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竞赛中Choking现象(指在感知的压力下,由于焦虑水平的升高导致运动执行过程发生严重衰退)时有发生.当前主要有干扰模式、自我关注模式及过程理论模式解释其发生机制,观众及其期望、竞争、可能的报酬、自我意识、特质焦虑、应对方式、运动员的期望和预期、任务特征等是引起Choking现象的因素.尽管提出大量有关Choking干预的措施和建议,仍有待进一步实证检验.在此基础上,指出当前研究的局限性和未来的研究方向.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法,在对内隐学习的相关理论进行文献综述的基础上,对内隐学习能够克服篮球比赛中投篮技术产生的Choking的假设进行了探讨,以便在此基础上作进一步的理论研究和实证分析显示。  相似文献   


When athletes are placed into annual age groups to organize and coordinate sport participation, certain (dis)advantages occur as a result of the subtle age differences within these groups. These differences, termed “relative age effects”, have been consistently related to youth and adult sport attainment. However, there has been a lack of consistency in the terminology used in this area of research. In this paper, we consider the operational terms used in relative age research, discuss appropriate applications of terminology, and suggest directions for future research. Importantly, we argue for a unified understanding of what “relative age” means, stressing the need for clarity in directing future advances in the field.  相似文献   

Towards a unified understanding of relative age effects   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
When athletes are placed into annual age groups to organize and coordinate sport participation, certain (dis)advantages occur as a result of the subtle age differences within these groups. These differences, termed "relative age effects", have been consistently related to youth and adult sport attainment. However, there has been a lack of consistency in the terminology used in this area of research. In this paper, we consider the operational terms used in relative age research, discuss appropriate applications of terminology, and suggest directions for future research. Importantly, we argue for a unified understanding of what "relative age" means, stressing the need for clarity in directing future advances in the field.  相似文献   


Items from the Reinvestment Scale were modified to create a decision-specific version of the scale. Principal components analysis of responses from 165 participants revealed one-, two-, three-, and four-factor solutions for the Decision-Specific Reinvestment Scale. Confirmatory factor analysis of responses from a second sample of 111 participants revealed that a 13-item two-factor solution showed the best fit. The first factor comprised six items referring to conscious monitoring of the process involved in making a decision, and was termed decision reinvestment. The second factor, decision rumination, comprised seven items related to focus on negative evaluations of previous poor decisions. In an initial assessment of predictive validity, Decision-Specific Reinvestment Scale scores of 59 skilled team sport players were found to be highly correlated with coaches' ratings of players' tendency to choke under pressure (r = 0.74), with high Decision-Specific Reinvestment Scale scores indicating greater susceptibility to poor decision-making under pressure. It was concluded that the Decision-Specific Reinvestment Scale highlights a performer's predisposition to engage in behaviours detrimental to performance under pressure, namely decision reinvestment and decision rumination.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2015,18(2):218-230
Athlete support personnel (ASP) implement drug control policies for sport, such as anti-doping. Interviews with 39 ASP reveal how differences between policy and practice play out in their “lived experience” of anti-doping. While most ASP support the ideology underlying anti-doping at a “common sense” level (using popular drug and sporting discourses such as “drugs are bad” and sporting virtue), they are critical of anti-doping practice. Combined with no direct experience with doping, ASP saw doping as a rare event unlikely to emerge in practice. Most ASP took a laissez-faire approach to anti-doping, relying on managers to know what to do in the unlikely event of a doping incident. Despite broadly supporting the ideas of anti-doping, ASP raised concerns around implementation with regards to Athlete Whereabouts and recreational drug use. In response to hypothetical doping events, a number of ASP would seek to persuade the athlete to discontinue doping rather than meet mandatory reporting obligations. Part of this extended from conflicts between professional and anti-doping obligations (e.g. mandatory reporting and patient confidentiality). ASP demonstrate anti-doping policies are in tension with a practice that systematically normalises substance based performance enhancement early in sporting careers. Anti-doping agencies need to do more to engage with ASP as the “front line” of drug management in sport, including resolving contradictions across policies and in practice.  相似文献   

In recent years muscle dysmorphia has attracted the interests of sport, exercise, and clinical psychologists, researchers, and the popular media. In this article we review muscle dysmorphia literature and propose a framework to advance knowledge about the condition's development and sustainment. Existing research is focused on social variables correlated with muscle dysmorphia (e.g., social support), and cognitions, emotions, and behaviours displayed by individuals with the condition (e.g., exercise dependence and steroid abuse). The proposed framework draws on the extant body image and body dysmorphic disorder literature to address gaps identified in current muscle dysmorphia knowledge. In particular, little attention has been given to mechanisms by which the condition develops and is sustained, and learning theory is proposed as one possibility. In addition to extending muscle dysmorphia knowledge, the framework is offered as a way to stimulate a range of investigations adding to current understanding. The inclusion of learning theory, for example, may provide insights leading to the identification of suitable treatments for people whose health and well-being has been reduced as a result of experiencing muscle dysmorphia.  相似文献   

“自我批判”指个体为了保护自尊而朝向规避负面可能性结果的心理倾向,反映了个体高标准的“自我关注”。运用飞镖任务的“Choking”实验范式,把“自我批判”作为内源性中介变量,观察其在压力下运动表现的作用解释机制。对50名大学生运动员进行“自我批判”的人格测试,并分别在无压力和压力条件下完成飞镖投掷任务的测试,所得数据通过SPSS 24.0和Process 3.0进行统计分析。研究发现,“自我批判”倾向的被试在压力条件下表现了“自我关注”的认知压力(β=0.50,P<0.001);同时,其“Choking”表现也随之增加(β=0.35,P<0.01)。因此,“自我批判”作为“Choking”的内源性诱因,具有部分的中介作用机制解释,其解释变异的效应占25%。  相似文献   

实验以15名具有Choking现象的篮球专修课学生为对象,采用组别*测验时间(2*3)的双因素混合设计,以每组10个罚球线定点投篮的命中数为实验因变量,对实验组进行"如将纸团扔进纸篓那样"的投篮技能内隐学习干预,控制组则不加干预。结果表明:实验组和控制组的Choking指数存在显著差异(F(1,13)=7.146,p=0.019,η2=0.355),测验时间对Choking指数有显著的影响(F(2,26)=9.882,p=0.001,η2=0.432),组别和测验时间对Cho-king指数存在显著的交互作用(F(2,26)=5.524,p=0.010,η2=0.298),内隐学习是干预Choking现象的一种有效手段。  相似文献   

2005年第11届世界运动心理学大会上出现了大量研究运动竞赛心理学的论文,反映了运动心理学界对解决运动员竞赛心理问题的重视。就运动状态下的运动认知和竞赛中的Choking现象综述国内外的研究现状,认为今后的研究应解决如何在真实的复杂的运动情境下测量运动认知以及Choking的预防、干预方法和效果评价等。  相似文献   

对国内47篇“Choking”研究论文的特征进行了分析,结果表明:与国际研究相比,国内研究起步较晚,整体研究水平较低;非实证研究居多,实证研究较少;潜在影响因素探讨较多,内在机制分析较少;研究项目分布较广,Choking操作定义界定不清。国内研究主要不足表现为实证研究缺乏理论导向,Choking现象本质探讨不足,预防干预研究较少。  相似文献   

本研究对上海女足13名运动员进行半结构式访谈,在运动员了解Choking现象的基础上,让运动员描述比赛Choking的过程,从而探究女足运动员发生比赛Choking的心理机制。从访谈结果来看,运动员发生Choking的主要原因是面对比赛压力时受到各种因素的干扰,导致其注意力不能很好地集中在比赛上,干扰信息导致其技术动作的自动化过程受阻,在压力认知和决策的执行动态过程中,由于受到多元因素的影响最终发生Choking。通过对访谈结果进行归纳分析,共归纳出26个原始数据主题,进一步总结出9个高级主题,在9个高级主题的基础上归纳出3个概括性维度,分别是压力来源、压力下的反应以及压力导致的结果,这3个概括性维度对应了Choking的诱因、Choking的表现和 Choking的结果。由此得出以下结论:女足运动员发生Choking的心理机制是赛前来自各方面的干扰因素引发了运动员比赛时生理和心理上的Choking表现,最终导致技战术发挥失常,女足运动员比赛Choking的现象会在队友之间相互“传染”。  相似文献   


This study aimed to describe stationary overhead throwing biomechanics in South African cricketers, considering playing level, and relative to baseball. Kinematics and ground reaction forces were collected during throwing trials. Inverse dynamics was used to calculate joint kinetics. Inter-subject variability was calculated using the coefficient of variance. A one-dimensional statistical parametric mapping ANOVA was conducted to assess differences between the kinematic waveforms in elite and amateur cricketers (p < 0.05). Fifteen cricketers (elite = 8; amateur = 7) participated in this study. The basic parameters of a cricketer’s throwing action are described. Substantial inter-subject variability was noted for all variables, except lumbopelvic movement. Cricketers presented with 74.9 ± 27.3° glenohumeral external rotation and 94.8 ± 23.7° elbow flexion, at maximum external rotation (MER). Amateur cricketers displayed decreased elbow flexion range of motion between 2-14% of the throwing cycle (F = 9.365;p = 0.01); greater shoulder (121.0vs85.9 N; F = 0.36,p = 0.021) and elbow compression (105.6vs72.8 N;F = 0.007,p = 0.043), and superior shoulder force (203.1vs115.5 N;F = 2.43,p = 0.022) at MER, when compared with elite cricketers. Cricketers display similarities to baseball pitchers when throwing overhead from a stationary position. The “preparatory arc” utilised is different to the wind-up noted for baseball. The forces exerted on the shoulder and elbow, in amateur cricketers specifically, are substantially greater at MER and may indicate the potential risk for injury.  相似文献   

汪如锋  杨斌 《体育科技》2007,28(1):49-52
现代运动竞赛中,运动员在关键时刻以先赢后输的形式丢掉冠军的现象越来越多,心理学上称之为压力下的“choking”,并定义为压力条件下一种习惯的运动执行过程发生技术衰败的现象。本文在综述竞赛中“choking”现象的定义及其理论解释的基础上,探讨了“choking”现象发生的机制及其原因,寻找其预防措施,并分析目前有关“choking”的心理学研究存在的问题及今后研究的方向。旨在引起教练员、体育工作者的足够重视,为提高运动员的竞赛成绩提供参考。  相似文献   

Clutch performance is improved performance under pressure. However, little research has examined the psychological state experienced by athletes in these situations. Therefore, this study qualitatively examined the subjective experience underlying clutch performance across a range of sports (e.g., team, individual) and standards (Olympic to recreational athletes). Sixteen athletes (Mage = 27.08 years; SD = 6.48) took part in in-depth, semi-structured interviews primarily after an exceptional performance (M = 4.38 days later; SD = 3.14). Data were analysed inductively and thematically. Clutch states involved 12 characteristics, including heightened and deliberate concentration, intense effort, and heightened awareness, which distinguished the experience of clutch from other optimal psychological states such as flow. Other characteristics, such as perceptions of control, were also reported and supported previous experimental research on clutch. These findings present in-depth qualitative insights into the psychological state underlying clutch performance, and are discussed in relation to the existing literature on optimal psychological states in sport.  相似文献   

青少年射击运动员"Choking"与人格特质的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料法、实验法、问卷调查法、访谈法和数理统计等方法,以11名专业青少年射击运动员为实验对象,测试压力下Choking现象及其与运动员人格特质的关系。结果表明:①高压情景下运动员的射击成绩显著下降;②个人自我意识、期待取胜和竞赛特质焦虑三个变量能有效解释85.8%的Choking指数变异,且对Choking指数均有显著的回归效应,能有效预测Choking现象的发生。  相似文献   


This study aimed to assess changes in bowling technique and lumbar load over the course of a bowling spell in adolescent fast bowlers, and to investigate the relationship between lumbar loads during fast bowling and kinematic factors which have previously been associated with low back injury. Three-dimensional motion analysis was carried out on forty participants who performed an 8-over bowling spell. There were no significant changes in bowling technique or lumbar loads over the course of the spell. Bowling with a more extended front knee, faster ball release speed and increased shoulder counter-rotation were related to increased lumbo-pelvic loading – in particular peak transverse plane rotation moments and anterior-posterior shear forces. These lumbar loads may be a factor in low back injury aetiology and future studies should investigate the relationship between lumbar loading, injury incidence and other risk factors.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess how cognitive and physical performance are affected during a prolonged, fatigue-inducing cricket-batting simulation. Fifteen amateur batters from three Eastern Cape schools in South Africa were recruited (mean ± SD: age 17 ± 0.92 years; stature 1.75 ± 0.07 m; body mass 78.3 ± 13.2 kg). Participants completed a 6-stage, 30-over batting simulation (BATEX©). During the protocol, there were five periods of cognitive assessment (CogState brief test battery, Melbourne, Australia). The primary outcome measures from each cognitive task were speed and accuracy/error rates. Physiological (heart rate) and physical (sprint times) responses were also recorded. Sprint times deteriorated (= 0.84; < 0.01) while physiological responses increased (= 0.91; < 0.01) as batting duration increased, with longest times and highest responses occurring in the final stage. Prolonged batting had a large effect on executive task performance (= 0.85; = 0.03), and moderate effects on visual attention and vigilance (d = 0.56; P = 0.21) and attention and working memory (d = 0.61; P = 0.11), reducing task performance after 30 overs. Therefore, prolonged batting with repeated shuttle running fatigues amateur batters and adversely affects higher-order cognitive function. This will affect decision-making, response selection, response execution and other batting-related executive processes. We recommend that training should incorporate greater proportions of centre-wicket batting with repeated, high-intensity shuttle running. This will improve batting-related skills and information processing when fatigued, making practice more representative of competition.  相似文献   

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