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The aim of this study was to determine whether the physiological characteristics of players influence selection in a semi-professional first grade rugby league team. Sixty-six semi-professional rugby league players aged 24+/-4 years (mean +/- s) were monitored over two competitive seasons. The players underwent measurements of body mass, muscular power (vertical jump), speed (10, 20, 30 and 40 m sprint), agility (Illinois agility run) and estimated maximal aerobic power (multi-stage fitness test) 1 week before their first competition match. After selection for either the first or second grade team, the results of all physiological tests were collated and analysed to determine if there were any physiological differences between players selected for the two teams. Players selected to play in the first grade team were significantly (P< 0.05) older (25+/-4 vs 22+/-4 years) and heavier (93+/-10 vs 86+/-10 kg) and had more playing experience (18+/-6 vs 15+/-6 years) than second grade players. Muscular power, speed, agility and estimated maximal aerobic power were not significantly different (P > 0.05) between first grade and second grade players. These results suggest that the physiological capacities of players do not influence selection in a semi-professional first grade rugby league team. Rather, player selection appears to be based on body mass, playing experience and skill. These results support the need for a standardized skills performance test for semi-professional rugby league players.  相似文献   


This study investigated the relative importance of physiological, anthropometric, and skill qualities to team selection in professional rugby league. Eighty-six high performance rugby league players underwent measurements of anthropometric (height, body mass, sum of seven skinfolds), physiological (speed, change of direction speed, lower body muscular power, repeated-sprint ability, prolonged high-intensity intermittent running ability, and maximal aerobic power), technical skill (tackling proficiency, draw and pass proficiency), and perceptual skill (reactive agility, pattern recall, pattern prediction) qualities. A linear discriminant analysis was also conducted comparing those players successful in gaining selection into the professional National Rugby League team with those not selected to determine which, if any, of these qualities could predict selection. Players selected to play in the first National Rugby League game of the season were older, more experienced, leaner, had faster 10m and 40m sprint times, and superior vertical jump performances, maximal aerobic power, tackling proficiency and dual-task draw and pass ability than non-selected players. Skinfold thickness and dual-task draw and pass proficiency were the only variables that contributed significantly (P < 0.05) to the discriminant analysis of selected and non-selected players. These findings suggest that selected physiological, anthropometric, and skill qualities may influence team selection in professional rugby league.  相似文献   

The re-entry of South Africa into the international sporting arena and the resultant need for the identification and development of talent, especially among formerly deprived groups of people, provided the incentive for this study. Its aim was to identify the physical, motor and anthropometric variables that will enable coaches to identify 10-year-old boys, based on their abilities, who could become successful rugby players. Altogether, 173 ten-year-old boys with no rugby experience from a cross-section of the population were selected at random and subjected to 14 physical and motor tests and 14 anthropometric measurements. From 22 schools which participated in the Western Transvaal primary schools under-11 rugby league, the three top teams (n = 45 individuals) were selected and also tested. The results from these three teams were used as the criteria for rugby talent among 10-year-old boys. To establish the best predictors of talent, a stepwise discriminant analysis was conducted: this indicated eight variables (four motor and four anthropometric) that discriminated maximally between the talented and the rest of the players of this age. With classification functions based on these eight variables, 93.8% of all the subjects were classified correctly, indicating good validity. A canonical analysis, based on the selected variables, was then conducted on all the under-11 teams that played in the league in the region (n = 330), and they were ranked according to the scores of the first canonical variable from the most to the least talented. By comparing these results with the players who were chosen for the region's primary schools team, a success rate of 88% in prediction of talent was established. We conclude that this is a successful and practical method to aid the teacher and the coach in selecting and developing talent among 10-year-old rugby players in South Africa.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine heart rate, blood lactate concentration and estimated energy expenditure during a competitive rugby league match. Seventeen well-trained rugby league players (age, 23.9 +/- 4.1 years; VO2max, 57.9 +/- 3.6 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1); height, 1.82 +/- 0.06 m; body mass, 90.2 +/- 9.6 kg; mean +/- s) participated in the study. Heart rate was recorded continuously throughout the match using Polar Vantage NV recordable heart rate monitors. Blood lactate samples (n = 102) were taken before the match, after the warm-up, at random stoppages in play, at half time and immediately after the match. Estimated energy expenditure during the match was calculated from the heart rate-VO2 relationship determined in laboratory tests. The mean team heart rate (n = 15) was not significantly different between halves (167 +/- 9 vs 165 +/- 11 beats x min(-1)). Mean match intensity was 81.1 +/- 5.8% VO2max. Mean match blood lactate concentration was 7.2 +/- 2.5 mmol x l(-1), with concentrations for the first half (8.4 +/- 1.8 mmol x l(-1)) being significantly higher than those for the second half (5.9 +/- 2.5 mmol x l(-1)) (P<0.05). Energy expenditure was approximately 7.9 MJ. These results demonstrate that semi-professional rugby league is a highly aerobic game with a considerable anaerobic component requiring high lactate tolerance. Training programmes should reflect these demands placed on players during competitive match-play.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relative importance of physiological, anthropometric, and skill qualities to team selection in professional rugby league. Eighty-six high performance rugby league players underwent measurements of anthropometric (height, body mass, sum of seven skinfolds), physiological (speed, change of direction speed, lower body muscular power, repeated-sprint ability, prolonged high-intensity intermittent running ability, and maximal aerobic power), technical skill (tackling proficiency, draw and pass proficiency), and perceptual skill (reactive agility, pattern recall, pattern prediction) qualities. A linear discriminant analysis was also conducted comparing those players successful in gaining selection into the professional National Rugby League team with those not selected to determine which, if any, of these qualities could predict selection. Players selected to play in the first National Rugby League game of the season were older, more experienced, leaner, had faster 10 m and 40 m sprint times, and superior vertical jump performances, maximal aerobic power, tackling proficiency and dual-task draw and pass ability than non-selected players. Skinfold thickness and dual-task draw and pass proficiency were the only variables that contributed significantly (P < 0.05) to the discriminant analysis of selected and non-selected players. These findings suggest that selected physiological, anthropometric, and skill qualities may influence team selection in professional rugby league.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the severity and cost of injuries in amateur rugby league. Seventy-two amateur rugby league players aged 28 +/- 6 years (mean +/- s) were surveyed at the end of a competitive season. An injury was defined as any pain, disability or injury that occurred as a result of a competition game which caused the player to miss subsequent games. Injuries were classified as minor (one game missed), moderate (two to four games missed) and major (five or more games missed). Of the 72 questionnaires distributed, 34 (47.2%) were returned. Twenty respondents (58.8%) sustained an injury that resulted in one or more missed games. Eight injured players (40.0%) missed five or more training sessions, six of whom (30%) missed five or more games as a result of the injury. The median time lost from employment or study for all injured players was 2 days per playing injury. The respective median direct (e.g. medical expenses) and indirect (e.g. wages lost) costs associated with the injury were 28.29 pounds and 77.04 pound per playing injury. A considerable proportion of injuries sustained in the present sample of amateur rugby league players were major, resulting in a loss of training, playing and employment or study time, and these injuries were associated with significant direct and indirect economic costs. Further studies, using a larger sample, would complement the present findings in establishing the severity and cost of amateur rugby league injuries. These results suggest that prevention strategies are required to reduce the severity and cost of amateur rugby league injuries.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the severity and cost of injuries in amateur rugby league. Seventy-two amateur rugby league players aged 28 - 6 years (mean - s) were surveyed at the end of a competitive season. An injury was defined as any pain, disability or injury that occurred as a result of a competition game which caused the player to miss subsequent games. Injuries were classified as minor (one game missed), moderate (two to four games missed) and major (five or more games missed). Of the 72 questionnaires distributed, 34 (47.2%) were returned. Twenty respondents (58.8%) sustained an injury that resulted in one or more missed games. Eight injured players (40.0%) missed five or more training sessions, six of whom (30%) missed five or more games as a result of the injury. The median time lost from employment or study for all injured players was 2 days per playing injury. The respective median direct (e.g. medical expenses) and indirect (e.g. wages lost) costs associated with the injury were 28.29 and 77.04 per playing injury. A considerable proportion of injuries sustained in the present sample of amateur rugby league players were major, resulting in a loss of training, playing and employment or study time, and these injuries were associated with significant direct and indirect economic costs. Further studies, using a larger sample, would complement the present findings in establishing the severity and cost of amateur rugby league injuries. These results suggest that prevention strategies are required to reduce the severity and cost of amateur rugby league injuries.  相似文献   


This study compared the physiological and anthropometric characteristics of specific playing positions and positional playing groups in sub-elite rugby league players. Altogether, 415 sub-elite rugby league players underwent measurements of standard anthropometry (body mass, height, sum of four skinfolds), muscular power (vertical jump), speed (10-m, 20-m, and 40-m sprint), agility (“L” run), and estimated maximal aerobic power (multi-stage fitness test). Props were significantly heavier and had a greater skinfold thickness than all other playing positions. Centres, fullbacks, and hookers were faster than props over 40 m. When the data were analysed according to positional commonality, props were taller, heavier, had a greater skinfold thickness, were less agile, and were slower over 10 m than all other positional groups. The hookers/halves and outside backs positional groups were significantly faster over 40 m than the backrowers and props positional groups. In addition, the hookers/halves and outside backs positional groups had significantly greater estimated maximal aerobic power than the props positional group. The results of this study demonstrate that few physiological and anthropometric differences exist among individual playing positions in sub-elite rugby league players, although props are taller, heavier, have greater skinfold thickness, slower 10-m and 40-m speed, less agility, and lower estimated maximal aerobic power than other positional groups. These findings provide normative data for sub-elite rugby league players competing in specific individual positions and positional playing groups.  相似文献   

Altogether, 100 uninjured professional rugby league players were evaluated over a 2-year period. Their height, body mass, sum of skinfolds, girths and bone diameters were recorded. A Cybex 340 isokinetic dynamometer was used to determine peak torque, work, power, endurance ratios and peak torque ratios of the hip abductors and adductors (5 repetitions at 0.52 and 2.08 rad?·?s??1; 20 repetitions at 3.66 rad?·?s??1) and knee flexors and extensors (4 repetitions at 1.04 and 3.14 rad?·?s??1; 30 repetitions at 5.22 rad?·?s??1). Hip abduction and adduction were also assessed with the hip in external rotation. Discriminant function analysis was conducted on all predictor variables to develop a multivariate predictive model capable of classifying players with a high degree of accuracy into groups with and without a groin injury. The model consisted of eight variables and correctly classified 91.7% of the non-injured players and 90.5% of the injured players. The correct classification for the model as a whole was 91.4%. The aetiological factors identified as being related to injury of the groin musculotendinous unit included abduction and adduction-with-rotation peak torque, angle of adduction and abduction-with-rotation peak torque, strength ratio of hip muscle groups, bilateral difference in extension peak torque, femur diameter and body mass.  相似文献   


This study examined the influence of match-related fatigue on physical and technical skill performance in ball playing positions at two different levels of rugby league competition. Time-motion analyses were performed using global positioning systems from 6 elite National Rugby League (NRL) and 11 junior elite National Youth Competition (NYC) players from 45 matches. A standardised 5-point technical coding criteria was used to qualitatively assess skill involvements during match-play. The distance travelled in the 0–5 and 40–45 min period were significantly higher compared to the 30–35, 35–40, 70–75 and 75–80 min periods (P < 0.001). Skill rating and involvements were higher in the 0–5 and 40–45 min compared to 70–75 and 75–80 min periods (P < 0.001 and P < 0.001, respectively).There was no significant difference in the number of physical collisions between the 5-min periods (P = 0.051). Following the peak 5-min bout of exercise intensity there were reductions in distance (P < 0.001), quality of skill involvements (P < 0.001), number of involvements (P < 0.001) and collisions (P < 0.001). Elite NRL and NYC “ball players” exhibit reductions in physical performance towards the end of matches and following brief periods of intense exercise. There also appears to be a reduction in technical performance for NRL and NYC ball players, which may be attributable to match-related fatigue.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the influence of perceived intensity, duration and load of matches and training on the incidence of injury in rugby league players. The incidence of injury was prospectively studied in 79 semi-professional rugby league players during the 2001 season. All injuries sustained during matches and training sessions were recorded. Training sessions were conducted from December to September, with matches played from February to September. The intensity of individual training sessions and matches was estimated using a modified rating of perceived exertion scale. Training load was calculated by multiplying the training intensity by the duration of the training session. The match load was calculated by multiplying the match intensity by the time each player participated in the match. Training load increased from December (278.3 [95% confidence interval, CI 262.2 to 294.5] units) to February (385.5 [95% CI 362.4 to 408.5] units), followed by a decline until September (98.4 [95% CI 76.5 to 120.4] units). Match load increased from February (204.0 [95% CI 186.2 to 221.8] units) to September (356.8 [95% CI 302.5 to 411.1] units). More training injuries were sustained in the first half of the season (first vs second: 69.2% vs 30.8%, P?<0.001), whereas match injuries occurred more frequently in the latter stages of the season (53.6% vs 46.4%, P?<0.001). A significant relationship (P?<0.05) was observed between changes in training injury incidence and changes in training intensity (r?=?0.83), training duration (r?=?0.79) and training load (r?=?0.86). In addition, changes in the incidence of match injuries were significantly correlated (P?<0.05) with changes in match intensity (r?=?0.74), match duration (r?=?0.86) and match load (r?=?0.86). These findings suggest that as the intensity, duration and load of rugby league training sessions and matches is increased, the incidence of injury is also increased.  相似文献   

Childhood sport participation is argued to be important to understand differences in self-regulation and performance level in adolescence. This study sought to investigate if football-specific activities in childhood (6–12 years of age) is related to self-regulatory skills and national under 14- and 15-team selection in Norwegian elite youth football. Data of practice histories and self-regulatory skills of 515 youth football players selected at Norwegian regional level were collected and further analysed using multilevel analyses. The results revealed that high self-regulated players were more likely to be selected for national initiatives, and increased their involvement in peer-led football practice and adult-led football practice during childhood, compared to players with lower levels of self-regulation. While national level players reported higher levels of peer-led football play in childhood, the interaction effect suggest that the regional level players increased their involvement in peer-led play during childhood compared to national level players. In conclusion, the findings indicate that childhood sport participation may contribute to later differences in self-regulation, and highlights the importance of childhood engagement in football-specific play and practice in the development of Norwegian youth football players.  相似文献   

Academy rugby league competition is an important step along the pathway to professional status, but little is known about injury at this level of the game. The aim of this research was to establish the nature, incidence and burden of injury in English academy rugby league. Using an observational prospective cohort study design, and a time-loss injury definition, the injury outcomes of three professional rugby league academies were recorded during the 2017 season. A total of 87 injuries occurred in 59 matches for an overall injury incidence of 85 (95%CI 67–103) injuries per 1000 hours played. The mean severity of injury was 22 ± 19 days resulting in an overall injury burden of 1898 (95%CI 1813–1983) days lost per 1000 hours. The tackle event was the most common cause of injury (77% of all injuries). Forwards sustained a greater proportion of injuries than backs (forwards 67% vs. backs 33% of injuries). Concussion (13 (6–20) per 1000 hours) and ankle sprains (11 (4–17) per 1000 hours) were the most commonly diagnosed injuries. The shoulder joint was the most commonly injured site (17 (9–25) per 1000 hours). The incidence of injury for academy rugby league is similar to senior professional rugby league.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to determine the variability of weekly match and training loads in adolescent rugby union players across a competitive season, and to investigate the effect of match frequency on load distribution across different activities. Internal match and training load data (i.e. session-rating of perceived exertion (sRPE)) were collected daily from 20 players from a regional academy across a 14-week season. Data were analysed using a mixed-effects linear model, and variability was reported as a coefficient of variation (CV). Differences between 0-, 1-, 2-, and 3-match weeks were assessed using Cohen’s d effect sizes and magnitude-based inferences. Mean weekly total match and training sRPE load was 1425?±?545 arbitrary units (AU), with a between-player CV of 10?±?6% and within-player CV of 37?±?3%. Mean week-to-week change in total sRPE load was 497?±?423?AU (35%), and 40% of weekly observations were outside the suggested acute:chronic workload ratio ‘safe zone’. Total weekly sRPE loads increased substantially with match frequency (1210?±?571, 1511?±?489, and 1692?±?517?AU, for 0-, 1-, and 2-match weeks, respectively), except for 3-match weeks (1520?±?442?AU). Weekly match and training loads were highly variable for adolescent rugby players during the competitive season, and match frequency has a substantial effect on the distribution of loads. Therefore, match and training loads should be coordinated, monitored, and managed on an individual basis to protect players from negative training consequences, and to promote long-term athlete development.  相似文献   

We investigated changes in activity and recovery cycles and skill involvements: (1) during National Rugby league (NRL) match-play from 2004 to 2014 and (2) among successful and unsuccessful teams over the same period. Teams were divided into 4 tiers according to final ladder position: (A) 1st–4th, (B) 5th–8th, (C) 9th–12th and (D) 13th–16th. Total, mean and maximum ball-in-play time decreased, while recovery time increased from 2004 to 2014. Offensive and defensive skill involvements changed differentially over time with moderate to large reductions in the number of play-the-balls, offloads and missed tackles, and moderate to large increases in the number of passes, tackles made and ineffective tackles. The gap between Tier A and Tier D decreased for mean activity time and the proportion of short (<45 s) ball-in-play periods. Conversely, the gap between Tier A and Tier D increased for skill involvements, with Tier A completing more play-the-balls, and Tier D performing a greater number of offloads, and total, missed and ineffective tackles. Our results demonstrate the decreasing ball-in-play demands of NRL competition over 11 seasons. However, our data also highlight the narrowing gap in ball-in-play demands, and increasing gap in skill involvements between the top tier and bottom tier teams.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to determine whether physiological, anthropometric, and skill test results could discriminate between junior volleyball players of varying ability. Twenty-eight junior volleyball players competed for selection in a talent-identification volleyball programme. Participants underwent measurements of stature, standing reach stature, body mass, skinfold thickness, overhead medicine ball throw, vertical jump, spike jump, 5-m and 10-m speed, “T” test agility, maximal aerobic power, and passing, setting, serving, and spiking technique and accuracy. A discriminant analysis was conducted on the selected and non-selected groups to obtain a regression equation that could be used to predict selection in junior volleyball squads based on the dependent variables. Passing and serving technique were the only significant variables included in the discriminant analysis. Cross-validation results showed that 17 of 19 selected players (89.5%) and 5 of 9 non-selected players (55.6%) were correctly classified into selected and non-selected groups, respectively, providing an overall predictive accuracy of 78.6%. The results of this study demonstrate that selected skill test results (i.e. subjective coach evaluations of passing technique and serving technique), but not physiological and anthropometric data, discriminate between successful and unsuccessful talent-identified junior volleyball players. These results demonstrate the importance of developing passing and serving technique in talent-identified junior volleyball players.  相似文献   

Rugby League (RL) is a high-impact collision sport characterised by repeated sprints and numerous high-speed impacts and consequently players often report immediate and prolonged muscle soreness in the days after a match. We examined muscle soreness after matches during a full season to understand the extent to which match characteristics influence soreness. Thirty-one elite Super League players provided daily measures of muscle soreness after each of the 26 competitive fixtures of the 2012 season. Playing position, phase of the season, playing surface and match characteristics were recorded from each match. Muscle soreness peaked at day 1 and was still apparent at day 4 post-game with no attenuation in the magnitude of muscle soreness over the course of the season. Neither playing position, phase of season or playing surface had any effects on the extent of muscle soreness. Playing time and total number of collisions were significantly correlated with higher ratings of muscle soreness, especially in the forwards. These data indicate the absence “contact adaptations” in elite rugby players with soreness present throughout the entire season. Strategies must now be implemented to deal with the physical and psychological consequences of prolonged feeling of pain.  相似文献   

This article emerges from a background of UK policy concerns about young people's participation in physical activity. It rehearses the arguments for lifestyle sports as a rich ground for enhancing students' engagement with physical education (PE). A review of the still limited literature suggests that lifestyle sports may have an under-exploited potential to develop skills, confidence and personal identity in learners that transfer to other areas of learning and life. To illustrate the argument, the article takes unicycling as an instructive case of lifestyle sport, and draws on survey data from a study of unicyclists carried out in several countries. A discussion of these data explores the beneficial characteristics of this unusual sport as participants in the study perceive them. A conclusion suggests a need for greater flexibility in PE curricula which might ‘mainstream’ lifestyle sports for both inherent achievement and exponential personal development of students.  相似文献   

The drag flick is the preferred method of scoring during a penalty corner in field hockey. Performing the drag flick requires a combination of strength, coordination and timing, which may increase susceptibility to injuries. However, injury prevalence in drag flickers has not previously been investigated. Therefore, this study compared the injury prevalence and severity of lower limb and lower back injuries between drag flickers and non-drag flickers in field hockey. A total of 432 local, national and international adult field hockey players (242 males, 188 females) completed an online questionnaire to retrospectively determine the 3-month prevalence and severity of ankle, knee, hip and lower back injuries. Of this group, 140 self-identified as drag flickers and 292 as non-drag flickers. The results showed that drag flickers had significantly higher prevalence of hip (OR: 1.541; 95% CI: 1.014, 2.343) and lower back injury (OR: 1.564; 95% CI: 1.034, 2.365) compared to non-drag flickers. No significant differences were observed between drag flickers and non-drag flickers in injury prevalence at the ankle and knee. There were no significant between-group differences in injury severity scores. Overall, the prevalence of hip and lower back injuries was significantly higher in drag flickers compared to non-drag flickers.  相似文献   

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