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In 1999, Wilson and Batterham proposed a new approach to assessing the test-retest stability of psychometric questionnaires. They recommended assessing the proportion of agreement - that is, the proportion of participants that record the same response to an item - using a test-retest design. They went on to use a bootstrapping technique to estimate the uncertainty of the proportion of agreement. The aims of this short communication are (1) to demonstrate that the sampling distribution of the proportion of agreement is well known (the binomial distribution), making the technique of 'bootstrapping' redundant, and (2) to suggest a much simpler, more sensitive method of assessing the stability of a psychometric questionnaire, based on the test-retest differences (within-individuals) for each item. Adopting methods similar to Wilson and Batterham, 97 sport students completed the Social Physique Anxiety Scale on two occasions. Test-retest differences were calculated for each item. Our results show that the proportion of agreement ignores the nature of disagreement. Items 4 and 11 showed similar agreement (44.3% and 43.3% respectively), but 89 of the participants (91.8%) differed by just +/-1 point when responding to item 4, indicating a relatively stable item. In contrast, only 78 of the participants (80.4%) recorded a difference within +/- 1 point when responding to item 11, suggesting quite contrasting stability for the two items. We recommend that, when assessing the stability of self-report questionnaires using a 5-point scale, most participants (90%) should record test-retest differences within a reference value of +/- 1.  相似文献   

本研究通过文献资料法、逻辑分析法、数理统计法等方法,对采用问卷调查研究的体育学硕士论文进行了分析。研究发现,在问卷效度检验中普遍过多注重专家效度,并简单笼统定性问卷效度好坏;在问卷信度检验中对类别变量、等级变量、连续变量的辨别不清,导致统计分析方法选择错误;在量表效度检验中缺乏收敛效度及区别效度的展示;在量表信度中针对克隆巴赫的内部一致性检验时,欠缺对"校正后的项总计相关性"和"各题项间的相关性"的综合判断。鉴于此,本研究结合体育专业学生的数理统计基础较弱的特点,以通俗易懂的表述形式,提出了针对性解决方案,同时规范了论文中需要呈现的表格形式,旨在提升体育学研究生的论文质量。  相似文献   

Equivocal results of the psychophysical effects of music have been explained in part by the insensitivity of researchers to important personal and situational variables when selecting music. The aim of the present study was to operationalize a conceptual framework for the prediction of psychophysical responses to music into a music rating inventory to assess the motivational qualities of music in exercise and sport environments. An initial item pool was developed and administered to 334 aerobics instructors. Exploratory factor analysis produced a 13-item, four-factor structure (association, musicality, cultural impact and rhythm response), which accounted for 59.2% of the variance. This model demonstrated acceptable fit indices when tested using confirmatory factor analysis on 314 exercise-to-music participants, and was better than an alternative two-factor model. When cross-validated using multisample confirmatory factor analysis, the model also showed an acceptable fit overall, although some invariance in the rhythm response factor was evident that can be attributed to the exclusive use of synchronous music by aerobics instructors. The Brunel Music Rating Inventory appears to be a valid and reliable tool for both researchers and practitioners to assess the motivational qualities of music in exercise and sport environments.  相似文献   

运用多组验证性因素分析,考察跨理论模型(TTM)3个心理问卷在大学生群体测量的有效性、可靠性和普适性.对1 149名大学生进行了TTM问卷的测量,分析了性别组间自我效能、决策平衡和修订后变化过程问卷的因素效度和测量等值性.结果显示,3个问卷都具有相当程度的结构效度和建构信度.自我效能具有完全的因素负荷和因素方差等值;决策平衡问卷具有完全的因素负荷和因素方差-协方差等值及部分测量误差等值;修订的变化过程问卷具有完全的因素负荷等值,部分因素方差-协方差和部分测量误差等值.研究表明,TTM问卷具有性别组间测量的有效性和适用性.未来研究应检验问卷的跨时间、跨年龄的普适性.  相似文献   

BackgroundPostural control has been associated with the functional impairment in persons with multiple sclerosis (pwMS). However, there is a need for reliable methods to assess postural control in early stages of the disease, when subtle changes can be difficult to detect. The aims of this study were to assess the absolute and relative reliability of a standing and a sitting posturographic protocol in minimally (Expanded Disability Status Scale ≤ 2) and moderately (2.5 ≤ Expanded Disability Status Scale ≤ 4) impaired pwMS, and to analyze relationships among postural control and functional mobility and gait performance.MethodsTo assess postural control in an upright stance, 14 minimally and 16 moderately impaired pwMS performed six 70 s trials in tandem stance, 3 with their weaker leg behind (TSWL) and 3 with their stronger leg behind (TSSL). Additionally, participants completed five 70 s trials using an unstable sitting protocol (US) to assess trunk stability. The mean radial errors of TSWL, TSSL, and US trials were calculated as postural control indexes. Furthermore, participants performed the Timed Up and Go test (TUG) and the Timed 25-foot Walk test (T25FW) to measure their functional mobility and gait speed, respectively. Reliability was evaluated using the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC3,1) and the standard error of measurement (SEM). Analyses of variances were carried out to assess between-group differences. Hedges’ g index (dg) was used to estimate the effect size of differences. Pearson correlation analyses (r) were performed to examine the relationships among the postural control and the functional tests.ResultsPosturographic tests showed a high reliability in both minimally (0.87 ≤ ICC ≤ 0.92; 9.32% ≤ SEM ≤ 11.76%) and moderately (0.80 ≤ ICC ≤ 0.92; 10.33% ≤ SEM ≤ 15.33%) impaired pwMS. Similarly, T25FW and TUG displayed a high consistency in minimally (0.89 ≤ ICC ≤ 0.94; 3.43% ≤ SEM ≤ 5.17%) and moderately (0.85 ≤ ICC ≤ 0.93; 5.57% ≤ SEM ≤ 6.56%) impaired individuals. Minimally impaired pwMS showed a better performance on the TUG, T25FW, and TSWL than moderately impaired individuals (p < 0.05; dg ≥ 0.8). The TSWL, TSSL, and US variables correlated with TUG scores (0.419 ≤ r ≤ 0.604; p < 0.05), but TSWL also correlated with T25FW scores (r = 0.53; p < 0.01). Furthermore, US scores correlated with both tandem stance parameters (TSWL: r = 0.54, p < 0.01; TSSL: r = 0.43, p < 0.05).ConclusionTandem and sitting posturographic tests provide reliable measures of postural control in pwMS, even in individuals with a homogeneous disease profile. Gait speed, functional mobility, and weaker leg status seem decisive in assessing the degree of physical activity limitation in pwMS. Finally, although trunk stability does not seem to be so affected by the course of the disease, it remains relevant for postural control and functional capacity.  相似文献   


Squash is a popular racket sport that requires intermittent activity with frequent bursts of near maximal-intensity exercise. Consequently, effective physiological and thermoregulatory responses are important contributors to performance during squash match-play. Controlled field-based simulation protocols have been introduced in a growing number of sports, which allow sports scientists to investigate changes in physiology and the efficacy of various interventions in sport-specific contexts. This study aimed to develop an exercise protocol that simulates the physiological requirements of elite squash match-play. Eight elite junior squash players (age 16.2 ± 0.8 years, height 1.76 ± 0.06 m, body mass 61.3 ± 5.9 kg; mean ± s) completed the following in a randomized order: (1) a squash match against a player of similar standard and (2) a squash-specific incremental exercise protocol (multistage squash test [MST]) followed by the squash simulation protocol (SSP). The multistage squash test was continued for 18.0 ± 1.0 min and elicited near maximal post-MST heart rates, blood lactate concentrations and ratings of perceived exertion (198 ± 9 beats · min?1, 5.7 ± 1.7 mmol · l?1 and 18 ± 1, respectively). The SSP was 12.2 min in length compared with mean game length during competitive matches of 10.0 ± 1.6 min (P = 0.27). Peak heart rates were similar during the SSP and match-play (192 ± 11 and 189 ± 6 beats · min?1, respectively; P = 0.44). Mean exercising heart rates were similar during the SSP (180 ± 8 beats · min?1) and match-play (179 ± 13 beats · min?1; P = 0.73). Peak blood lactate concentrations during the SSP and match-play were 3.5 ± 1.5 and 2.4 ± 1.2 mmol · l?1 (P = 0.07), respectively. Peak ratings of perceived exertion during the SSP and match-play were similar (17 ± 2 and 17 ± 2, respectively; P = 0.64). It was concluded that the SSP closely replicated the demands of squash match-play in elite junior squash players. Furthermore, the SSP provides coaches and scientific support staff with a controlled squash-specific exercise protocol that has potential application in the objective investigation of a range of interventions such as training programmes, nutritional supplements and strategies to maintain core body temperature.  相似文献   


Self-reports are commonly used tools for obtaining sedentary behaviors. The aim of our study was to assess agreement between two self-reports of sedentary time and a gold standard sedentary time objective monitor. A worksite sample (n = 42) completed the Slovenian version of the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ), the Slovenian version of the Sedentary Behaviour Questionnaire (SBQ for weekdays) and wore an objective physical activity monitor (activPAL) for up to five consecutive working days. Results revealed that GPAQ and SBQ consistently underestimated the total sedentary time, with the mean bias of ?165 min/day and ?181 min/day, respectably. Wide limits of agreement showed poor precision and intraclass correlation revealed a low level of agreement. GPAQ and SBQ are not recommended to be used in studies seeking for relationships with health outcomes, nor in studies where detecting the behavioral change is of interest. Objective measurement should be the preferred choice when possible.  相似文献   

本文通过分析供电可靠性的影响因素,采用故障后果分析法,对简单辐射式配电网评估可靠性指标,并在不同情况下进行对比研究。研究表明,有备用电源和自动分段开关情况下平均可用度最高,停电次数最少,很大程度上提高了系统的可靠性。  相似文献   


Anaerobic performance in youth has received little attention partly due to the lack of a “gold-standard” measurement. However, force-velocity-power (F-v-P) profiling recently showed high reliability and validity in trained adults. Therefore, the aim was to determine the reliability of F-v-P profiling in children and adolescents. Seventy-five children (60 boys, 15 girls; age: 14.1 ± 2.6 years) completed three 30 m sprints. Velocity was measured at 46.875 Hz using a radar device. The F-v-P profile was fitted to a velocity-time curve allowing instantaneous power variables to be calculated. Reliability was assessed using the intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), coefficient of variation (CV), standard error of measurement (SEM) and smallest worthwhile change (SWC). High reliability was evident for absolute peak (Ppeak) and mean power (Pmean), Ppeak and Pmean expressed relative to body mass, peak and mean velocity, 30 m sprint time, peak horizontal force (F0), relative F0, mechanical efficiency index and fatigue rate (ICC: 0.75–0.88; CV: 1.9–9.4%) with time to peak power demonstrating moderate reliability (ICC: 0.50; CV: 9.5%). The F-v-P model demonstrated at least moderate reliability for all variables. This therefore provides a potential alternative for paediatric researchers assessing sprint performance and the underlying kinetics.  相似文献   

The Acute Recovery and Stress Scale (ARSS) and the Short Recovery and Stress Scale were first established in German for the purposes of monitoring athletes’ current recovery-stress states in an economical and multidimensional manner. The aim of this paper is to document the development and initial validation of the English versions of these two psychometric monitoring tools. A total of 267 English-speaking athletes from a variety of team and individual sports participated in the study. The English versions demonstrated satisfactory internal consistency for both instruments (Cronbach α of .74–.89). Furthermore, good model fit was found for the eight scales of the ARSS, matching the structure and results of the German counterparts. Correlations among and between the scales reciprocate the theoretical constructs of stress and recovery, supporting the construct validity of the scales. Correlation coefficients within stress and recovery ranged between rs?=?.29 and .68. The correlations between stress and recovery varied between rs?=??.29 and ?.64. These constructs were further supported by correlations with the scores of the Recovery-Stress Questionnaire for Athletes, thereby showing convergent validity. The findings demonstrate initial validity and reliability of the two measures and reflect the results of the German versions. However, further research is needed before applying these scales in practical settings.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the intra- and inter-day reliability of cognitive performance using a computer-based test battery in team-sport athletes. Eighteen elite male rugby union players (age: 19 ± 0.5 years) performed three experimental trials (T1, T2 and T3) of the test battery: T1 and T2 on the same day and T3, on the following day, 24 h later. The test battery comprised of four cognitive tests assessing the cognitive domains of executive function (Groton Maze Learning Task), psychomotor function (Detection Task), vigilance (Identification Task), visual learning and memory (One Card Learning Task). The intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) for the Detection Task, the Identification Task and the One Card Learning Task performance variables ranged from 0.75 to 0.92 when comparing T1 to T2 to assess intraday reliability, and 0.76 to 0.83 when comparing T1 and T3 to assess inter-day reliability. The ICCs for the Groton Maze Learning Task intra- and inter-day reliability were 0.67 and 0.57, respectively. We concluded that the Detection Task, the Identification Task and the One Card Learning Task are reliable measures of psychomotor function, vigilance, visual learning and memory in rugby union players. The reliability of the Groton Maze Learning Task is questionable (mean coefficient of variation (CV) = 19.4%) and, therefore, results should be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   

Child protection (CP) has risen to the top of the UK sports policy agenda in the past four years and the Football Association has invested in this major strategy as part of its commitment to ‘use the power of football to build a better future’ (Football Association, 2000a). Evidencing the impact of child protection is, however, a complex task, exacerbated by the dearth of measurement tools that exist for this purpose in sport. This article presents a new model of ‘Activation States’ that has been designed and used to measure shifts in football culture as child protection has begun to impact upon the sport. The model is used to map changes over time related to the knowledge, feelings, actions and discourses of key stakeholders in football. The research for which the model was designed is a longitudinal study, commissioned by the English Football (soccer) Association, on the impact of the organisation's child protection strategy on the culture of soccer. Sample data from the project are used to illustrate the model and to examine its potential and limitations as a tool for measuring impacts in child protection and other social inclusion themes.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to describe and determine the test-retest reliability of an exercise protocol, the Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test (the LIST), which was designed to simulate the activity pattern characteristic of the game of soccer. The protocol consisted of two parts: Part A comprised a fixed period of variable-intensity shuttle running over 20 m; Part B consisted of continuous running, alternating every 20 m between 55% and 95% VO 2max , until volitional fatigue. Seven trained games players (age 21.5 +/- 0.9 years, height 182 +/- 2 cm, body mass 80.1 +/- 3.6 kg, VO 2max 59.0 +/- 1.9 ml kg -1 min -1 ; mean s x ) performed the test on two occasions (Trial 1 and Trial 2), at least7 days apart, to determine the test-retest reliability of the sprint times and running capacity. The physiological and metabolic responses on both occasions were also monitored. The participants ingested water ad libitum during the first trial, and were then prescribed the same amount of water during the second trial. The 15 m sprint times during Trials 1 and 2 averaged 2.42 +/- 0.04 s and 2.43 +/- 0.04 s, respectively. Run time during Part B was 6.3 +/- 2.0 min for Trial 1 and 6.1 +/- 1.3 min for Trial 2. The 95% limits of agreement for sprint times and run times during Part B were -0.14 to 0.12 s and -3.19 to 2.16 min respectively. There were no differences between trials for heart rate, rating of perceived exertion, body mass change during exercise, or blood lactate and glucose concentrations during the test. Thus, we conclude that the sprint times and the Part B run times were reproducible within the limits previously stated. In addition, the activity pattern and the physiological and metabolic responses closely simulated the match demands of soccer.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of age group, walking speed, and body composition on the accuracy of pedometer-determined step counts in children. Eighty-five participants (43 boys, 42 girls), ages 5–7 and 9–11 years, walked on a treadmill for two-minute bouts at speeds of 42, 66, and 90 m·min-1 while wearing a spring-levered (Yamax SW-200) and a piezoelectric (New Lifestyles NL-2000) pedometer. The number of steps taken during each bout was also recorded using a hand counter. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated from height and mass, and percentage of body fat (%BF) was determined using hand-to-foot bioelectrical impedance analysis. The tilt angle of the pedometer was assessed using a magnetic protractor. Both pedometers performed well at 66 and 90 m·min-1, but undercounted steps by approximately 20% at 42 m·min-1. Although age group, BMI, waist circumference, and %BF did not affect pedometer accuracy, children with large pedometer tilt angles (≥ 10°) showed significantly greater percent bias than those with small tilt angles (< 10°). We suggest that the style of waistband on the child's clothing is a more important determinant of tilt angle and thus pedometer accuracy than body composition. Our results also indicate that the NL-2000 pedometer provides similar accuracy and better precision than the SW-200 pedometer, especially in children with large tilt angles. We conclude that fastening pedometers to a firm elastic belt may improve stability and reduce undercounting in young people.  相似文献   

观察了实验室自然光照对二乙酰一肟法测定血尿素结果的影响。发现光照对测量结果有显著影响。提示测量过程中要避免室外光直接照射  相似文献   

体育教学中运动损伤的预防及处理措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运动损伤是体育教学中需要直面的一个难题,这一现象严重地影响了体育教学的正常进行,作为体育教学的组织者体育教师应从各个方面加以考虑,主动预防运动损伤的发生及损伤后及时、正确的处理是非常重要的。  相似文献   


Methods of analysis that include an assessment of opponent interactions are thought to provide a more valid means of team match performance. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of playing tactics on achieving score-box possession by assessing opponent interactions in Norwegian elite soccer matches. We analysed a random series of 1703 team possessions from 163 of 182 (90%) matches played in the professional men's league during the 2004 season. Multidimensional qualitative data obtained from ten ordered categorical variables were used. Offensive tactics were more effective in producing score-box possessions when playing against an imbalanced defence (28.5%) than against a balanced defence (6.5%) (P < 0.001). Multiple logistic regression found that, for the main variable “team possession type”, counterattacks were more effective than elaborate attacks when playing against an imbalanced defence (odds ratio: 2.69; 95% confidence interval: 1.64 to 4.43) but not against a balanced defence (odds ratio: 1.14; 95% confidence interval: 0.47 to 2.76). Assessment of opponent interactions is critical to evaluate the effectiveness of offensive playing tactics on producing score-box possessions, and improves the validity of team match-performance analysis in soccer.  相似文献   


The systematic review and meta-analysis evaluated the effect of aerobic, resistance and combined exercise on RMR (kCal·day-1) and performed a methodological assessment of indirect calorimetry protocols within the included studies. Subgroup analyses included energy/diet restriction and body composition changes. Randomized control trials (RCTs), quasi – RCTs and cohort trials featuring a physical activity intervention of any form and duration excluding single exercise bouts were included. Participant exclusions included medical conditions impacting upon RMR, the elderly (≥65 years of age) or pregnant, lactating or post-menopausal women. The review was registered in the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (CRD 42,017,058,503). 1669 articles were identified; 22 were included in the qualitative analysis and 18 were meta-analysed. Exercise interventions (aerobic and resistance exercise combined) did not increase resting metabolic rate (mean difference (MD): 74.6 kCal·day-1[95% CI: ?13.01, 161.33], P = 0.10). While there was no effect of aerobic exercise on RMR (MD: 81.65 kCal·day-1[95% CI: ?57.81, 221.10], P = 0.25), resistance exercise increased RMR compared to controls (MD: 96.17 kCal·day-1[95% CI: 45.17, 147.16], P = 0.0002). This systematic review effectively synthesises the effect of exercise interventions on RMR in comparison to controls; despite heterogenous methodologies and high risk of bias within included studies.  相似文献   

BackgroundShoulder flexion requires an optimal length of the latissimus dorsi muscle in order to allow full lateral rotation of the humerus and upward scapular rotation. If shoulder flexion (in an externally rotated position) is restricted, this may predispose the individual to shoulder pathology. Sports such as swimming and canoeing have increased shoulder injuries and require high levels of latissimus dorsi muscle activity, which may create muscle hypertrophy and increased stiffness, resulting in a loss of muscle length. The objective of this study was to investigate if differences are present in shoulder flexion in internally and externally rotated positions across different sports (swimming, canoeing, and rugby) and a non-sporting control group.MethodsOne hundred subjects (40 physically active controls, 25 professional Rugby Union players, 20 elite, national-level canoeists (slalom), and 15 elite, national-level swimmers) participated in this study. Shoulder flexion range of motion was measured using a standard goniometer, with the arm elevated in either full external or internal rotation.ResultsA significant difference in shoulder flexion range was observed between canoeists and swimmers, canoeists and controls, rugby players and canoeists, rugby players and swimmers, and controls and swimmers in the external rotation position (p < 0.017), but not between controls and rugby players (p = 0.12). For the internal rotation position, swimmers significantly differed from canoeists, rugby players, and controls (p < 0.017), but there were no significant differences between rugby players, canoeists, and controls (p > 0.07).ConclusionThis study found that the length of the latissimus dorsi differs between sports and controls in accordance with the specific physical demands of their sport.  相似文献   

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