachers support a second-order factor structure of emotional intelligence. It is found that teachers' emotional intelligence has a significant impact on teaching satisfaction and their use of two emotional labor strategies, i.e., deep acting and expression of naturally felt emotions, but it is not a significant predictor of surface acting. Among the three emotional labor strategies, only expression of naturally felt emotion significantly influences teaching satisfaction. These findings could be explained by differences in the nature of various emotional labor strategies. Implications for teaching and teacher education are put forward.  相似文献   

智商和情商是大学生能否成才的两个重要因素,而我国教育界长期只重视智力因素不重视非智力因素的观念,造成了大学生的情商低下。本文就高校体育对大学生的情商培养进行了探讨,认为高校体育是大学生情商培养的重要手段,并提出了高校体育对大学生情商培养的对策。  相似文献   

Data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Cohort were used to examine the extent to which early parenting predicted African American children's kindergarten social–emotional functioning. Teachers rated children's classroom social–emotional functioning in four areas (i.e., approaches to learning, self‐control, interpersonal skills, and externalizing behaviors). Mothers completed self‐report questionnaires assessing their home‐based parenting practices (i.e., warmth and home learning stimulation). Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that mothers who engaged in more frequent home learning stimulation (e.g., shared book reading) had children with more positive teacher ratings of approaches to learning, self‐control, interpersonal skills, and fewer externalizing behaviors. Notably, demographic characteristics also contributed to children's social–emotional functioning. Specifically, African American girls from more affluent, two‐parent homes with highly educated mothers had the most positive ratings of classroom social–emotional functioning across all four dimensions.  相似文献   

Child maltreatment is a public health concern with well-established sequelae. However, compared to research on physical and sexual abuse, far less is known about the long-term impact of emotional maltreatment on mental health. The overall purpose of this study was to examine the association of emotional abuse, emotional neglect, and both emotional abuse and neglect with other types of child maltreatment, a family history of dysfunction, and lifetime diagnoses of several Axis I and Axis II mental disorders. Data were from the National Epidemiological Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions collected in 2004 and 2005 (n = 34,653). The most prevalent form of emotional maltreatment was emotional neglect only (6.2%), followed by emotional abuse only (4.8%), and then both emotional abuse and neglect (3.1%). All categories of emotional maltreatment were strongly related to other forms of child maltreatment (odds ratios [ORs] ranged from 2.1 to 68.0) and a history of family dysfunction (ORs ranged from 2.2 to 8.3). In models adjusting for sociodemographic characteristics, all categories of emotional maltreatment were associated with increased odds of almost every mental disorder assessed in this study (adjusted ORs ranged from 1.2 to 7.4). Many relationships remained significant independent of experiencing other forms of child maltreatment and a family history of dysfunction (adjusted ORs ranged from 1.2 to 3.0). The effects appeared to be greater for active (i.e., emotional abuse) relative to passive (i.e., emotional neglect) forms of emotional maltreatment. Childhood emotional maltreatment, particularly emotionally abusive acts, is associated with increased odds of lifetime diagnoses of several Axis I and Axis II mental disorders.  相似文献   

关于情绪智力研究的再思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
情绪智力已成为一个引起科学研究者极大兴趣的新概念。但情绪智力理论本身还存在着一些问题,如概念含义分歧、没有一个公认的科学的情绪智力测量工具、其应用价值还待明确。这些问题有待于未来的情绪智力理论和应用研究去解决。  相似文献   

学业情绪是指学生在学习过程中获得学业成功或失败后体验到的各种情绪,包括课堂学习、课后做作业及考试期间所体验到的与学业活动相关的情绪。近几年,学业情绪问题已成为教育心理学界研究的热点。系统地探讨学业情绪的概念、理论和已有研究成果,对我国基础教育教学改革具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This study examined the mediating roles of children's callousness and negative internal representations of family relationships in associations between family instability and children's adjustment to school in early childhood. Participants in this multimethod (i.e., survey, observations), multiinformant (i.e., parent, teacher, observer), longitudinal study included 243 preschool children (Mage = 4.60 years) and their families. Findings from the lagged, autoregressive tests of the mediational paths indicated that both children's callousness and negative internal representations of family relationships mediated longitudinal associations between family instability and children's school adjustment problems over a 2‐year period (i.e., the transition from preschool to first grade). Findings are discussed in relation to the attenuation hypothesis (E. J. Susman, 2006) and emotional security theory (EST; P. T. Davies, M. A. Winter, & D. Cicchetti, 2006).  相似文献   

Guided by the emotional security hypothesis, this study reports on the development of a new self-report measure that assesses children's strategies for preserving emotional security in the context of interparental conflict. Participants were 924 sixth, seventh, and eighth graders and a subset of their mothers, fathers, and teachers. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of the Security in the Interparental Subsystem (SIS) Scale supported a seven-factor solution, corresponding well to the three component processes (i.e., emotional reactivity, regulation of exposure to parent affect, and internal representations) outlined in the emotional security hypothesis. The SIS subscales demonstrated satisfactory internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Support for the validity of the SIS Scale is evidenced by its significant links with parent reports of children's overt reactivity to conflict, children's responses to interparental conflict simulations 6 months later, and children's psychological maladjustment and experiential histories with interparental conflict across multiple informants (i.e., child, mother, father, and teacher). Results are discussed in the context of developing recommendations for use of the SIS and advancing the emotional security hypothesis.  相似文献   

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