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There has been very limited research on the use of self-worth protection strategies in the achievement context of school physical education (PE). Thus the aim of the present study was to examine some antecedents and consequences of defensive pessimism and self-handicapping. The sample comprised 534 British pupils (275 females, 259 males) recruited from two schools who responded to established questionnaires. Results of structural equation modelling analysis indicated that self-handicapping and defensive pessimism were positively predicted by fear of failure and negatively predicted by competence valuation. In addition, defensive pessimism was negatively predicted by physical self-concept. In turn, defensive pessimism negatively predicted enjoyment in PE and intentions to participate in future optional PE programmes. Self-handicapping did not predict enjoyment or intentions. Results from multi-sample structural equation modelling showed the specified model to be largely invariant across males and females. The findings indicate that although both strategies aim to protect one's self-worth, some of their antecedents and consequences in PE may differ.  相似文献   

生命化教育与学校体育教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生命是教育的基础,教育是为了提高人的生命质量而进行的。学校体育教学作为学校基础教育的重要组成部分,应关注学生作为“整体的人”的发展,引领学生学会生存和做人。从生命化教育的视角构建了新型的体育教学理念、课堂文化、课程内容和课程评价。  相似文献   

徐好娜 《精武》2012,(12):6-7
运用文献资料法、逻辑分析法及专家咨询等方法,结合职业院校体育教学经验,分析体育游戏在职业院校体育教学中的作用。职业院校体育教师在进行教学时,根据教学内容、任务及课程结构特点,培合场地器材选取恰当的体育游戏,不仅可以吸引学生注意力,还可以降低教学难度,提高教学质量,为终身体育真定基础。  相似文献   

BackgroundThis study systematically synthesized and quantified the relationship linking state laws governing school physical education (PE) to PE attendance and physical activity (PA) in class and throughout the day and week among students in the USA.MethodsA keyword search was performed in PubMed, Web of Science, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Academic Search Complete, and EconLit. Meta-analyses were performed to estimate the effects of state PE laws.ResultsA total of 17 studies were included in the review, and five contributed to the meta-analyses. A total of 8 studies used nationally representative school- or student-level data, three focused on multiple states, and the remaining six examined the PE laws of a single state. The presence and strength of state PE laws were positively associated with PE attendance and the frequency and duration of PA during PE classes and throughout the school day. Compared to those residing in states with weak or no PE laws, students in states with strong PE laws had an additional 0.2 days (95% confidence interval (95%CI): 0.1–0.4) of PE attendance per week and spent an additional 33.9 min (95%CI: 22.7–45.0) participating PE classes per week. State PE laws affected girls’ PA more than boys’. Different aspects of state PE laws tended to affect students’ PE attendance differently. Disparities in the implementation of state PE laws existed across schools.ConclusionFuture studies should adopt objective measures on PE and PA participation and examine the roles schools and districts play in mediating the effect of state PE laws on students’ PE attendance and PA.  相似文献   

This research examines the school-based training experiences of a female trainee teacher of physical education (Emily) at a grammar school for boys. The purpose of this research is to consider whether the sex of the trainee teacher either inhibits or advances the professional development of trainee teachers in an opposite-sex school. Emily provided a continuous commentary through narrative accounts of her professional development within an all-boys grammar school whilst undertaking the final stage of her statutory school-based training in south-east England through the use of an on-line journal which generated computer-mediated data. Emily highlighted her initial anxieties; the challenges she faced during the placement; and her overall perceptions of training to teach physical education in a grammar school for boys. A post-placement interview also provided additional data with regards to her professional development. Further evidence of Emily's experiences and progress was provided by her mentor's final report and through e-mail correspondence. The findings suggest that whilst the sex of the trainee is a contextual factor to consider in an opposite-sex school it does not inhibit the professional development of the trainee and has little relevance to training to teach physical education in an opposite-sex school.  相似文献   

李春汇 《体育学刊》2005,12(1):111-113
中学体育教学中的合作教育强化了学校体育的德育功能,有益于学校体育中德育内容的完善和德育对象的发展。中学体育教学中的合作教育,主要是对学生进行合作意识、合作精神、合作技能和合作道德教育。为实现教育目标,采取的教育策略是:努力克服影响合作的不良意识.坚持以合作教学方式为手段,为学生创设良好的合作机会,正确处理合作与竞争的关系。  相似文献   

杨晓翠 《精武》2012,(24):43-45,47
采用问卷调查法、文献资料法、访谈法和统计法,对广州市天河区四所中学的320名初中学生进行问卷调查,分析当前实施新课标以来广州天河区初中学生对《体育与健康》学科的兴趣情况,了解影响学生对《体育与健康》兴趣的因素,并针对所发现问题提出了建议。研究表明:实施新课标以来,初中学生对体育有一定的认识,大多数学生对体育课有较大的兴趣,对平时锻炼和竞赛活动持积极或比较积极的态度。但随着年级的提高,由于课业负担加重,升学压力加大,对体育课兴趣有所下降,对平时锻炼的态度也趋于消极,同时学校的体育活动内容,教师专业水平,体育场地设施,体育课的次数以及学校重视程度等情况是影响新课标的进一步开展的主要因素。  相似文献   

兴趣与中学体育教学   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
冯霞 《体育学刊》2001,8(2):51-52
掌握体育教学心理学,是更好完成体育教育任务的重要保证。长期的应试教育使教师重技能教学和重结果要求,轻视心理辅导,这制约着教育水平的提高和素质教育的实施。根据心理教育渗透原理,提出在激发体育动机、培养体育兴趣、养成体育习惯过程中渗透心理教育,从而达到素质教育之目的。  相似文献   

亚竞技运动与现代学校体育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孟凡强 《体育学刊》2005,12(1):135-138
从学校体育发展的历史和需要看,竞技运动都与学校体育密不可分。亚竞技运动的产生是学校体育与竞技运动发展的必然产物,是适应现代学校体育发展需要的新型运动形式,它将成为促使21世纪学校体育再现辉煌的动力。  相似文献   

以教育公平理论为依据,结合体育教学的具体特点,阐释体育教学公平的规定性,分析体育教学资源分配公平问题与原因,对增进体育教学公平的途径进行探讨。  相似文献   

杨明琴 《浙江体育科学》2003,25(6):44-45,61
培养学生良好的人格品质是小学教育肩负的重要责任,而体育与健康教育的目的不仅是增进学生身体健康,更是要与德育、智育和美育相结合,使学生成为身心健康、全面发展的人。  相似文献   

健康教育与学校体育的宗旨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前我国大、中、小学生的体质和健康状况令人担忧,难以达到国家间国力竞争中人才健康基本素质的要求。为此.学校体育确立健康第一的指导思想是顺应时代发展的需要.是广大体育教育工作者最为关注和亟待解决的问题.分析各种人群的健康现状.强调健康教育在学校体育中的重要性.树立全新的体育健康教育观。  相似文献   

The discourse of competitive sport is, and has been, a defining feature of physical education for many years. Given the privileged and dominant position competition holds in physical education curricula, it is concerning that competitive physical education remains steeped in traditional pedagogies and that these pedagogies are constrained by teachers' everyday philosophies rather than any explicit understanding of pedagogy or the needs of pupils. This in turn affects pupils' experiences of physical education and specifically the type and form of activities that are offered to pupils. Physical education teachers' biographies generally show a profound attachment to sport, and in particular competitive sport, and the value of competitive sport is significant in the lives and identities of physical education recruits. However, there is a paucity of research specifically in relation to in-service and pre-service physical education teacher's beliefs about competition and its place in physical education. It is well documented that the implicit theories that pre-service, beginning and experienced teachers hold influence their reactions to teacher education and their teaching practice, with their beliefs acting as a filter through which a host of instructional judgements and decisions are made. Thus, it is important to understand pre-service physical education teachers' (PSTs') beliefs about competition. Thirty five (16 men, 15 women, 4 unknown) PSTs completed a reflective journal alongside their participation in a University-based module focused on models-based practice. The data generated were analysed using the procedures and techniques of grounded theory which revealed five major themes grouped in the discussion under the sub-categories of: (1) defining competition; (2) learning through competition; (3) competitive physical education and the sporting pathway; (4) competition needs to be got out of children; and (5) a little competition. The discussion challenges how we transform traditional views of competition and the competitive practices that alienate some young people from physical education.  相似文献   

论体力活动与学校体育   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
连克杰 《体育学刊》2003,10(5):78-79
深入探讨了体力活动的定义、理论意义,体力活动在学校体育中的理论地位以及体力活动的相关知识和技能对学生体育实践的意义,以引起学校体育工作对这一概念的重视。  相似文献   

认知心理学认为人的内在因素在动机形成和发展中起着非常重要的作用。通过对认知派观点和两种激励理论的学习,对动机的形成和发展有了更高的认识,并运用到具体的体育教学中,进行动机的培养和激发,从而更好地为体育教学服务。  相似文献   

当前对学校体育认识的误区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校体育本是以身体活动为方式,针对人的整个机体而进行的教育,却被视为"体质教育";学校体育本是促进学生健康成长,体现人类生命关怀的事业,却被视为"装饰学校的门面";体育与健康课本强调"健康第一",却被视为"健康教育课";学校体育本是倡导学校、家庭、社区体育的互动,却被视为"学校内"的体育;学校体育本应奠定学生终身体育基础,却被视为"学习阶段的体育"。通过分析以上对学校体育的认识误区,认为对学校体育的认识应当从全面、整体、内在、长远、宽广的视角去把握。  相似文献   

学校体育教学指导思想的解释力研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
教学思想被指责缺乏导向效力时,实质上是对其解释力下辖的解决效绩的控诉,这一问题的解决需要将指导思想的解释阈限规划清楚。审视孕育于不同时期、针对不同层面的教学指导思想,无一例外地显示着针对性的性格,提升对不同"能量形式"的认知、理解与操作水准十分紧迫,否则,不仅不利于学校体育教学指导思想各扬所长,高效运作,而且会造成指导思想的指向与现实的教育"效益"愿景对接错位。  相似文献   

Learning support assistants (LSAs) gained more political and academic attention in Britain after Estelle Morris announced that schools of the future would include more trained staff to support learning to higher standards. LSAs, thus, should form an integral part of the culture of all school departments in Britain, including physical education (PE). The paper uses Antonio Gramsci's concept of hegemony to explore the processes and practices that shape the views and experiences of LSAs and ultimately the extent to which they facilitate an inclusive culture in PE. A web survey gathered the views and experiences of LSAs vis-à-vis the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs (SEN) in mainstream secondary school PE in North-West England. A modified version of the tailored design method participant contact strategy resulted in 343 LSAs starting the web survey, with 154 (45%) following it through to completion. All quantitative data were analysed using Microsoft Excel whilst qualitative data were subjected to thematic analysis. This entailed the identification of recurring themes and patterns present in the data. The findings highlight the hegemonic status of English, maths and science when it comes to the allocation of SEN resources, which most LSAs support and often reinforce. PE is particularly disadvantaged in this hierarchy of subject priority. The majority of LSAs have not received PE-specific training, which brings into question their ability to facilitate inclusion in PE. Moreover, many schools do not appear to value the involvement of LSAs in the planning of differentiated lessons, which could have a negative impact on the PE experiences of some pupils with SEN given that LSAs are perhaps most aware of the specific learning needs of the pupils they support.  相似文献   

通过文献资料法,对全纳教育的提出背景、定义和基本理念进行了研究.为了使学校体育能够融入全纳教育思想,应使学校体育得到进一步的重视,坚持"以人为本"的教育理念,加强体育课程建设和教师的培养,注重学生体育学习评价体系的建设,建立具有全纳理念的学校体育管理制度.  相似文献   

山东省特殊教育学校体育现状调查及发展对策研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
对山东省特殊教育学校体育现状调查分析,特殊教育学校体育现状不容乐观,提出对山东省特殊教育学校体育发展对策研究,其目的是贯彻落实科学发展观,促进山东省特殊教育学校全面、协调、可持续发展。  相似文献   

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