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The purpose of this study is to measure the effects of carbohydrate ingestion during exercise in the heat by measuring markers of gastrointestinal damage and inflammation. Methods: Active subjects (n?=?7) completed two 60-min running trials in a heated environment (70% VO2max, 30°C). At minute 20 of exercise, subjects consumed a carbohydrate gel (Cho) (27?g), or a non-carbohydrate placebo (nCho). Plasma endotoxin, I-FABP, TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β, IL-10, and MCP-1 were measured pre-exercise, 20-min post-exercise, and again 2-h, and 4-h post-exercise. Results: Endotoxin increased 20-min post-exercise compared to pre in the Cho trial only (p?=?.03). I-FABP levels increased 20-min post-exercise in the Cho trial only compared to pre-exercise (p?=?.003). I-FABP levels were also increased in Cho trial 20-min post-exercise when compared to same time point in the nCho trial (p?=?.032). TNF-α increased 20-min post-exercise in the Cho trial only compared to pre (p?=?.03). Plasma IL-6 concentration increased 20-min post-exercise when compared to pre in both the Cho (p?=?.002) and nCho (p?=?.009), but remained elevated at the 2-h time point in the nCho trial (p?=?.03). I-FABP and several plasma cytokines (TNF-α, MCP-1, Il-6) returned to baseline sooner in the Cho trial. Conclusions: Ingestion of carbohydrate gel during exercise in the heat enhances markers of gastrointestinal wall damage.  相似文献   


During the course of a training programme, runners will typically increase running velocity and volume possibly encountering fatigue during a run, which is characterised as a feeling of general tiredness. The purpose of the current study was to identify whether or not level of perceived fatigue affects coordination and coordination variability in healthy runners during the recovery velocity of an endurance interval run. A total of 20 endurance runners completed a 1-hour run that included running velocity intervals at 75% of estimated 10 k race pace (5 minutes) and estimated 10 k race pace (1 minute). After each run, participants completed a fatigue questionnaire and were grouped based on their post-run self-reported perceived fatigue. 3D motion capture data were collected during the run and analysed to generate coordination patterns and variability of the patterns as dependent variables. Multiple mixed model ANOVAs were conducted to test for differences between perceived fatigue groups. Coordination and variability differences were reported in a number of couplings during transition phases (late and early stance) and events (toe-off and foot contact) of the gait cycle. It was concluded that the level of perceived fatigue affected coordination and coordination variability during the recovery velocity of a 1-hour interval run.  相似文献   

The biomechanical profile of high-level endurance runners may represent a useful model that could be used for developing training programmes designed to improve running style. This study, therefore, sought to compare the biomechanical characteristics of high-performance and recreational runners. Kinematic and kinetic measurements were taken during overground running from a cohort of 14 high-performance (8 male) and 14 recreational (8 male) runners, at four speeds ranging from 3.3 to 5.6?m?s?1. Two-way ANOVA analysis was then used to explore group and speed effects and principal component analysis used to explore the interdependence of the tested variables. The data showed the high-performance runners to have a gait style characterised by an increased vertical velocity of the centre of mass and a flight time that was 11% longer than the recreational group. The high-performance group were also observed to adopt a forefoot strike pattern, to contact the ground with their foot closer to their body and to have a larger ankle moment. Importantly, although observed group differences were mostly independent of speed, the tested variables showed a high degree of interdependence suggesting an underlying unitary phenomenon. This is the first study to compare high-performance and recreational runners across a full range of kinematic and kinetic variables. The results suggest that high-performance runners maintain stride length with a prolonged aerial phase, rather than by landing with a more extended knee. These findings motivate future intervention studies that should investigate whether recreational runners could benefit from instruction to decrease shank inclination at foot contact.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of heavy resistance, explosive resistance, and muscle endurance training on neuromuscular, endurance, and high-intensity running performance in recreational endurance runners. Twenty-seven male runners were divided into one of three groups: heavy resistance, explosive resistance or muscle endurance training. After 6 weeks of preparatory training, the groups underwent an 8-week resistance training programme as a supplement to endurance training. Before and after the 8-week training period, maximal strength (one-repetition maximum), electromyographic activity of the leg extensors, countermovement jump height, maximal speed in the maximal anaerobic running test, maximal endurance performance, maximal oxygen uptake ([Vdot]O2max), and running economy were assessed. Maximal strength improved in the heavy (P = 0.034, effect size ES = 0.38) and explosive resistance training groups (P = 0.003, ES = 0.67) with increases in leg muscle activation (heavy: P = 0.032, ES = 0.38; explosive: P = 0.002, ES = 0.77). Only the heavy resistance training group improved maximal running speed in the maximal anaerobic running test (P = 0.012, ES = 0.52) and jump height (P = 0.006, ES = 0.59). Maximal endurance running performance was improved in all groups (heavy: P = 0.005, ES = 0.56; explosive: P = 0.034, ES = 0.39; muscle endurance: P = 0.001, ES = 0.94), with small though not statistically significant improvements in [Vdot]O2max (heavy: ES = 0.08; explosive: ES = 0.29; muscle endurance: ES = 0.65) and running economy (ES in all groups < 0.08). All three modes of strength training used concurrently with endurance training were effective in improving treadmill running endurance performance. However, both heavy and explosive strength training were beneficial in improving neuromuscular characteristics, and heavy resistance training in particular contributed to improvements in high-intensity running characteristics. Thus, endurance runners should include heavy resistance training in their training programmes to enhance endurance performance, such as improving sprinting ability at the end of a race.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of ingesting a carbohydrate-electrolyte solution, during the 90-min Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test, on soccer skill performance. Seventeen male soccer players ingested either a 6.4% carbohydrate-electrolyte solution or placebo solution equivalent to 8 ml · kg?1 body mass before exercise and 3 ml · kg?1 body mass after every 15 min of exercise, in a double-blind randomized cross-over design, with the trials separated by 7 days. The evening before the main trial, the participants performed glycogen-reducing exercise on a cycle ergometer (80 min at 70%[Vdot]O2max) and were then fed a low-carbohydrate meal. After a 12-h overnight fast, they performed The Loughborough Soccer Passing Test before and after every 15 min of exercise. Analysis of the combined skill test data showed a significant time effect (P = 0.001) with differences between 0–45 and 75–90 min (P < 0.05). There was a 3% reduction in skill performance from before to after exercise in the carbohydrate-electrolyte trial, whereas in the placebo trial the decrease was 14% (P = 0.07). In conclusion, skill performance during the simulated soccer activity appeared to deteriorate in the last 15–30 min of exercise. However, providing 52 g · h?1 carbohydrate during exercise showed a tendency to better maintain soccer skill performance than a taste-matched placebo.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of cryotherapy on lower extremity running biomechanics. Twenty-six healthy male volunteers were randomised into two intervention groups: cold water (cold water at ~11°C) or tepid water (tepid water at ~26°C). They were required to run at 4.0 ± 0.2 m · s?1 before and after they underwent water immersion for 20 min. Differences between pre- and post-intervention were used to compare the influence of water intervention during running. Peak joint angles, peak joint moments, peak ground reaction forces (GRF) and contact time (CT) were calculated using three-dimensional gait analysis. Independent t-tests were applied with a significant alpha level set at 0.05. Decreased peak propulsive and vertical GRF, decreased plantarflexion moments, increased hip flexion angle and longer CT were observed following cold water immersion. Although cold water immersion (cryotherapy) affected the running movement, none of the alterations have been related to running biomechanical patterns associated with injuries. Therefore, our results indicated that cold water immersion appears safe prior to running activities.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of carbohydrate ingestion on metabolic and performance-related responses during and after a simulated 1h cycling time trial. Eight trained male cyclists (VO 2 peak = 66.5ml kg -1 min -1 ) rode their own bicycles mounted on a windload simulator to imitate real riding conditions. At a self-selected maximal pace, the cyclists performed two 1h rides (separated by 7 days) and were fed either an 8% carbohydrate or placebo solution. The beverages were administered 25 min before (4.5ml kg -1 ) and at the end (4.5ml kg -1 ) of the ride. With carbohydrate feeding, plasma glucose tended (P = 0.21) to rise before the time trial. Compared with rest, the plasma glucose concentration decreased significantly (P < 0.05) at the end of both rides, with no statistically significant difference being observed between treatments. Thereafter, plasma glucose increased significantly (P < 0.05) at 15 and 30 min into recovery, and was significantly higher at 30 min during the carbohydrate trial compared with the placebo trial. No significant changes in plasma free fatty acids were observed during the ride. However, a significant increase (P < 0.05) in free fatty acids was found at 15 and 30 min into recovery, with no difference between trials. Mean power output was significantly (P < 0.05) greater during the carbohydrate compared with the placebo trial (mean - S.E.: 277-3 and 269-3W, respectively). The greater distance covered in the carbohydrate compared with the placebo trial (41.5-1.06 and 41.0–1.06km, respectively; P < 0.05) was equivalent to a 44s improvement. We conclude that pre-exercise carbohydrate ingestion significantly increases endurance performance in trained cyclists during a 1h simulated time trial. Although the mechanism for this enhancement in performance with carbohydrate ingestion cannot be surmised from the present results, it could be related to a higher rate of carbohydrate oxidation, or to favourable effects of carbohydrate ingestion on the central component of fatigue.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the age-based, lower limb kinetics of running performances of endurance athletes. Six running trials were performed by 24 male athletes, who were distinguished by three age groupings (S35: 26–32 years, M50: 50–54 years, M60+: 60–68 years). Lower limb coordinate and ground reaction force data were collected using a nine camera infra-red system synchronised with a force plate. A slower anteroposterior (M ± SD S35 = 4.13 ± 0.54 m/s: M60+ = 3.34 ± 0.40 m/s, p < 0.05) running velocity was associated with significant (p < 0.05) decreases in step length and discrete vertical ground contact force between M60+and S35 athletes. The M60+athletes simultaneously generated a 32% and 42% reduction (p < 0.05) in ankle joint moment when compared to the M50 and S35 athletes and 72% (p < 0.05) reduction in knee joint stiffness when compared to S35 athletes. Age-based declines in running performance were associated with reduced stance phase force tolerance and generation that may be accounted for due to an inhibited force–velocity muscular function of the lower limb. Joint-specific coaching strategies customised to athlete age are warranted to maintain/enhance athletes' dynamic performance.  相似文献   

Ingesting carbohydrate plus protein following prolonged exercise may restore exercise capacity more effectively than ingestion of carbohydrate alone. The objective of the present study was to determine whether this potential benefit is a consequence of the protein fraction per se or simply due to the additional energy it provides. Six active males participated in three trials, each involving a 90-min treadmill run at 70% maximal oxygen uptake (run 1) followed by a 4-h recovery. At 30-min intervals during recovery, participants ingested solutions containing: (1) 0.8 g carbohydrate x kg body mass (BM)(-1) h(-1) plus 0.3 g kg(-1) h(-1) of whey protein isolate (CHO-PRO); (2) 0.8 g carbohydrate x kg BM(-1) h(-1) (CHO); or (3) 1.1 g carbohydrate x kg BM(-1) h(-1) (CHO-CHO). The latter two solutions matched the CHO-PRO solution for carbohydrate and for energy, respectively. Following recovery, participants ran to exhaustion at 70% maximal oxygen uptake (run 2). Exercise capacity during run 2 was greater following ingestion of CHO-PRO and CHO-CHO than following ingestion of CHO (P< or = 0.05) with no significant difference between the CHO-PRO and CHO-CHO treatments. In conclusion, increasing the energy content of these recovery solutions extended run time to exhaustion, irrespective of whether the additional energy originated from sucrose or whey protein isolate.  相似文献   


Ingesting carbohydrate plus protein following prolonged exercise may restore exercise capacity more effectively than ingestion of carbohydrate alone. The objective of the present study was to determine whether this potential benefit is a consequence of the protein fraction per se or simply due to the additional energy it provides. Six active males participated in three trials, each involving a 90-min treadmill run at 70% maximal oxygen uptake (run 1) followed by a 4-h recovery. At 30-min intervals during recovery, participants ingested solutions containing: (1) 0.8 g carbohydrate · kg body mass (BM)?1 · h?1 plus 0.3 g · kg?1 · h?1 of whey protein isolate (CHO-PRO); (2) 0.8 g carbohydrate · kg BM?1 · h?1 (CHO); or (3) 1.1 g carbohydrate · kg BM?1 · h?1 (CHO-CHO). The latter two solutions matched the CHO-PRO solution for carbohydrate and for energy, respectively. Following recovery, participants ran to exhaustion at 70% maximal oxygen uptake (run 2). Exercise capacity during run 2 was greater following ingestion of CHO-PRO and CHO-CHO than following ingestion of CHO (P ≤ 0.05) with no significant difference between the CHO-PRO and CHO-CHO treatments. In conclusion, increasing the energy content of these recovery solutions extended run time to exhaustion, irrespective of whether the additional energy originated from sucrose or whey protein isolate.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the sensitivity of the lactate minimum speed test to changes in endurance fitness resulting from a 6 week training intervention. Sixteen participants (mean +/- s :age 23 +/- 4 years;body mass 69.7 +/- 9.1 kg) completed 6 weeks of endurance training. Another eight participants (age 23 +/- 4 years; body mass 72.7 +/-12.5 kg) acted as non-training controls. Before and after the training intervention, all participants completed: (1) a standard multi-stage treadmill test for the assessment of VO 2max , running speed at the lactate threshold and running speed at a reference blood lactate concentration of 3 mmol.l -1 ; and (2) the lactate minimum speed test, which involved two supramaximal exercise bouts and an 8 min walking recovery period to increase blood lactate concentration before the completion of an incremental treadmill test. Additionally, a subgroup of eight participants from the training intervention completed a series of constant-speed runs for determination of running speed at the maximal lactate steady state. The test protocols were identical before and after the 6 week intervention. The control group showed no significant changes in VO 2max , running speed at the lactate threshold, running speed at a blood lactate concentration of 3 mmol.l -1 or the lactate minimum speed.In the training group, there was a significant increase in VO 2max (from 47.9 +/- 8.4 to 52.2 +/- 2.7 ml.kg -1 .min -1 ), running speed at the maximal lactate steady state (from 13.3 +/- 1.7 to 13.9 +/- 1.6 km.h -1 ), running speed at the lactate threshold (from 11.2 +/- 1.8 to 11.9 +/- 1.8 km.h -1 ) and running speed at a blood lactate concentration of 3 mmol.l -1 (from 12.5 +/- 2.2 to 13.2 +/- 2.1 km.h -1 ) (all P ? 0.05). Despite these clear improvements in aerobic fitness, there was no significant difference in lactate minimum speed after the training intervention (from 11.0 +/- 0.7 to 10.9 +/- 1.7 km.h -1 ). The results demonstrate that the lactate minimum speed,when assessed using the same exercise protocol before and after 6 weeks of aerobic exercise training, is not sensitive to changes in endurance capacity.  相似文献   

Research has focused on parameters that are associated with injury risk, e.g. vertical acceleration. These parameters can be influenced by running on different surfaces or at different running speeds, but the relationship between them is not completely clear. Understanding the relationship may result in training guidelines to reduce the injury risk. In this study, thirty-five participants with three different levels of running experience were recruited. Participants ran on three different surfaces (concrete, synthetic running track, and woodchip trail) at two different running speeds: a self-selected comfortable speed and a fixed speed of 3.06 m/s. Vertical acceleration of the lower leg was measured with an accelerometer. The vertical acceleration was significantly lower during running on the woodchip trail in comparison with the synthetic running track and the concrete, and significantly lower during running at lower speed in comparison with during running at higher speed on all surfaces. No significant differences in vertical acceleration were found between the three groups of runners at fixed speed. Higher self-selected speed due to higher performance level also did not result in higher vertical acceleration. These results may show that running on a woodchip trail and slowing down could reduce the injury risk at the tibia.  相似文献   

体能主导类耐力性项群训练原理   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
耐力性项群是奥林匹克竞技运动项目中的一个大家族。近百个项目(约占30%)的运动方式各异:分别为走、跑、骑、游、划、滑,但运动特点却都是中长时间的持续性工作,比赛特点都是中、长距离的竞速。文中从项群层次概括了所有耐力性项目选手共有的竞技能力结构特征,运动成绩的决定因素及共同的训练内容、训练方法和负荷特点  相似文献   

This study assessed the effect of step width during running on factors related to iliotibial band (ITB) syndrome. Three-dimensional (3D) kinematics and kinetics were recorded from 15 healthy recreational runners during overground running under various step width conditions (preferred and at least ± 5% of their leg length). Strain and strain rate were estimated from a musculoskeletal model of the lower extremity. Greater ITB strain and strain rate were found in the narrower step width condition (p < 0.001, p = 0.040). ITB strain was significantly (p < 0.001) greater in the narrow condition than the preferred and wide conditions and it was greater in the preferred condition than the wide condition. ITB strain rate was significantly greater in the narrow condition than the wide condition (p = 0.020). Polynomial contrasts revealed a linear increase in both ITB strain and strain rate with decreasing step width. We conclude that relatively small decreases in step width can substantially increase ITB strain as well as strain rates. Increasing step width during running, especially in persons whose running style is characterized by a narrow step width, may be beneficial in the treatment and prevention of running-related ITB syndrome.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine the effect of different percentages of body weight support (BWS) on spatiotemporal step characteristics during running. 26 endurance runners (age: 37 ± 9 years) completed a running treadmill protocol consisting of 6 different conditions (BWS combinations: 0–50%), with velocity maintained at 12 km/h. Each condition lasted 1 minute. Step angle, ground contact time (CT), flight time (FT), step length (SL) and frequency (SF), and duration of phases during stance time (phase1: initial contact; phase2: midstance; phase3: propulsion) were measured for every step during the test using a photoelectric cell system. Compared with the baseline condition (100% BW), FT was longer, CT was shorter, SL was longer, SF was lower, and the step angle was higher with each increase in BWS (p < 0.05). Also, some changes were observed in the duration of phases during stance time: phase1 did not experience changes across experimental conditions (p = 0.096), phase2 decreased and phase3 increased as BW was supported (p < 0.05). These results indicate that as BW was supported, runners showed longer FT and SL, shorter CT, lower SF, and greater step angle as well as some changes in the phases during the ground contact. Therefore, this study highlights the effect of different percentages of BWS on spatiotemporal parameters.  相似文献   


Controversy exists whether custom-made insoles are more effective in reducing plantar loading compared to prefabricated insoles. Forty recreational athletes ran using custom-made, prefabricated, and the original insoles of their running shoes, at rest and after a fatigue run. Contact time, stride rate, and plantar loading parameters were measured. Neither the insole conditions nor the fatigue state modified contact time and stride rate. Addressing prevention of running injuries, post-fatigue loading values are of great interest. Custom-made insoles reduced the post-fatigue loading under the hallux (92 vs. 130 kPa, P < 0.05), medial midfoot (70 vs. 105 kPa, P < 0.01), and lateral midfoot (62 vs 96 kPa, P < 0.01). Prefabricated insoles provoked reductions in post-fatigue loading under the toes (120 vs. 175 kPa, P < 0.05), medial midfoot (71 vs. 105 kPa, P < 0.01), and lateral midfoot (68 vs. 96 kPa, P < 0.01). Regarding both study insoles, custom-made insoles reduced by 31% and 54% plantar loading under the medial and lateral heel compared to the prefabricated insoles. Finally, fatigue state did not influence plantar loading regardless the insole condition. In long-distance races, even a slight reduction in plantar loading at each foot strike may suppose a significant decrease in the overall stress experienced by the foot, and therefore the use of insoles may be an important protective mechanism for plantar overloading.  相似文献   

无痛苦跑对改善大学生跑步恐惧心理的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了高校传统耐力跑教学导致的学生厌学情绪和恐惧心理,进行了无痛苦跑的教学实验。指出:极点和痛苦并无健康价值,无痛苦跑不是惧怕和回避痛苦,而是另一种积极面对。结果表明,学生对无痛苦跑支持率为69%,学生恐惧心理和厌学情绪得到明显的改善。  相似文献   

有氧代谢能力与耐力项目训练中运动强度的选择   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
全面阐述了有氧代谢能力的概念,提出了最大摄氧量、无氧阈、最大摄氧量平台的持续时间都应是耐力训练的目标。在此基础上讨论了发展此3项目标应采用的训练强度。  相似文献   

Moderate physical exercise acts at molecular and behavioural levels, such as interfering in neuroplasticity, cell death, neurogenesis, cognition and motor functions. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyse the cellular effects of moderate treadmill running upon substantia nigra during early neurodegeneration. Aged male Lewis rats (9-month-old) were exposed to rotenone 1mg/kg/day (8 weeks) and 6 weeks of moderate treadmill running, beginning 4 weeks after rotenone exposure. Substantia nigra was extracted and submitted to proteasome and antioxidant enzymes activities, hydrogen peroxide levels and Western blot to evaluate tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), alpha-synuclein, Tom-20, PINK1, TrkB, SLP1, CRMP-2, Rab-27b, LC3II and Beclin-1 level. It was demonstrated that moderate treadmill running, practiced during early neurodegeneration, prevented the increase of alpha-synuclein and maintained the levels of TH unaltered in substantia nigra of aged rats. Physical exercise also stimulated autophagy and prevented impairment of mitophagy, but decreased proteasome activity in rotenone-exposed aged rats. Physical activity also prevented H2O2 increase during early neurodegeneration, although the involved mechanism remains to be elucidated. TrkB levels and its anterograde trafficking seem not to be influenced by moderate treadmill running. In conclusion, moderate physical training could prevent early neurodegeneration in substantia nigra through the improvement of autophagy and mitophagy.  相似文献   

Weighted vests are widely used to improve running economy and performance. However, it is not well-studied how running mechanics are adapted to counteract the higher peak vertical ground reaction forces (Fpeak) while running with such a device. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the effects of different loading conditions on running mechanics at different velocities. Thirteen subjects participated in two separate sessions one week apart. In the first session, maximal aerobic speed (MAS) was determined through a maximal incremental running test while in the second session, they were instructed to run during one minute under different loading (0%, +10% and +20% of body mass [BM]) and velocity (60%, 80% and 100% of MAS) conditions in a random order. Spatiotemporal data were recorded and then running mechanics modelled using the spring-mass model. The main results indicated that vertical and leg stiffness (Kvert and Kleg, respectively) were increased (P?P?>?.05) when load was changed. At the same time, alterations of the running kinematics were observed such as longer contact times, reduced flight times, stride frequencies and step lengths, as well as an increase of the centre of mass dynamics. Based on these results it is assumed that runners maintain a certain stiffness level for each velocity despite different loading conditions. As a consequence, Fpeak increases and this probably causes spatiotemporal adjustments in the movement kinematics.  相似文献   

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