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Twelve participants ran (9 km · h(-1)) to test two types of running shoes: replica and original shoes. Ground reaction force, plantar pressure and electromyographic activity were recorded. The shoes were tested randomly and on different days. Comparisons between the two experimental conditions were made by analysis of variance (ANOVA) test (P ≤ 0.05). The time to first peak, loading rate of the first peak and impulse of the first 75 ms of stance were significantly different between the shoes (P ≤ 0.05), revealing an increase of impact forces for the replica shoes. The peak plantar pressure values were significantly higher (P ≤ 0.05) when wearing replica shoes. During running, the contact area was significantly smaller (P ≤ 0.05) for the replica shoe. The electromyographic activity of the analysed muscles did not show changes between the two shoes in running. These findings suggest that the use of replica running shoes can increase the external load applied to the human body, but may not change the muscle activity pattern during locomotion. This new mechanical situation may increase the risk of injuries in these movements.  相似文献   

Purpose:This study aimed to investigate whether there is a systematic change of leg muscle activity,as quantified by surface electromyography(EMG),throughout a standard running footwear assessment protocol at a predetermined running speed.Methods:Thirty-one physically active adults(15 females and 16 males) completed 5 testing rounds consisting of overground running trials at a speed of 3.5 m/s.The level of muscle activity from 6 major leg muscles was recorded using surface EMG.The variables asse...  相似文献   

This study investigated whether male runners improve running performance, running economy, ankle plantar flexor strength, and alter running biomechanics and lower limb bone mineral density when gradually transitioning to using minimalist shoes for 100% of weekly running. The study was a planned follow-up of runners (n?=?50) who transitioned to minimalist or conventional shoes for 35% of weekly structured training in a previous 6-week randomised controlled trial. In that trial, running performance and economy improved more with minimalist shoes than conventional shoes. Runners in each group were instructed to continue running in their allocated shoe during their own preferred training programme for a further 20 weeks while increasing allocated shoe use to 100% of weekly training. At the 20-week follow-up, minimalist shoes did not affect performance (effect size: 0.19; p?=?0.218), running economy (effect size: ≤?0.24; p?≥?0.388), stride rate or length (effect size: ≤?0.12; p?≥?0.550), foot strike (effect size: ≤?0.25; p?≥?0.366), or bone mineral density (effect size: ≤?0.40; p?≥?0.319). Minimalist shoes increased plantar flexor strength more than conventional shoes when runners trained with greater mean weekly training distances (shoe*distance interaction: p?=?0.036). After greater improvements with minimalist shoes during the initial six weeks of a structured training programme, increasing minimalist shoe use from 35% to 100% over 20 weeks, when runners use their own preferred training programme, did not further improve performance, running economy or alter running biomechanics and lower limb bone mineral density. Minimalist shoes improved plantar flexor strength more than conventional shoes in runners with greater weekly training distances.  相似文献   


The choice of marathon racing shoes can greatly affect performance. The purpose of this study is to metabolically and mechanically compare the consumer version of the Nike Vaporfly 4% shoe to two other popular marathon shoes, and determine differences in running economy. Nineteen subjects performed two 5-minute trials at 4.44m/s wearing the Adidas Adios Boost (AB), Nike Zoom Streak (ZS), and Nike Vaporfly 4% (VP) in random order. Oxygen uptake was recorded during minutes 3–5 and averaged across both shoe trials. On a second day, subjects wore reflective markers, and performed a 3-minute trial in each shoe. Motion and force data were collected over the final 30 seconds of each trial. VP oxygen uptake was 2.8% and 1.9% lower than the AB and ZS. Stride length, plantar flexion velocity, and center of mass vertical oscillation were significantly different in the VP. The percent benefit of the VP over AB shoe was predicted by subject ground time. These results indicate that use of the VP shoe results in improved running economy, partially due to differences in running mechanics. Subject variation in running economy improvement is only partially explained by variation in ground time.  相似文献   

The abbreviated tennis serve is a relatively novel modification of the traditional serve that has been reported to provide performance advantages over the traditional technique. However, there are limited objective data regarding the benefits and biomechanics of the abbreviated serve; no data exist that describe shoulder muscle activations during the abbreviated serve. The purpose of this study was to compare muscle activations between the traditional and abbreviated serves. Electromyographic data were collected for the anterior and posterior deltoid, infraspinatus, middle trapezius, latissimus dorsi, serratus anterior, and pectoralis major. When muscle activations were compared during each serve phase, no significant differences were observed between the traditional and abbreviated tennis serve techniques, indicating that the traditional and abbreviated serves are similar regarding shoulder muscle activations. These results could have implications for performance of and injury related to the abbreviated versus traditional serve technique. Although the abbreviated serve has anecdotally been described as advantageous, the present data do not indicate any significant advantages or disadvantages in performing the abbreviated serve technique versus the traditional serve.  相似文献   


Ultra-cushioning (ULTRA) shoes are new to the running shoe market. Several studies have evaluated kinematics and kinetics while running in ULTRA shoes, however it remains unknown how such shoes influence joint coordination. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate lower extremity coordination and coordination variability when running in minimalist (MIN), traditional (NEUT) and ULTRA shoes. Fifteen runners ran for ten minutes in each shoe type. Coordination patterns and coordination variability were assessed for rearfoot-tibia, rearfoot-knee, and tibia-knee couplings using a modified vector coding method during early, mid, and late stance periods. During late stance ULTRA shoes resulted in more antiphase coordination than MIN (p =.036) or NEUT (p =.047) shoes and less in-phase coordination than MIN (p =.048) or NEUT (p =.013) shoes. During late stance there was also more proximal phase rearfoot-knee coordination in ULTRA shoes than in either MIN (p =.039) or NEUT (p =.005) shoes and less in-phase coordination in ULTRA shoes than in NEUT shoes (p =.006). There were no differences in coordination variability between shoes during any phase. The differences in coordination may have implications for tissue loading and injury development when running in ULTRA shoes..  相似文献   


This study investigates the effect of running shoes’ aging on mechanical and biomechanical parameters as a function of midsole materials (viscous, intermediate, elastic) and ground inclination. To this aim, heel area of the shoe (under calcaneal tuberosity) was first mechanically aged at realistic frequency and impact magnitudes based on a 660 km training plan. Stiffness (ST) and viscosity were then measured on both aged and matching new shoes, and repercussions on biomechanical variables (joint kinematics, muscular pre-activation, vertical ground reaction force and tibial acceleration) were assessed during a leg-extended stepping-down task designed to mimic the characteristics of running impacts. Shoes’ aging led to increased ST (means: from 127 to 154 N ? mm?1) and decreased energy dissipation (viscosity) (means: from 2.19 to 1.88 J). The effects induced by mechanical changes on body kinematics were very small. However, they led with the elastic shoe to increased vastus lateralis pre-activation, tibial acceleration peak (means: from 4.5 g to 5.2 g) and rate. Among the three shoes tested, the shoe with intermediate midsole foam provided the best compromise between viscosity and elasticity. The optimum balance remains to be found for the design of shoes regarding at once cushioning, durability and injury prevention.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether an increase in the forefoot bending stiffness of a badminton shoe would positively affect agility, comfort and biomechanical variables during badminton-specific movements. Three shoe conditions with identical shoe upper and sole designs with different bending stiffness (Flexible, Regular and Stiff) were used. Elite male badminton players completed an agility test on a standard badminton court involving consecutive lunges in six directions, a comfort test performed by a pair of participants conducting a game-like practice trial and a biomechanics test involving a random assignment of consecutive right forward lunges. No significant differences were found in agility time and biomechanical variables among the three shoes. The players wearing the shoe with a flexible forefoot outsole demonstrated a decreased perception of comfort in the forefoot cushion compared to regular and stiffer conditions during the comfort test (p < 0.05). The results suggested that the modification of forefoot bending stiffness would influence individual perception of comfort but would not influence performance and lower extremity kinematics during the tested badminton-specific tasks. It was concluded that an optimisation of forefoot structure and materials in badminton shoes should consider the individual’s perception to maximise footwear comfort in performance.  相似文献   


Ethylene vinyl acetate and polyurethane are widely used materials for shoe midsoles. The present study investigated the durability of running shoes made from ethylene vinyl acetate and one type of polyurethane (polyurethane-1), which have similar hardness and density, and another type of polyurethane (polyurethane-2), which has high hardness/density. All shoes differed from one another only in terms of the midsole material used. Eight male runners participated in the present study and used the shoes to run 500 km (10 × 50 km). The cushioning and energy return characteristics of each shoe were measured using an impact tester before and after each 50-km run. The results showed that as the running distance increased, the peak force of midsole materials changed with different patterns. Ethylene vinyl acetate and polyurethane-1 showed greater cushioning than polyurethane-2 over 500 km (ethylene vinyl acetate, 918.2–968.0 N; polyurethane-1, 909.6–972.9 N; polyurethane-2, 983.0–1105.6 N). Polyurethane-1 showed greater cushioning from 200 km to 300 km compared with 0 km (0 km, 972.9 ± 66.3 N; 200 km, 909.6 ± 61.2 N; 250 km, 921.9 ± 51.2 N; 300 km, 924.6 ± 51.9 N). The cushioning of ethylene vinyl acetate shoes was diminished after 500 km compared with that at 0 km (968.0 ± 25.9 N vs. 921.1 ± 20.1 N). Ethylene vinyl acetate resulted in greater energy returns than polyurethane. Both foam category and hardness/density affected the critical biomechanical properties of running shoes.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to introduce a Newton–Euler inverse dynamics model that included reaction force and moment estimation at the lumbo-sacral (L5-S1) and thoraco-lumbar (T12-L1) joints. Data were collected while participants ran over ground at 3.8 m · s?1 at three different stride lengths: preferred stride length, 20% greater than preferred, and 20% less than preferred. Inputs to the model were ground reaction forces, bilateral lower extremity and pelvis kinematics and inertial parameters, kinematics of the lumbar spine and thorax and inertial parameters of the lumbar segment. Repeated measures ANOVA were performed on the lower extremity sagittal kinematics and kinetics, including L5-S1 and T12-L1 three-dimensional joint angles, reaction forces and moments at touchdown and peak values during impact phase across the three stride conditions. Results indicated that L5-S1 and T12-L1 vertical reaction forces at touchdown and during the impact portion of the support phase increased significantly as stride length increased (P < 0.001), as did peak sagittal L5-S1 moments during impact (P = 0.018). Additionally, the transverse T12-L1 joint moment increased as running speed increased (P = 0.006). We concluded from our findings that our model was sensitive to our perturbations in healthy runners, and may prove useful in future mechanistic studies of L5-S1 mechanics.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of step length and foot strike pattern along with their interaction on tibiofemoral joint (TFJ) and medial compartment TFJ kinetics during running. Nineteen participants ran with a rear foot strike pattern at their preferred speed using a short (?10%), preferred, and long (+10%) step length. These step length conditions were then repeated using a forefoot strike pattern. Regardless of foot strike pattern, a 10% shorter step length resulted in decreased peak contact force, force impulse per step, force impulse per kilometre, and average loading rate at the TFJ and medial compartment, while a 10% increased step length had the opposite effects (all P < 0.05). A forefoot strike pattern significantly lowered TFJ and medial compartment TFJ average loading rates compared with a rear foot strike pattern (both <0.05) but did not change TFJ or medial compartment peak force, force impulse per step, or force impulse per km. The combination of a shorter step length and forefoot strike pattern produced the greatest reduction in peak medial compartment contact force (P < 0.05). Knowledge of these running modification effects may be relevant to the management or prevention of TFJ injury or pathology among runners.  相似文献   

We evaluated the efficacy of an in-field gait retraining programme using mobile biofeedback to reduce cumulative and peak tibiofemoral loads during running. Thirty runners were randomised to either a retraining group or control group. Retrainers were asked to increase their step rate by 7.5% over preferred in response to real-time feedback provided by a wrist mounted running computer for 8 routine in-field runs. An inverse dynamics driven musculoskeletal model estimated total and medial tibiofemoral joint compartment contact forces. Peak and impulse per step total tibiofemoral contact forces were immediately reduced by 7.6% and 10.6%, respectively (P < 0.001). Similarly, medial tibiofemoral compartment peak and impulse per step tibiofemoral contact forces were reduced by 8.2% and 10.6%, respectively (P < 0.001). Interestingly, no changes were found in knee adduction moment measures. Post gait retraining, reductions in medial tibiofemoral compartment peak and impulse per step tibiofemoral contact force were still present (P < 0.01). At the 1-month post-retraining follow-up, these reductions remained (P < 0.05). With these per stance reductions in tibiofemoral contact forces in mind, cumulative tibiofemoral contact forces did not change due to the estimated increase in number of steps to run 1 km.  相似文献   

聚焦跑步时髌股关节生物力学特征,探究穿着不同极简指数(MI)跑鞋对髌股关节接触力、应力等的即刻影响。选取15名习惯后跟着地的健康男性跑者,分别穿着两种MI跑鞋(MI 86%极简跑鞋和MI 26%缓冲跑鞋),使用Vicon红外运动捕捉系统、Kistler三维测力台同步采集3.33 m/s(速度变化范围±5%)跑速下的膝、踝关节运动学和地面反作用力,通过逆向动力学等计算股四头肌肌力、髌股关节接触力、髌股关节接触面积以及髌股关节接触应力。结果显示:两种跑鞋条件下的冲击力峰值和蹬地力峰值均无明显差异。与缓冲跑鞋相比,穿着极简跑鞋跑步时,膝关节最大屈曲角度显著降低(P<0.01);髌股关节接触面积显著减小(P<0.01);膝关节伸肌峰值力矩显著下降(P<0.01);髌股关节接触力和应力峰值均显著减小(P<0.05)。研究表明,相比缓冲跑鞋,穿着极简跑鞋在未影响触地后冲击力峰值的同时,通过降低伸膝力矩大幅度减少髌股关节接触力(下降17.02%)、降低髌股关节接触应力,从而有效改善支撑期髌股关节负荷,为进一步减小髌股关节疼痛综合征风险提供可能。  相似文献   


The intrinsic foot musculature (IFM) supports the arches of the foot and controls metatarsophalangeal joint (MTPJ) motion. Stronger IFM can increase the effective foot length, potentially altering lower-extremity gearing similar to that of using carbon-fibre-plated footwear. The purpose of this study was to investigate if strengthening of the IFM can alter gait mechanics and improve running economy. Eleven participants were randomly assigned into an experimental group and nine into a control group. The experimental group performed IFM strengthening exercises for ten weeks. Toe-flexor strength, gait mechanics, and running economy were assessed at baseline, five weeks, and ten weeks; using a custom strength testing apparatus, motion capture and force-instrumented treadmill, and indirect calorimetry. Toe-flexor strength increased in the experimental group (p = .006); however, MTPJ and ankle mechanics and running economy did not change. The dearth of changes in mechanics may be due to a lack of mechanical advantage of the IFM, runners staying within their preferred movement path, a need for MTPJ dorsiflexion to facilitate the windlass mechanism, or the primary function of the IFM being to support the longitudinal arch of the foot as opposed to modulating MTPJ mechanics.  相似文献   

BackgroundThis prospective study explored the effects of endurance running (ER) in minimal versus standard running shoes on the foot's superficial layer intrinsic muscles and the function of the longitudinal arch. Our hypothesis was that running in minimal shoes would cause hypertrophy in these muscles and lead to higher, stronger, stiffer arches.MethodsThe hypothesis was tested using a sample of 33 healthy runners randomized into two groups, a control group shod in traditional running footwear and an experimental group shod in minimal support footwear, whose feet were scanned in an MRI before and after a 12-week training regime. Running kinematics as well as arch stiffness and height were also assessed before and after the treatment period.ResultsAnalysis of anatomical cross-sectional areas and muscle volumes indicate that the flexor digitorum brevis muscle became larger in both groups by 11% and 21%, respectively, but only the minimally shod runners had significant areal and volumetric increases of the abductor digiti minimi of 18% and 22%, respectively, and significantly increased longitudinal arch stiffness (60%).ConclusionThese results suggest that endurance running in minimal support footwear with 4 mm offset or less makes greater use of the spring-like function of the longitudinal arch, thus leading to greater demands on the intrinsic muscles that support the arch, thereby strengthening the foot.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of cryotherapy on lower extremity running biomechanics. Twenty-six healthy male volunteers were randomised into two intervention groups: cold water (cold water at ~11°C) or tepid water (tepid water at ~26°C). They were required to run at 4.0 ± 0.2 m · s?1 before and after they underwent water immersion for 20 min. Differences between pre- and post-intervention were used to compare the influence of water intervention during running. Peak joint angles, peak joint moments, peak ground reaction forces (GRF) and contact time (CT) were calculated using three-dimensional gait analysis. Independent t-tests were applied with a significant alpha level set at 0.05. Decreased peak propulsive and vertical GRF, decreased plantarflexion moments, increased hip flexion angle and longer CT were observed following cold water immersion. Although cold water immersion (cryotherapy) affected the running movement, none of the alterations have been related to running biomechanical patterns associated with injuries. Therefore, our results indicated that cold water immersion appears safe prior to running activities.  相似文献   


This study aimed to investigate the influence of different mountain bike wheel diameters on muscle activity and whether larger diameter wheels attenuate muscle vibrations during cross-country riding. Nine male competitive mountain bikers (age 34.7 ± 10.7 years; stature 177.7 ± 5.6 cm; body mass 73.2 ± 8.6 kg) participated in the study. Riders performed one lap at race pace on 26, 27.5 and 29 inch wheeled mountain bikes. sEMG and acceleration (RMS) were recorded for the full lap and during ascent and descent phases at the gastrocnemius, vastus lateralis, biceps brachii and triceps brachii. No significant main effects were found by wheel size for each of the four muscle groups for sEMG or acceleration during the full lap and for ascent and descent (P > .05). When data were analysed between muscle groups, significant differences were found between biceps brachii and triceps brachii (P < .05) for all wheel sizes and all phases of the lap with the exception of for the 26 inch wheel during the descent. Findings suggest wheel diameter has no influence on muscle activity and vibration during mountain biking. However, more activity was observed in the biceps brachii during 26 inch wheel descending. This is possibly due to an increased need to manoeuvre the front wheel over obstacles.  相似文献   

A two‐dimensional, dynamic bioengineering model of the lower limbs was developed in order to estimate muscle and joint forces present during running at 4.5 m s ‐1. Data were collected from four subjects using a force platform and cine film. Individual X‐rays and anthropometric data from the lower limbs were utilized to produce accurate bone models of the subjects’ legs. Electromyographic verification of the model was undertaken while a runner was undergoing treadmill running at 4.5 m s‐1. Results indicate that peak muscle forces of 22 times subject body weight (22 BW) could be present in the quadriceps muscle group and 7 BW in the gastrocnemius. The anterior shin muscles were found to be active for the first 9% of stance phase only, and compressive loads of 33 BW were found in the knee joint. The relationship between these nigh forces in the lower limbs and running related injuries is discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate how lower extremity muscles are influenced by body weight support during running at different speeds. Nine participants (age 24 ± 2 years, height 1.75 ± 0.12 m, mass 73.5 ± 15.7 kg) ran at 100%, 115%, and 125% of preferred speed at 100%, 90%, 80%, 70%, and 60% of body weight on a treadmill that provided body weight support. Preferred speed was self-selected by each participant and represented a speed that he or she could sustain if going for a 30 min run. Electromyography (EMG) data were recorded (1000 Hz, 1 min) from the bicep femoris, rectus femoris, tibialis anterior, and gastrocnemius for each condition together with knee angle (electrogoniometer). Average and root mean square EMG were calculated across 30 s. Muscle patterns were determined by smoothing (low-pass filter, 4 Hz) and extracting patterns for 49 cycles defined by consecutive maximum knee flexion angles. Repeated-measures analyses of variance were used to compare average and root mean square across body weight and speeds. Correlations were computed between the 100% speed/100% body weight condition and all other conditions per muscle. There was no interaction between body weight and speed (P > 0.05). Average and root mean square decreased as body weight decreased for all muscles (P < 0.05) and increased across speeds for all muscles (P < 0.05). Correlations for all muscles between conditions were high (range: 0.921-0.999). Although a percent reduction in body weight did not lead to the same reduction in muscle activity, it was clear that reducing body weight leads to a reduction in muscle activity with no changes in muscle activity patterns.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional, dynamic bioengineering model of the lower limbs was developed in order to estimate muscle and joint forces present during running at 4.5 m s-1. Data were collected from four subjects using a force platform and cine film. Individual X-rays and anthropometric data from the lower limbs were utilized to produce accurate bone models of the subjects' legs. Electromyographic verification of the model was undertaken while a runner was undergoing treadmill running at 4.5 m s-1. Results indicate that peak muscle forces of 22 times subject body weight (22 BW) could be present in the quadriceps muscle group and 7 BW in the gastrocnemius. The anterior shin muscles were found to be active for the first 9% of stance phase only, and compressive loads of 33 BW were found in the knee joint. The relationship between these high forces in the lower limbs and running related injuries is discussed.  相似文献   

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