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AbstThis study examined the relationship between intensity of training and changes in hydration status, core temperature, sweat rate and composition and fluid balance in professional football players training in the heat. Thirteen professional football players completed three training sessions; "higher-intensity" (140 min; HI140), "lower-intensity" (120 min; LI120) and "game-simulation" (100 min; GS100). Movement demands were measured by Global Positioning System, sweat rate and concentration were determined from dermal patches and body mass change. Despite similar environmental conditions (26.9 ± 0.1 °C and 65.0 ± 7.0% relative humidity [Rh]), higher relative speeds (m · min(-1)) and increased perceptions of effort and thermal strain were observed in HI140 and GS100 compared with LI120 (P < 0.05). Significantly (P < 0.05) greater sweat rate (L · h(-1)) and electrolyte losses (g) were observed in HI140 and GS100 compared with LI120. Rate of rise in core temperature was correlated with mean speed (r = 0.85), session rating of perceived exertion (sRPE) (r = 0.61), loss of potassium (K+) (r = 0.51) sweat rate (r = 0.49), and total sweat loss (r = 0.53), with mean speed the strongest predictor. Sodium (Na+) (r = 0.39) and K+ (r = 0.50) losses were associated with total distance covered. In hot conditions, individualised rehydration practices should be adopted following football training to account for differences in sweat rate and electrolyte losses in response to intensity and overall activity within a session.  相似文献   

There are few data in the published literature on sweat loss and drinking behaviour in athletes training in a cool environment. Sweat loss and fluid intake were measured in 17 first-team members of an elite soccer team training for 90 min in a cool (5°C, 81% relative humidity) environment. Sweat loss was assessed from the change in body mass after correction for the volume of fluid consumed. Sweat electrolyte content was measured from absorbent patches applied at four skin sites. Mean (?± s) sweat loss during training was 1.69?±?0.45 l (range 1.06?-?2.65 l). Mean fluid intake during training was 423?±?215 ml (44?-?951 ml). There was no apparent relationship between the amount of sweat lost and the volume of fluid consumed during training (r 2 = 0.013, P = 0.665). Mean sweat sodium concentration was 42.5?±?13.0 mmol?·?l?1 and mean sweat potassium concentration was 4.2?±?1.0 mmol?·?l?1. Total salt (NaCl) loss during training was 4.3?±?1.8 g. The sweat loss data are similar to those recorded in elite players undergoing a similar training session in warm environments, but the volume of fluid ingested is less.  相似文献   

Background: To determine athletes perceived and measured indices of fluid balance during training and the influence of hydration strategy use on these parameters. Methods: Thirty-three professional rugby union players completed a 120 minute training session in hot conditions (35°C, 40% relative humidity). Pre-training hydration status, sweat loss, fluid intake and changes in body mass (BM) were obtained. The use of hydration assessment techniques and players perceptions of fluid intake and sweat loss were obtained via a questionnaire. Results: The majority of players (78%) used urine colour to determine pre-training hydration status but the use of hydration assessment techniques did not influence pre-training hydration status (1.025?±?0.005 vs. 1.023?±?0.013?g.ml?1, P?=?.811). Players underestimated sweat loss (73?±?17%) to a greater extent than fluid intake (37?±?28%) which resulted in players perceiving they were in positive fluid balance (0.5?±?0.8% BM) rather than the measured negative fluid balance (?1.0?±?0.7% BM). Forty-eight percent of players used hydration monitoring strategies during exercise but no player used changes in BM to help guide fluid replacement. Conclusion: Players have difficulty perceiving fluid intake and sweat loss during training. However, the use of hydration monitoring techniques did not affect fluid balance before or during training.  相似文献   


The present study aimed to analyse the influence of speed and power abilities in goal situations in professional football.

During the second half of the season 2007/08, videos of 360 goals in the first German national league were analysed by visual inspection. For the assisting and the scoring player the situations immediately preceding the goal were evaluated. The observed actions were categorised as: no powerful action, rotation (around the body's centre-line), straight sprint, change-in-direction sprint, jump, or a combination of those categories.

Two hundred and ninety-eight (83%) goals were preceded by at least one powerful action of the scoring or the assisting player. Most actions for the scoring player were straight sprints (n = 161, 45% of all analysed goals, P < 0.001) followed by jumps (n = 57, 16%), rotations and change-in-direction sprints (n = 22, 6% each). Most sprints were conducted without an opponent (n = 109, P < 0.001) and without the ball (n = 121, P < 0.001). Similarly, for the assisting player the most frequent action was a straight sprint (n = 137, P < 0.001) followed by rotations (n = 28), jumps (n = 22) and change-in-direction sprints (n = 18). The straight sprints were mostly conducted with the ball (n = 93, P = 0.003).

In conclusion, straight sprinting is the most frequent action in goal situations. Power and speed abilities are important within decisive situations in professional football and, thus, should be included in fitness testing and training.  相似文献   

职业足球联赛球场暴力的成因及对策   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
姚树基 《体育学刊》2003,10(4):27-29
中外男子足球职业联赛球场暴力行为有逐年上升趋势;球场暴力从表面上看与裁判的判罚有直接关系,但实际是多种综合因素导致;遏制足球球场暴力,关键要做好对广大球迷的教育与疏导工作,同时要加强完善职业足球裁判员管理制度,减少误判、错判发生的机率,发挥媒体正面宣传作用;警方应进一步加强球场的安全保卫工作,借鉴世界足球先进国家在防范与治理球场暴力方面的经验。  相似文献   

通过对部分学校进行实地调查,与部分专家、教师、学生进行面谈获得翔实的第一手资料,认为在有条件的中小学建立足球俱乐部是可行的。其依据为:一是学生崇尚足球运动的热情为学校建立足球俱乐部提供了会员基础;二是得到了教育行政部门、体育行政部门、足协、有关专家、部分学校领导的支持和学生家长、体育教师、非体育教师及社会的支持与肯定;三是国内外中小学校现有的足球俱乐部为建立同类型俱乐部提供了成功的范例和宝贵的经验。  相似文献   


In spite of the increased acceptance of artificial turf in football, few studies have investigated if matches are altered by the type of surface used and no research has compared physiological responses to football activity on artificial and natural surfaces. In the present study, participants performed a football match simulation on high-quality artificial and natural surfaces. Neither mean heart rate (171 ± 9 beats · min?1 vs. 171 ± 9 beats · min?1; P > 0.05) nor blood lactate (4.8 ± 1.6 mM vs. 5.3 ± 1.8 mM; P > 0.05) differed between the artificial and natural surface, respectively. Measures of sprint, jumping and agility performance declined through the match simulation but surface type did not affect the decrease in performance. For example, the fatigue index of repeated sprints did not differ (P > 0.05) between the artificial, (6.9 ± 2.1%) and natural surface (7.4 ± 2.4%). The ability to turn after sprinting was affected by surface type but this difference was dependent on the type of turn. Although there were small differences in the ability to perform certain movements between artificial and natural surfaces, the results suggest that fatigue and physiological responses to football activity do not differ markedly between surface-type using the high-quality pitches of the present study.  相似文献   


Selecting effective dietary strategies for professional football players requires comprehensive information on their energy expenditure (EE) and dietary intake. This observational study aimed to assess EE and dietary intake over a 14-day period in a representative group (n = 41) of professional football players playing in the Dutch Premier League (Eredivisie). Daily EE, as assessed by doubly labelled water, was 13.8 ± 1.5 MJ/day, representing a physical activity level (PAL) of 1.75 ± 0.13. Weighted mean energy intake (EI), as assessed by three face-to-face 24-h recalls, was 11.1 ± 2.9 MJ/day, indicating 18 ± 15% underreporting of EI. Daily EI was higher on match days (13.1 ± 4.1 MJ) compared with training (11.1 ± 3.4 MJ; P < 0.01) and rest days (10.5 ± 3.1 MJ; P < 0.001). Daily carbohydrate intake was significantly higher during match days (5.1 ± 1.7 g/kg body mass (BM)) compared with training (3.9 ± 1.5 g/kg BM; P < 0.001) and rest days (3.7 ± 1.4 g/kg BM; P < 0.001). Weighted mean protein intake was 1.7 ± 0.5 g/kg BM. Daytime distribution of protein intake was skewed, with lowest intakes at breakfast and highest at dinner. In conclusion, daily EE and PAL of professional football players are modest. Daily carbohydrate intake should be increased to maximize performance and recovery. Daily protein intake seems more than adequate, but could be distributed more evenly throughout the day.  相似文献   


Pre-cooling studies report positive physiological and performance benefits in laboratory conditions, although research studies have not investigated these reported benefits in ecologically valid team-sport training and competition settings. Accordingly, this study investigated the effect of field-based pre-cooling strategies for professional football players during training and competition in the heat. Ten professional football players from an Australian A-League club performed two training sessions and competitive matches in hot ambient conditions (29±3oC, 78±8% relative humidity) with or without pre-cooling. The pre-cooling intervention involved 20-min of an ice-vest, cold towels and 350 mL ice-slushie drink. Training sessions (n=9) were randomised, and consisted of 2 x 10-min interval training, followed by 6 x 3-min of 5v5 small sided games. Competitions (n=7) involved official A-League matches during the 2009–10 season. Player movement characteristics, core temperature (gastrointestinal), skin temperature, nude mass, heart rate, capillary blood (glucose, K+, Na+, haematocrit), perceptual exertion and thermal stress measures were recorded. No significant differences (P>0.05) were present between conditions for any measure of physical performance, although moderate-large effects for a greater total and relative distance covered during training were present (d > 0.8). While mean skin temperature was reduced following cooling, core temperature was only lower until following the warm-up in training and was even less evident during matches (P>0.05; d < 0.6). However, a smaller change in mass (sweat loss) and reduced perceptual exertion and thermal stress were evident during training following cooling (d > 0.9), although again, to a much lesser extent in matches (d = 0.6). In conclusion, equivocal findings were present for the effects of pre-cooling for professional football players during competitive training and matches in the heat. However, performance and thermoregulatory response trends showed similarities to previous laboratory evidence. The field-based nature of the current study may highlight that the transfer of lab findings to field settings is difficult or the strength of the intervention is diminished by the settings.  相似文献   

中外职业足球俱乐部后备人才培养比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
运用文献资料、专家访谈等方法,对中外职业足球俱乐部后备人才培养进行比较.结果显示,中外足球俱乐部后备人才培养上存在较大差距,国外俱乐部具有多种后备人才选拔方式、较科学的训练机制、较多样的竞赛类型和较多的比赛场次、切实加强年轻球员的文化教育、多层次的运动员出路,而我国职业运动员选拔面小、训练不够科学、竞赛种类少、比赛场次少、对球员的文化教育重视程度不够、可供其选择的出路少,这些问题制约了我国职业足球俱乐部后备人才培养的质量.  相似文献   

To compare the effectiveness of training in heat and in sweat clothing in cool conditions on improving heat tolerance, two groups of active subjects (n = 6 in each) performed an interval running heat-tolerance test before and after a 7-day experimental treatment. On each treatment day the subjects attempted to complete 4 x 15 min interval treadmill running periods (a 7.5 s effort every 30 s, on 15 km h-1, 15% grade; the same exercise format as the heat-tolerance test), which were interspersed with 5-min recovery periods (total time each day = 80 min). Group 1 (heat) ran in shorts, socks and shoes in hot humid conditions, and Group 2 (sweat clothing) ran in cool conditions dressed in shorts, socks and T-shirt covered by a polyester-cotton tracksuit, over which was worn 100% nylon spray-proof pants and jacket (cotton lined) with an acrylic cloth bobble hat (beanie) on the head. Both groups displayed changes typical of heat acclimatization over the 7-day period, with significant decreases in final rectal temperature (Tr) and heart rate (HR) being evident, but no change in sweat loss. Mean skin temperature (Tsk) was similar in both groups during the training sessions (heat group: 34.8-35.7 degrees C; sweat clothing group 34.9-35.5 degrees C). After the heat-tolerance test, both groups had significantly lower Tr, Tsk and HR values than before, and sweating sensitivity (g m-2 h-1 degrees C rise in Tr) was significantly increased. There was only one significant difference between the two groups (Tsk, 20th min value). It was concluded that training in sweat clothing in cool conditions can provide the same improvements in heat tolerance as training in hot humid conditions where a fixed exercise intensity and duration are used.  相似文献   


The optimal scheduling of Nordic Hamstring exercises (NHEs) relative to football training sessions is unknown. We examined the acute neuromuscular and performance responses to NHE undertaken either before (BT) or after (AT) simulated football training. Twelve amateur players performed six sets of five repetitions of the NHE either before or after 60 min of standardised football-specific exercise (SAFT60). Surface electromyography signals (EMG) of the hamstring muscles were recorded during both the NHE, and maximum eccentric actions of the knee flexors (0.52 rad · s–1) performed before and after the NHE programme, and at 15 min intervals during SAFT60. Ten-metre sprint times were recorded on three occasions during each 15 min SAFT60 segment. Greater eccentric hamstring fatigue following the NHE programme was observed in BT versus AT (19.8 %; very likely small effect), which was particularly apparent in the latter range of knee flexion (0–15°; 39.6%; likely moderate effect), and synonymous with hamstring EMG declines (likely small–likely moderate effects). Performing NHE BT attenuated sprint performance declines (2.0–3.2%; likely small effects), but decreased eccentric hamstring peak torque (–14.1 to –18.9%; likely small effects) during football-specific exercise. Performing NHE prior to football training reduces eccentric hamstring strength and may exacerbate hamstring injury risk.  相似文献   

Resisted sprint training consists of performing overloaded sprints, which may produce greater effects than traditional sprint training. We compared a resisted sprint training with overload control versus an unresisted sprint training program on performance in soccer players. Eighteen elite athletes were randomly assigned to resisted (RST) or unresisted sprint training protocol (UR). Before and after a 6-week training period, sprinting ability, change of direction speed (COD), vertical jumps (SJ and CMJ), mean power (MP) and mean propulsive power (MPP) at distinct loads were assessed. Both groups improved sprinting ability at all distances evaluated (5m: UR = 8%, RST = 7%; 10m: UR = 5%, RST = 5%; 15m: UR = 4%, RST = 4%; 20m: UR = 3%, RST = 3%; 25m: UR = 2%, RST = 3%;), COD (UR = 6%; RST = 6%), SJ (UR = 15%; RST = 13%) and CMJ (UR = 15%; RST = 15%). Additionally, both groups increased MP and MPP at all loads evaluated. The between-group magnitude-based inference analysis demonstrated comparable improvement (“trivial” effect) in all variables tested. Finally, our findings support the effectiveness of a short-term training program involving squat jump exercise plus sprinting exercises to improve the performance of soccer players.  相似文献   

We aimed to compare differentiated training loads (TL) between fitness responders and non-responders to an eight-week pre-season training period in a squad of thirty-five professional rugby union players. Differential TL were calculated by multiplying player’s perceptions of breathlessness (sRPE-B) and leg muscle exertion (sRPE-L) with training duration for each completed session. Performance-based fitness measures included the Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 1 (YYIRTL1), 10-, 20-, and 30-m linear sprint times, countermovement jump height (CMJ) and predicted one-repetition maximum back squat (P1RM Squat). The proportion of responders (≥ 75% chance that the observed change in fitness was > typical error and smallest worthwhile change) were 37%, 50%, 52%, 82% and 70% for YYIRTL1, 20/30-m, 10-m, CMJ and P1RM Squat, respectively. Weekly sRPE-B-TL was very likely higher in YYIRTL1 responders (mean difference = 18%; ±90% confidence limits 11%), likely lower in 20/30-m (19%; ±20%) and 10-m (18%; ±17%) responders, and likely higher in CMJ responders (15%; ±16%). All other comparisons were unclear. Weekly sRPE-B discriminate between rugby union players who respond to pre-season training when compared with players who do not. Our findings support the collection of differential ratings of perceived exertion and the use of individual response analysis in team-sport athletes.  相似文献   

The utilisation of motor performance tests for talent identification in youth sports is discussed intensively in talent research. This article examines the reliability, differential stability and validity of the motor diagnostics conducted nationwide by the German football talent identification and development programme and provides reference values for a standardised interpretation of the diagnostics results. Highly selected players (the top 4% of their age groups, U12–U15) took part in the diagnostics at 17 measurement points between spring 2004 and spring 2012 (= 68,158). The heterogeneous test battery measured speed abilities and football-specific technical skills (sprint, agility, dribbling, ball control, shooting, juggling). For all measurement points, the overall score and the speed tests showed high internal consistency, high test–retest reliability and satisfying differential stability. The diagnostics demonstrated satisfying factorial-related validity with plausible and stable loadings on the two empirical factors “speed” and “technical skills”. The score, and the technical skills dribbling and juggling, differentiated the most among players of different performance levels and thus showed the highest criterion-related validity. Satisfactory psychometric properties for the diagnostics are an important prerequisite for a scientifically sound rating of players’ actual motor performance and for the future examination of the prognostic validity for success in adulthood.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to examine the origin and persistence of the relative age effect (RAE) in competitive youth football. To examine its origin, birthdates of 121 category one Premier League academy players recruited over 6 years were compared with 691 Under 8 (U8) players in one of the regional grassroots leagues from which academy players are selected. To examine the persistence of the RAE we conducted a longitudinal comparison of retention rates in early-birth and late-birth academy players from U9 to U15, and made a cross-sectional comparison of birthdate distributions from U7 to U18 in 10,857 regional league players. The results revealed birthdate asymmetry in both the academy and grassroots players but a much larger RAE in the academy. Longitudinal analysis revealed that the cumulative probability of retention at the academy was higher for early-birth than late-birth players. A small to medium RAE persisted across grassroots football age groups though it declined somewhat from U15 to U18. The implication of these results for academy player recruitment is discussed.  相似文献   

Ratings of perceived exertion (RPE: 0–10) during resistance training with varying programming demands were examined. Blood lactate (BLa) and muscle activation (using surface electromyography: EMG) were measured as potential mediators of RPE responses. Participants performed three sets of single arm (preferred side) bicep curls at 70% of 1 repetition maximum over 4 trials: Trial (A) 3 sets?×?8 repetitions?×?120?s recovery between sets; (B) 3 sets?×?8 repetitions?×?240?s recovery; (C) 3 sets?×?maximum number of repetitions (MNR)?×?120?s recovery; (D) 3 sets?×?MNR?×?240?s recovery. Overall body (RPE-O) and active muscle (RPE-AM) perceptual responses were assessed following each set in each trial. Biceps brachii and brachioradialis muscle EMG was measured during each set for each trial. RPE-O and RPE-AM were not different between Trial A (3.5?±?1 and 6?±?1, respectively) and Trial B (3.5?±?1 and 5.5?±?1, respectively) (p?p?相似文献   

优秀足球运动员的竞技能力受都诸多因素影响,最根本的元素有体能、技能、心能3方面,就中外足球运动员竞技能力对比研究,找寻差距,为国内球员的竞技能力建模,并就高校业余足球队的训练,提出建议。  相似文献   

This study examined the developmental sporting activities of 52 German football first Bundesliga professionals (including 18 senior national team members) and 50 fourth to sixth league amateur players. They reported their volumes of organised football practice/training, including its “microstructure” (proportions of physical conditioning, skill exercises and playing forms), non-organised leisure football play and engagement in other sports through their career, respectively. Analyses revealed that the Bundesliga professionals performed moderate amounts of organised football practice/training throughout their career. They accumulated 4264 (mean value) hours over ~16 years before debuting in 1st Bundesliga; senior National Team debut was preceded by 4532 hours (mean) over ~17 years. Within the “microstructure” of organised practice/training, the proportion of playing forms developed from ~52% (childhood) to ~45% (adolescence) and ~40% (adulthood) and physical conditioning from ~13% to ~14% and ~23%. Outside organised involvement, these players engaged in extensive non-organised leisure football play making ~68%, ~54% and ~9% of all football involvement. Subsuming organised and non-organised football, ~86% (childhood), ~73% (adolescence) and ~43% (adulthood) of all activity was game play (exclusive matchplay). National Team differed from amateurs in more non-organised leisure football in childhood, more engagement in other sports in adolescence, later specialisation, and in more organised football only at age 22+ years. Relative to numerous other studies, these players performed less organised practice, particularly less physical conditioning, but greater proportions of playing activities. The findings are discussed relative to the significance of playing forms and variable involvements and are reflected against the deliberate practice and Developmental Model of Sport Participation (DMSP) frameworks.  相似文献   


During the past decade substantial development of computer-aided tracking technology has occurred. Therefore, we aimed to provide calibration equations to allow the interchangeability of different tracking technologies used in soccer. Eighty-two highly trained soccer players (U14–U17) were monitored during training and one match. Player activity was collected simultaneously with a semi-automatic multiple-camera (Prozone), local position measurement (LPM) technology (Inmotio) and two global positioning systems (GPSports and VX). Data were analysed with respect to three different field dimensions (small, <30 m2 to full-pitch, match). Variables provided by the systems were compared, and calibration equations (linear regression models) between each system were calculated for each field dimension. Most metrics differed between the 4 systems with the magnitude of the differences dependant on both pitch size and the variable of interest. Trivial-to-small between-system differences in total distance were noted. However, high-intensity running distance (>14.4 km · h?1) was slightly-to-moderately greater when tracked with Prozone, and accelerations, small-to-very largely greater with LPM. For most of the equations, the typical error of the estimate was of a moderate magnitude. Interchangeability of the different tracking systems is possible with the provided equations, but care is required given their moderate typical error of the estimate.  相似文献   

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