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We assessed autonomic nervous system modulation through changes in heart rate variability during an archery competition as well as archery performance by comparing novice and experienced adolescent archers. Seven novice (age 14.0 ± 8.5 years, body mass index 22.9 ± 4.3 kg · m(-2), training experience 0.4 ± 0.3 years) and ten experienced archers (age 16.5 ± 10.3 years, body mass index 22.4 ± 3.1 kg · m(-2), training experience 4.1 ± 0.9 years) volunteered. Using beat-by-beat heart rate monitoring, heart rate variability was measured for 20 s before each arrow shot during two rounds of competition. We found that, compared with novices, experienced adolescent archers: (i) take more time per shot; (ii) have a higher low frequency band, square root of the mean of squared differences between successive R-R intervals (i.e. the time elapsing between two consecutive R waves in the electrocardiogram), and percentage of successive normal-to-normal intervals greater than 50 ms; and (iii) demonstrate an increase in parasympathetic nervous system activity compared with pre-competition values. We propose that these characteristics of experienced archers are appropriate for optimal performance during competition.  相似文献   

文章旨在探索太极拳这项传统养生保健锻炼的动态习练过程中心血管自主神经活动的调节特点。主要采用选择习练太极拳2年以上的受试对象49名,其中大学生组30名,年龄18-25岁;中老年组19名,年龄53-70岁。采用超小型便携式动态心电记录盒完整记录受试者在太极拳习练过程中的心电信号,观察太极拳习练过程中太极拳动态习练过程中短时程HRV频域指标,分析交感和副交感神经调节的变化。研究表明,在20min习练太极拳过程中,两组VLF、VL(除中老年组LF进行性降低外)均先降低后上升,但均显著低于休息状态水平;两组HF均进行性降低且显著低于休息状态的HF水平;中老年组的LF/HF进行性降低但变化不明显,大学生组LF/HF在运动过程中先降低后回升且前15min显著降低。结论在习练过程中,随着心率的加快,交感神经活动水平与副交感神经活动水平均较静息状态时降低,但降低幅度不同,交感-副交感神经的均衡性当中始终是以副交感神经活动占主导优势。  相似文献   

目的:观察少年和成年男子业余跑运动员一次急性耐力运动后心率变异(HRV)变化特征,并探讨运动后HRV变化生理学意义。方法:少年(14.4±1.3岁)与成年(25.7±2.8岁)受试者各10名,进行1次90min、强度为95%个体无氧阈强度跑台运动。在运动前、运动后15min以及运动后6h测定HRV。结果:运动后15min,TPLn、HFnu和HRV各时域指标明显低于运动前水平,LFnu和LF/HF显著升高;少年受试者HFnu降幅、LFnu和LF/HF升幅明显低于成年受试者(P<0.05)。运动后6h,HRV各指标均已恢复,其中,TPLn、SDNN、HFnu和RMSSD有反弹的迹象。运动后HFnu相对运动前的降幅与受试者年龄呈负相关关系(r=-0.645,P<0.01,n=20);另外,HFnu、TPLn相对运动前降低程度与运动前水平高度负相关(P<0.05,n=20)。结论:一次急性耐力运动后HRV出现短暂抑制现象,少年受试者运动后HRV降低幅度相对成年较低,可能与发育成熟度不同有关,急性运动后HRV变化可能是运动适应的生理表现。  相似文献   

Purpose: To evaluate whether excess body mass influences the heart rate variability (HRV) indexes at rest, and to correlate adiposity indicators and the aerobic fitness with cardiac autonomic variables in metabolically healthy young adults. Method: In all, 41 untrained males (Mage = 21.80, SD = 2.14 years), 14 normal weight (MBMI = 22.28, SD = 1.86 kg?m?2), 11 overweight (MBMI = 26.95, SD = 1.43 kg?m?2), and 16 obese (MBMI = 33.58, SD = 3.06 kg?m?2) metabolically healthy (normal values of blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, triglycerides, and total cholesterol), underwent evaluations of the HRV at rest and of the peak oxygen consumption (VO2 peak) during maximal exercise on a cycle ergometer. Results: Blood pressure, heart rate, HRV indexes, casual blood glucose, oxidative stress, and antioxidant activity did not differ among the groups. The VO2 peak (mL?kg?1?min?1) was lower in the obese group compared with the normal weight and overweight groups. The body mass (r = ?.40 to ?.45) and abdominal circumference (r = ?.39 to ?.52) were slightly to moderately correlated with SD1, SD2, RMSSD, SDNN, pNN50, LF, and HF indexes and total power. The VO2 peak (mL?kg?1?min?1) was slightly to moderately correlated (r = .48 to .51) with SD2, SDNN, and LF indexes in the individuals with excess body mass. Conclusion: Cardiac autonomic modulation at rest was preserved in metabolically healthy obese young men. However, the indicators of adiposity, as well as the aerobic fitness were correlated with cardiac autonomic modulation in the individuals with excess body mass.  相似文献   


This study aimed to evaluate the autonomic modulation of heart rate in sedentary paraplegics and paraplegic wheelchair basketball players with thoracic spinal cord injury below T6. Seven paraplegic wheelchair basketball players (active paraplegic group), five paraplegics who were not involved in regular exercise (sedentary paraplegic group) and 10 able-bodied participants (control group) took part in the study. The heart rate variability was evaluated by linear (low frequency and high frequency band in normalised units and low frequency/high frequency ratio) and nonlinear methods (Shannon entropy, corrected conditional entropy, and symbolic analysis).

The sedentary group presented significantly higher values for low frequency, low frequency/high frequency ratio and symbolic index with no significant variations (0V%), and also lower values for the high frequency and symbolic index with two significant unlike variation (2ULV%) compared to active paraplegic group. Shannon entropy and corrected conditional entropy analyses revealed significantly lower values in the sedentary group than in the control or active paraplegic groups. Paraplegic individuals who regularly undertake physical exercise have higher complexity of R-R interval time series, lower sympathetic modulation, and higher parasympathetic modulation than sedentary paraplegic participants.  相似文献   

Recent laboratory studies have suggested that heart rate variability (HRV) may be an appropriate criterion for training load (TL) quantification. The aim of this study was to validate a novel HRV index that may be used to assess TL in field conditions. Eleven well-trained long-distance male runners performed four exercises of different duration and intensity. TL was evaluated using Foster and Banister methods. In addition, HRV measurements were performed 5 minutes before exercise and 5 and 30 minutes after exercise. We calculated HRV index (TLHRV) based on the ratio between HRV decrease during exercise and HRV increase during recovery. HRV decrease during exercise was strongly correlated with exercise intensity (R = ?0.70; p < 0.01) but not with exercise duration or training volume. TLHRV index was correlated with Foster (R = 0.61; p = 0.01) and Banister (R = 0.57; p = 0.01) methods. This study confirms that HRV changes during exercise and recovery phase are affected by both intensity and physiological impact of the exercise. Since the TLHRV formula takes into account the disturbance and the return to homeostatic balance induced by exercise, this new method provides an objective and rational TL index. However, some simplification of the protocol measurement could be envisaged for field use.  相似文献   

Purpose: The present study aimed to determine if autonomic cardiac modulation was influenced by acute exposure to normobaric hypoxia. Method: Ten healthy male lowland dwellers completed five block-randomised single-blinded, crossed-over acute exposures to a normobaric hypoxic environment, each separated by 24 hours’ recovery (20.3%, 17.4%, 14.5%, 12.0% and 9.8% FIO2). Supine recordings were made of arterial oxygen saturation and electrocardiogram (ECG). RR intervals from the ECG trace were analysed for time (SDNN, lnrMSSD), frequency (lnVLF, lnLF, lnHF, lnTP, LFnu, and HFnu), and nonlinear (DFA-α1 and SampEn) heart rate variability components. Results: A significant reduction in arterial SaO2 occurred with reduced FIO2, along with a rise in heart rate (Cohen’s d?=?1.16, 95% Confidence Interval [2.64–6.46]), significant at 9.8% FIO2. A decrease in autonomic cardiac modulation was also found as shown by a statistically significant (at 9.8% FIO2) decrease in lnTP (d?=?1.84 [1.74–1.94]), and SampEn (d?=?0.98 [0.83–1.12]) and an increase in DFA-α1 (d?=?0.72 [0.60–0.84]) from normoxia at 9.8% FIO2. Conclusion: The decrease in variability indicated a reduction in autonomic cardiac modulation. There appears to be a threshold ~9.8% FIO2 (~6000?m equiv.), below which significant alterations in autonomic control occur.  相似文献   

This study investigated differences in lower-limb coordination and coordination variability between experienced and novice runners during a prolonged run. Thirty-four participants were categorised as either experienced (n = 17) or novice runners (n = 17). All participants performed a 31-min treadmill run at their individual anaerobic threshold speed, and lower-limb kinematic data were acquired in the sagittal plane at the beginning, middle, and end of the run. Lower-limb coordination and variability during the stance phase were quantified using a vector coding technique for hip-knee, knee-ankle, pelvis-thigh, thigh-shank, and shank-foot couplings. Repeated-measure analysis of covariance revealed that running experience and time had significant interactions on the coordination patterns for hip-knee and pelvis-thigh couplings. During the midstance, experienced runners exhibited a higher percentage of in-phase motion for pelvis-thigh and knee-ankle couplings while novice runners displayed a higher percentage of distal motion for pelvis-thigh coupling and anti-phase motion for hip-knee coupling. Experienced runners displayed more variability in hip-knee and shank-foot couplings, and novice runners had more variability in hip, knee, and thigh motion. Experienced and novice runners adapted to progressive fatigue through different lower-limb coordination patterns. Throughout the prolonged run, experienced runners demonstrated greater coordination variability and novice runners displayed greater joint and segment variability.  相似文献   


Little is known regarding the influence of asthma and exercise, and their interaction, on heart rate variability (HRV) in adolescents.

Thirty-one adolescents with asthma (13.7±0.9 years; 21.9±3.9 kg·m?2; 19 boys, 12 girls) and thirty-three healthy adolescents (13.8±0.9 years; 20.3±3.2 kg·m?2; 16 boys, 17 girls) completed an incremental ramp test and three heavy-intensity constant-work-rate cycle tests. Thirteen adolescents (7 boys, 6 girls; 6 asthma, 7 control) completed six-months high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and were compared to age- and sex-matched controls. Standard time-domain, frequency-domain and non-linear indices of HRV were derived at baseline, three- and six-months.

Asthma did not influence HRV at baseline or following HIIT. Total power, low frequency and normalised low frequency power, and sympathovagal balance increased at three-months in HIIT, subsequently declining towards baseline at six-months. Normalised high frequency power was reduced at three-months in both groups, which was sustained at six-months. No effects of HIIT were observed in the time-domain nor in the non-linear indices.

HRV was not influenced by asthma, potentially because such derangements are a function of disease progression, severity or duration. HIIT may be associated with a short-term shift towards greater sympathetic predominance during exercise, perhaps caused by physiological overload and fatigue.  相似文献   

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