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A popular algorithm to predict VO2Peak from the one-mile run/walk test (1MRW) includes body mass index (BMI), which manifests practical issues in school settings. The purpose of this study was to develop an aerobic capacity model from 1MRW in adolescents independent of BMI. Cardiorespiratory endurance data were collected on 90 adolescents aged 13–16 years. The 1MRW was administered on an outside track and a laboratory VO2Peak test was conducted using a maximal treadmill protocol. Multiple linear regression was employed to develop the prediction model. Results yielded the following algorithm: VO2Peak = 7.34 × (1MRW speed in m s?1) + 0.23 × (age × sex) + 17.75. The New Model displayed a multiple correlation and prediction error of R = 0.81, standard error of the estimate = 4.78 ml kg?1·min?1, with measured VO2Peak and good criterion-referenced (CR) agreement into FITNESSGRAM’s Healthy Fitness Zone (Kappa = 0.62; percentage agreement = 84.4%; Φ = 0.62). The New Model was validated using k-fold cross-validation and showed homoscedastic residuals across the range of predicted scores. The omission of BMI did not compromise accuracy of the model. In conclusion, the New Model displayed good predictive accuracy and good CR agreement with measured VO2Peak in adolescents aged 13–16 years.  相似文献   

目的:为肯尼斯·库珀(Kenneth H. Cooper)于1970年提出的库珀中心纵向研究(CCLS)提供详细历史。方法:对库珀中心纵向研究人群和库珀诊所所检查的重要参数,以及库珀诊所患者的各种疾病发病率和死亡率进行数据描述。并对近50年来已发表的库珀中心纵向研究的主要研究结果进行总结。结果:在库珀诊所检查期间,通过最大跑台运动测试客观地测量出的心肺功能(CRF)已成为各种疾病发病率和死亡率的强大且独立的风险因素。更具体地说,库珀中心纵向研究明确表明,中高水平的心肺功能与人体全因、心血管疾病和癌症死亡率有显著相关关系。此外,已经证明,中年人群的心肺水平是全因痴呆、Ⅱ型糖尿病、慢性肾病、癌症发病率和存活率以及一些其他慢性疾病的预测因子。因此,库珀中心纵向研究结果还表明,中年人群的心肺水平与老年时期的医疗保健成本呈显著相关。结论:除罕见情况以外,已经进行了近50年的库珀中心纵向研究的研究结果表明,相对于较低水平的心肺功能,中高水平的心肺功能可以有效预防许多疾病。  相似文献   

Background: High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has been shown to improve cardiometabolic health during supervised lab-based studies but adherence, enjoyment, and health benefits of HIIT performed independently are yet to be understood. We compared adherence, enjoyment, and cardiometabolic outcomes after 8 weeks of HIIT or moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT), matched for energy expenditure, in overweight and obese young adults. Methods: 17 adults were randomized to HIIT or MICT. After completing 12 sessions of supervised training over 3 weeks, participants were asked to independently perform HIIT or MICT for 30 min, 4 times/week for 5 weeks. Cardiometabolic outcomes included cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2 peak), lipids, and inflammatory markers. Exercise enjoyment was measured by the validated Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale. Results: Exercise adherence (93.4?±?3.1% vs. 93.1?±?3.7%, respectively) and mean enjoyment across the intervention (100.1?±?4.3 vs. 100.3?±?4.4, respectively) were high, with no differences between HIIT and MICT (p?>?.05). Similarly, enjoyment levels did not change over time in either group (p?>?.05). After training, HIIT exhibited a greater decrease in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol than MICT (?0.66?mmol?L?1 vs. ?0.03?mmol?L?1, respectively) and a greater increase in VO2 peak than MICT (p?<?.05, +2.6?mL?kg?min?1 vs. +0.4?mL?kg?min?1, respectively). Interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein increased in HIIT (+0.5?pg?mL?1 and +?31.4?nmol?L?1, respectively) and decreased in MICT (?0.6?pg?mL?1 and ?6.7?nmol?L?1, respectively, p?<?.05). Conclusions: Our novel findings suggest that HIIT is enjoyable and has high unsupervised adherence rates in overweight and obese adults. However, HIIT may be associated with an increase in inflammation with short-term exercise in this population.  相似文献   


This study examined associations between four health-related physical fitness measures and obesity in Taiwanese youth aged 10–18 years. Data from 13,500 school-aged youth were randomly selected from the “School Physical Fitness Database” of Taiwan by sex and age. Variables examined were height, body mass and performance on modified sit-and-reach (flexibility), bent-leg sit-up (abdominal muscular strength/endurance), standing long jump (lower body explosive strength) and distance run/walk (cardiorespiratory endurance). Adjusted logistic regression analyses were performed. Increased odds of being obese with decreased fitness levels were observed for lower body explosive strength and cardiorespiratory endurance in both sexes. The highest odds of being obese was found in the least fit quintile of cardiorespiratory endurance compared with the most fit quintile both in boys (Odds ratio, OR = 10.44; 95% confidence interval (CI), 7.94–13.73) and girls (OR = 5.40; 95% CI, 3.90–7.47). These findings suggest that in addition to cardiorespiratory fitness, lower body explosive strength is also associated with childhood and adolescent obesity.  相似文献   


Cross-sectional study aimed to analyse differences in cognitive performance across fitness components categories (cardiorespiratory fitness [CRF], speed-agility and muscular fitness [MF]) and weight status in children, and to determine whether physical fitness mediates the association between body mass index (BMI) and cognitive performance. Fitness components and BMI were measured using standard procedures in 630 children aged 5-to-7 years from the provinces of Cuenca and Ciudad Real, Spain. BADyG was used to assess cognitive performance. We used ANCOVA models to test mean differences in cognition scores by BMI and fitness categories. Hayes’s PROCESS macro was used for mediation analyses. Children with normal weight scored better in spatial factor and general intelligence than their overweight/obese peers (p < 0.05), but differences were attenuated when controlling for CRF (p > 0.05). Children with better results in CRF and speed-agility scored better in all cognitive dimensions even after controlling for BMI (p < 0.05). Similarly, children with high MF obtained better scores in verbal factor (p < 0.05). All fitness components acted as mediators of the relationship between BMI and general intelligence (p < 0.05). These findings highlight the crucial role of fitness in minimising the negative effect of excess weight on children’s cognition.

Abbreviations: BMI: Body mass index; CRF: Cardiorespiratory fitness; MF: Muscular fitness; BADyG E1: Battery of general and differential aptitudes; SES: Socioeconomic status; SD: Standard deviation; IE: Indirect effect  相似文献   

In The Grasshopper: Games, Life, and Utopia, Suits maintains the following two theses: (1) game-playing is defined as ‘activity directed towards bringing about a specific state of affairs, using only means permitted by rules, where the rules prohibit more efficient in favour of less efficient means, and where such rules are accepted just because they make possible such activity’ and (2) ‘game playing is what makes Utopia intelligible.’ Observing that these two theses cannot be jointly maintained absent paradox, this essay explores the logical possibility that if (2) is true, then (1) must be false. More specifically, in the tradition of conceptual analysis it is argued that Suits’ definition of game-playing is too narrow inasmuch as it excludes really magnificent Utopian games of significance.  相似文献   

文章旨为中年女性进行健身秧歌锻炼减肥提供理论依据,采用实验法对60名参加健身秧歌锻炼的肥胖中年女性身体形态指标进行测试与评价。结果表明:经过3个月的锻炼,中年女性的BMI、WHR、FAT%均有显著程度的减少,显示健身秧歌对该人群体形及体成分具有积极的促进和改善作用,健身秧歌是一项科学的理想的减肥方式,值得推广。  相似文献   

通过对32名超重和肥胖少年实施5周(7次/周、2小时/次、运动强度60%~65%VO2max)的运动处方后,多数研究对象在身体成分改变的同时,身体协调性、灵活性、柔韧性和耐力素质有明显改善。研究结果提示,对超重和肥胖少年的运动处方宜采用中等强度、多种运动形式的方案。早期阶段以减少脂肪体重和提高超重、肥胖少年的身体协调性、灵活性、柔韧性和耐力素质为主要目标,以后逐渐增加力量和速度训练的内容,在增加肌肉体重的同时使超重和肥胖少年的身体素质得到全面提高。  相似文献   

Local symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency after deep vein thrombosis (DVT) are well described, but little is known about the effect of residual venous obstruction on exercise capacity. We tested our hypothesis that chronic residual iliofemoral vein occlusion (IFVO) after DVT may impair exercise capacity. Nine post-DVT patients with residual IFVO and effort intolerance were studied; a comparison cohort consisted of 11 healthy volunteers. Exercise tolerance was assessed by bimodality incremental symptom-limited cardiopulmonary testing, using leg and arm ergometers. In healthy subjects, leg vein obstruction was modelled by application to the thighs of cuff tourniquets inflated to 30–40?mmHg. Leg exercise tolerance as measured by oxygen uptake at peak exercise (peak ?’O2) was reduced in patients (median 50% predicted (range 36–83%) vs. 88% predicted (67–129%) in normal subjects, p?2 was 0.95 (0.77–1.43) in patients vs. a normal ratio of 0.73 (0.6–1.0) in healthy subjects (p?2 in leg exercise to 76% predicted (range 55–108%; p?相似文献   

大学生健康体适能心肺耐力测试指标效度的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以最大耗氧量作为心肺耐力测试项目的效度检验指标,通过实验与比较观察方法,对我国大学生健康体适能的心肺耐力评价指标——台阶试验和耐力跑(男1000m,女800m)两项选测项目的测量效度进行了对比研究。结果显示:大学生台阶试验指数和耐力跑成绩之间无显著线性相关;最大耗氧量与台阶试验指数无明显的相关关系,而与耐力跑成绩呈现相关关系。笔者认为,在确定我国大学生健康体适能评价指标时,选择耐力跑项目作为测试指标能够更为客观、有效地反映心肺耐力的测试目标。  相似文献   

BackgroundHigher levels of cardiorespiratory fitness are associated with reduced asthma severity and increased quality of life in those with asthma. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a 6-month high-intensity interval training (HIIT) intervention in adolescents with and without asthma.MethodsA total of 616 adolescents (334 boys; 13.0 ± 1.1 years, 1.57 ± 0.10 m, 52.6 ± 12.9 kg, mean ± SD), including 155 with asthma (78 boys), were recruited as part of a randomized controlled trial from 5 schools (4 control and 1 intervention). The 221 intervention participants (116 boys; 47 asthma) completed 6 months of school-based HIIT (30 min, 3 times per week, 10–30 s bouts at >90% age-predicted maximum heart rate with equal rest). At baseline, mid-intervention, post-intervention, and 3-month follow-up, measurements for 20-m shuttle run, body mass index (BMI), lung function, Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory, Paediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire, and Asthma Control Questionnaire were collected. Additionally, 69 adolescents (39 boys (of the 36 with asthma there were 21 boys)) also completed an incremental ramp test. For analysis, each group''s data (intervention and control) were divided into those with and without asthma.ResultsParticipants with asthma did not differ from their peers in any parameter of aerobic fitness, at any time-point, but were characterized by a greater BMI. The intervention elicited a significant improvement in maximal aerobic fitness but no change in sub-maximal parameters of aerobic fitness, lung function, or quality of life irrespective of asthma status. Those in the intervention group maintained their BMI, whereas BMI significantly increased in the control group throughout the 6-month period.ConclusionHIIT represents an effective tool for improving aerobic fitness and maintaining BMI in adolescents, irrespective of asthma status. HIIT was well-tolerated by those with asthma, who evidenced a similar aerobic fitness to their healthy peers and responded equally well to a HIIT program.  相似文献   

超重和肥胖少年心肺功能下降及与身体成分的相关性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
王正珍  赵慧娟 《体育科学》2005,25(9):29-32,48
对12~14岁正常体重少年40名(男生22人,女生18人)与超重和肥胖少年84名(男生45人,女生39人)进行了最大耗氧量(V。O2max)、最大心率、身体成分、血压、脉搏、肺活量的测试。其中,V。O2max采用改良的Bruce方案,用电阻抗法(BIA)测身体成分。结果表明:12~14岁超重和肥胖少年心肺功能明显低于同龄正常体重少年,高正常血压者和高血压者占32.92%,但血压升高与身体成分变化相关性不明显;肥胖少年肺活量/体重显著下降,男性与体脂百分比呈中度负相关;肥胖少年V。O2max/BM显著下降,V。O2max/BM与身体成分的变化有一定相关性,但不是主要影响因素;肥胖对最大心率影响不明显,此年龄段肥胖少年和正常体重少年的最大心率平均值分别为194次/min和197次/min。  相似文献   

山东省济、烟、滨三地区成年人肥胖现象的现状调查分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对山东省2005年济南、烟台、滨州三地区成年人部分国民体质监测数据进行分析,以身体质量指数法为评定标准,探讨肥胖者的现状及特点。结果表明:山东省三地区成年人总肥胖率达15.4%,其中成年男性肥胖率为17.0%,女性肥胖率为13.8%。三地区成年人肥胖率存在性别、地区、年龄组的显著性差异(P〈0.01)。男性高于女性,发达地区高于欠发达地区,随年龄的增加,肥胖率发生显著性增加。城乡间无差异(P〉0.05),但城男与乡男、城女与乡女之间存在显著性差异。  相似文献   


This population-based 24-year follow-up study evaluated the association of occupational physical activity (OPA) with overweight and mortality in 47,405 men and women, healthy at baseline, and reporting OPA as sedentary (reference), light, moderately heavy, or heavy. The adjusted odds ratio for overweight was slightly less than 1 for all categories of current nonsedentary work in men but increased by OPA in women. Only heavy OPA conferred a lower mortality with an adjusted rate ratio of 0.84 (95% confidence interval, 0.76–0.92) for men and 0.69 (95% confidence interval, 0.52–0.91) for women. This observational study, with OPA recorded in the 1970s and 1980s, suggested a slight protective effect for overweight by nonsedentary work for men and lower mortality by heavy OPA for both genders.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been growing interest in high-intensity interval training (HIT) as a strategy to improve health. In this pilot study, we examined the feasibility of a 4-week low-volume HIT and its effects on cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), blood pressure (BP) and enjoyment in overweight and obese youth. Twelve adolescents (body mass index (BMI): 34.8 ± 3.9 kg · m?2, 14.9 ± 1.5 years) participated in 12 sessions of HIT (10 × 60 s cycling bouts eliciting ~90% maximal heart rate, interspersed with 90 s recovery, 30 min/session, 3 sessions/week) over ~4 weeks. All the participants completed the study and exercise attendance averaged 92%. Despite no changes in body weight and total fat, HIT resulted in significant (P < 0.01) increases in CRF (pre: 20.1 versus post: 22.2 ml · kg?1 · min?1) and exercise time (pre: 425 versus post: 509 s) during peak oxygen uptake test, and a reduction in resting systolic BP (pre: 115.8 versus post: 107.6 mmHg). The majority of study participants (83%) enjoyed HIT and more than half of the participants (58%) reported that HIT is a more enjoyable form of exercise compared to other types of exercises. Low-volume HIT is a useful strategy to promote exercise participation and improve cardiovascular health in overweight and obese youth.  相似文献   

BackgroundEsports players, like traditional athletes, practice for long hours and, thus, are vulnerable to the negative health effects of prolonged sitting. There is a lack of research on the physical activity and the health ramifications of prolonged sitting by competitive players. The purpose of this study was to investigate activity levels, body mass index (BMI), and body composition in collegiate esports players as compared to age-matched controls.MethodsTwenty-four male collegiate esports players and non-esports players between 18 and 25 years of age signed a written consent to participate. Physical activity was examined using daily activity (step count) with a wrist-worn activity tracker. A questionnaire assessing physical activity was also administered. Secondary outcomes included body-fat percentage, lean-body mass, BMI, and bone mineral content measured using dual X-ray absorptiometry.ResultsThe step count in the esports players was significantly lower than the age-matched controls (6040.2 ± 3028.6 vs. 12843.8 ± 5661.1; p = 0.004). Esports players exhibited greater body-fat percentage (p = 0.05), less lean body mass (p = 0.003), and less bone mineral content (p = 0.03), despite no difference in BMI between the esports and non-esports players.ConclusionAs compared to non-esports players, collegiate esports players were significantly less active and had a higher body-fat percentage, with lower lean body mass and bone mineral content. The BMIs showed no difference between the 2 groups. Esports athletes displayed significantly less activity and poor body composition, which are all correlated with potential health issues and risk of injury. BMI did not capture this difference and should not be considered as an accurate measure of health in competitive esports players.  相似文献   

王道 《体育科研》2011,32(1):24-30
《2008美国体力活动指南》通过文献搜索和统计整理的方法对有关体力活动与心肺健康的研究进行了系统综述,分别从体力活动对高血压、动脉粥样硬化、血脂异常、脑血管疾病、外周动脉疾病等疾病的影响,阐述了体力活动与心肺健康之间的关系。该指南提出体力活动特别是有氧运动的增加与保持心肺健康之间具有良好的相关性,另外也提出了在后续的研究中需要关注的几个问题。  相似文献   


Numerous epidemiological investigations have shown that low physical fitness and low physical activity are related to the incidence of coronary artery disease (CAD). Most studies, however, have not examined both variables concurrently to determine which has the strongest association with CAD risk. The purpose of the investigation was to cross-sectionally examine the relationships among physical fitness, physical activity, and risk factors for CAD. Male law enforcement officers (N = 412) from the City of Austin, Texas, were subjects for this study. Physical fitness, physical activity, and risk factors for CAD were assessed through health screenings and from data collected as part of an annual physical fitness assessment. Multivariate analysis of covariance revealed that physical fitness, but not physical activity, was related to several single CAD risk factors. Percent body fat, smoking habits, and Type A behavior score were negatively related to physical fitness level, and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol was positively related to physical fitness level. Univariate analysis of variance found both physical fitness and physical activity to be significantly related to a composite CAD risk score. Low physical fitness and low physical activity were associated with a high CAD risk score. These data suggest that physical activity must be sufficient to influence physical fitness before statistically significant risk-reducing benefits on single CAD risk factors are obtained, although minimal engagement in weekly vigorous activity provides a significant benefit for the composite CAD risk score. It is plausible, however, that physical fitness is a stronger measure than physical activity and optimally characterizes the relationship among physical activity and CAD risk factors.  相似文献   

Purpose: To evaluate whether excess body mass influences the heart rate variability (HRV) indexes at rest, and to correlate adiposity indicators and the aerobic fitness with cardiac autonomic variables in metabolically healthy young adults. Method: In all, 41 untrained males (Mage = 21.80, SD = 2.14 years), 14 normal weight (MBMI = 22.28, SD = 1.86 kg?m?2), 11 overweight (MBMI = 26.95, SD = 1.43 kg?m?2), and 16 obese (MBMI = 33.58, SD = 3.06 kg?m?2) metabolically healthy (normal values of blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, triglycerides, and total cholesterol), underwent evaluations of the HRV at rest and of the peak oxygen consumption (VO2 peak) during maximal exercise on a cycle ergometer. Results: Blood pressure, heart rate, HRV indexes, casual blood glucose, oxidative stress, and antioxidant activity did not differ among the groups. The VO2 peak (mL?kg?1?min?1) was lower in the obese group compared with the normal weight and overweight groups. The body mass (r = ?.40 to ?.45) and abdominal circumference (r = ?.39 to ?.52) were slightly to moderately correlated with SD1, SD2, RMSSD, SDNN, pNN50, LF, and HF indexes and total power. The VO2 peak (mL?kg?1?min?1) was slightly to moderately correlated (r = .48 to .51) with SD2, SDNN, and LF indexes in the individuals with excess body mass. Conclusion: Cardiac autonomic modulation at rest was preserved in metabolically healthy obese young men. However, the indicators of adiposity, as well as the aerobic fitness were correlated with cardiac autonomic modulation in the individuals with excess body mass.  相似文献   

Purpose: To evaluate the influence of physical maturity on the changes in ventricular morphology and function with sport training in female youth athletes.

Methods: Thirty-two female athletes (age 13–18 years) underwent height and weight measurement and 2-D echocardiographic evaluation immediately prior to, and following, a 20-week soccer season. Pre- and post-season left ventricular end-diastolic diameter (LVEDD), end-diastolic volume (LVEDV), ejection fraction (LVEF), stroke volume (LVSV), mass (LVM), and posterior wall thickness (LVPWT), right ventricular end-diastolic diameter (RVEDD), end-diastolic area (RVEDA), and fractional area change (RVFAC), and interventricular septal thickness (IVST) were compared. In-season change in each variable was compared across pre-season hours of vigorous physical activity (0–1, 2–3, >3 hours).

Results: Significant increases were identified in LVEDV (51.3?±?10.4?v 56.4?±?9.6?ml/m2, p?=?0.001) and RVEDA (10.5?±?1.9?v 11.3?±?2.5?cm2/m2, p?=?0.040), but not LVEDD, LVM, LVPWT, LVSV, RVEDD, RVEDA, RVFAC, or IVST (p?>?0.05 for all). In-season changes in echocardiographic variables did not differ across hours of pre-season vigorous physical activity (p?>?0.05 for all).

Conclusion: Among female adolescent soccer players, in-season training elicits changes in resting ventricular volume, but not wall thickness or systolic function. These adaptations do not appear to be influenced by pre-season physical activity level.  相似文献   

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