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Although technology has now infiltrated and prompted evolution in most mass participation sports, the advances in bat technology in such sports as baseball and cricket have been relatively minor. In this study, we used a simple finite element modelling approach to try to shed new light upon the underlying mechanics of the bat-ball impact, with a view to the future optimization of bat design. The analysis of a flexible bat showed that the point of impact that produced the maximum post-impact ball velocity was a function of the bat's vibrational properties and was not necessarily at the centre of percussion. The details of the analysis agreed well with traditional Hertzian impact theory, and broadly with empirical data. An inspection of the relative modal contributions to the deformations during impact also showed that the position of the node of the first flexure mode was important. In conclusion, considerable importance should be attached to the bat's vibrational properties in future design and analysis.  相似文献   

边茜 《体育科研》2016,(6):79-82,92
通过对中国美术学院吴海燕教授的访谈,回顾北京奥运会运动员出场服装的设计过程,分析中国奥运服装的色彩选择和搭配,在与其他国家奥运服装设计的比较中探讨中国体育设计的现状与未来。吴海燕教授认为,在体育设计中需要注意运动员的功能需求,中国体育设计要建立有东方特色的系统观,“体育+设计”要加上“科技”与“时尚”;政府进行长远规划,牵头建立专门研究机构,联合社会与高校力量持续专注研发,这样将会对中国体育设计未来发展产生重要的推动作用。  相似文献   

The swing speed of the bat is one of the most important factors affecting the hit-ball speed. Most field studies tend to focus on measuring ball speed, which is easier to measure and quantify than bat speed. For this reason, relatively little data exist describing bat motion in field conditions. The following describes a relatively large swing speed field study involving bats of the same model with nearly constant weight and varying inertia. The study was conducted using right-handed batters on a regulation outdoor field with a live pitcher. Swing speed was measured by tracking markers on the bat with two high-speed video cameras so that the bat markers could be traced in three-dimensional space. The ball motion was tracked using the same high-speed video cameras and a three-dimensional Doppler radar system. Bat swing speed was observed to be proportional to the batter skill level and the normalised swing speed increased with decreasing bat inertia. The bat centre of rotation during impact was close to the knob of the bat. The bats were tested under controlled laboratory conditions using a standardised performance test. The field and laboratory results showed good agreement including the hit-ball speed and the subtle effect of bat inertia on the maximum performance location. The vibrational response of the bats was considered using modal analysis. The maximum performance location was correlated with the node of the first vibrational mode.  相似文献   

蔡朋龙  何晋 《体育科研》2017,(4):98-103
主要通过实验法和数理统计法,从学生的技能掌握水平、具体环节动作得分和运动情境动机得分等角度分析比较了视频分析软件教学法和传统体育教学法下学生的成绩。结果显示,在篮球教学中应用NVIVO-8视频分析技术提高了教学效果,较好地提高了学生体育技能的掌握水平,应用前景较好。  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to identify differences between the sexes in extra-curricular participation in sports and to determine its association with body fat and socio-demographic factors in Spanish adolescents. A total of 2165 adolescents (1124 males and 1041 females) aged 13.0–18.5 years from the AVENA Study participated. Participants filled in an ad hoc questionnaire for extra-curricular participation in sports, which was the dependent variable. Independent variables were: age, percent body fat, and father's and mother's educational level and occupation. Chi-square tests and logistic regression were applied. Bivariate analysis showed for male adolescents that age and father's occupation were related to extra-curricular participation in sports. In addition, body fat and mother's education and occupation (all P < 0.05) were related to extra-curricular participation of in sports for female adolescents. Logistic regression analysis showed that the likelihood of involvement in extra-curricular participation in sports was 5.3-fold (3.86–7.38) higher for males than females. Age and father's education in both males and females were independently associated with extra-curricular participation in sports. In summary, Spanish male adolescents were shown to engage in more extra-curricular sports than females. In addition, age and father's education (in both sexes) were associated with the participation of their offspring in extra-curricular sports during adolescence.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,探寻我国竞赛表演业发展存在的问题,以及区块链技术在竞赛表演业当中的应用选择模式与困境。发现:我国竞赛表演业存在赛事IP保护不到位,IP价值变现手段单一,以及消费者与体育IP关联缺失等问题。认为:“区块链+竞赛表演业”模式存在自身技术尚未完善、政策跟进不及时、复合型人才短缺以及应用理念不明确等困境。最后从顶层设计、技术研发、行业标准和人才培养4个维度提出我国竞赛表演业区块链应用的实现路径。  相似文献   

结合上海建设体育科技创新平台和国际一流赛事之都的时代背景,展开对上海建设具有全球影响力的体育资源配置中心的内涵研究。文章运用文献资料法、实地调研等定性与定量的研究方法,通过科学界定体育资源配置中心的内涵,构建上海建设具有全球影响力的体育资源配置中心的技术指标,分析上海体育资源配置的现状与存在的问题,探讨上海建设具有全球影响力的体育资源配置中心的契机,设计上海建设具有全球影响力的体育资源配置中心的步骤与目标,提出上海建设具有全球影响力的体育资源配置中心的政策建议与保障机制。  相似文献   

The period of Portuguese history known as the New State (1930–1974) was marked by a strong ideology that had a great impact upon gender relations and on women's status and their participation in sport. During this period a variety of arguments grounded in aesthetics, morals, health and women's biology were put forward not only to encourage women's involvement in sport but also to control the kinds of sports in which women could be involved, as well as the intensity of sports practice. In spite of the state's attempt to control women's involvement in sport, there were women who resisted this control by pursuing sport, thus showing the existence of spaces within the sports figuration that were used to express ideas different from those disseminated by the regime. In this context the campaign for women's sport, which developed in the 1930s, was important. This paper seeks to examine women's participation in sport and in particular in all-female sports clubs and the controversies that surrounded the campaign for women's sport and the creation of such clubs.  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、专家访谈法、逻辑分析法等研究方法,分析2012伦敦奥运对我国竞技体育发展的影响,结果显示:2010伦敦奥运对我国竞技体育的发展具有巨大的推动作用。在阅读大量文献资料和专家访谈的基础上,提出了2012伦敦奥运后我国竞技体育发展中所要亟待解决的问题,并提出相应的对策,从而为我国竞技体育的发展提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

为了更好地提高高职人才培养的质量,使其更适应生产、建设、管理和服务第一线对高级技术应用性人才的需要。高职院校体育课程的设置也应该进行必要的改革。本文以扬州高职院校为案例分析,来研究高职院校体育课程的自主性设置。研究表明:体育课程的设置必须与学生未来的职业和工作性质、工作条件紧密联系。在发展学生一般身体素质,增进健康,增强体质,培养兴趣的同时,根据目前所学专业的特点传授与其未来第一职业所需的特殊体育知识、技术和技能,对体育教育在高职院校的发展和创新有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

我国全民健身场地设施建设正处于补短板和向更高水平发展的阶段,目前存在规划布局有待优化、运营管理有待提升、保障激励有待改进等共性问题。就上海市而言,全民健身场地设施存在“人地矛盾”下总量不足、分布不均衡、多样化不适配,管理运维效率不高,制度障碍限制体育场地设施建设等问题。运用文献资料、案例调研、对比分析等研究方法,针对“健身去哪儿”这一制约上海市体育事业发展和人民群众普遍关心的全民健身发展短板问题,面向体育事业未来发展,基于建设更高水平的全民健身公共服务体系,结合《上海市体育发展条例》解析,针对性地提出发展策略:呼应人民群众多元化、多层次的体育需求,体育惠民,促进优质均衡发展;融合创新、拓展城市全民健身空间;开放共享、持续提升管理运维效能;法治赋能、科技赋能,完善治理体系、提升治理能力,以体育治理现代化促进全民健身场地设施保障和长效发展。  相似文献   

国际奥委会成立电子竞技委员会并宣布创建奥运会电子竞技比赛的计划,引发人们对电子竞技(esports)影响体育发展模式的思考。回顾电子竞技与体育在历史进程中融合共生的时代特征,思考电子竞技如何改变体育未来的发展模式,有助于厘清电子竞技与体育交织的发展轨迹,更好地把握体育发展的未来图景。研究认为:从电子游戏到电子竞技,再到被奥委会官方承认为体育运动,电子竞技呈现出“游戏体育化”的特征,而数字时代传统体育与电子竞技的融合中,体育也在经历“体育游戏化”的变身;电子竞技在未来将通过重塑体育竞技的时空范畴,改变人们参与体育的方式,以及为新技术与体育的融合创新提供试错空间等,改变体育未来的发展模式;电子竞技与体育在未来的关系应该是在竞争与合作的框架下构建新型生态发展模式,共同拓展人类在现实和虚拟世界中体育发展的可能,促进人类社会文明进步。  相似文献   

梳理了目前国际上球类比赛数据可视化和可视分析的现状,通过对足球、篮球、冰球、橄榄球、网球、乒乓球和棒球等案例研究发现:同场对抗项目可视分析主要关注球员位置移动和球运行轨迹的时空变化 ;隔网对抗项目可视分析主要关注运动员每次击球行为属性(技术、落点、位置、弧线、得失分等)以及击球行为序列变化的时空与关联特征。研究还发现,体能主导类项目和技能主导类表现项目比赛数据的可视化和可视分析是今后需重点关注的方向。  相似文献   

目的: 采用横向研究设计,考察儿童体育活动的家庭代际传递效应,以及家庭亲密度的中介效应。方法: 采用体育活动等级量表和家庭亲密度量表(学生版),对662组家庭(儿童年龄11.95±2.091岁,男生49.40%;父亲41.67±3.942岁;母亲38.92±2.787岁)进行横断面调查。结果: 父亲体育活动、母亲体育活动、家庭亲密度分别对儿童体育活动的正向影响显著(P<0.001),并且,分别解释了61.0%、25.4%和19.7%的变异;父亲体育活动、母亲体育活动不仅对同性子女体育活动的正向影响显著,对异性子女体育活动的正向影响也皆达显著水平(P<0.001);在父亲体育活动或者母亲体育活动影响儿童体育活动时,家庭亲密度皆具备中介效应,并且,中介效应量分别为9.2%和10.9%。结论: 儿童体育活动存在家庭代际传递效应,而且,父亲体育活动、母亲体育活动对同性或异性子女的体育活动皆具积极的促进和引导功效;父亲或母亲积极的从事体育活动有助于提升家庭亲密度,进而改善儿童体育活动状况,并且,相较而言,父亲更易通过行为表率而实现儿童体育活动的家庭代际传递,母亲则更易通过营造亲密的家庭关系而促成儿童体育活动的家庭代际传递。  相似文献   

Men's lacrosse and women's lacrosse share a name, but their histories differ. Both sports developed and became organised in close concert with the race, class and gender expectations of the eras. As a result, the sports began with rules that reflected those norms. Over time, the sports developed separately and generated unique forms, even as they sustained moments of interaction. Therefore, men's lacrosse and women's lacrosse are different sports. Using comparisons as the mode through which to view the sports, this article explores the organised beginnings of men's lacrosse and women's lacrosse to establish that the sports began and continued within identity-based norms. Through the discussion of the practical distinctions and critical understandings of the differences between the games, the author poses that these dissimilarities are relevant in considerations of the separate sports as they continue to change in the larger US sporting context. As sports such as basketball demonstrate, these arguments matter because broad-scale comparisons of women's sports to men's frequently render women's sport participants, and the sports they play, inferior. Notably, women's lacrosse participants also employed comparisons to distinguish and claim their history as unique from that of men's lacrosse. A comparative analysis highlights points of disjuncture between the sports and contextualises the importance of gender in the articulations of difference.  相似文献   

为更全面掌握我国体育特色小镇的研究进展,把握体育特色小镇的理论需求与实践方向,为体育特色小镇的进一步研究提供思路。主要采用文献资料法、"可视化"文献计量法、实地考察法等对当前关于体育特色小镇的研究进行系统梳理与归纳。发现:现有研究主要聚焦于体育特色小镇建设的背景与意义、概念界定、类型与发展动力、个案研究与国际经验借鉴、现存问题与对策建议、融资模式、评估体系研究以及建设中的政府职能研究方面,学者们的研究视角多样,关注内容丰富,在理论研究与实践分析层面均有涉及,为进一步的研究奠定了基础。研究认为:在新时代高质量发展的导向下,国外体育特色小镇经济、社会和文化绩效问题,体育特色小镇与脱贫攻坚战略、乡村振兴战略和高质量发展等新议题需要深化研究。  相似文献   

Professional baseball players have attempted to illegally modify baseball bats in the hopes of increasing bat speed and thus the distance travelled by batted balls. To date, no low-cost, non-invasive, real-time solution exists to this problem. Previously proposed solutions to this problem that involved using radar to measure the scatter signature of a scanned baseball bat were found to be extremely expensive. Ultrasound technology offers the ability to provide equivalent scatter signature measurements as compared to radar technology at a much lower cost and level of complexity while still operating in real time. We therefore present an ultrasound-based implementation of a prototype for a hand-held scanner unit designed to detect illegally modified baseball bats. A detailed discussion of the performance enhancements resulting from illegally modifying a baseball bat will be provided and an analysis of the attenuative properties of wood will be presented to determine appropriate sample rates for the ultrasound unit. Data acquisition issues encountered in prototyping the scanner will be examined and measurement data for both solid wood bats and modified bats will be evaluated to determine the effectiveness of the ultrasound-based data acquisition unit and the prototype’s ability to distinguish between both types of scatter signatures.  相似文献   

把“竞技体育竞争力和本市运动员对国家贡献率”列入建设全球著名体育城市目标之中,这既对上海竞技体育发展提出了更高的要求,更是上海建设全球著名体育城市的一种探索。即将到来的2024年巴黎奥运会和2025年第十五届全运会,是对上海基本建成全球著名体育城市的一次检验。通过对“全球著名体育城市”相关评价体系的目标溯源,以及上海竞技体育在奥运会和全运会的成绩分析,探索上海竞技体育在现代化城市中发展的难点,并基于著名体育城市、上海城市特色文化及上海创新发展观念等视角,思考上海竞技体育的未来发展。  相似文献   

刘玉 《体育科学》2021,(1):51-64
信息技术的发展为老年体育服务发展带来了新的契机,对我国社区老年智慧体育服务进行研究认为:构建社区老年智慧体育服务系统有利于提高老年体育服务供给质量和效率,整合优化体育服务资源,提高政府管理能力和管理水平。在具体构建中要坚持以人为本原则,资源整合与优化原则,各负其责与共同协作原则。社区老年智慧体育服务系统构建主要包括平台基本框架、平台主体功能、系统供应体系、系统内容结构及系统运行等方面。未来需要加强政策支持、推进多元合作、突出政府责任、强化部门协同、加快技术创新,方能推进我国社区老年智慧体育服务系统稳定、快速、可持续发展。  相似文献   

采用实证分析法,通过对2000-2020年体育类核心期刊数据库(CSSCI)的刊文数据挖掘,基于体育学术话语权理论,探析体育学学者学术合作网络对学术话语权的影响。研究发现:体育学学者合作网络的度中心性对体育学学者学术话语权有显著正向影响;中介中心性对体育学学者学术话语权有显著正向影响;结构洞对体育学学者学术话语权中的学术影响力有显著正向影响,但对学术生产力与学术引领力并不存在正向影响。研究阐释了体育学学者的合作网络对于体育学术话语权提升的重要作用,为我国体育学术话语权网络的构建提供理论参考。  相似文献   

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